What Turns Employers Off from Your Resume?

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Prospective employers are looking for resumes that get you hired.

Resumes that get you hired won’t turn off employers.

Even when you hire the best executive writing service to write your resume and cover letter, many hiring agents will only take a second to skim them. It’s important to grab their attention so your resume doesn’t end up filed away with all the rest. What are they looking for? What makes them read on or lay a resume aside? Is it possible to write resumes that get you hired?
There are several things potential employers may find off putting. Here are a few things to avoid so your executive resume bio gets read and considered.

  • Over Used Phrases – One of the biggest red flags for an employer is seeing the same phrases or descriptions over and over again. There are some claims virtually any person can make about themselves and their skills. Avoid over used terms like “self-starter,” creative” or “problem solver.” Rather than using cliché phrases, describe your experiences and share your accomplishments.
  • Grammatical Mistakes – Resumes that get you hired will be free from grammatical and spelling errors. Today almost everyone uses a word processor that contains a spell checker. There’s no excuse for these kinds of mistakes. Have someone else look over your resume or look for the best executive writing service to help with the writing so you can avoid these costly mistakes. If your resume is riddled with grammatical or spelling errors, you are telling the hiring agent you do not care about your work either.
  • Poorly Written Content –  Even though you may not need to have strong writing skills for the job you want, it’s important to have well written content in your cover letter and resume. Your writing skills may not be necessary for your position, but it will demonstrate you can communicate effectively. It can also speak of your level of professionalism and education and show how much you care. Take time to write your cover letter and executive resume bio in an educated and professional manner.
  • Not Demonstrating Professionalism – Make sure to keep your resume on a professional level.  If the hiring agent is reading information about your private life, such as a spouse or how many kids you have, they are likely to ignore your resume or application altogether. Limit your information to areas related to your qualifications and skills.
  • Huge Gaps of Time Between Jobs – Fill in open areas of unemployment with explanations. A potential employer who sees a huge gap in your employment history will likely have lots of questions. They may think you are hiding something, such as a position you left without notice or one from which you were fired. They might think you left the hole deliberately and will wonder just what you are hiding.

If you want to write resumes that get you hired, avoid these practices. Keep it professional, error free and focused on what you have to offer the company. You want them to see why you are the best person for the position. Don’t give them a reason to ignore your resume.