An executive resume service can help you search online.
While the job market is improving, it can still be difficult to land the job you want, winning out over many other candidates. Searching online can be one of the best ways to locate jobs for which you are qualified and even start the application process. Before you start looking, however, it’s important to work with an executive resume writing service and an executive resume writer to ensure your resume is ready for your online job hunt.
Use Keywords in Your Resume
One of the first things your executive resume service should tell you is to choose your keywords carefully. Today’s businesses often plug resumes into a computer to determine whether candidates have used keywords that match the requirements of the job. Because job listings often generate a large number of responses, it’s essential to make it easy for those responsible for making hiring decisions to determine whether you are the perfect fit.
Don’t Rely Solely on Your Resume
Hiring an executive resume writer is important to ensure your executive resume is ready for sending to companies. However, you shouldn’t rely solely on posting your resume online to conduct your job search. While it’s still important to have a resume, more businesses are looking for individuals who think outside the box and submit something that stands out in order to apply for the job. Before you take this step, it’s important to make sure you understand company culture to ensure it’s an acceptable option.
Ask Around for Referrals
Many jobs are earned based on referrals from existing employees within the company. If you’re in the market for a job, one of the best ways to get your foot in the door is to find someone who can refer you. If you don’t have a friend or family member who already works there, attempt to make connections through LinkedIn and other social media sites. While these connections may not produce immediate results, they can be valuable tools in the future.
Stalk Your Dream Job
You don’t have to be connected to get the job of your dreams if you’re persistent about it. Once you find the job you want, reach out to the human resources department at the company and let them know directly you are interested in the job. You can also request an information interview so you can learn more about what’s required and show interest in the job.
Seeking a job online may seem easy, but there’s a lot of work that must be done to help you land the job of your dreams. Hiring an executive resume service to help you create an effective resume is just part of the process. These tips can help you make a great impression on prospective employers and increase the chances you will get the job you want.

Writing a cover letter for a resume is important.
Resumes aren’t the only thing you have to worry about when you’re trying to land the job you’ve always wanted. In fact, resumes and cover letters work together to attract the attention of employers and give them the information needed to make a decision. An executive resume writing service can help you create an effective cover letter for your resume, but you should also know how to write a great cover letter yourself for the best results.
Do Your Research
The opening of the cover letter for your resume is one of the most important elements because it creates a first impression, whether good or bad. Most people start with “Dear Sir or Madam” with no thought to who may read the letter. To make the best possible first impression, find out who is responsible for hiring so you can address your cover letter to the appropriate individual. Google and LinkedIn can be a valuable resource in finding the name of the hiring manager.
Add a Little Personality
A cookie cutter cover letter is boring and isn’t going to give you the positive reaction you want from the hiring manager at a company. Just like your resume, it’s important to make sure your cover letter helps you stand out from the hundreds of other resumes they will receive. While you still need to include the basic information, you need to do it in a way that shows your personality and gives the hiring manager a clear picture of who you are and how you would fit into their company culture.
The Appropriate Length and Format
An executive resume writing service can help you create a cover letter in the appropriate length and format to provide the right information without being too long or boring. Your cover letter should consist of three paragraphs. The first should introduce yourself and talk about why you want the job. The second paragraph should portray your value to the company. Finally, use the third paragraph to ask for an interview, similar to a call-to-action found on a website. Make sure your resume does most of the talking.
Personalize It to the Recipient
Sometimes the best way to stand out is to dig a little deeper and create a cover letter that speaks directly to the recipient. For instance, if you discover the hiring manager has a particular hobby, you can then tailor your cover letter to use the same lingo used for that hobby to attract attention. Hiring managers appreciate these extra touches. However, it’s important to make sure you leave out abbreviations or other frequently used emoticons and casual phrases.
Resumes and cover letters are an important aspect of the hiring process. Without a good resume and cover letter, your odds of getting hired are much smaller. This is why it’s important to work with an executive resume writing service to help you tailor your cover letter and resume to each job prospect, attracting the attention you’re looking for.