I read a lot of blogs. A lot. I want to read even more, but it gets overwhelming when I see my Google Reader overflowing with unread blog posts. So, I got to thinking that if I did it for “research” it would actually be job related. Yes, I am justifying my blog reading addiction. But who cares.
I’m not a professional reviewer obviously, so I am just going to give my thoughts on the blog and how it helped me, or how it might help you. Some will be career related and some not, because let’s face it, not every thing I read is career related. Gasp!
You never know… my next review might be YOUR BLOG!
So, without further ado, I give you….
PHC Consulting, the “Sales Recruiter” by Peggy McKee
Peggy is a medical sales recruiter. You might remember hearing about her when I interviewed her a couple of months ago for a post I wrote. Peggy writes her blog as if she is talking to you directly. She has a “no bull” attitude and will tell you like it is. If she doesn’t like your resume, you will be the first to know. If she thinks you are not dressing up to snuff, better heed her advice, go home and change. If you don’t have what it takes for the job, she’ll let you know.
Her blog is packed with interesting things. Lots to “see and do” there. Aside from posting regularly about all things a recruiter wants to see and know about you, the candidate, she periodically adds interesting short YouTube videos. I love one she did with a stack of resumes and her take on them.
Though Peggy is incredibly busy with her recruiting career, I love how she takes the time to sit down and write about different things that can help you in your job search. You can tell she truly cares about what happens to job seekers.
I will continue to read Peggy’s blog for my own continuing education. I’ve learned some things from her myself (she hates paragraphs-no matter how small-on resumes, she only likes bullets) that even if I disagree with her (I do-on that point) it won’t stop me from looking forward to her newest blog post.
Keep ’em coming, Peggy!
Blog Review… the Sales Recruiter!
Career & Workplace Erin's Musings Featured Articles Interviewing Mystery Blog Review Resume Writing Resumes