Does the Post Interview Follow Up Really Matter?

Writing an effective resume is just the beginning of getting the job.
You’ve already spent your time writing an effective resume and have gone through the interview process with a potential employer. Determining the next step is critical to increase your chances of getting hired, but what is that next step? Some people simply wait by the phone or check their email repeatedly, waiting for word regarding whether they are invited for another interview or to accept an offer. In addition to writing resumes that get you hired, it’s important to evaluate whether a follow up is really necessary.
You Haven’t Heard Anything Regarding Your Application
In some situations, you may have submitted your application several days or a week ago and have not heard from the prospective employer. While this can be an indicator of disinterest, it could also mean the hiring team hasn’t had a chance to review your application or make interview phone calls. If there was no date indicated for replying to applications, it is acceptable to call the individual responsible for hiring to inquire about the status of your resume. When you make this phone call, make sure you get straight to the point in a polite manner. Ask whether they have received your application and if they require additional information to help them make the right decision. One call should be sufficient to attract their attention and keep you at the top of the executive bio pile.
After the Interview
Once you land your interview, how you respond after the fact can play a dramatic role in whether you are considered for the job. While a phone call isn’t necessary at this point, common courtesy dictates sending a hand-written thank you note or email as soon after the interview as possible. Thank them for spending the time with you and let them know you look forward to becoming a valuable member of their team. Too few candidates follow up after an in-person or over-the-phone interview, which means you will stand above the other candidates if you do.
Writing an effective resume is one of the best ways to make a great first impression when you apply for a new job, but it isn’t the only factor. In addition to creating resumes that get you hired, make sure you know when to follow up and how so you can make a lasting impression and increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams.

Writing an effective resume requires t he proper format.
Resumes that get you hired need to stand apart from the thousands of other resumes companies may receive for a given job listing. For this reason, many people think it’s best to get creative when writing an effective resume. Unfortunately, resumes and cover letters that are too unusual can raise red flags and prevent employers from even looking at them.
It’s Not Tailored to the Job
When prospective employees spend too much time getting creative with their resumes, they often fail to customize them to fit the exact specifications of the job to which they are applying. Whenever you apply for a position, it’s important to specify skills that relate directly to the job. Everything should be tailored to the job’s needs.
It Has Too Much Flair
The typical font styles may seem boring, but these are the ones employers expect. If you get fancy with fonts or use colorful pie charts and other features, you will take away from your actual skills and distract potential employers. Simple and easy-to-read is essential.
You Overdid the Keywords
While keywords are a must in today’s resumes and cover letters, especially when submitting them online, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Be careful to choose keywords that relate to your skills and the job, but don’t select too many. It’s also critical to write carefully so it doesn’t read as if you stuffed the keywords in for the sake of including them.
Too Much Fluff
Resumes that get you hired are short and to the point. Employers don’t want to spend a lot of time reading. If your resume is filled with irrelevant information or you go into a lot of details, your resume is likely destined for the trash can. Before submitting a resume, read through it and cut out any unnecessary words.
Getting creative with your resume and cover letter may seem like it’s the best way to get hired for a job, but it can hurt you in the end. Fluffing out your resume to make it look longer or more impressive is a serious mistake that can put your resume at the bottom of the pile. Too much flair or overstuffed keywords can also lead to disaster, rather than success. If you want to maximize your chances of getting the job you want, make sure your resume is factual and to the point. The best way to stand apart from the other candidates is by writing an effective resume that highlights your relevant skills.

The best executive resume format has gotten a modern upgrade.
Just like how the search engine algorithms are constantly changing, methods of writing an effective resume are also prone to the latest trends. While the overall best executive resume format doesn’t shift much, there are elements of a resume that need to be adjusted to ensure you stand out. Your executive resume writer can help you modernize your resume so it attracts the attention you deserve.
Implement Keywords
Keywords aren’t just for creating website content and blog posts. Today, many employers run the resumes they receive through a search, looking for particular keywords that apply to the position. Look over any job postings carefully to pick out skills and responsibilities that may be effective keywords to use in your executive resume. Incorporate these into your resume for the best results.
Customize Every Resume
It’s no longer effective to write one resume to use for multiple positions. Even if the positions for which you are applying are similar, it’s important to customize each one for the company and the position you are trying to get. This means carefully researching each company and determining exactly what they’re looking for so you can showcase your skills and experience in the best light.
Don’t Use a Photo
A photo is no longer a critical part of the best executive resume format. You only have a few short seconds to capture the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager. You don’t want to waste that time with a picture. They are likely to see what you look like from your LinkedIn or other social media profile. You don’t need to report the information in your resume.
Add Social Media Profiles
Employers expect candidates to have a LinkedIn profile. This can be an easy way to provide additional information about your background, skills and experience without wasting valuable space on the page. Additionally, having a Facebook or Twitter account associated with your career shows employers you aren’t afraid of what you share online.
Use Formatting
Long blocks of text are no longer the best way to format your resume. Writing an effective resume requires the use of bullet points, bold text and other methods of breaking up the long blocks of print. This type of formatting makes it easy for employers to scan the resume and is more likely to capture their attention.
The methods of writing an effective resume have changed over the years. As you continue your job search, you need to implement these new elements into your resume format. A good executive resume writer understands the value of modernizing your resume and can help you create the eye-catching resume employers are looking for. When you use the best executive resume format, you boost your chances of getting the job over the hundreds of other applicants.

Editing is part of writing an effective resume.
Writing an effective resume is about more than just creating a resume once and distributing it to prospective employers. An executive resume writer will tell you how important it is to review your resume and edit it often. Unfortunately, many people find one of their biggest weaknesses is editing. Hiring an executive resume service can provide the assistance you need, but learning to edit on your own can be invaluable.
Focus on Your Achievements
Many individuals focus on what their responsibilities have been at their jobs, rather than what they have actually achieved. Prospective employers want to know what your skills are and how you have used those skills to accomplish things in your past work history. Think about the requirements of the job to which you are applying and focus on the skills you need to meet the demands of the position.
Market Yourself
Your resume is your chance to sell yourself and tell your prospective employers why they should consider hiring you, rather than one of the other individuals who have applied. You may easily tell potential employers what you can do, but you also need to show them how well you can do it. When writing an effective resume, you need to show them how well you have done in past positions. Quantify your value, don’t just state it.
Remove Irrelevant Material
An executive resume writer can go through your resume and help you pick out the items that aren’t relevant to the job for which you are applying. Many people create a single resume and try to distribute it to all of their prospects. However, employers are looking for the best fit for the job. If your resume is filled with information that doesn’t relate to the open position, your resume is more likely to find its way to the bottom of the pile, rather than in the interview pile.
Don’t Give It All Away
A resume is meant to be a snapshot of your work history to get employers to call you. For this reason, it’s important to make sure you don’t give too much away. Make sure you leave them with questions so they want to talk to you. It’s important to make sure you can work on selling yourself at the interview to close the deal.
Check for Common Mistakes
Grammar and spelling errors can be devastating to your ability to get a job. An executive resume service will be able to identify these problems, but anyone with a firm understanding of the English language can go over your resume and point out potential issues. You should also double check names, addresses and other important information for accuracy.
Editing your resume is one of the most important steps you can take when applying for a job. Writing an effective resume will help set you apart from the other people applying for a job and can increase your chances of landing the job you want.

Writing an effective resume means targeting your audience.
It might be easier to write one resume and then send it to every job you are applying for. However, this isn’t the best way to reach your target audience. When writing an effective resume, you need to focus on the company you are applying to and the particulars of the job. An executive resume service can help with the task of writing a professional resume.
Create a Core Resume
The starting point for your professional resume will be the same for every resume you send in to a job because your core skills and past work experience won’t change. When you start building this resume, you can start with the same facts and save it to your computer so you can easily make changes for the next job you may apply for. This core resume will make up the bare bones, which can then be tailored to your exact needs as you continue through your job search.
Research the Job Particulars
Once your core resume is complete, the next step in writing an effective resume is to do some research on the job you’re applying for. Not only do you need to determine which of your skills and past work experiences relate to the job, but you also need to look at the company and its culture. This information is invaluable in helping you build a resume that will impress the right people and show them why you are a good fit for their position and their company.
Customize the Core Resume
Once you have this information, you can work on making the necessary changes to your core resume. The more specific you are in adding details, the more they will realize you took the time to learn about the company and the position they are offering. An executive resume service has the experience necessary to help you pull it all together and create a resume that will capture the attention of the individual responsible for hiring, increasing the chances you will land the job.
Writing a professional resume is about more than just creating one resume and copying it repeatedly for every job you are thinking about applying for. Unfortunately, these general resumes won’t produce the impact you’re looking for. Instead, you should work with an executive resume service to create a custom-tailored resume so you can make the best first impression on any potential employer.

C-level personal branding can play a major role in your ability to start your career.
When you hear the term, branding, what comes to mind? Most people think of businesses and the logos and slogans they use to capture the attention of their target audience. In the world of resumes and cover letters, your C-level personal branding isn’t all that different. When writing an effective resume, you need to focus on how you present yourself and what information you share with prospective employers.
Audit Your Online Profiles
Today’s employers are more likely to look at your online presence before they make a final hiring decision. For this reason, you need to make sure your online profiles reflect the personality and assets you have to offer. Make sure you only share information that reflects positively on you. In addition, you can set your Google account to alert you whenever your name is mentioned, allowing you to monitor content outside of your control.
Gain Exposure
The Internet has made it easier to network with people who can help you reach great heights. However, these individuals aren’t likely to find you. You need to take the right steps to reach out to them. Websites like LinkedIn can help you connect with people who can help you attract the attention of recruiters and companies looking for individuals in your field. Creating content that will appeal to these individuals will also help you to capture their attention.
Put Your Expertise Out There
You have a lot of experience and skills that can benefit the right company. Resumes and cover letters are a great way to share this information, but you can further showcase your expertise by securing a website and posting regular content relating to your industry. When employers see you maintain a website that shares valuable information about your field, they are more likely to see you as a valuable asset to their company. This method of C-level personal branding can serve a number of purposes, including helping you find the perfect job.
Be Yourself
There’s no one else in the world just like you, and it’s up to you to show prospective employers why you are the one they need. When writing an effective resume, many individuals concentrate on showing prospective employers what skills and education they have to make them an asset to the company. However, hiring isn’t just about finding someone with the right skill set; companies are looking for someone who fits into the company culture. For this reason, it’s important to be yourself.
Resumes and cover letters are designed to showcase your skills, but they can also enhance your C-level personal branding. When you’re searching for a job, you need to let businesses know who you are and why you would be an asset to their company. Writing an effective resume and following these tips will increase your chances of obtaining the job you’re looking for.

An executive resume service can boost your chances of getting hired.
A new job search can be a major commitment, both in time and money; after all, you start dry cleaning your best interview clothes, driving to interviews and taking time from your current job to meet with prospective employers. An executive resume service can save you some time by helping you dust off your resume while staying well within your budget. Thinking about hiring the best resume writing service for your job hunt? Here’s why you should.
Writing Isn’t Your Thing
Not all of us are Mark Twain. Most executives make their livings focusing on numbers, people or even computer languages. These skills make you highly sought after in the job market but may not make you the best when it comes to writing an effective resume. A great executive resume service is staffed by skilled writers who know how to hone and polish the grammar and language in your resume to help get you hired.
It’s Been a While
Just like music, fashion and lingo, job search trends come and go. If you’ve been in the same position for several years or even decades, you are probably not aware of these current trends. For example, did you know adding keywords to your resume is a new trend? How could this help or hinder your job search? Others applying for the same job, on the other hand, may be aware of these trends, and it could put them at an advantage when it comes to landing the job. Your executive resume service will be able to help you keep up with these trends and stay well ahead of the curve.
The Calls Aren’t Coming
Maybe you’ve already dusted off your resume and started sending it out to prospective employers but aren’t getting any calls. It’s more than likely you just need a second set of eyes to help you identify the weaknesses in your current resume. Finding the best resume writing service could help you increase your call backs and land more first interviews than you’re getting on your own.
Insider Knowledge
Unless you’ve been working as a recruiter or hiring manager, you may not know what hiring departments are looking for in an executive. Resume writers, on the other hand, know first hand how these hiring managers think and what they are looking for. They know what buzzwords to use for your industry, how long your resume should be and they may even personally know the human resources staff at the companies you’re looking to work for. When it comes to searching for a job, who you know is important. An executive resume service can help open plenty of doors for you!
If you’re about to put yourself out there again and search for your next job opportunity, don’t go it alone. An executive writing service can help you by writing an effective resume, helping you keep up with the latest job search trends and opening doors with their insider knowledge. Increase your chances of job search success with the help of a resume writer!

Summer is a great time for executive resume writing.
The dog days of summer are here again, but for many, it’s not quite time to relax. If you’re looking for a new job, you may be wondering if summer is a good time to begin your job search. Of course, the best time to look for a job is when you need it, but can searching in the summer increase your chances or make it easier for you to land a new position? This season certainly has some benefits!
Longer Days
Summer’s long days mean more daylight hours for your job search. Once you’ve finished writing an effective resume, you still have to get out there and submit your resume, travel to job interviews and follow up with job leads. Luckily, the summer months give you plenty of daytime hours to do so, and the longer days allow you to be more productive, giving you more time to hone those resumes that get you hired before you start your summer job search.
Social Hour
Of all the seasons, summer is by far the most social. With pool parties, backyard BBQs and summer happy hours, you have plenty of opportunities to socialize. This is incredibly helpful because as you probably know, c-level job searches aren’t just about executive resume writing. They are about who you know, and the more socializing and networking you can do, the more doors you can open.
Summer Vacations
While you may be hard at work this summer looking for new career opportunities and writing resumes that get you hired, most of your office will probably be on vacation. How does that benefit you? Well, since it’s typical vacation season, it’s easier for you to use your vacation time to go on interviews, take time off to do some executive resume writing or go shopping for the perfect interview outfit. This is a great time to interview because you don’t have to explain your frequent need for time off because it’s a normal part of summertime.
If you’re looking to find an exciting new job opportunity, you may not be able to decide when your job hunt begins; however, if you’re fortunate enough to start your job search during the summer, you have several seasonal advantages working in your favor. The longer days, social events and opportunities to take off for your job search can help you land your new job more easily than those looking for work during the fall or winter.