Burnout is a real thing executives face when they are going through a job search. Depending on how long you’ve been unemployed, the signs of frustration and depression may be visible to recruiters when you meet with them. You have to understand an executive job search takes time, so looking at examples of cover letters for resumes can give you some pointers on what to do while you’re looking. But what else can you do to prevent burnout? Here are some great tips to consider.
Seek Advice
If you think your resume may be the reason why you aren’t getting interviews, then seek the expertise of executive resume services for advice. You could also get feedback from former colleagues or mentors to see what you could change about your approach. If nothing else, the positive comments you receive from them will keep your spirits up as you keep plugging away.
Make Adjustments
Many executives go insane thinking the same approach will eventually work. That’s a perfect recipe for burnout. When writing an executive bio, think of new things to write about yourself. Talk more about experiences that changed your perspective on the industry or anything else that really made an impact on you. When you talk about your passions, your energy will naturally rise.
Take a Break
Sometimes you just have to take a step back and put the job search on hold. But only consider doing this for a day or two to refresh yourself. You may choose to spend a day solely researching cover letters for resumes, just to get new and creative ideas. A quick refresher can give you a boost of energy to keep you going.
Appreciate Small Victories
Don’t look at an interview without a job offer as a failure. Instead, look at it as a compliment that the company was impressed enough with you to grant you an interview. There were likely dozens of other candidates applying for the same position, but they chose to learn more about you. These small victories can keep you going.
Professional Resume Services can help executives when writing an executive bio or just need a little boost of energy to keep the job search going. We are here to help you at any stage of your job search, so feel free to reach out to us at any time, even if you just need support.
Most recruiters look at a cover letter to screen for applicants before they even consider looking at a resume. You can’t understate the importance of targeting your executive cover letter, rather than just making a generic one. You’re not going to stand out if yours looks like everyone else’s and doesn’t really say anything pertaining to the job you want. Writing a great targeted cover letter takes some practice, and you may even consider a cover letter writing service to help you get started. Here are a few different things to keep in mind when writing yours.
Utilize Connections
Hopefully you’ve found the job you’re applying for by way of networking. If so, mention the person you connected with in the first sentence of the cover letter. You have to find a way to relate with the recruiter in cover letters for resumes, and there’s no better way to do it than to talk about something or someone they are familiar with. Talk about how you know the connection, where you met, what you heard about the job and, most importantly, why you and your connection think you are a good fit.
Why Do You Want This Job?
You have to learn about the company you’re applying for before you can write about why you want the job. When you mention statistics or facts about their company, they’ll know you did your research and are legitimately interested in working for them. Let them know what appeals to you about the job and the company specifically. Finally, one of the keys to good cover letters for resumes is specifically mentioning how you will contribute to the company’s growth.
Let Them Know Your Skills
Although having the proper education is critical to getting a job, the ultimate decision will come down to whether you have the right experience or not. Most of your skills will be present on your resume, but it doesn’t hurt to put a couple in your cover letter as well. As long as you tailor the skills to what the company needs, you can make it an effective cover letter. Again, just remember the more information you put about their company and how your skills match their needs, the better off you will be.
Constructing the perfect resumes that get you hired isn’t easy to do, but when you’ve mastered the art, you’ll be in better position to land your executive dream job. Some people have the misconception that the cover letter is designed to summarize your resume in a couple of paragraphs, but that’s actually not true. Your resume is about you, and the cover letter is about the company you’re applying for and how you will contribute.
It takes time and a lot of practice to get good at targeting your cover letter. If you have any questions or need any assistance along the way, just remember we are right here to help you, so get in touch with us at any time!

The best executive resume format can make your job easier.
It can be difficult to find a new job when you’re involved in an executive field—more so than it seems to be for those in lower positions. If you’ve been out of the job hunting game for a while, going back down that road can seem more intimidating. However, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re having trouble navigating today’s job market, we can help you. In this article, we’ll give you a few helpful tips for job hunting in today’s era so you can land your next career position more easily.
Don’t Forget About Networking!
The connections you have within the industry will be the most valuable resource you have as you search for your new job. Keep in touch with them regularly. You’d be surprised how easily an opportunity could be sent your way based on the people you know! Of course, you should also aim to build new professional networks as well. Visit industry gatherings and put yourself out there. You may run into someone who can put your skills to great use! Another great idea would be to get back in touch with those industry colleagues you haven’t contacted in a while. They may be able to help with leads.
Reach Out to Headhunters and Recruiters
It’s a well-known fact recruiting companies have received a bad rap over the years. Popular opinion dictates recruiting companies often have a low turnout as far as landing jobs for executives. Regardless of the accuracy of this statement, a resource is a resource. All you have to do is learn how to make the most of recruiting services. Work on building up the best executive resume format to show recruiters your skill set as clearly as possible. This will work to your advantage because recruiters with distinct knowledge of your professional skills and needs will more easily be able to match you to a job. Continue to keep in close contact with recruiters so you can help them help you!
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is an incredibly useful resource for networking and discovering new job opportunities. You will be able to get in touch with other industry professionals across the globe, opening up a wider expanse of opportunities, all with a click of your mouse. Brush up on how to write cover letters for resumes and use the information from your resume to augment your LinkedIn profile to its fullest. The site is full of resources to help you with your job search.
Thousands of professionals have a LinkedIn account in this day and age, meaning you may easily run into someone who may be able to open the door to your new career or can put you in touch with someone who can. You never know who is connected to whom. Furthermore, recruiters often browse through LinkedIn to find professionals they can help navigate the job market. Just be sure to keep your profile up-to-date!
If you still need help, you can also turn to other resources! A professional resume service can help you through your job hunt by showing you how to market yourself to employees more efficiently. Our services have earned us our title as the best resume writing service.

The best resume writing service can help you stand out.
The key to making your resume or application stand out from others vying for the position is to share the unique qualities you bring to a job. There are many terms you can use to describe yourself that have become boring and cliché. If you use the same terms as everyone else; your resume will end up at the bottom of the pile with all the rest. Here are a few ways to write your executive bio, resumes and cover letters for resumes in ways to get attention and help you land the job.
Don’t Waste Cover Letters for Resumes
Many people hire the best resume writing service and totally forget about the importance of the cover letter. This is one document you don’t want to waste or overlook because it can provide a potential employer with important information. Reading cover letters for resumes is likely where the hiring agent gets a first impression about candidates. Take the opportunity to communicate your unique skills and talents with the hiring agent. Take two or three of your prominent skills and highlight why it makes you stand out from the crowd.
Use Your Resume as a Platform
It’s a sad fact, but no matter how well written your cover letter is, many potential employers will not take the time to read it. It’s still worth writing because those who do read it will be set up for your executive bio and professional resume. Once you’ve finished your cover letter, focus on your resume. It’s another way to communicate your skills to a hiring agent. It’s important to create bullet points that use descriptive language demonstrating the skills the agent is looking for and then support these skills with facts and numbers. This is not the time to be vague. List the skill and include specific information like how much ROI you affected, growth percentages or reduction in costs. Perhaps you problem solved and coordinated virtual meetings to make your former company more productive. Be as specific as possible.
How to Nail the Interview
In the corporate world, there are good interviewers and there are not-so-good interviewers. One can hope they would all ask open-ended questions; but this is not always the case. Even if you get some of those close-ended questions, you can still answer in a way demonstrating your skill sets. The secret to a successful interview is to work in some examples of your skills and abilities no matter how the question is phrased. If the interviewer asks a vague question, answer in brief and then elaborate. Don’t be afraid to go past your personal philosophy to share your stories and hard facts.
Any of these three should be able to stand alone in demonstrating your specific and unique skill sets. Just remember when writing cover letters for resumes or your executive bio, it’s important to avoid cliché terms and vague phrases. Be specific and get hired!

Ensure your executive bio isn’t skippable.
Putting together an executive bio can be tough work, especially if it’s been a long while since you’ve hunted for a new position. The job market and its requirements are constantly shifting, so much so that what would have been fine to include on a resume years back is considered far less passable today. Regardless of how long it’s been since you’ve been on the hunt for a job, there’s a variety of things you need to watch out for when crafting your executive resume that often go unnoticed. Below we’ve gathered a list of items you should exclude the next time you update your resume.
Subpar Formatting
This is one of the primary elements that can make or break your resume. Potential employers have so many candidates to sort through they only have a few seconds to spare per resume. Make yours count by keeping it as readable as possible. If your resume is too difficult to decipher, it will automatically be passed over in favor of someone else. This is the absolute last thing you want to happen during your job hunt. Luckily, this problem can be easily fixed.
We first recommend saving your resume as a file type that can be easily opened by any computer. PDF files are often the safest bet because every computer comes with a PDF reader and your document is sure to remain uniform across all of them.
Make sure your information is listed in a way that’s easy to read. Bullets are a great option. Additionally, it’s okay to go over one page. Executive resumes can include as many as three pages of relevant information with no detriments.
While there have been some well-received unorthodox resumes, such as those put together by talented graphic design employees, it’s generally not a good idea to add extra touches to your resume unless you’re in a field where skillful design is appreciated. If you have to include a graphic, such as a picture of yourself, we suggest providing a link to your profile on LinkedIn, where your information will still be presented in a professional format.
Go Into Detail
Being vague does you no favors, especially when it comes to listing your skills. If you’re going to talk about particular talents or industries you have major experience with, be sure to go into the specifics of them. For instance, if you’re part of the graphic design industry, you could say you’re proficient with Adobe Illustrator or InDesign as opposed to phrasing it as “graphic design programs.” At the same time, you don’t want to load your resume with buzzwords. Balance is key.
In addition to these three pointers, there are other, more subtle nuances to crafting a great resume. If you find you need more help, there’s no shame in looking up the best executive resume writing services near you to request professional advice. They can assist you with far more than just your resume. Many executive resume businesses also offer assistance with cover letters for resumes and much more.

An executive resume cover letter can be a valuable tool.
When you’re not looking for a job, but an opportunity that is too good to pass up crosses your desk, you may find yourself rushing to update your resume so you can meet the deadline and apply. In some situations, you may not have the time needed to tailor your resume to the specific employer, so what can you do when time is of the essence? A cover letter writing service can help you use an executive briefing, which is a form of executive resume cover letter.
What Is an Executive Briefing?
In short, executive briefings are cover letters for resumes that shine a spotlight on the skills you have that match what the employer is looking for. Because most employers will read through a cover letter before they move on to the resume, this is the area where it’s most important to make a good first impression. This can make it an excellent tool to help you land a job you weren’t expecting to apply for so you can take advantage of advancement opportunities as they arise.
What Are the Requirements?
In order to create an executive briefing, it’s important to make sure you understand the specific qualifications of the job. This is because you will tailor everything to the particular job to which you are applying. Once you know what the employer expects from you, use this summary to let them know why you are the perfect fit for the job. As long as your resume backs up your claims in some form, you will have just as good a chance of landing the job as if you had reworked your entire resume. While it’s always best to customize your resume, in a tight spot, this type of executive resume cover letter can be a lifesaver.
Keep It Simple
The most important factor to remember when creating these cover letters for resumes is to keep it simple. Your resume should still do most of the talking for you. All you really need to do is list the job’s requirements along the left side of the paper and match it with your skills point by point. Be sure to include your email address and the job title and any identifiers assigned to it. This format should capture the attention of the hiring manager and increase the chances you will be contacted for an interview.
A cover letter writing service should encourage you to customize your resume to meet the requirements of any job you are applying for, but you don’t always have time for this task. If you are interested in applying for a job you found unexpectedly, you may need to consider an executive briefing. This type of executive resume cover letter can help showcase your skills in relation to a job’s requirements and help increase the chances of landing the job, even if you don’t have the time to update your resume.

Your cover letter and resume must stand out.
Cover letters for resumes may be a necessity, but they are often seen as a stumbling block. Many people mistakenly think a cover letter is simply a summary of what is contained within the resume to help employers determine if they want to read further. While this is partially true, there is much more to creating a great cover letter that makes a difference. Hiring a cover letter writing service can help, but this advice will allow you to get a start on your own.
Give Them a Reason to Talk to You
Your cover letter and resume create a first impression you can’t often overcome. It’s what employers use to determine whether they want to call an individual in for an interview. Within your cover letter, it’s important to give them a couple of reasons why they should consider you a valuable candidate. Do your research to find the main points of the company so you can address them in your cover letter.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
It may seem improper to ask straight out for an interview, but this can be one of the most effective tricks to use in cover letters for resumes. Unfortunately, many people feel asking this direct question will be viewed negatively by hiring managers. However, it typically has the opposite effect. It can show you are enthusiastic about the job and is often valued by employers as a positive sign.
Leave Them Wanting More
Have you ever paid close attention to the way direct mail advertisements are written? Many of them include a P.S. written at the bottom to make you want to learn more about the products or services advertised. People are known for their curiosity. If you include this type of message near the bottom of the letter, it will help capture the attention of the hiring manager and make them feel like they need to know more about you.
Don’t Be Generic
Starting your cover letter can be one of the most difficult parts of the process. It’s tempting to begin with a statement of your eagerness to work with the company. However, a majority of the cover letters and resumes they receive will contain just such a statement. To ensure you stand out from all of the others, get creative with your introduction. Consider the industry you want to enter and think outside the box to create an opening line that captures attention.
A cover letter writing service can provide the assistance you need to make you seem like an ideal candidate for an interview. Researching prospective employers can help you find ways to show them why you are the best choice for the job. In combination with these tips, you will find your cover letter and resume get you more interviews so you can get the job you want.

Cover letters for resumes are extremely important.
While most job seekers focus on crafting the perfect resume that includes a long list of accolades, achievements, degrees and awards, many HR professionals agree a resume is not the most important aspect of a potential candidate’s application package.
The Importance of a Grand Entrance
Outstanding cover letters can turn a middle-of-the-road candidate into a top contender. Why? By its very nature, a resume is usually dry and fact based.
By contrast, cover letters for resumes show hiring managers an applicant is vested in the job they have available. Anyone can hit “reply” and attach a one-size-fits-all resume in response to a job posting. A cover letter written to specifically address a particular position shows an applicant has taken the time and effort to make a good impression. It also shows hiring managers a different side of an applicant than his or her resume does. Word choice and attention to detail in cover letters for resumes matter. These nuances can move a “reject” resume into the “must interview” pile.
Consider What to Include in a Cover Letter
Yes, the cover letter is your opportunity to show your personality. To an appropriate degree, that is. Hiring managers looking for candidates for high-level executive positions must cull through hundreds or even thousands of resumes and cover letters. A short, succinct cover letter can be refreshing. One that is too long, too detailed or too informal is a waste of time.
Crafting a winning cover letter that allows your personality to shine through, without being too wordy or including unhelpful details, can be challenging. Unless you are a writer by profession (and a really good one), consider hiring a reputable cover letter writing service to help you. At the very least, a cover letter writing service can help you craft a good “base” letter you can customize for each job you apply for. If you are in the hunt for a high-salary executive position, you’ve probably already hired an executive resume service to perfect your resume. Your cover letter needs at least the same degree of professional attention.
Do Your Research Before You Write
HR professionals, especially those hiring for high-dollar, premium executive positions, have seen it all. They have a knack for knowing which cover letters are form letters sent out to many potential employers and which have been carefully crafted with their company’s job opening in mind. Before you sit down in front of your laptop to create a cover letter, make sure you’ve done the following:
- Conduct at least a bit of research into the company so you can tailor your letter to fit in with the company’s corporate culture.
- Use active rather than passive words and naturally incorporate keywords into the letter that were noted as “must-possess” skills or attributes in the job listing you are responding to.
- Include specific, not-commonly-known facts about the company to show you did your homework.
If you’re launching a new executive-level job search or want to revive a floundering search, crafting a winning cover letter is key.