Are you ready to wipe off the old resume and update your executive bio? Before you do, you’ll want to pay attention to a few things. Each and every year brings new trends in the job market. One industry’s demand rises while another is on the brink of extinction. This is simply the nature of the job market.
If you haven’t been looking to change jobs for some time, you may notice a lot has changed since the last time you searched for work. While it can be tempting to completely change careers and reinvent yourself, most find a company culture change is all that’s needed to ramp up their enthusiasm for work.
No matter your situation, here’s a few things to consider when transitioning to a new company or career:
Skills Pay the Bills
While a degree used to mean many things, times have changed. Most employers aren’t as concerned with your degree so much as what you can do with it. In the modern job marketplace, your skills will ultimately pay your bills. The university you graduated from is less important than the critical skills you need to succeed in a career.
If you haven’t been in school for some time now, continuing to develop your industry-related skills is essential to changing jobs and improving your earning potential. Investing in a cover letter writing service before you start applying elsewhere could help you highlight the skills you’ve worked so hard to hone over your career.
Tech Still Growing
Many experts are sure the tech bubble is due to pop at any moment, but couldn’t have been further from the truth. The tech bubble hasn’t popped; it has simply evolved into bigger and better things. The mobile and analytics sector is booming, and the opportunities in these areas are endless. Automation has been rising in popularity as well, opening up great new opportunities for highly skilled employees and executives. Health care is one area in the technology industry that will always require more skilled employees and innovators.
Mobile is Where the Money
As we discussed, mobile is growing – rapidly! In fact, if you’re looking for new work you’ve probably used some great new mobile job search tools. Similar to Tinder, people looking for jobs (not dates) can swipe left or right on jobs they like or don’t. If they’re interested, and the company is too, then communication can begin between the two parties. Two popular job search mobile apps include Jobr and Switch.
Talent Trumps Career
Talent communities have popped up in nearly every industry. These communities allow industry professionals and recruiters to communicate, share information and more. Many of these communities have become the go-to source for information in their fields for individuals in the industry. Recruiters have found they prefer these boards much more than general job posting sites. Most people looking to switch careers or companies love these communities as they give them a chance to “search” for a job – without actually looking for one.
Unbounded Opportunities
If you’re struggling to find work in your exact location, you may want to look around for virtual work. As the freelancer economy comes into play, it’s important to open your eyes to the possibly of working virtually. If you have the right skills, this will open your job search up to unlimited opportunities and, potentially, a pay raise! Just understand: the competition is fierce for some of these positions, which is why you may want to hire the best executive writing service to give yourself an edge.
Consider These 2016 Job Trends as You Transition Into New Work!
Resume Writing