

There are hundreds of test questions online. But we’ll help you anticipate — and prepare for — the ones you’re likeliest to face.


Know your prospective employer inside and out with the most data-rich resources available.


An interview “rehearsal” that gets you ready for your time in the spotlight.

Tools of the Trade

Resume copies, reference lists, a portfolio: never be caught empty-handed after we show you how to optimize your job search toolkit.


Sessions can be as short as 15 minutes to fit into your demanding schedule.

Interview Preparation

Are you unsure of your interviewing skills? Don’t worry, most people are. Once you are confident in the strategy and purpose of the interview, you will also be confident in the interview itself. Work one-on-one with your coach to ensure you are prepared by learning research techniques, question preparation, salary negotiation, and a must-do list for interview follow up. Call now to order.

Interview Preparation Package Includes:

Q&A (what tests you’ll most likely face)
Research (preparation)
Rehearsal (practice what you’ll say)
Tools of the Trade (have what you need)
Flexibility (when you need it)

$325/60 minutes

Interview Preparation


There are hundreds of test questions online. But we’ll help you anticipate — and prepare for — the ones you’re likeliest to face.


Know your prospective employer inside and out with the most data-rich resources available.


An interview “rehearsal” that gets you ready for your time in the spotlight.

Tools of the Trade

Resume copies, reference lists, a portfolio: never be caught empty-handed after we show you how to optimize your job search toolkit.


Sessions can be as short as 15 minutes to fit into your demanding schedule.

Our Process

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