In the vacant job market today just getting as far as a job interview is an accomplishment in itself. To get the best possible chance of securing a job interview for a vacant position you are interested in there are a few things that you need to make sure you have in place first. One of the first things you will need is a current resume of your work history. The potential employers should already have a copy of your resume when you first applied for the job, but do take a copy along to the job interview with you.
Make sure that on the day of your interview you have everything planned beforehand. Leave yourself plenty of spare time when making travel arrangements. You need to take into consideration hold ups in the travel network whether you are traveling by road, rail or air. There is nothing worse than being stuck in a traffic jam when you need to be at an interview 10 minutes later and you know you are twenty minutes away from your destination. Bad time management does not reflect well on you by your prospective employer.
Try not to be too nervous on the day of your job interview. Remember that you must have qualities that the prospective employer is interested in for you to have been invited to the interview stage. There are usually hundreds of applicants for any vacant job and employers have the luxury of being able to invite for interview only the best of the best applicants.
How To Survive A Job Interview