T.O.R.I. Award Nomination

PressResume Writing

Wow! I just earned a nomination for the T.O.R.I. awards through Career Directors International.

Each year CDI hosts an international competition, Toast of the Resume Industry , that propels hundreds of resume writers to send in samples of their work to be evaluated by a panel of judges. The judges then determine whose work is the “best of the best”.
Recognition is based upon creativity, clarity, strategy, syntax and visual appeal in professional resume development with submissions judged by an international panel of professional resume writers.
Each year in May, CDI selects up to five nominees in various categories who represent the top echelon of resume writing worldwide.
This is the third year I have entered the competition and each year I am nominated! To be chosen for a category with some of the world’s greatest resume writers is a thrill and an honor. I’m still a little dazed by it!
We find out the winners at the CDI conference in October. Frankly, I don’t care if I win or not… being nominated is wonderful enough! 🙂

T.O.R.I. Award Nomination


Erin Kennedy, CPRW, President of Professional Resume Services, was nominated as a “best of the best” resume by Career Directors International in their annual Toast of the Resume Industry™ (TORI) competition for 2008.
Recognition is based upon creativity, clarity, and visual appeal in professional resume development, with submissions judged by an international panel of professional resume writers.
Each year in May, CDI selects up to five nominees in various categories who represent the top echelon of resume writing worldwide. Awards will be announced at the annual conference in October 2008.