Here's the Best Cover Letter Advice

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Learn how to write a great cover letter and resume.

Your cover letter and resume must stand out.

Cover letters for resumes may be a necessity, but they are often seen as a stumbling block. Many people mistakenly think a cover letter is simply a summary of what is contained within the resume to help employers determine if they want to read further. While this is partially true, there is much more to creating a great cover letter that makes a difference. Hiring a cover letter writing service can help, but this advice will allow you to get a start on your own.

Give Them a Reason to Talk to You

Your cover letter and resume create a first impression you can’t often overcome. It’s what employers use to determine whether they want to call an individual in for an interview. Within your cover letter, it’s important to give them a couple of reasons why they should consider you a valuable candidate. Do your research to find the main points of the company so you can address them in your cover letter.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

It may seem improper to ask straight out for an interview, but this can be one of the most effective tricks to use in cover letters for resumes. Unfortunately, many people feel asking this direct question will be viewed negatively by hiring managers. However, it typically has the opposite effect. It can show you are enthusiastic about the job and is often valued by employers as a positive sign.

Leave Them Wanting More

Have you ever paid close attention to the way direct mail advertisements are written? Many of them include a P.S. written at the bottom to make you want to learn more about the products or services advertised. People are known for their curiosity. If you include this type of message near the bottom of the letter, it will help capture the attention of the hiring manager and make them feel like they need to know more about you.

Don’t Be Generic

Starting your cover letter can be one of the most difficult parts of the process. It’s tempting to begin with a statement of your eagerness to work with the company. However, a majority of the cover letters and resumes they receive will contain just such a statement. To ensure you stand out from all of the others, get creative with your introduction. Consider the industry you want to enter and think outside the box to create an opening line that captures attention.
cover letter writing service can provide the assistance you need to make you seem like an ideal candidate for an interview. Researching prospective employers can help you find ways to show them why you are the best choice for the job. In combination with these tips, you will find your cover letter and resume get you more interviews so you can get the job you want.

How to Stand Out to Hiring Managers

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Learn how to stand out when writing a professional resume.

Writing a professional resume will help you stand out.

Most people already recognize the need to stand out from the other candidates by wiring an effective resume that showcases their skills. However, many of those same people have no idea how to accomplish this goal when writing a professional resume. The following tips will help you find new ways to make sure hiring managers notice your executive resume cover letter over all the others.

Dress Up Your Cover Letter

Every great resume begins with a cover letter that addresses the hiring manager and lets them know why you are considering the position. Unfortunately, this can be an area that many people struggle with, making it difficult to set yourself apart from the other candidates. It shouldn’t simply be a summary of what is included in your resume; instead, it needs to be a personal message to the hiring manager to help them see you as the ideal fit for their business culture.
In general, your executive resume cover letter should answer the question of why. This is your time to tell prospective employers why you are considering a position within their company and why you are the ideal candidate for the job. It can be useful to find a connection between something you have to offer and what they are looking for. Many hiring managers make the decision to request an interview based largely on the contents of the cover letter.

Create an Outstanding Resume

Once you have a cover letter that makes a great first impression, you need to focus on writing an effective resume that sets you apart and shows employers why you are the smart choice. When writing a professional resume, make sure to only include the relevant skills and experience, as well as a concise, narrative work history. This information will give employers a clear view of what you bring to the company.
Instead of listing work experiences that are unrelated to the new position, consider adding a section for non-work activities. This can give them a better idea of your personality to help them determine if you are a good fit for their company cultures. Therefore, it’s important to show them who you are, rather than simply what you can do.
As you consider your options for your future career, it’s essential to find ways to make sure you stand apart from the hundreds of other resumes that cross a hiring manager’s desk. From your executive resume cover letter to writing a professional resume, it’s up to you to show a company why you are the best fit for the job, especially over the other candidates who have applied.

Does the Post Interview Follow Up Really Matter?


Getting the job is about more than writing an effective resume.

Writing an effective resume is just the beginning of getting the job.

You’ve already spent your time writing an effective resume and have gone through the interview process with a potential employer. Determining the next step is critical to increase your chances of getting hired, but what is that next step? Some people simply wait by the phone or check their email repeatedly, waiting for word regarding whether they are invited for another interview or to accept an offer. In addition to writing resumes that get you hired, it’s important to evaluate whether a follow up is really necessary.

You Haven’t Heard Anything Regarding Your Application

In some situations, you may have submitted your application several days or a week ago and have not heard from the prospective employer. While this can be an indicator of disinterest, it could also mean the hiring team hasn’t had a chance to review your application or make interview phone calls. If there was no date indicated for replying to applications, it is acceptable to call the individual responsible for hiring to inquire about the status of your resume. When you make this phone call, make sure you get straight to the point in a polite manner. Ask whether they have received your application and if they require additional information to help them make the right decision. One call should be sufficient to attract their attention and keep you at the top of the executive bio pile.

After the Interview

Once you land your interview, how you respond after the fact can play a dramatic role in whether you are considered for the job. While a phone call isn’t necessary at this point, common courtesy dictates sending a hand-written thank you note or email as soon after the interview as possible. Thank them for spending the time with you and let them know you look forward to becoming a valuable member of their team. Too few candidates follow up after an in-person or over-the-phone interview, which means you will stand above the other candidates if you do.
Writing an effective resume is one of the best ways to make a great first impression when you apply for a new job, but it isn’t the only factor. In addition to creating resumes that get you hired, make sure you know when to follow up and how so you can make a lasting impression and increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams.

Why Should You Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter?

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Customize the best executive resume for the job.

The best executive resume should be customized for the job.

It may be easier to write one cover letter and resume and use it for every job to which you want to apply. However, if you’re trying to build the best executive resume to help you stand apart from the other candidates, this is a serious mistake. It’s critical to learn as much as you can about the company, as well as the job, to which you are applying so you can show them why you are the right choice.

No Time to Waste

Hiring personnel often receive hundreds of resumes for every job listing they release. This means they could spend hours, days or even weeks scanning through the resumes and making decisions regarding who they will interview for the job. Every resume that isn’t custom tailored for the job won’t likely be considered. Hiring managers don’t have the time to waste trying to figure out if a candidate is a good fit without the proper information. The best resume writing service can help you create a cover letter and resume customized for each job you are considering.

Showcase Your Specific Skills

One of the primary objectives of your cover letter and resume is to show potential employers what your skills are and how they make you the perfect candidate for the job. When you create the best executive resume, it will highlight the skills that relate directly to the job to which you are applying. This shows prospective employers that you are not only the ideal candidate, but you also read the job listing and understand what’s expected of you.

Fulfill all the Application Requirements

If individuals submit a resume for a position that doesn’t include all of the requested materials, you aren’t going to get the job you’re looking for. When you don’t take the time to read through the job listing and make note of all of the requirements, you are showing prospective employers you don’t care about the position enough to research. However, when you spend the time to determine and include the right application elements, such as examples of your work, you increase the odds you will be hired for the job.
The best executive resume will be customized to meet the needs of the particular job to which you are applying. If you don’t take the time to tailor your cover letter and resume, you won’t make the great impression you’re aiming for. Without making the effort, employers won’t see you as a qualified candidate and may not even consider your resume for an interview.

What Employers Look for on LinkedIn

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Get a job with an executive LinkedIn profile.

Your executive LinkedIn profile can help you get a job.

Today, it’s more important than ever for individuals to pay close attention to their LinkedIn profile to boost their chances of getting hired. In fact, some employers conduct candidate searches on this popular social media site. This means you need to pay close attention to the makeup of your executive profile before you click the link and send in your application. An experienced executive LinkedIn profile writer can help you update your profile to ensure it includes everything employers are looking for.

An Optimized Headline

Many individuals fail to pay attention to the headline after they create it. However, if this headline isn’t eye-catching or if it is not optimized to the job for which you are applying, chances are it will be overlooked quickly. Before you submit your LinkedIn profile for consideration, make sure you include relevant keywords and position titles within your headline. Because this is one of the first things employers will see below your name, it is extremely important.

The Presentation of Current Employment

How you present your current employment situation can play a dramatic role in your appeal to prospective employers. The title of your position can attract prospective employers or it can lead them to toss your executive LinkedIn profile to the bottom of the pile. For this reason, it’s essential to list all of your positions, particularly the one in which you currently work, as accurately as possible.

Choose Past Employment Carefully

While your current employment often holds the most weight, it’s essential to make sure your past employment is addressed properly. If you held multiple positions within the same company, separate them with a comma but be sure to list them all to ensure prospective employers gain a clear picture of what your experience looks like.

Ask for Recommendations

An executive profile is incomplete if you don’t currently have recommendations from others. Employers want to see you are a team player and are seen as a valuable asset in your past jobs. Don’t be afraid to ask co-workers, current clients and previous employers to leave you a recommendation on your profile. Having this positive feedback available to your prospective employers shows them your work is worthy of good reviews.
Having an executive LinkedIn profile isn’t enough to help you land the job you’ve always wanted. In fact, it’s important to find out what employers are looking for to help you make the right first impression when you apply for a job through this social media site. Hiring an executive LinkedIn profile writer can help you adjust your current profile so it’s ready to use when you locate the right job to further your career.

What Do Employers Really Look for in a Resume?

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Do you know what resumes that get you hired look like?

What are employers looking for in resumes that get you hired?

Whether you’re looking for your first job after college or you are ready for a career change, writing an executive resume can be an intimidating process. Do you know what employers are really looking for in resumes that get you hired? Many professionals don’t know the answer to this important question. The top resume writing service can help you ensure these elements can be found in your resume.

The Right Keywords

Keywords aren’t just something you implement into your website or any other content you post online. An executive resume should include keywords relevant to the job you are applying for. An employer wants to know a candidate is qualified without spending a lot of time reading through the contents. If you aren’t using the right keywords, your resume will likely be passed over without a second glance.

Skill Exaggeration

In order to qualify for a job, you need to convince a future employer you have the right skills and experience and can fit into the company culture. Writing an executive resume is about portraying this information succinctly and accurately. However, it can be tempting to slightly exaggerate some of your skills to help secure the job. Unfortunately, many employers are ready for this tactic and will be looking for inconsistencies and other flags that may indicate you aren’t being completely honest.

Career Progression

How you progress through your career plays a role in whether you are a suitable candidate for a particular job. It’s important to make sure your resume tells a story about who you are and what jobs you have performed in the past. Be sure to address key responsibilities in your past positions that relate to the prospective job. You should also let a future employer know how these responsibilities have shaped who you are as an employee.

Personal Branding

Hiring decisions are no longer solely about what employers find in your resume and what they learn during your interview. Many employers also look at your online presence before deciding whether you are a good fit for the company’s culture. It can be a useful asset to include links to your online portfolio to assist potential employers with learning more about you and what you can contribute to their company.
Resumes that get you hired have changed over the years. Today’s online world has created a new terrain that can make it difficult to get hired. Hiring a top resume writing service will help you make the right decisions when writing an executive resume, giving you the competitive edge and helping you land the job of your dreams.

Will Your Creative Resume Hurt or Help?

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Use the proper format when writing an effective resume.

Writing an effective resume requires t he proper format.

Resumes that get you hired need to stand apart from the thousands of other resumes companies may receive for a given job listing. For this reason, many people think it’s best to get creative when writing an effective resume. Unfortunately, resumes and cover letters that are too unusual can raise red flags and prevent employers from even looking at them.

It’s Not Tailored to the Job

When prospective employees spend too much time getting creative with their resumes, they often fail to customize them to fit the exact specifications of the job to which they are applying. Whenever you apply for a position, it’s important to specify skills that relate directly to the job. Everything should be tailored to the job’s needs.

It Has Too Much Flair

The typical font styles may seem boring, but these are the ones employers expect. If you get fancy with fonts or use colorful pie charts and other features, you will take away from your actual skills and distract potential employers. Simple and easy-to-read is essential.

You Overdid the Keywords

While keywords are a must in today’s resumes and cover letters, especially when submitting them online, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Be careful to choose keywords that relate to your skills and the job, but don’t select too many. It’s also critical to write carefully so it doesn’t read as if you stuffed the keywords in for the sake of including them.

Too Much Fluff

Resumes that get you hired are short and to the point. Employers don’t want to spend a lot of time reading. If your resume is filled with irrelevant information or you go into a lot of details, your resume is likely destined for the trash can. Before submitting a resume, read through it and cut out any unnecessary words.
Getting creative with your resume and cover letter may seem like it’s the best way to get hired for a job, but it can hurt you in the end. Fluffing out your resume to make it look longer or more impressive is a serious mistake that can put your resume at the bottom of the pile. Too much flair or overstuffed keywords can also lead to disaster, rather than success. If you want to maximize your chances of getting the job you want, make sure your resume is factual and to the point. The best way to stand apart from the other candidates is by writing an effective resume that highlights your relevant skills.

Important Changes You Need to Make to Your Resume

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Make changes with the best resume writing service.

The best resume writing service will help you make changes.

Many people create a resume and then don’t bother to make changes, even if they haven’t seen the success they wanted. When you’re creating your executive bio and resume, it’s critical to look for the following elements and make any necessary changes. Passing your resume through an executive resume writer from the best resume writing service can also help you make the right choices for the best impact.

The Font

Choosing a font is one of the biggest issues professionals have. While it’s important to make sure your resume stands out from the crowd, it’s even more important to use a font that’s easy to read and looks professional. Times New Roman and Georgia are preferred, while Arial, Calibri and Garamond are also acceptable.

Run Spell Check

It may seem obvious, but many people forget to run their executive bio and resume through spell check. Even if you are confident in your writing skills, spell check should always be used, not just once, but twice.

Don’t Worry about References

The best resume writing service will tell you references are important, but there’s no need to include them or even write they are available upon request. This fact is implied when you turn in your resume.

Use Keywords

Today, keywords are an important element in your resume, just like they are on website content. Because many resumes are submitted electronically, employers often run them through software to look for certain keywords. Choose your keywords from the job listing to which you are applying.

Eliminate Dates

Employers aren’t supposed to discriminate based on age, but it can happen, even if it’s unintentionally. This means the dates of your graduations are no longer relevant. If it’s been more than five years, it’s best to leave these dates off entirely.

Choose Powerful Verbs

Strong, actionable verbs are the best ones to use when it comes to your resume. Read through it a second time or ask an executive resume writer to help so you can remove any weak verbs and replace them with stronger ones.

Check Your Formatting

Formatting mistakes can be critical in whether you attract the attention of those in charge of hiring. All headers and footers should match, particularly if your resume spans more than one page. Everything else should be in perfect alignment, especially any bullet points used.

Focus on Numbers

Instead of simply stating facts, put it in numerical terms. If you helped boost sales by 20 percent, say so. When you use numbers, make sure they are in numerical form to better attract attention.
One of the fastest ways to lose out on a job is to make these critical mistakes on your executive bio and resume. Hiring the best resume writing service or an executive resume writer will help you get the job you want.