John Assaraf is a Success Coach who lives the law of attraction and teaches personal goal setting. His passion is in positive affirmations and visualizing the life you want. I hope you will use these ideas in your own life and see how your life will change… like mine did!
Success at attaining any goal can be measured by how effectively you are able to move an idea from your conscious (imagination) to your subconscious (belief/action). That is why visualization is so important. When you visualize something in your conscious mind, your subconscious doesn’t know that it is only in your imagination. It watches the movie taking place in your thoughts and accepts that they are actually happening in that moment.
The subconscious mind is a captive audience for the movies we play in our head. A good story evokes powerful mental images. Combining a good story with powerful mental images and a strong emotional response is the essence of visualization. It has the power to reshape our perception of reality, and once that happens, reality conforms to that new perception.
Once you practice visualization in your life, you will see its power firsthand. Write down your goals. Visualization starts with an idea and a crystal clear picture of what you want. Be specific. Create a vision board. At its core, a vision board is a set of visual images that represent the story you are telling yourself about who are and what your life is like. It’s a way of getting clear on the life you want to create for yourself. To help you create a vision board, see my book, The Complete Vision Board Kit. It comes with a DVD, sample vision board and tools to help you create your vision board.
Act as if. State your goals in the present tense like you have already achieved them. One of the most important elements of creation is the ability to see yourself already in possession of the materialistic or physical state you are creating, prior to actual evidence of such. Take action. Don’t just visualize. For a plant to grow, it’s not enough to simply plant it and wait. You have your work to do too.
Practice repetition. Look at the images on your vision board every day. Repetitiveness of vision combined with your associated emotions will develop your power to visualize and achieve your goals.
John Assaraf, aka The Street Kid, New York Times & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, Lecturer and consummate Entrepreneur with a Passion for Brain Research and Quantum Physics. /
Visualize the life you want!
Success Strategies