Writing a professional resume requires looking at yourself in a new light.
Resumes have one sole objective: to illustrate to a recruiter or hiring manager how you’re the best person to serve the company you want to work for. If you’re in the process of writing a professional resume, you should keep the concept of selling yourself to an employer in mind. Think about the desires an employer seeks in a potential employee as you describe yourself and how you are the best person available. Of course, this can be trickier than it sounds. To learn how to do this, we have a few handy pieces of advice for you. Here is some of the best information you can include on your resume to help yourself stand out.
Talk About Your Skills
Including a section that specifically highlights your ‘Core Competencies’ (and is titled as such) will help you bypass the automation that sorts through applicants and gets hiring managers to give you a closer look. Use the job listing you originally found as your guide by paraphrasing some of the requirements listed there. Apply them to your own previous work experiences by discussing how you’ve fulfilled these duties at your old workplaces.
Describe Some of Your Achievements
As the classic writing advice goes, “show, don’t tell.” Rather than talking about how you’re the best, use facts to explain. Talk about what you’ve achieved over the years and how this has helped the companies you’ve previously worked for. You can do this through several means, such as elaborating on awards you’ve won in the past.
We also recommend including a section detailing the highlights of your career when following the best executive resume format. In this section, you can add information about the most notable accomplishments you’ve achieved while working for a company, using numbers and other data to explain this. You should only do this if you’ve been especially successful in the past because this will work to your advantage by catching an employer’s eye and making them curious. As with the rest of your resume, stay concise.
Write a Summary About Yourself
This is just one vital element of the best executive resume format. You should add it underneath your contact details. Lend yourself a title that aligns with what you believe an employer desires. Again, keep this portion of your resume to-the-point. Ideal summaries are short—about only four lines at the most—and talk about how you can be of benefit to the company you want to work for, as well as the attributes you can lend. This will help you stand out.
We hope these tips will serve as a valuable resource for introducing yourself to employers in a meaningful and productive way. However, these are only a few great ways to make writing a professional resume an easier process. For more information and resources, consider contacting executive resume writing services.

if you’ve been fired, writing a professional resume can be difficult.
Moving on to another job is rarely easy, but when you’ve been fired from your job, regardless of the reason, you may feel like writing a professional resume is even more difficult. This time is when C-level personal branding becomes a necessity. Executive resume writing services can help you rebuild your resume so you can successfully move on from the job you lost.
Accept Responsibility
Even if you feel you were terminated unfairly, chances are you played some role in the decision. One of the worst things you can do is maintain a position of innocence when you have clearly been fired from your last job. Instead, take responsibilities for the actions that led to your termination and show your prospective new employers what you have changed as a result. A failure to learn from past mistakes will only lead to more of the same results in the future.
Rebuild Your Bridges
Past references are an important part of getting your next job. Just because you’ve been fired doesn’t mean you won’t be able to use them as references in the future. In fact, reaching out to the person who fired you can provide valuable insight into what went wrong and how you can correct it. You will also be able to repair some of what can be a valuable relationship to help you get your next job. Avoid getting defensive during the conversation and treat it as a learning process. In most cases, terminations aren’t personal and relate to your performance. If you apologize and extend the olive branch, you may still leave with a positive reference you can use.
Talk to Human Resources
Many employers have adopted new policies for giving references due to the number of law suits that have occurred due to bad references. For this reason, it’s important to find out what your previous employers will reveal to prospective employers. Many employers will only allow human resources to provide dates of employment and ending salary numbers. Ask whether your manager is allowed to provide a reference. If the manager isn’t allowed and you find out they have spoken poorly of you, costing you a new job, contact human resources again to let them know about the issue. If you are respectful and emphasize the fact you are trying to move on and provide for your family, most human resource departments will be willing to help.
Getting fired from your last job doesn’t have to mean it will be difficult to get a new one. It all comes down to your C-level personal branding and writing a professional resume that increases your chances of getting hired, despite the fact you were terminated from your last job. These tips, along with working with executive resume writing services, will help you get the results you’re looking for.