(off topic).. thought you might like to read something different…
from Wikipedia.com
…that Elsa Eschelsson, the first woman both to finish a doctorate in Law and to teach in a university in Sweden, was denied the right to serve even as acting professor because of her sex?
…that the test for enrollment at Germany’s Helmut Schmidt University involves not an intelligence test, but military training and troop procedures?
…that Charles Macartney, who set a record for the most runs scored in one day, first learned to bat with apples from the family orchard?
…that thermal vent ecosystems have been discovered in the Aegean Sea, in the caldera of Kolumbo underwater volcano?
…that motorsport announcer Ken Squier coined the phrase “The Great American Race” for the Daytona 500?
…that St. Patrick’s Church was the first Catholic parish established in New Orleans outside the French Quarter, so that Irish immigrants would have a parish that was not dominated by French-speaking Creoles?
…that the Roman general Barbatio was beheaded for treason after his wife’s indiscreet letter was intercepted by Emperor Constantius II?
…that Tropical Storm Helene of 2000 struck Florida just five days after Hurricane Gordon?
…that Daylight Saving Time was first legislated in North America in June 1917 by the former country of Newfoundland?
Enjoy your day!
Erin Kennedy, CPRW

Are you daydreaming of pina coladas on a sandy white beach, but know you will never get there? Do you have weeks of vacation days saved up but haven’t taken any? Are you completely stressed out, but know now is not the time to take a vacation?
Whether you are a self-proclaimed work-aholic or feel guilty about taking time off, DON’T!
Many employers think the fear of taking a vacation is unfounded. “People need vacations” says Mark Needham of Jones, Jones & Associates, a PR firm in the midwest. “There are certain people who just won’t take vacations and I tell them they need to for their own sanity. The only time you shouldn’t is the first 100 days of a new job. They are crucial in terms of establishing yourself within the company and getting in sync with your coworkers” he says. “You can’t gain momentum if you are not there”.
The should-I or shouldn’t-I answers lie in your own heart. If you know you consistently pull your weight and handle a great deal of responsibility, then go. “However, if you are in the bottom 20% of performers, you are at risk any time you take a vacation” says Mr. Needham. Still, he says, few people get fired for taking a few days of which they are entitled to by company policy. “If you’re going to get fired, you’re going to get fired, so you might as well take your days off and enjoy yourself”.
Hmmm. OK then, I am booking my flight to sunny paradise right now…
Being a woman, you can imagine how I felt when I recently read an article stating that women are STILL earning 12% less than a man in a comparable position. This is an important issue because at some point in our lives, 80-90% of all women will be solely responsible for their own finances, whether it be because of divorce, death, disability of a spouse, or just deciding to remain single.
Sure, sometimes, depending on where you work, might contribute to the “good old boys club” or gender discrimination theory. But after reading on, I found that some of what the author was saying to be true, we may be responsible for adding to this dilemma. The question is: Are we UnderEarners?
If you haven’t had a raise in over 2 years and don’t want to ask for one for fear of “rocking the boat”, you may be an underearner.
If you have a hard time telling your clients you are raising your fees, or consistently underbill them, you may be an underearner.
If you don’t market yourself, or “toot your own horn” either within the place you work, or with networks outside of work, you may be an underearner.
If you put so much time into volunteer activities that you just feel lucky to be employed and content to remain where you are financially, you may be an underearner.
Some of this sounds like you, so, what do we do, you ask?
1- Identify your financial needs, have a clear picture of what you need to earn and where you want to be (including identifying all expenses and any “incidentals” like car repair, home repair, etc.)
2- Research the position and your own qualifications within the industry. If they don’t meet your needs, then prepare to negotiate for a pay increase, or start looking for a job that will pay what you deserve.
3- NEGOTIATE. This is the key to showing the employer what you are worth and that you are committed to getting it. Have an up-to-date copy of your on-the-job accomplishments ready to show your boss what you have contributed as a back up for your request. Most importantly, be confident. You’ve earned it and you deserve it!
For further reading on these subjects, check out Mikelann R. Valterra’s book, “Why Women Earn Less, How to Make What You’re Really Worth”, or Nicholas Reid Schaffzin’s book, “Negotiate Smart: The Secrets of Successful Negotiation”.
Until next time,
Welcome to Professional Resume Services first ever BLOG! We have finally ventured into the age of blogging!
My name is Erin Kennedy and I am the owner of Professional Resume Services. My goal, and the goal of the writers here, is to create a blog that is very useful for the job seeker with information written in an easy-to-read format. We don’t want to load it down with long pages per post, rather just short, simple and useful tools for the job search journey. We want to share all of the articles we study, conferences/seminars/webinars we attend, and industry knowledge we become privy to.
We are dedicated to helping ease your transition to your next job by creating powerful resumes, cover letters, cv’s, and bio’s that grab the employer’s attention and get you the job you want.
If you have any questions or comments email us at info@proreswriters.com, or have difficulty viewing this blog, please let our moderator know at help@proreswriters.com.
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Until next time,