Resumes and cover letters are made better with technology.
As you and nearly everyone else in the world have realized and are experiencing as we speak, technology has drastically changed the way people interact with one another. This goes not only for casual conversation, such as through social media, but through the way customers and businesses interact and even how people seek out jobs. If you’re a senior-level professional on the hunt for a new position, you’re probably taking in just how much job hunting has changed since the last time you had to look for work. However, many of the changes delivered by technology are quite beneficial to job seekers!
Social Media
You’ve likely had some experience with social media sites, either through your prior job positions or on a personal level. Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites, as well as LinkedIn, which is great for professional networking. However, if you’re on the hunt for a new job, you’ll want to evaluate your social media profiles and what image they’re presenting about you. You never know who will want to take a look at your profile. Many prospective businesses looking to hire you could end up searching for you on social media just to get a sense of who you are as a person and a professional. A stellar social media profile will do you a whole host of favors! You can consult with any number of top resume writing services to help even out your online presence.
Communicating with Higher Ups
Before the Internet became mainstream, reaching out to those in charge of hiring you was an ordeal. Originally, all that could be done was to send out a physical letter, hoping it reached the hiring manager and earned a response. The process was much slower back then in every sense of the word. Thanks to email, instant messaging and video chat services, however, this is no longer the case. Communications are far faster now than ever before, enabling you to easily get in touch with higher level professionals and hold a constructive conversation with each other about your prospects.
More Convenient Interviewing Procedures
As stated before, the advent of today’s technology makes communication easier than it ever was in the past. This includes the interviewing process, made convenient thanks to Skype and other video chatting clients. Nowadays, you’ll likely be first exposed to prospective employers through a telephone or video chat conversation. Because of its increasing prominence, it would be a good idea to gain some experience with software of this variety. A team of professional executive resume writers can help you with this as part of their services. A web interview works similarly to a physical interview. Be sure to keep this in mind as you prepare for one by dressing professionally, making sure your space has sufficient lighting and tidying it up if need be.
Resumes and cover letters are elements of the job hunting process that haven’t changed as far as importance! Once these pieces have done their job, however, times have certainly changed.

Start your search with an executive resume service.
Once you’ve entered the adult world, the idea of embarking upon a job hunt over the summer is probably the farthest from your mind. Like many, you probably haven’t done any job hunting prior to or throughout the summer since your teenage years, when you just needed something to occupy your time and weren’t quite as interested in building a career. However, now that you are unemployed or just seeking a position different from your old one, a summer job hunt looks to be in the cards again, and you’ll have to go about it far differently than you did as a teenager—but how? And is it worth it? As it turns out, starting or continuing your job hunt in summer can be quite profitable in more ways than one.
More Free Time
This benefit applies more to those looking to transfer careers than those who currently lack a job. Just as when you were in school, you and many of your coworkers will likely receive some time off from the office over the summer. This newfound free time presents the perfect chance to get really productive with your job hunt so use it wisely! Spend this time reworking your resume or working with an executive resume service to make some great, lasting tweaks. Go out on a few interviews and network with others in your industry at those frequent summer barbecues. It will surely pay off!
More Networking
As stated above, summer barbecues and other forms of summertime get-togethers are a great way to meet other people in your field who may be able to help you land your next job. Summer is a highly popular time of year for people to get out and about. Take advantage of it by going out yourself, especially to any and every function held by coworkers or other industry professionals you can introduce yourself to and speak with. Half of landing a great job is connecting with others and knowing the right people. You never know where your next job opportunity could come from!
More Time
Daylight savings time always unfolds before the start of summer, meaning you’ll have far more time to work on your job search than you would at any other time of the year. Work with a team of professional executive resume writers to perfect your resume, start sending out applications and communicate with those you’re looking to get hired by! Summer won’t last forever, which is why you have to make the most of every second while you can.
Managers Will Notice You
Even if most of the office has been relinquished for the summer, the managers in charge of the companies you’re looking to work for will still be working as hard as ever! Many managers still are in the process of looking for new employees during the summer months. This is the perfect time to catch their eye with the help of a well-written resume. You won’t want to miss any chance to communicate with higher ups!
We hope these tips will give you some insight on how to make the most of your summer by hitting the pavement and working your hardest on your job search. With dedication and some assistance, you’ll be able to use resumes that get you hired and careful networking to land the best new position for you!

The best executive resume format can make your job easier.
It can be difficult to find a new job when you’re involved in an executive field—more so than it seems to be for those in lower positions. If you’ve been out of the job hunting game for a while, going back down that road can seem more intimidating. However, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re having trouble navigating today’s job market, we can help you. In this article, we’ll give you a few helpful tips for job hunting in today’s era so you can land your next career position more easily.
Don’t Forget About Networking!
The connections you have within the industry will be the most valuable resource you have as you search for your new job. Keep in touch with them regularly. You’d be surprised how easily an opportunity could be sent your way based on the people you know! Of course, you should also aim to build new professional networks as well. Visit industry gatherings and put yourself out there. You may run into someone who can put your skills to great use! Another great idea would be to get back in touch with those industry colleagues you haven’t contacted in a while. They may be able to help with leads.
Reach Out to Headhunters and Recruiters
It’s a well-known fact recruiting companies have received a bad rap over the years. Popular opinion dictates recruiting companies often have a low turnout as far as landing jobs for executives. Regardless of the accuracy of this statement, a resource is a resource. All you have to do is learn how to make the most of recruiting services. Work on building up the best executive resume format to show recruiters your skill set as clearly as possible. This will work to your advantage because recruiters with distinct knowledge of your professional skills and needs will more easily be able to match you to a job. Continue to keep in close contact with recruiters so you can help them help you!
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is an incredibly useful resource for networking and discovering new job opportunities. You will be able to get in touch with other industry professionals across the globe, opening up a wider expanse of opportunities, all with a click of your mouse. Brush up on how to write cover letters for resumes and use the information from your resume to augment your LinkedIn profile to its fullest. The site is full of resources to help you with your job search.
Thousands of professionals have a LinkedIn account in this day and age, meaning you may easily run into someone who may be able to open the door to your new career or can put you in touch with someone who can. You never know who is connected to whom. Furthermore, recruiters often browse through LinkedIn to find professionals they can help navigate the job market. Just be sure to keep your profile up-to-date!
If you still need help, you can also turn to other resources! A professional resume service can help you through your job hunt by showing you how to market yourself to employees more efficiently. Our services have earned us our title as the best resume writing service.

Learn how to find the best professional resume writers.
If you do a quick search on Google, you’re likely to come up with plenty of resume writing companies. However, it’s not as simple as it seems. Your resume is your introduction to a hiring agent and it’s important to hire the best professional resume writers. Anyone can say they write resumes, but if they don’t know what they are doing you can end up with a poor resume you cannot use for obtaining employment. How do you know which professional resume writing service is legitimate and which ones are scams trying to trick you out of your money? Here are a few things to look for when seeking an executive resume writing service.
What Does Their Website Exude?
When you first access a website advertising a professional resume writing service, take a few minutes to look around. Is it organized and professional looking? If they cannot organize a website, do you think they can organize data on a resume? Are there any grammatical errors or poorly structured sentences? This is a glaring red flag warning you they are not qualified to write resumes.
Do They Have Credentials?
An executive resume writing service should have some credentials displayed on their site. The most common test demonstrating a writer has a degree of competency is CPRW, or Certified Professional Resume Writer. In addition, the best professional resume writers have some accomplishments to share. You’ll also want to ask about their former experience in resume writing, education level, business background and any other skills they may have acquired.
Do They Have Sample Resumes?
When considering a resume writer, ask about any samples they may have to share. If you do not like their samples, you aren’t going to be pleased with their work on yours. If you aren’t sure what to look for in a sample, look past the aesthetic qualities and see if they included more than a list of job duties. Do they do anything special to make a resume stand out from all the others? Be wary if they don’t have any samples to share.
Do They Have a Solid Writing Process?
The best professional resume writers will have a clearly defined process for writing resumes. They should offer more than just a questionnaire for you to fill out. You should actually get to speak with a person who will ask you key questions so they can highlight the skills you have that are likely to impress a potential employer.
Do They Have a Guarantee?
A professional writer should be able to quote a price and offer a satisfaction guarantee. They should be willing to stand behind their work and make any revisions necessary.
These are a few of the considerations you should make before hiring an executive resume writing service. They are easy to find, but it can be difficult to find those who are reputable. Take your time and make a careful selection since your resume is how you introduce yourself to the professional world and secure employment.

Professional executive resume writers can help you tweak your resume.
Hidden inside every job listing is key information about the position. There are some useful points in a job posting you can use when writing a professional resume and cover letter. In fact, you can use the information the company provides to make resumes that get you hired by matching it up with precisely what they are looking for. Here are some tips for tweaking your resume to match the position you are trying to obtain.
Match Your Skills to What They Are Looking For
You’ll find most professional job listings to be inclusive of all the skills needed to perform the job properly. First of all, remember you most likely don’t need to have mastered all of the skills they are seeking. Don’t disqualify yourself if you don’t have all of the ones listed. Think about your skills versus the ones they are looking for and ask yourself these questions:
- Do I have most of the hard and soft skills mentioned?
- Do you have the experience or knowledge needed to do the job?
- What is your success rate and experience with the skills in the past?
- What other complementary skills do you possess?
Many skills can fall under broader categories so you can compare your present skills and level of experience to what the company needs. When you are writing a professional resume, include the skills related to what is listed, as well as your skills sets and experiences that are complementary to what they are looking for.
Match Your Characteristics with Their Job Description
Many times a job posting will contain attributes they would like to see in a candidate. They may use words like self-starter, ambitious, team player or organized. As you are reading the job description, think about the characteristics they listed and which ones may be applicable for you. Can you think of examples in your work history that are demonstrations of these specific attributes? The point is to make a connection with the company between what they want and what you have to offer. Use the attributes from the job listing on your cover letter and resume, if applicable.
Match Specific “Buzz” Words with Their Listing
Watch for words you see over and over in the job listing. These might be skills or other keywords they use. For instance, do they consider themselves a business? An organization? A company? Make sure you or your professional executive resume writers use these terms when drawing up a resume and cover letter. Resumes that get you hired will have the same tone and terminology the hiring agent uses in their descriptions of the job and qualifications they provide. You can learn a lot about the company by the tone they use in the description and you’ll get a sense of being a good fit for the position. Using the same language they use will demonstrate to them you are the perfect match.
Whether you are writing your own or hiring professional executive resume writers, it’s beneficial to know how to use your resume to show how well you match the position.

Resumes that get you hired won’t turn off employers.
Even when you hire the best executive writing service to write your resume and cover letter, many hiring agents will only take a second to skim them. It’s important to grab their attention so your resume doesn’t end up filed away with all the rest. What are they looking for? What makes them read on or lay a resume aside? Is it possible to write resumes that get you hired?
There are several things potential employers may find off putting. Here are a few things to avoid so your executive resume bio gets read and considered.
- Over Used Phrases – One of the biggest red flags for an employer is seeing the same phrases or descriptions over and over again. There are some claims virtually any person can make about themselves and their skills. Avoid over used terms like “self-starter,” creative” or “problem solver.” Rather than using cliché phrases, describe your experiences and share your accomplishments.
- Grammatical Mistakes – Resumes that get you hired will be free from grammatical and spelling errors. Today almost everyone uses a word processor that contains a spell checker. There’s no excuse for these kinds of mistakes. Have someone else look over your resume or look for the best executive writing service to help with the writing so you can avoid these costly mistakes. If your resume is riddled with grammatical or spelling errors, you are telling the hiring agent you do not care about your work either.
- Poorly Written Content – Even though you may not need to have strong writing skills for the job you want, it’s important to have well written content in your cover letter and resume. Your writing skills may not be necessary for your position, but it will demonstrate you can communicate effectively. It can also speak of your level of professionalism and education and show how much you care. Take time to write your cover letter and executive resume bio in an educated and professional manner.
- Not Demonstrating Professionalism – Make sure to keep your resume on a professional level. If the hiring agent is reading information about your private life, such as a spouse or how many kids you have, they are likely to ignore your resume or application altogether. Limit your information to areas related to your qualifications and skills.
- Huge Gaps of Time Between Jobs – Fill in open areas of unemployment with explanations. A potential employer who sees a huge gap in your employment history will likely have lots of questions. They may think you are hiding something, such as a position you left without notice or one from which you were fired. They might think you left the hole deliberately and will wonder just what you are hiding.
If you want to write resumes that get you hired, avoid these practices. Keep it professional, error free and focused on what you have to offer the company. You want them to see why you are the best person for the position. Don’t give them a reason to ignore your resume.

The best executive resume writers use these strategies.
Looking for a new job is work in itself, but the most important element is your resume. Once you make the initial contact, there are many steps to take when you are pursuing a position. These might include making phone calls, sending emails, buying a new suit and getting a haircut. However, if you don’t have a professional resume, you may defeat your own purpose. Your resume has to be better than perfect for the position you are seeking. Some of the best executive resume writers suggest these three reasons you need to have the best resume possible.
Reason 1: Your Resume Is Your Professional Statement
You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of a hiring manager. One glance at your resume and they will decide whether they want to continue reading or place it back on the stack on their desk. Your resume is likely to be the first impression they have of you and it’s important to make it apparent you are a professional. If your resume is sloppy and appears to be thrown together, it is likely to be overlooked. Make sure to include an executive bio and communicate clearly your air of professionalism in every portion of your resume.
Reason 2: Your Resume Can Help You Get Known in Your Industry
It is likely you are familiar with other individuals in your own industry. Some of them may be colleagues but many may even work for competitors. They may be well known for any variety of reasons, and your resume can do the same for you in your industry. Like many professionals, hiring managers talk to each other about many things, and outstanding resumes are included in their discussions. A highly professional resume can get the attention of hiring managers and your name can come up in future conversations. It can be your ticket to becoming a recognizable name inside your industry or profession.
Reason 3: A Resume Can Address a Specific Need
Including some customization in your resume can get the attention of a hiring manager. Some portions of a resume can be used to list specific skills or qualifications that meet a company’s particular need. Your resume contains professional elements from your past that uniquely qualifies you for some positions and speaks to your high level of experience in the industry. An effective resume will directly address the needs of each hiring manager.
Your resume is your selling point and needs to be perfect. You may choose to write your own resume, but you can also hire a professional resume and cover letter writing service designed to help you reach a higher professional level. Having a strong resume and professional bio can be the difference in getting your resume seen and being called for your next interview.

Ensure your executive bio isn’t skippable.
Putting together an executive bio can be tough work, especially if it’s been a long while since you’ve hunted for a new position. The job market and its requirements are constantly shifting, so much so that what would have been fine to include on a resume years back is considered far less passable today. Regardless of how long it’s been since you’ve been on the hunt for a job, there’s a variety of things you need to watch out for when crafting your executive resume that often go unnoticed. Below we’ve gathered a list of items you should exclude the next time you update your resume.
Subpar Formatting
This is one of the primary elements that can make or break your resume. Potential employers have so many candidates to sort through they only have a few seconds to spare per resume. Make yours count by keeping it as readable as possible. If your resume is too difficult to decipher, it will automatically be passed over in favor of someone else. This is the absolute last thing you want to happen during your job hunt. Luckily, this problem can be easily fixed.
We first recommend saving your resume as a file type that can be easily opened by any computer. PDF files are often the safest bet because every computer comes with a PDF reader and your document is sure to remain uniform across all of them.
Make sure your information is listed in a way that’s easy to read. Bullets are a great option. Additionally, it’s okay to go over one page. Executive resumes can include as many as three pages of relevant information with no detriments.
While there have been some well-received unorthodox resumes, such as those put together by talented graphic design employees, it’s generally not a good idea to add extra touches to your resume unless you’re in a field where skillful design is appreciated. If you have to include a graphic, such as a picture of yourself, we suggest providing a link to your profile on LinkedIn, where your information will still be presented in a professional format.
Go Into Detail
Being vague does you no favors, especially when it comes to listing your skills. If you’re going to talk about particular talents or industries you have major experience with, be sure to go into the specifics of them. For instance, if you’re part of the graphic design industry, you could say you’re proficient with Adobe Illustrator or InDesign as opposed to phrasing it as “graphic design programs.” At the same time, you don’t want to load your resume with buzzwords. Balance is key.
In addition to these three pointers, there are other, more subtle nuances to crafting a great resume. If you find you need more help, there’s no shame in looking up the best executive resume writing services near you to request professional advice. They can assist you with far more than just your resume. Many executive resume businesses also offer assistance with cover letters for resumes and much more.