One of the most important parts of a job search is knowing what type of job you want to have. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have absolutely no idea what they want to do or go into. Here are some steps to career assessment that will help you decide what you want and start you on the path to success.
- Self Assessment: This step is looking inward and making an inventory of your skills, desires, and interests. This will help you understand what you would enjoy as a career. Some people may be able to decide right then and there what type of job they want to search for, but for most people they need some more help.
- Career Testing: There are many test and programs that can give you an idea of what career would be best suited to your interests and skills. You can find these assessments/tests online or sometimes at career centers. This is not likely to give you one exact career path, but it will give you some ideas to move you forward.
- Career Counseling: Now once you have finished testing and have some ideas, then you can get some help from a professional that can lead you to your decision of what career path to take. Career counselors are trained to help uncertain job searchers find a path that will lead to a fulfilling and successful career.
Career assessment is a great way to help you discover the best career path and make your job search more focused and therefore more successful. While it is not necessarily helpful for everyone, there is no harm in trying it out.

Successful job searching is a huge task. And resume distribution is probably the biggest and most difficult part of the whole process. It takes a lot of time and effort, and you will be hit with a lot of rejection and disappointment. With all that pulling you down, it is often hard to keep motivated and continue the search, but you can do it. Here are some simple tips to help you stay motivated and keep your head in the right place as you distribute and search.
- Move On Quickly From Rejection: There is nothing more degrading than rejection, but there is no reason to dwell on it. Accept that you were not the right fit and move on to the next place. This will keep you from getting bogged down by multiple rejections.
- Take A Resume Distribution “Vacation”: Now, don’t go off to Hawaii on a whim, but it is advisable to take a day off from the job search every once in a while. A day spent doing things for yourself will get you back up to where you want to be to continue your distribution with vigor.
- Keep Positive: I know, this sounds nearly impossible, but you can do it. Some people have a mantra they recite to keep them in good spirits, others have a routine they go through that keeps them from thinking about the disappointment too much. Figure out what works for you and if you can’t think of anything, smiling can change your whole attitude and keep you going.
It will not be easy. The important things rarely are. But that does not mean you should give up. You need to keep motivated if you want to be rewarded. Eventually you will succeed and you will land that job that you have been searching for so diligently.

There are times when you will not use a traditional resume when applying for a job. You may need to use a functional resume, a professional or executive resume, or you may need to use a curriculum vitae.
A curriculum vitae is typically used when you:
- Are applying for an academic position or a research fellowship
- You have a lot of publishing credits to your name
- The company you are applying for asks for a more detailed history of your professional accomplishments
If you are in one of these positions, then you need to ensure that your CV is complete.
The main difference between a resume and a CV is the detail included in a CV. This means that a CV is going to be much longer.
A complete curriculum vitae should include all publications in which you’ve been published and all relevant training. You should also include a full work history even if it spans across twenty or thirty years. Obviously having all this information will make your CV particularly lengthy. If your CV is not three or more pages, it is likely that you do not have all the information you need to present.
Go through your entire career and education history to ensure you have all the information. Hopefully, you have kept complete records so that you know exactly what to put into your CV and the details about each project, publishing, and job.
When you have all the details put into your curriculum vitae it will be long, but don’t worry, a CV should be that long in order for it to be complete and professional.

Changing jobs and career paths is not unheard of. In fact, it is quite common. Many people realize after they have spent time in a career that they want something new. In some cases this is returning to a previous career path. The reasons for this choice are many and varied for each person. The reasons don’t matter. Whatever reason you have for returning to a previous career path, I am going to try and help you figure out how to get back to that path, without too much grief.
- Look at your old job: If you enjoyed your old job, they enjoyed you as an employee and if you left the company with no bad feelings between you and your boss then you may be one of the lucky ones. You may be able to go back to your old boss and see if they are hiring. If they are, then you are one step ahead.
- Look at new jobs in your desired field: If you are not one of the lucky ones from step 1, then you need to start searching for new jobs in your desired field. Use job search sites with filters and look for papers or websites that are tailored to your field so that you can find a job that matches your needs and wants quickly.
- Update your resume: Make sure that your resume is up to date with your new work experiences, achievements, and accomplishments. Make sure that they can see you have experience in this field of work so they are more likely to hire you.
- Prepare for your interview: When preparing for your interview make sure that you always remember to emphasize your experience in your field. If you can show that you have experience and have accomplished things in that field, then you will be one step above your competition.
- Be prepared to start back at the bottom: While you do have experience, you will most likely be starting at the bottom just like any other applicant. This means that you need to prepare yourself for that. If you want a higher position immediately, you will have an easier time getting it at your current job and you should avoid switching career paths.
Hopefully this will help you get back on the path you want to be on and will help you be happier and more successful in your career.
Finding a Job When You Are an Older Worker
Job Search

One of the most difficult positions people can find themselves in is to be unemployed towards the end of their career. Many people think that the best option is to take early retirement if possible. This is not only untrue, but it can also be devastating to your financial goals. Older workers, those over 45, have a great deal to offer and most corporations recognize this. They actively recruit end-of-career hires because of the dedication and stability that they bring to a team.
It has long been assumed that the most desirable age for a new worker is between 23 and 25. This is no longer the case in most fields! Longevity is now being seen as a positive. Consider that on the resume of someone who has been in the workforce for 20 years a hiring manager has a tremendous amount of information about the person before ever meeting him. The manager can see how stable his employment has been, what types of projects he or she been working on and for how long; having decades of experience is always a positive trait.
If you are an over 45 worker that suddenly finds yourself looking for a new position, play up your longevity. Make sure you are familiar with all the latest trends. This is where networking is great because it will help you be sure you haven’t missed anything important. Then play up your contacts, your education and your projects. Use your wisdom and skill to your advantage and in no time you will be employed again, and perhaps in an even better position than you thought possible.

It’s amazing to me how many people think that as long as they have created a great resume and cover letter all they have to do to find a job is send those to prospective employers or answer ads in papers and online. The reality is that hunting for a job is a full-time occupation in and of itself. The sooner you start treating it like one the sooner you will have a new job.
This means that you get up early every day and begin work. You need to scan newspapers, online ads and wherever you have been looking for jobs. Apply immediately for anything new. Then start networking. Find common connections for the employers you are targeting through social media sites such as LinkedIn. You also want to go to any in-person meetings, open houses, job fairs etc. that are taking place that day.
To be hired, you need to be known. Attend seminars, talks and presentations in your field. Afterwards, introduce yourself to absolutely everyone you can. This is a great way to meet employers that you might not have thought of previously. Don’t hand out your great resume at these meetings but have a business card available that includes your social media links as well as contact information. Exchange the information and be sure to follow-up online.
The inclination to mail resumes and sit back and wait to be offered an interview is great; resist it and you will find yourself hired for a great new job even sooner than you thought possible. You may also make some great new friends in the process.

Deciding to change careers, or even change jobs, is a big decision, and once you have made the decision it is important to make sure you do everything you can to ensure your change is a successful one. This includes showing off the right skills and experiences that will make you look impressive to potential employers.
- Leadership: Employers are looking for people who can lead themselves but can also lead others if they need it. Leadership skills are important in nearly every career path, so make sure you show it off.
- Teamwork: When you are working for a company, you are part of a team. No one works completely alone. If you are easy to work with in a team you will be an asset to your potential employer.
- Customer Service: Customers are everything to a company. And if a company wants to do well they must have exceptional customer service. If you can show that you have customer service skills that are better than your candidates, you will be in good shape to get the job.
- Work Well Without Supervision: Employers do not want to micro manage their employees. It is not efficient. They want to teach their employees what to do and let them go at it. If you are able to work well without someone constantly checking your work, then you will be able to do well and not only get the job, but you will be able to advance in the company.
These are just a few skills you could show off, but they are applicable and desirable for almost any job you could possibly choose. If you can show those skills off, you will be able to show your potential employers what you can do for them.