Introvert or Extrovert? Tips for Job Search No Matter Which 'Vert' You Are

Career CollectiveJob Search

**I am a member of the Career Collective, a group of resume writers and career coaches.  Each month, all members discuss a certain topic.  This month, we are talking about networking and job search whether  you are introverted or extroverted. Please follow our tweets on Twitter #careercollective.  You can also view the other member’s interesting posts at the end of the article.

The old adage ‘the grass is always greener on the other side,’ fits many situations. Today, it is especially relevant to job seekers. In the world of the job hunt, two personality types often emerge, each with strengths and weaknesses. Extroverts and introverts alike often find themselves wishing they were exactly opposite of themselves. The truth is that understanding how to craft a resume and how to interview, utilizing the strengths or weaknesses of either an introvert or an extrovert, can mean success in the form of a new job. I think I border both, because in ‘new’ situations I tend to either get quiet or talk more than I would like to. Both can be bad, or good, depending on how you look at it. Which are you?
By determining which you are, introverted or extroverted, and by understanding the strengths and weakness of your personality type, you can begin a successful job search with your resume. If you are most comfortable alone, or in smaller settings and find it difficult to express yourself verbally, you are most likely an introvert.
Those that are social enjoy crowds and talking is typically considered extroverted behavior. You might mistakenly assume that extroverts always interview well while introverts present above par resumes. The truth is actually somewhere in the middle.

The Resume

Both personality types are urged to remember the purpose of a resume. It should be a clear, precise representation of a candidates experience and related skill sets. While introverts, very good at introspection, may have an easier time paring down their resume, they often make the mistake of providing too little information. Extroverts tend to be more inclusive in their resume attempts, but often provide too much information. When writing or updating a resume, both personality types should focus on the format of the resume, including relevant details and facts about themselves and removing any unneeded information.

The Interview

Extroverts, who love to talk, often quickly settle into an interview. Introverts, often find themselves ill at ease and uncomfortable. Unlike the extrovert, the introvert is unlikely to engage the interviewer himself or herself. While it sounds like the extrovert wins the interview round, both personality types need to make adjustment to their interview style in order to be successful. Extroverts need to remember to keep their answers short and to the point, while introverts must allow themselves to be drawn out during the interview process.

In general, the both introverts and extroverts should follow the same guidelines when preparing a resume or interviewing. Resumes should be in the correct format and provide information relevant to the job position. When it comes time to interview, candidates of both types should have had a good nights sleep and should be prepared. It is a good idea to bring a list of questions for the interviewer. Practicing short, informative answers to typically asked questions can be helpful as well.
Always remember that both personality types have strengths and weaknesses and learning to play on these is the best way to be successful in your job hunt. Introverts should take advantage of their inquisitive and analytical nature while extroverts should use their ability to fit into any social situation. By carefully balancing these strengths against their weaknesses, either personality type can be successful. Good luck!
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