Common Mistakes To Avoid In A Job Search
Job Search

Today’s reality is that a large part of the population are looking for jobs— not just “a job” but also jobs that have better benefits, jobs that pay more, or jobs that have a chance for advancement. As a recent article pointed out, a lot of job-hunting even happens ON the job! That means that there’s a lot of potential for making some common job search mistakes:
- If you are currently employed, do your job well. You want to keep in mind that your boss and co-workers are the people who will be contacted by potential employers for references, so as much as you can, make those references positive.
- If you are currently employed, don’t waste your employer’s time or resources. You are not being paid to hunt for another job, you are being paid to do your current job! Use your breaks — and your own equipment — to do any job searching. Not only is using your work computer kind of rude, it also is kind of dangerous because your employer owns the history and any files on that machine. (By the way, where is your resume stored? I hope not only on your work computer!) If you need to use the company fax or printer, get permission and don’t abuse the privilege.
- If you are currently employed but hoping to change, be tactfully honest about your goals. The impression you want to give is, “I want to keep up with the trends in my field” not, “this job stinks so I’m bailing.” Keeping your resume updated, continuing pertinent training, and networking maintenance are common sense ways to accomplish this. There are good reasons why you should always be hunting for a new job. But there are equally good reasons that job hunt should be one that doesn’t jeopardize your current position.

There comes a time in your job search when it’s time to bring in the professionals. If you have been handing out the same resume that you typed up when you started looking for a job too long ago, it is time for a tune up. A professional resume compares to that so-far-ignored resume as a professional mechanic compares to somebody opening up the hood of their car, opening up the manual, and trying to figure out what’s wrong. They both may come to the same conclusion, but the professional mechanic will fix it faster and be worth the charge for their service.
Professional resumes are useful in career searches across the entire range of industries available today. Each industry, and every job within that industry, has unique aspects that can be utilized in a resume crafted specifically for the job you are seeking. I don’t have room on this blog to list them all, but check out some sample resumes to see some of the ways a professional resume can vary.
According to the dictionary, two of the definitions/usages for professional are (1) characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession and (2) exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Those qualities are applicable to every job I can think of, white or blue collar. Your resume should reflect positively on you, demonstrating how you meet the standards in the job you are seeking, and how your qualities will be an asset in that position. It should show your own professionalism.
So, when is it time to get a professional resume? When you are ready to be a professional in your career search.

Searching for a job takes a lot of effort. It can also take a lot of time, but it doesn’t have to take over all your time. You can still search for a job and find a job, without losing days at a time if you follow these tips to help you manage your time.
- Use efficient methods of job searching: The most efficient job search method is to use the internet. The internet is fast, easy, and in some cases will do the work for you. Sign up for a job hosting site and opt in for email notifications when jobs that fit your profile show up on the site. This will give you time to work on other aspects of the job search like preparing a resume, cover letter, or practicing your interview attitude.
- Set aside time that is for only job searching: It is more than likely that if you don’t have a specific time and purpose when you sit down at the computer you will end up doing nothing of value and wasting time. If you have set aside a couple hours for only job searching, then you will stay focused and get better results.
- Take breaks: If you don’t take breaks every once in a while during your job search you will lose focus and your searching will be less effective. You will also start to dread the searching and not want to do it the next day or at all. This is not the attitude you want to have when searching for a job.
These tips will help keep you (and your job search) focused and will help you manage your time while searching for a job so you can move on to the next steps and get the job you want.

The most popular misconception when the economy is less than outstanding is that no one is hiring. It’s actually almost never true that no one is hiring. What is true is that companies tend to streamline when times are tough and while they may not officially be hiring, there is always room for someone with a proven track record. Most job seekers are fully aware that it’s easier to get another job when you already have one and that is never more true than when the economy is down.
The problem is that when you suddenly find yourself without a job it can be tough to both deal with the emotional shock and hit the ground running to find another job as quickly as possible. There is where your previous networking skills as well as an updated resume come into play. You can immediately start looking and contacting people letting them know that you are looking for a job change (think: networking & LinkedIn).
It’s also important to remember that you have a proven record of success and you have been in the business world for a number of years. This immediately places you ahead of many candidates that are recent graduates with no real-world experience. Unfortunately, many young people today do not have the appropriate business skills, and as a result many hiring managers are reluctant to interview them. They have a large pool of seasoned applicants to choose from so they opt for experience. This works in your favor if you have practical experience.
The best way to get a job when no one is hiring is to remember that there is always room for someone who is energetic, driven and has a resume that shows them to be an asset to their employer.

Whether you are searching for a new job because you are unemployed or you simply want to progress up the career ladder, it is important that you take your job search seriously. There are different resources that you can use in order to check for jobs and see what opportunities are out there, and you should check as many of these as possible.
One of the most important things to remember is the type of job you are going for. It is easy to get excited because a job vacancy website seems to have hundreds of jobs – but you won’t be suitable for all of these. If you simply use a blanket approach and apply for as many of these as possible, then you are simply making more work for yourself and your chances of getting a job aren’t increased.
Remember that when you come to carry out an online job search there are also ways you can get help and advice to make sure you are doing everything you can to be successful in your job hunt. For example, you can get people to read through your resume with a view to evaluating it and making sure that it is up to scratch. They may also be able to recommend changes you can make in order to improve your chances of bagging your ideal job.
Also, remember that many job resource websites are updated regularly, so don’t be afraid to check back often and see what job opportunities have been added because you don’t want to miss out by leaving it to long!

For many people, the process of actually finding a job they want to apply for and then submitting an application form to apply can seem like hard work. The reason for this is usually because they have been trying to get a new job for some time and they don’t seem to be having much luck.
The truth is that you could actually be making your job hunt much harder than it needs to be. If you are struggling with the whole job hunt process and have found yourself lacking motivation when it comes to seeking jobs and applying for them, then it could be that you are going about it all wrong.
Many people are tempted to simply apply for as many jobs as possible in the hope that they will be lucky in one of them. However, all this means is that you are setting yourself up for more rejections, which isn’t going to be very helpful when it comes to being motivated in your job search! You are far better being a little picky with the jobs that you choose to apply for and only going for ones that are really suited to you – and ones that you actually want!
You also need to make sure that you are looking in the right places when it comes to finding a job. If you are searching in the wrong places and can’t seem to find any jobs that are suitable then this can seem like a reason to give up but it isn’t! The truth is that there are jobs out there for the taking, it is just a matter of you looking in the right places and making sure you are making the most of the job resources that are available to you.

Job hunting isn’t easy, especially when you look at the small number of jobs that are often available and the huge number of people that could potentially be applying for them.
If you are looking for a job, then it is important that you explore every avenue available for you in order to make sure that you are aware of every job opportunity available to you. Many people assume that just searching locally for jobs is enough – checking local newspapers and notices in local shops, for example. However, this isn’t going to show you every vacancy that is available so you could be missing out on the perfect employment opportunity.
The internet is a fantastic resource when it comes to searching for a job because it allows you to search a number of places all at the click of a button. The great thing about job hunting online is the fact that you can easily search all sorts of criteria’s and categories which makes the job hunt quick and easy. You can then usually read through the options and opportunities available to you before deciding which ones you want to apply for.
One of the other benefits of job hunting online is the fact that you can often showcase yourself on job websites. You can simply upload some of your details alongside your CV and potential employers can search this and may find you. It is simply another way of getting your blame out there and making sure that you make the most of every possible job vacancy, to give yourself the best chance of gaining employment as soon as possible.
When you are applying for a job application you must remember how important it is that your resume is professionally written and up to date, so make sure that you do this before you start any type of job hunting.

There is no denying that job hunting is tiring. When you are looking for a job and being unsuccessful it can be hard to keep going. However you need to stay motivated in order to get the job of your dreams because otherwise you are going to be stuck in a job you don’t like forever.
The truth is that an online job search is probably the easiest way for you to go about looking for a job. Searching online for what you want means that you can search at a time that suits you. One of the hardest things about finding a job is often finding the time to do so – especially if you already have a job and are working long hours. The internet is ‘always open’ so the time in which you can search for new jobs isn’t restricted.
However, if you are receiving rejection letters (or no response at all) you can become easily disheartened and wonder why you are even bothering at all, especially if you are already in paid employment. The truth is that if you want a job, then you have to go out and get it. You need to bear in mind that the job market is tough – keep thinking about the job that you want and use this as motivation to keep going when it comes to applying for jobs and submitting your resume.
Another great tip is to only apply for jobs that you are suited to. It can be tempted to simply apply for as many jobs as possible in the hope that one of them will throw you a life line and employ you. This probably won’t do you any favors and instead will just increase the chances of you receiving a rejection letter – not great for your morale or your motivation.
Also, make sure that you pay attention to any feedback that you get from people who are telling you that they aren’t going to employ you at this time. They know what they are looking for, so by paying attention to what they tell you, you can use these hints to improve your chances of success when you come to conduct an online job search next time.