Lying on your resume has always been taboo, but it’s a tempting prospect given the fact no one is going to check up on every little detail you claim. However, when you are putting together your executive resume bio, it’s critical to make sure every piece of information is irrefutable. Learning how resume lies have cost some executives at major companies will help you realize the importance of honesty when using an executive resume service.
Scott Thompson of Yahoo
Thompson, the former CEO of Yahoo, made a major blunder on his executive resume bio when he listed his degree from Stonehill College as a computer science degree. After all, he was applying to one of the biggest Internet companies in the world. Unfortunately, his actual degree was in accounting. Once this falsehood was discovered by an activist investor, he resigned his position in May of 2014.
Ronald Zarrella of Bausch & Lomb
To obtain his position as CEO of Bausch & Lomb, Ronald Zarrella claimed to have earned an MBA at New York University. While Zarrella did take classes at NYU, he never earned a degree there. In 2002, the company discovered this discrepancy; however, instead of firing him or requesting his resignation, they simply revoked his $1.1 million bonus for the year. He continued to hold the position until his retirement in 2008.
David Edmondson of RadioShack
Edmondson served as the CEO of RadioShack from 2005 to 2006. On his executive resume bio, he claimed to hold two degrees, including a theology degree from Heartland Baptist Bible College that requires three years of attendance. In reality, he did not hold a degree at all and only attended the heartland Baptist Bible College for two semesters. He resigned after this was uncovered.
Marilee Jones of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
One would think a prestigious university like MIT would conduct a thorough background check on their executives. However, Marilee Jones was hired as the Dean of Admissions in 1997 under the impression she held a total of three degrees. The truth is she did not have any degrees. This information was received by the university via an anonymous tip, which forced Jones to quit the position.
Jeffrey Papows of IBM’s Lotus
When IBM sought executives for its Lotus project, Jeffrey Papows applied, claiming to hold a PhD from Pepperdine University. He also stated he was a black belt in taekwondo and flew airplanes while in the Marines. Unfortunately, none of these facts turned out to be true. He resigned in 2000, not because of these lies in particular, but due to sexual harassment accusations brought by a former Lotus executive.
As you can see, lying on your resume may land the job, but once these falsehoods are uncovered, the consequences can be devastating. If you’re looking for executive resume writing services, contact us. We can help you showcase your skills without feeling the need to embellish the facts.
How Lying on a Resume Cost These 5 Executives Big Time
Executive Resumes