Bluff Your Way to Interview Confidence


Bluff Your Way to Interview Confidence
There is an old saying, “hum a few bars and fake it.” There are times, and interviews are often the case, where this is the best course of action. While you never want to come off as entitled or as though you are superior, faking confidence can often be the difference between an outstanding interview and one that is a dismal failure. A great resume will get you an interview. A great interview will get you the job.
Who needs to fake confidence?
At times, just about everyone needs a boost. If you are unemployed and have been for a while, it can be depressing and sap your confidence. People who are shy or introverted can also use a bit of help in this area. It’s not hard to do, and if you do it enough you will become quite good at it. There are only three essential steps:

  • Smile – This will immediately signal your brain to make you happier and more confident
  • Prepare – Know as much as possible about the position and company before you go in for the interview. This preparation will help ease your anxiety
  • Believe – Believe that you are going to do well in the interview; the interviewer will like you and select you as the candidate to hire.

Just fake it. If all else fails, pretend that you have the confidence you need. The interviewer will not know the difference. Studies show that you will perform better in the interview and you will ultimately feel more relaxed by wearing a mask of confidence.