If you ask various people about the value of networking events, the vast majority will likely say they are very valuable. However, some people don’t even know why they are valuable. As an executive, your time is limited, so you don’t have any to waste by going to networking events that don’t provide any value to you. Of course, once you have your resume polished up by a top rated resume writing service, you’ll likely want to give it out to everyone. Here are some tips to help you make your networking efforts worth the time.
Budget a Certain Amount of Time for Networking
Time is money, and you don’t want to waste either. Since some networking events can be hit or miss, it’s best to set aside a certain amount of time each week or month for networking purposes. That way, if one event turns about to be a complete waste of time, at least the time was accounted for. However, any event is still a success if you’re able to hand out your executive resume cover letter to a couple people.
Ask Colleagues About Certain Events Before Attending
Another great way to make sure a networking event is worth your time is to ask a colleague who has been there before about it. They can go into detail about what the event has to offer so you can determine whether it’s worth your time. If you determine it’s not worth it, your time would be much better spent brushing up your resume with some of the best professional resume writing services.
Change Your Networking Strategy
You may be stuck attending a particular networking event yielding no results for you. No matter how much you like the people or the venue, it may be time to change your strategy to align more with your professional goals. As an executive, a networking event should be an extension of your career, rather than a time waster.
Some people change their strategies by attending morning events rather than evening events. You could also switch from a larger event to a smaller event. Whatever isn’t helping to move your career in a positive direction should be reevaluated.
Professional Resume Services is in business to help executives like yourself succeed at networking events. Whether you need to rework your executive resume cover letter, or if you just need other resume advice, feel free to contact us at any time.

The best resume writing service will help you stand out.
Some people might think in a highly digitized world resumes would have become a thing of the past. Even though the resume itself has become more digital in nature, it remains the best way to share your work history, point out your specific skill sets and demonstrate you have what it takes to get hired for a specific job or position. With this understanding comes the responsibility of making sure you create resumes that get you hired. There are many reasons resumes remain significant in the professional arena. Here are the top three reasons.
Reason #1 – Demonstrate Self-Confidence
A resume easily demonstrates your level of confidence in yourself, your training and your skills. It’s the selling point to a company or potential hiring agent. The document must come together in such a way it highlights your abilities and knowledge about the job you are requesting. It shows you have the confidence to apply for the job, as well as perform it. It’s acceptable to write your own resume or to hire a top rated resume writing service to construct it for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with obtaining help to get it just the way you want it.
Reason #2 – Make a Solid Transition
If you are transitioning from the educational setting into the workforce, you need a good resume to set you apart from other new candidates. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and to obtain the skills needed; now put it on paper to create the kind of resumes that get you hired. This is how you use the experience and knowledge you’ve acquired and showcase your abilities to fill a position. Even if you are transitioning between jobs, a professional resume can help ease the transition. Remember your resume is a continual document, and each job or certification you complete can be used to show your eagerness for professional growth. Your resume will grow with you and help ease these kinds of transitions.
As a related aside, HR departments rely upon having hard copies of your resume within their database so as to help you as thoroughly as possible throughout your job search. This is yet another way a regularly updated resume will help you to ease into a new job.
Reason #3 – Continual Self-Assessment
Keeping your resume up-to-date helps put you in a state of constant self-assessment. You’ll find yourself keeping track of continued education, skills you learn, certifications earned and your overall work history. As you learn new things and grow as a professional, you’re constantly comparing where you are now with where you were the last time you updated your resume. When you hire a top rated resume writing service, they can help you keep these items up-to-date and give you a more objective perspective on how far you’ve come in the workforce.
There are some who are comfortable writing their own resume, but for those who are not, it’s important to hire the best resume writing service to create a professional grade resume. It is an important part of your professional life and will be useful for obtaining employment and recording your road of self-development.