Some people get a rise in blood pressure simply by visiting the doctor (me included!). This is called white coat syndrome. For lack of a better term, interview syndrome is when you get extremely nervous before a job interview. Relax! You can do it, you got this. Be confident above anything else.
It’s important to understand that if you exhibit extreme jitters and can’t form your sentences correctly, it’s going to show during the interview and really hurt your chances of landing the job. Prospective employers are going to wonder why you are so nervous in the first place.
Now, you’re asking how to calm yourself before an interview. First of all, don’t rush yourself and be late at the same time. If your interview is in the morning, get up earlier than normal. Keep your mind occupied and try not to think about the upcoming interview. About an hour before the interview, start forming your thoughts and think about what your demeanor should be. And, by all means, NEVER be late for an interview. That tells them straight out that you could possibly be a late arrival for work. Already a ding on your part.
Dress professionally, even if it for a casual atmosphere. Remember, this is their first visual of you. You certainly don’t want to go in to an interview with baggy pants and a sweatshirt. Make yourself presentable. Square your shoulders, hold your head up and have a confident demeanor. Be sure to address yourself, look the interviewer in the eye and shake their hand. Do not sit down before the interviewer does.
These tips may seem silly to some. However, you need to consider that you are selling yourself. Don’t you want to be proud of yourself? Don’t you want to come across as clean cut, professional, friendly and prompt? If yes is the answer to any of these questions, relax! You got this.
Interview Syndrome? Relax, You Got This