How to Handle Not Getting a Raise

Career & WorkplaceSalary

OK first off…you know this is a terrible business climate right now, and a lot of people aren’t getting raises, so it’s not just you. The one thing you should absolutely NOT do is get in a snit and go storming out of your boss’s office. That will do nothing for your next evaluation, your next shot at a raise or your standing at the company.
You do, however, have the right to know why your raise was turned down, and there might be a number of different reasons:

  • Company finances. With things being what they are right now in the business world, there’s a real good chance that this is going to be the case. And if they tell you that, there’s a real good chance that they are being honest with you, especially if nobody else in your department is seeing a raise. If that’s the case, there’s not much that you can do but accept it, get over it and move on. Not much point in getting upset, especially since 1 in 10 Americans are out of a job right now, and 2 in 10 are “underemployed”, with all that entails.
  • Poor timing. Lots of companies only are allowed to hand out raises once during a fiscal year, or only after evaluations. If that’s the case, once again, there’s not much you can do about it. Of course, that doesn’t do you much good if your own expenses are going up, your spouse lost a job or your kids need braces. Depending on the nature of your job, maybe you can at least see if you can work overtime or get incentive pay of some sort. Unfortunately, if the company is feeling the pinch (as in the above scenario) they may also be cutting back on bonuses, overtime and incentive to scale back on payroll expenses. So…if you’re going to have to wait until the next quarter, next year or next evaluation (and overtime isn’t an option) your best move is going to be to keep the nose to the grindstone and do the absolute best job you can manage so that when the time comes, you’ll get that raise after all!
  • Poor performance. If your raise was declined due to performance issues, this is when you need to be proactive, stand on your own two feet and find out the specifics. Chances are you’re going to find this out when it’s evaluation time anyway, but regardless, ask your supervisor or department head what areas need to be improved. Find out where your weak points are, and do your dead level best to improve on them. Or, your alternative might be to start looking for another job elsewhere, with better pay and better opportunities. But a word to the wise here: if you’re moving in that direction, keep it to yourself. Nothing can sabotage your future at a company quicker than making it known that you’re thinking about moving on.

Making the job hunt Your Job

Career & WorkplaceJob Search

Job-hunting has never been a walk in the park, and these days, it’s even harder. You’re staring down the barrel of double-digit inflation rates, and unemployment statistics are showing numbers that have never been higher.
How do you get a job, then?
Well, you treat every minute that you’re unemployed like you still have a job, and you do: The job of finding yourself a job.
First things first, take a hint from the old adage, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Right now, the job you have is…none. Dress every day in the clothing you’d show up in if you had the job you really want. You’re showered, shaved, hair fixed, and nails clean. The reasons for this are simple – you’re looking for a job, and your job right now is as Employment Professional, the person for whom work will come soon. There’s another big reason for being dressed professionally at home; you’ll be less inclined to fall into really bad habits, including sleeping too late, lolling about on the sofa watching TV, cruising the Internet for anything not job search-related, goofing off when you should be getting a job. Not saying you have to wear a suit every minute of the day, but getting up in the morning, brushing your hair and teeth, and getting out of your sweats is a good place to start.
Looking the part serves a couple other purposes. You’ll feel better if you’re looking better. Right now, your self-esteem might be a little low or a lot low, and taking care of your appearance will go a long way towards making you feel a little better about yourself in general. Confidence is key when searching for a new job.
Okay, so you’re dressed up and nowhere to go? Wrong. Take a left at the kitchen and head straight for your computer. You’re going to be performing a huge number of tasks, so maybe stop at the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Is your resume in order? Is it updated with your most recent info, professionally presented and edited for content and spelling, on good stock and ready to send by itself, or with a good cover letter and references? Do you have your references lined up? Do you know your salary requirements, in case those are requested? If you don’t have all this ready, open up your word processor and knock that out.
Now, get online and go to every job search site you can find and plaster your resume everywhere. Anyplace that sounds remotely like something you’d be interested in, make sure you’ve researched the company and position, and have a cover letter ready to send directly to that company, every detail specifically tailored for that employer.
Get on all the social networking sites you can find. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn…Get the word out to friends, family and previous business associates that you’re seeking employment. Make sure your contact information is up to date, and you’re easy to find.
Be persistent, network, treat yourself and your current position with respect, and you’re sure to land on your feet.

Determining how much you're worth

Job SearchSalary

With so many people currently seeking employment, a big question on many minds is how to decide what your job skills are worth.  What salary are you willing to accept?
Your first task is to research: research, research, research.  If you have a friend at the company, ask them how pay works there, and if they know anything about the position that you’re trying for.  Some companies have tables of top, medium, and low pay for each title.  This information can come in really handy when negotiating.
Especially look at new employee salary, if available.  Keep in mind that their idea of proficiency may not be yours, just saying that you’re proficient in French doesn’t make it so in their eyes.
Call HR and get the name and full list of responsibilities for the position that you’re interviewing for.  You can use this information to find a benchmark position online — essentially the commonly used title for what you’ll be doing.  This will allow you to do accurate salary research.
Through various sources online you should be able to find salary ranges for different positions.  If women’s and men’s pay information is available, use the men’s, even if you’re a woman!  Unfortunately, it’s likely to be higher; in this way you can ensure that your negotiations are as fair as you can make them.
Take into account that location is a big factor in pay rate. What’s the cost of living at the job location?  If possible, get average pay rates there and figure out what the salary range for your position is in that area, if you can’t find the specific numbers on that.
Often, employers like to ask about your salary requirements in advance.  They can use this factor to weed out expensive employees or to offer you less, if you were previously underpaid.  Instead of giving them this leverage, whenever possible, avoid giving any information.  State that it’s negotiable, based upon job responsibilities.
If it’s impossible to avoid completely, give the range that you’ve come up with from your research.  And when in negotiations, start at the top of that range, because you know the company is likely to want to start at the bottom.
Research has shown that women are less likely to negotiate for a higher salary than men are. It is believed that this is a factor that leads to lower pay for women.  Women, take this into consideration: you are expected to negotiate. It is not unseemly to do so, in a polite and professional manner.
Do ensure that you go in knowing exactly what you’re willing to accept.  Otherwise, you may feel pressured into accepting an offer that you’re not really willing to live with.
If the salary you’re offered is far below the range that you expected, verify that the list of responsibilities you used is correct.  Verify the position title.
Keep your tone polite, even if you believe they are being unreasonable. Remember, everyone is a contact, in the business world.  The last thing you want to do is burn a bridge.

Salary Horoscopes


Thought this was too cute to pass up. Sent to me by CDI’s, Laura DiCarlo

2008 Horoscopes – Salary Negotiation By Sign

By Shanon Lyon, Special to

We’d all like more money, but how you approach a salary negotiation depends largely on your personality and work style. These 2008 horoscopes provide a bit of insight on how to approach your next salary negotiation.

Career Horoscope for Capricorn
December 23 – January 20

As a Capricorn, you work hard for your money. And, since you’re ambitious and patient, in most cases, you’ll likely get what’s due to you without having to ask. If you fear you’re being passed over, approach your salary discussions in your usual practical, no-nonsense way.

Career Horoscope for Aquarius
January 21 – February 19

You’re original and inventive, but you prefer to fly solo. Unfortunately, your lone wolf approach could cost you a promotion or a raise. Before entering a salary discussion, make sure you’ve demonstrated your ability to work well with others. And let your boss lead the negotiation. Suppress your impulse to throw out the first number.

Career Horoscope for Pisces
February 20 – March 20

Trust your intuition this year. If you think you deserve a little more cash in your pocket, you probably do. But, as a quiet fish who’s in danger of getting stepped on, you’ll have to speak up. Know exactly what you want before you ask, then ask with confidence. If your employer doesn’t meet your needs, consider looking for better opportunities elsewhere.

Career Horoscope for Aries
March 21 – April 20

You’re cool and confident, but you can also be impulsive and impatient. The salary negotiation tactic that will serve you best is a well-made plan. Know exactly what you plan to say and make sure you schedule a meeting for the discussion. Don’t approach your boss at the end of a meeting or in the hallway. You’re a great champion for a cause, so, with a plan in place, you should have no problem making a convincing case.

Career Horoscope for Taurus
April 21 – May 21

You’re not one to stir the pot, but, you won’t get a raise unless you ask. Realize that “no” is the worst that can happen. Use your natural business sense to approach the discussion in a straightforward, business-like way. And if your request is denied (or your raise isn’t as high as you’d hoped), don’t let your occasional hot temper flare. Ask for suggestions on how to improve and get to where you want to be.

Career Horoscope for Gemini
May 22 – June 21

You love to talk, and your eloquence and charm can come in handy when it comes to money. Make the conversation less about you and your needs and more about what you have done and will continue to do for the company and your boss. And, as hard as it might be, let your boss do most of the talking. You’ll get more information this way and be better able to negotiate. Silence can be a very effective strategy.

Career Horoscope for Cancer
June 22 – July 22

Though you’re outwardly thick-skinned, on the inside, you’re a sensitive person who takes negative feedback to heart. Your cautious and non-confrontational ways could keep you from approaching your boss about a raise, but, remember that business is business. Keep your emotions out of it, and you’ll be able to handle the discussion with grace and ease.

Career Horoscope for Leo
July 23 -August 21

As the king of the zodiac, you’re self confident and self-controlled. You know what you want and how to get it, which sets you up for a successful salary discussion. It’s in your nature to shoot for your stars, but make sure you do your homework first. Find out if there’s a salary scale for your position and then assess what others in similar positions are making. Aim high, but be realistic.

Career Horoscope for Virgo
August 22 – September 23

Don’t let your worrying ways get the best of you when asking for a raise. Before approaching your boss, write down all your accomplishments and contributions (better yet, keep track of them throughout the year). You’re often reluctant to take credit for a job well done, so ask for some peer input as well. Review your list several times before discussing your salary with your boss.

Career Horoscope for Libra
September 24 – October 23

As a Libran, your sense of justice and fair play is remarkable, but your reluctance to ruffle feathers could prevent you from making more money, even if you deserve it. Be assertive and ask for what you want. If you get what you think you’re worth, great. If not, perhaps you don’t belong there anyway.

Career Horoscope for Scorpio
October 24 – November 22

Because you dislike (and can easily detect) superficial flattery, you prefer to see the fruits of your labor in the form of cold, hard cash. Your straightforwardness will fare you well, just don’t get impatient. Temper your typical bluntness with diplomacy and keep a lid on your emotions when you discuss your salary with your boss.

Career Horoscope for Sagittarius
November 23 – December 22

You’re adept at social situations, so use this to your advantage when negotiating a raise. As a natural born traveler, you’re also a perfect candidate for alternate forms of compensation. Be flexible and willing to consider other options. Perhaps an extra week of vacation would be more valuable than money?

Popular Degrees/Salary Survey

Assessments & EducationSalary


These numbers report the most popular degrees and median salaries in the US for people who report flextime as a benefit:

Master of Science (MS), Computer Science———————— $83,391
Master of Business Administration (MBA)————————$82,314
Master of Science (MS)—————————————–$75,858
Bachelor of Science (BS), Computer Science——————–$70,486
Bachelor of Science (BS)————————————-$64,979
Bachelor of Arts (BA)————————————–$58,796
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accounting———————$58,564
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)—————-$57,816

Answering the Question, "What are your salary requirements?"



Let’s look at what you should do if salary comes up in the early stages of the interview:

“First, YOU SHOULD NEVER BRING THE TOPIC UP! Never, never, never bring up salary questions until you have a JOB OFFER! But, if they bring it up, you have to address it, even Though it is inappropriately early. In the early stages of the interview, wanting to know your salary requirements is simply a ‘screening tool.’ In other words, they want to know if your salary is realistic for the position – is it too low, meaning perhaps you aren’t as qualified or appropriate as you seem, or that you are higher than the salary range they had set.

Now, if you are higher, you are probably thinking that you would want to address this early on and not waste your time – no! Stop for a moment and think, have you ever bought something that cost more than you set out to spend after you heard about its value? Perhaps a car with added features or a house or even a washing machine? Three positive outcomes could come out of this interview even if you are out of their price range:

A. You could convince them that you are worth the extra investment.
B. You could create a new niche for yourself.
C. You could be put into another position other than the one for which you interviewed.

So, why burn your bridges with a straightforward answer that might ruin your chances for consideration? You must play the salary game. Here are a few ways you might offset this question being asked early in the interview:

A. ‘At this early point in the interview process, I don’t feel that either of us has gained enough information to value my skills for the job yet. Could we please address this at a later point in the interview process?’

B. ‘What’s important to me at this point is not so much the salary, but whether I am the right person for the job. I am certain if we both end up agreeing that I am the right person for the job, we’ll be able to come to a fair agreement, don’t you think?’

C. ‘I’m negotiable, what do you have allotted for the position?’

With answer ‘C,’ you are likely to experience one of two answers:

A. ‘We haven’t determined that yet. . .’
B. ‘The range for the position is $XX to $XX. . .’

With the above, don’t feel that you have to commit to a number in the range. I once dealt with a student who, in interviewing for a job, used answer ‘C.’ The employer responded with, ‘The position pays between $12 to $15 an hour.’ The applicant thought for a moment, decided that she was too experienced for $12 but not experienced enough for $15, so she said, ‘$13.50.’ She was hired at $13.50. The next applicant we sent a few months later was coached not to feel she had to pick from that range. She kept her mouth shut and was offered $15 with the same level of skill as the first applicant!

At this point, the interviewer might accept your brush-off answer, or they may decide to push for a commitment. You might next be asked, ‘You must have some idea of your financial needs?’ or ‘Certainly you have a range in mind?’or even, ‘hat’s the least you’ll take?’ Well, you can’t get around this. What you must do is have a range of pay to offer the employer with a very limited commitment to any particular dollar amount. In order to do this, you have to do your homework first on salary issues including:

A. Your financial requirements (wants and needs).
B. What the market will bear (range of pay for this job in this marketplace).

”A’ should not be too hard; you just need to do your budgeting. Never go into an interview without some kind of concept of what you want to make, need to make, and how realistic that amount is for your market and level. For instance, you should not be interviewing for a receptionist position in a small office in Florida if your salary requirement is $22.00 an hour. The most you could reasonably expect to make in this position is probably $9.00, and that could be on the high end.

A. Salary Survey and Pricing Yourself

Determining rates of pay for the position can be a little more complex, unless of course the company published a range. Some of the methods you can utilize to determine salary is:

A. Competitive research: Visit competitor’s websites to see if they post salaries.
B. Professional associations: If you are a member of a professional association for your industry, contact your local chapter. To join or gain information, visit your public library and ask the Reference Librarian for The Encyclopedia of Professional Associations.
C. Visit salary information Web sites such as and

Once you know your needs and what the market will bear, you are more prepared to handle this question. Stick to a range. Never, never say, ‘the absolute least I’ll take is. . .’ or ‘my ideal salary would be. . .’ Trust me, you could very easily have just undersold or oversold yourself too early in the interview process!

Stick with a non-committal answer such as:
‘As I mentioned, at this point I really don’t feel I have enough information to commit to a dollar amount. However, based on my knowledge of salary ranges for this position and my personal salary requirements, I am expecting the position pays somewhere in the $40s. . .’


‘I’d prefer to leave this topic until we’re more certain about my appropriateness for this position. However, I am expecting that the position will be somewhere in the $60s. . .’

See, that isn’t too hard. Again, it is just a matter of doing your homework and knowing your
guidelines so that you don’t sell yourself out of the job.

Also, if an employer asks you, ‘Would you accept $XX,XXX for your salary,’ you MUST counter with, ‘Is that an offer?’ If it is not an offer, refer back to one of your earlier answers about not being sure yet, etc. You are just being tested.”

An excerpt from Career Directors International Employment Interviewing Course

Women Earning Less Than Men?

Career & WorkplaceErin's MusingsSalary


Being a woman, you can imagine how I felt when I recently read an article stating that women are STILL earning 12% less than a man in a comparable position. This is an important issue because at some point in our lives, 80-90% of all women will be solely responsible for their own finances, whether it be because of divorce, death, disability of a spouse, or just deciding to remain single.
Sure, sometimes, depending on where you work, might contribute to the “good old boys club” or gender discrimination theory. But after reading on, I found that some of what the author was saying to be true, we may be responsible for adding to this dilemma. The question is: Are we UnderEarners?
If you haven’t had a raise in over 2 years and don’t want to ask for one for fear of “rocking the boat”, you may be an underearner.
If you have a hard time telling your clients you are raising your fees, or consistently underbill them, you may be an underearner.
If you don’t market yourself, or “toot your own horn” either within the place you work, or with networks outside of work, you may be an underearner.
If you put so much time into volunteer activities that you just feel lucky to be employed and content to remain where you are financially, you may be an underearner.
Some of this sounds like you, so, what do we do, you ask?
1- Identify your financial needs, have a clear picture of what you need to earn and where you want to be (including identifying all expenses and any “incidentals” like car repair, home repair, etc.)
2- Research the position and your own qualifications within the industry. If they don’t meet your needs, then prepare to negotiate for a pay increase, or start looking for a job that will pay what you deserve.
3- NEGOTIATE. This is the key to showing the employer what you are worth and that you are committed to getting it. Have an up-to-date copy of your on-the-job accomplishments ready to show your boss what you have contributed as a back up for your request. Most importantly, be confident. You’ve earned it and you deserve it!
For further reading on these subjects, check out Mikelann R. Valterra’s book, “Why Women Earn Less, How to Make What You’re Really Worth”, or Nicholas Reid Schaffzin’s book, “Negotiate Smart: The Secrets of Successful Negotiation”.
Until next time,