Holding a temporary job is nothing to be ashamed of, whether it’s an entry level or executive level position. Many people who have trouble finding work turn to staffing agencies to help place them in temporary positions. However, if you play your cards right, a temp job could be permanent before you know it. The reality is some companies may not be in a good position financially to hire a permanent employee, but they might be in a better position several months or a year down the road. Here are some of the benefits of a temporary job and how they might lead to full-time work.
You Gain Valuable Experience
When you are a temporary employee, you not only gain experience, but also the specific experience for the company you’re working for. Once you have a few months of experience under your belt, you can consider hiring the best resume writing service to brush up your resume. It’s possible you’ll be interviewed for a full-time position at your temp job. At the least, you’ll have valuable experience to add to your resume.
Don’t Act Like a Temporary Employee
The biggest mistake temps make is acting like they are only going to be at the job for a few months. Instead, show interest in the company and the work you’re doing and get involved as much as you can. If you act like you’re a full-time employee, it will make more sense for the company to bring you on full-time when they’re able to. Once you’re ready, a cover letter writing service can help you make sure you look as good on paper as you do in person from a professional standpoint.
Network as Much as Possible
Networking is especially beneficial if you want your temporary executive job to become permanent. With the help of an executive resume writer, you can craft the perfect resume to hand out to the right people once you get acquainted with the company you’re working for. Depending on the size of the organization, you can talk to people from different departments to get your name out there. You may not be interested in the work other departments do, but you never know who you will meet in the process.
Do More Than What’s Asked
Being a temporary employee is tough because you don’t want to overstep your boundaries. However, there’s nothing wrong with going above and beyond the work you’re supposed to do. Being engaged with your work and asking questions about systems and processes will show you care about the job and will likely give you consideration when the company is looking for a full-time employee.
The best resume writing service can only help you if you have the experience to back it up.
As you probably already know, software engineering jobs are in demand, but there is also a pretty saturated talent pool. The competition is so strong, you may think you have the best resume, but one minor mistake could get yours thrown out of the pool and you’ll never know it. There isn’t one specific key to writing an effective resume to get you hired in the software engineering industry, but there are some steps you can take to give yourself the best chance at landing the job you want. Here are some things to consider when constructing your resume.
1. Highlight Your Website or Blog
We aren’t just talking about social media accounts here. If you want to be a software engineer, but don’t have your own personal website, it’s time to get one immediately. Even the best resume writing service won’t be able to highlight your attributes if they don’t have something tangible to point to. This is one of the best ways to showcase your talents and abilities and let your work speak for itself.
2. Don’t Be Generic
You don’t have to create an entirely new resume for every job you apply for, but you do need to at least tailor it to the specific position. When writing an effective resume, you need to make the employer see that you know what the position entails. If the job description asks for qualifications with documentation, systems analysis, data usage, product specifications, work processes, etc., detail clearly in your resume how you have done that. If it asks for special skills like liaising with, or training users, show how you’ve worked with users in previous roles. Follow the job description for clues as to what needs to be a priority on your resume.
3. Craft a Good Cover Letter
Some of the best cover letters are short, sweet and to the point. No recruiter is going to spend time reading a cover letter extending any longer than a few short paragraphs. A cover letter writing service can help you pinpoint what needs to be written in the letter to ensure you catch the reader’s attention. If you don’t have a good cover letter, there’s a chance your resume won’t even be seen.
4. Use Proper Keywords
Many recruiters will scan your resume and cover letter for keywords related to the open position. If you don’t have any present in your resume, it will likely get pushed to the side or trashed. Keywords can be difficult to identify, but they are critical to include. Again, use the job description to help you find the keywords. Consider hiring one of the best resume writing services if you struggle with the keywords. You definitely don’t want missing keywords to be the reason why you don’t get a shot at the job you want.
We know creating the perfect resume can be difficult, so if you have any questions along the way, feel free to get in touch with us at any point in the process!
Most recruiters look at a cover letter to screen for applicants before they even consider looking at a resume. You can’t understate the importance of targeting your executive cover letter, rather than just making a generic one. You’re not going to stand out if yours looks like everyone else’s and doesn’t really say anything pertaining to the job you want. Writing a great targeted cover letter takes some practice, and you may even consider a cover letter writing service to help you get started. Here are a few different things to keep in mind when writing yours.
Utilize Connections
Hopefully you’ve found the job you’re applying for by way of networking. If so, mention the person you connected with in the first sentence of the cover letter. You have to find a way to relate with the recruiter in cover letters for resumes, and there’s no better way to do it than to talk about something or someone they are familiar with. Talk about how you know the connection, where you met, what you heard about the job and, most importantly, why you and your connection think you are a good fit.
Why Do You Want This Job?
You have to learn about the company you’re applying for before you can write about why you want the job. When you mention statistics or facts about their company, they’ll know you did your research and are legitimately interested in working for them. Let them know what appeals to you about the job and the company specifically. Finally, one of the keys to good cover letters for resumes is specifically mentioning how you will contribute to the company’s growth.
Let Them Know Your Skills
Although having the proper education is critical to getting a job, the ultimate decision will come down to whether you have the right experience or not. Most of your skills will be present on your resume, but it doesn’t hurt to put a couple in your cover letter as well. As long as you tailor the skills to what the company needs, you can make it an effective cover letter. Again, just remember the more information you put about their company and how your skills match their needs, the better off you will be.
Constructing the perfect resumes that get you hired isn’t easy to do, but when you’ve mastered the art, you’ll be in better position to land your executive dream job. Some people have the misconception that the cover letter is designed to summarize your resume in a couple of paragraphs, but that’s actually not true. Your resume is about you, and the cover letter is about the company you’re applying for and how you will contribute.
It takes time and a lot of practice to get good at targeting your cover letter. If you have any questions or need any assistance along the way, just remember we are right here to help you, so get in touch with us at any time!
While no one intentionally wants to sell themselves short, it is unfortunately a common aspect of human behavior. This isn’t always the result of low self-esteem. Sometimes this happens as a result of developing bad habits and getting stuck in them for too long. Case in point: your resume. Quite a few people struggle with their job search for months, only to visit
professional resume writers and learn their resume is the majority of the problem! Your resume is supposed to help your chances of finding work, not hinder it! Here are a few ways you can help yourself.
Don’t View Your Accomplishments Through the Wrong Lens
Many people think of their accomplishments from previous jobs as being the general responsibilities associated with them. This is not only false, but downplays your own unique skills tremendously. Never list your basic duties under your accomplishments! Rather, think about what you did for the position that no one else could.
Think about what impact you left upon the previous companies you’ve worked for and anything you’ve received commendation for. This is worth mentioning. It provides potential employers with an excellent picture of what kind of employee you’ll be and why you’re worth bringing aboard over everyone else looking for the same position.
Adopt More Efficient Means of Looking for Work
If you’re looking at specific companies to work for, simply filling out their online job application won’t do you any favors. You have to hit them where it counts! It’s easier than you think to find out who’s in charge of hiring at your desired workplace. All it takes, in fact, is a bit of googling!
You can then contact them by email. What should you put in this email? A cover letter appealing to the company and its needs is a great place to start! Before you start penning this email, be sure to look carefully over the job listing you’ve found for a second time. You’ll want to be sure to hit a majority of the points featured on it. Remember you can always turn to a
cover letter writing service for help with this task.
Keep Your Skills in Mind
Skills are becoming more important than ever to today’s job market, meaning you’ll have to have a clear idea of what your individual skills are and how they can apply to your industry of choice. If you aren’t sure what these skills are, you run the risk of marketing yourself inefficiently to employers and being passed over for a valuable opportunity. Too many job seekers are unable to properly identify what qualifies as a skill. Luckily, you can rely on
top rated resume writing services to help you hash out the best way to frame your skill set.
At Professional Resume Services, we believe you deserve the best job available for your level of expertise and experience. This is why we work closely with job seekers to ensure their resume adequately reflects their potential as employees and appeals to industry recruiters. Don’t hesitate to
reach out to us to help improve your resume and display your full potential!
In today’s increasingly digitized world, the resume is becoming more important than ever before. Your resume is one of the first ways potential employers get to know you, after all, which means it needs to be as polished as possible in order to make a good impression. However, crafting an excellent resume can be tricky, even if (or perhaps especially if) you have a lot of experience under your belt. If this is the case, let us offer you a few tips on how to achieve the best executive resume format and really “wow” your potential and future employers!
Research the Best Keywords
You’ve likely noticed how rapidly keywords are growing in significance in the business world. It turns out keywords are just as important to personal marketing as it is to commercial marketing. But just what are the best keywords to use?
Specific job titles are a great place to start. Use any and every high ranking position you’ve held in the past on your resume to help catch an employer’s eye. This is one of the easiest and best ways to display your credentials. Additionally, anything you frequently performed or used on the average work day, from PC programs to basic duties, are fair game. You’ll also want to give employers a clear image of what your previous positions entailed and what they can expect from you if you’re hired. The idea is to be very detailed since you don’t know what keywords will prompt a prospective employer to look at your resume.
Have a Point
There are very few instances where people like rambling. Don’t lose sight of the point of your resume as you write. While this may sound obvious, it is very easy to get lost in the slew of details you’ll need to include and forget to get to the heart of the matter. The most important goal of your executive bio is to get hired for the job you want. Showcase who you are and what you can do for the company you want to work for by listing your skills and strengths with relevance to the company’s needs. Before you even start on your resume, we recommend scoping out the industry so you can fine-tune your expectations and objectives.
Be Brief
You want to detail your expertise on a point-by-point basis. Being concise will automatically score you points with an employer because this shows you understand and respect that they have one minute—at the most—to review your resume. This will also help them to understand more about you as a professional in that amount of time.
You can accomplish this by writing out a summarizing paragraph on your resume’s first page. If you need help properly paring down your credentials down to a short paragraph, you can turn to a cover letter writing service for help.

Writing an executive bio properly can improve your job hunt.
Senior-level job hunting can be an incredibly difficult endeavor. The longer it’s been since you’ve searched for a job, the more out of touch and inexperienced you are with staying afloat in today’s job market. What employers are looking for and how you will interact with them have changed drastically within recent years. If you’re an executive who’s struggling to interact properly with today’s hiring professionals, you aren’t alone. We can offer tips on how to handle this new stage of life by letting you know what and what not to do as you search.
Check Your Ego
We aren’t saying this to be cruel, anything but! The issue is when you approach a potential employer with the attitude you are the end-all, be-all within your respective field, this presents a turnoff. You are far from the only person in your field who is suitable for that particular job. Inevitably, you are just one of many other applicants being considered. Your job is to explain how you stand out from the rest, not in terms of uniqueness, but in terms of what you can bring to the company for their benefit. Many executive resume writing services can help you learn how to market yourself more tactfully to prospective employers.
Consider the Relationship Potential
Rather than approaching the position as a means of income, do so in the same way you’d approach a blind date. By meeting and maintaining contact with an employer, you are fostering a valuable first impression and reputation, even if you don’t land the job! Being dismissive or unpleasant in any capacity will create a harmful ripple effect on the future of your job search, especially if you wind up back in contact with a particular employer you didn’t treat well. Every employer you talk to could serve as an invaluable contact toward helping you land a job so be as considerate as you can!
Think About the Employer’s Needs
This is an incredibly important step throughout the job hunting process, from writing an executive bio onward. Never approach an employer with the attitude of how they can benefit you. Rather, keep in mind what you can offer the company you’re looking to be hired by in terms of your skills and what the position requires. Don’t be too focused on finding out everything you can about the company just yet. That can be reserved for further meetings, where you’ll have more time to get to know more about the company and whether they’re the best match.

The best resume writing service can help you succeed in your job hunt.
Much like the rest of the world, the ways we look for and find jobs is rapidly changing thanks to the advent of technology. In the face of all of these changes, from smartphones to social media, all business people can do is try and keep up with it all. The same goes for anyone on the hunt for a new job position, especially at an executive level. Consulting executive resume writing services to figure out how to approach this new career climate is one way to go about it. We can help you learn how to stay afloat in this new job hunting environment. Here is a guide toward how things have changed and what you can do to adjust your search methods appropriately.
Ditch the Job Board
They aren’t nearly as effective as they used to be! The same goes for recruiting services. While these two methods are the most commonly used by unemployed or transitioning executives, they rarely land you a job in an efficient amount of time. In fact, research states executives find new positions through recruiters and/or job boards at an alarmingly low rate of below 20 percent. You are better off utilizing other methods within your job search to find success, such as networking.
Tweak Your Resume Sooner Rather Than Later
Social media has transformed how resumes are constructed in many ways. You’ll have to learn how resumes have morphed in this decade and change yours to match, especially if it’s been decades since you last looked for a job. If you have the option, team up with the best resume writing service you can find for help with how to edit your resume into something that aligns more closely with what today’s hiring agents are looking for.
Utilize Social Media
Social media is rapidly becoming more important than ever. If you haven’t caught onto it and created a Facebook account, LinkedIn account or anything similar, now is the time! Individuals and businesses alike are beginning to rely heavily on social media to communicate with each other. If nothing else, it will serve as a valuable tool for networking with other people in your industry, which will prove invaluable to your job search! Likewise, those with the heaviest bearing on whether you’ll be able to land the job will use social media and the rest of your online presence to learn more about you and whether you’re suitable for the position.
Keep Your Brand in Mind
If you’re a professional, you will more than likely have a brand that is more than worth maintaining. If you fail to do this, you could be missing out on some great job opportunities and risking prolonging your job search.
Be Honest and Open
Pride and stubbornness will do you no favors when it comes to your job search. Always be 100 percent open about what happened with your last position and your current skill set when you interview. Furthermore, although the job search climate has changed, don’t feel afraid to adapt or believe you’ll never be able to catch up!

The best executive resume writers use these strategies.
Looking for a new job is work in itself, but the most important element is your resume. Once you make the initial contact, there are many steps to take when you are pursuing a position. These might include making phone calls, sending emails, buying a new suit and getting a haircut. However, if you don’t have a professional resume, you may defeat your own purpose. Your resume has to be better than perfect for the position you are seeking. Some of the best executive resume writers suggest these three reasons you need to have the best resume possible.
Reason 1: Your Resume Is Your Professional Statement
You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of a hiring manager. One glance at your resume and they will decide whether they want to continue reading or place it back on the stack on their desk. Your resume is likely to be the first impression they have of you and it’s important to make it apparent you are a professional. If your resume is sloppy and appears to be thrown together, it is likely to be overlooked. Make sure to include an executive bio and communicate clearly your air of professionalism in every portion of your resume.
Reason 2: Your Resume Can Help You Get Known in Your Industry
It is likely you are familiar with other individuals in your own industry. Some of them may be colleagues but many may even work for competitors. They may be well known for any variety of reasons, and your resume can do the same for you in your industry. Like many professionals, hiring managers talk to each other about many things, and outstanding resumes are included in their discussions. A highly professional resume can get the attention of hiring managers and your name can come up in future conversations. It can be your ticket to becoming a recognizable name inside your industry or profession.
Reason 3: A Resume Can Address a Specific Need
Including some customization in your resume can get the attention of a hiring manager. Some portions of a resume can be used to list specific skills or qualifications that meet a company’s particular need. Your resume contains professional elements from your past that uniquely qualifies you for some positions and speaks to your high level of experience in the industry. An effective resume will directly address the needs of each hiring manager.
Your resume is your selling point and needs to be perfect. You may choose to write your own resume, but you can also hire a professional resume and cover letter writing service designed to help you reach a higher professional level. Having a strong resume and professional bio can be the difference in getting your resume seen and being called for your next interview.