You know how you always hear, “Typically, recruiters and HR managers look over a cover letter in less than a minute to determine if you’re a strong candidate?” Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s TRUE. Your cover letter must prove to readers that you are a viable choice for the position, and we can show you just how to do that.
Make sure to choose the right greeting in your follow up email or letter.
If you have the person’s name and gender, include this in your greeting. Make sure to use the proper Mr., Mrs., Dr. or title along with their last name. Do not use their first name unless you know the person. If you do not know the gender of the person, you can use an introduction such as “Dear Danny Smith”.
It’s important to have the HR manager’s name correct. If you have questions, then call and ask for the information through the company, or look them up on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Reference the position title, company name and where you learned of the position.
An example of this: “I recently heard of Telecomm International’s open Corporate Liaison Officer position on” This information shortens the time it takes for HR managers to sort through resumes and increases the chances that your resume will be chosen.
Explain why you are the best person for the job.
You don’t want to do a repeat of your resume, but you do want to state how your background, qualifications and abilities will help the company succeed.
Example: “As my resume states, I have the talent, versatility and experience that comes with 20 years in corporate marketing, branding and public relations with Large Multinational Corporations as well as Local Well-Known Businesses. I also have years of experience as a Digital Freelancer working with Company Wide Initiatives that will definitely benefit your company.”
Be sure to include keywords from the job description and make use of power words to elaborate on your capabilities. Reinforce your relevant experience working with the job’s specific duties as well as your knowledge about needed computer programs which were indicated in the job description.
Be Brief.
If you send your cover letter through the mail, make sure it’s one page. Email messages should be kept to around 3-5 small-ish paragraphs. Your paragraphs need to be brief as to not take up too much time.
Include contact information and the best time and way to speak with you.
List your cell phone, home phone and the email address you use the most and let HR managers know how to best contact you through your preferred method. If you are currently employed or in a situation where you cannot return calls, make sure to leave a call back number, or list some times where you are free to talk.
Proof read your cover letter and email message.
Do this over and over until you are sure that everything is in place and you have mentioned the position, company name and included any applicable contact information.
Following these tips will help you to create cover letters and emails that will stand out to HR Managers and recruiters looking for their next candidate.
Making Sure You Have Strong Cover Letters and Email Messages
Cover Letters Interviewing Job Search Resume Keywords Resume Writing