Writing an executive bio should include testimonials.
Your resume is the one surefire way to market who you are and what you can do.
Top resume writing services understand this. The companies considering employing you know this too. As such, your resume will be scrutinized in every way possible during the hiring process. While there are many improvements you can make to your resume, one of the easier ways is to add testimonials.
Testimonials Lend Credibility
Talking about who you are is tough, but it’s also easy to spin your abilities in a positive light. Whether you’re just
writing an executive bio or developing
personal branding for senior level management, you need every advantage. Even if references aren’t required until down the road in the hiring process, you need an edge. If the selection is between you and another candidate, you will need extra support tipping the scales in your favor. Including testimonials would be that tiebreaker.
Testimonial How To
You know resume writing is an art form. Adding testimonials to your resume is too. It’s likely you have quantifiable results and qualified expertise for the job you’re applying to. You can clearly articulate your abilities and how well you do your job. The problem is hearing these great things from you is nice but much more powerful when said by someone else.
So here’s how to enter testimonials into a resume for your benefit:
- Combined with work experience. One powerful way to add testimonials to your resume is by combining them with relevant work experiences. For example, let’s say you list being the top sales person in your company with a sales staff of 300 people in your resume. Below that, you could add a testimonial from your manager saying, ” …the best sales person I’ve worked with in the last 10 years,” to ensure your bio stands above the rest.
- Whole testimonial section. If you have two to four testimonials you’d like to include in your resume, add a whole section for them. Place this section in your resume just like you would an “Education” or “Work Experiences” portion. It’s important to note each quote you include should be from solid contacts that can verify your abilities.
- Testimonials make great filler. One of the best ways to add a testimonial to your resume is through inclusion in another section or as a filler. For example, if you’re an in-demand copywriter, you could add a testimonial as filler under your “Skills” section. If you claim to write copy that converts up to 10 percent of organic web traffic, a past clients testament to your abilities with a website link will add significant value to your resume.
While adding a testimonial to your resume is a good way to improve the document, some people need a little more help. A professional resume writing service can critique your resume and help you make the best of your testimonials.
A professional resume writing service can help you find the perfect new job.
With the start of the new year, job hunting may be more important to you than ever, whether you’re on the lookout for a change or just beginning. One of the most helpful things you can do is to start polishing your search methods as soon as possible—so you can dive into the 2016 job listings with a rejuvenated attitude. We at Professional Resume Services have compiled an assortment of handy pointers for job hunting and writing a professional resume to start your new job search.
Figure Out What You Want the Most
If you aren’t yet sure what type of job you’re looking for, your search will only prove to be complicated and confusing. Try to think about the job that best suits you or your best talents and how they fit into the job market. Think about why you’re searching for a new career. Consider whether you want to change who you work for or what your work is entirely. Evaluate everything about your work experiences and desires thus far, including the benefits and disadvantages of your present job and what you want from a future job. Then you can begin to take the next step forward.
Create a Profile on LinkedIn
If you don’t already have a profile in LinkedIn, it’s a good idea to create one. LinkedIn is a valuable tool when it comes to job searching and can put you in contact with recruiters from companies across the country. Whether you’re setting up your profile for the first time or need to revamp it, it always helps to get as specific as possible. Tag your profile with keywords pertaining to the industry you want to work in. This helps recruiters locate you, meaning they can see what you can offer their companies.
Start or Improve a Resume
Writing a professional resume is one of the main keys to a successful job search. If you can afford it, consider hiring a professional resume writing service to help you out, either by writing your resume for you or giving you advice on how to improve it (and thus improve your chances of landing a great job). For even better chances, you can write separate resumes for each company you’re interested in to better cater to what they’re looking for in an employee. This will help you stand out to hiring managers.
Go After Your Dream Companies
Getting acquainted with individuals who are already working for the same company you want are considering will only serve to help your cause. Get to know as many people aligned with the company as possible. This will help you get your foot in the door with recruiters because you’ll have a larger number of people able and willing to put in good word for you.
Landing a great job is not an easy task, but these steps should help you get started on the right path. If you need a little extra help with any of these steps, consider enlisting the help of a professional resume writing service or a job counselor. As one of the top resume writing services around, our team at Professional Resume Services wants to see you succeed.
Writing an effective resume may require making some changes.
It’s not enough to just have a standard resume. What is important is writing an effective resume, one that is designed to get you into that all-important interview. If you are not getting the interviews and opportunities you want, it’s time to rethink your current resources. Here are five strategies for giving your resume a makeover.
Strategy #1- Forget Your Objective
It’s customary to state your job objective at the top of the resume. However, those offering top resume writing services suggest this is futile and meaningless to potential employers. An employer is not as interested in what you are looking for as what you can give them. When an employer first sees your resume, you have an average of six seconds to catch their eye so make it about them.
Strategy #2 – Take a Marketing Stance
When writing an effective resume, rather than viewing it as looking for a job, consider the process as an opportunity to market your skills and experience. Focus on offering potential employers what you have in order to increase their profitability rather than trying to earn a paycheck for yourself. Make it about delivering value to them.
Strategy #3 – Highlight Your Professional Skills
Your skills are what are going to get you the position you desire so make sure to clearly identify the skill set you bring to the position. Use your strong points to entice a business recruiter in a way that makes them feel like they need what you have to offer. Impress them with what you can do for them.
Strategy #4 – Identify a Specific Job Title
Don’t leave out this essential bit of information. The targeted job title should be listed along with your contact information on your resume. This is your chance to draw recruiters or interviewers in. Putting it with your contact information is the ideal spot since it makes it more apparent and eyes are naturally drawn toward this area. If you are uploading your professional paperwork, including a targeted job title makes it more visible in online databases and search results.
Strategy #5 – Start off with a Performance Profile
Resumes and cover letters should begin with your ability to do the job. This means you need to do your research to identify what the specific needs of the company are and market to those needs. To create a performance profile, look at the requirements for your desired position and rewrite them as skills you have to offer. This does not need to be a long paragraph; try to keep it to five lines maximum. It’s also acceptable to use a bulleted list for emphasis. This also adds some visual appeal and will attract the reader’s eyes.