It can be a challenge to select a good gift for someone who is looking for a job or working on being promoted. We like our gifts to be things that delight and get used (at least that’s my goal in gift-giving) and the “executive gift” often is not in those categories. So what does an aspiring Santa do?
Research, Research, Research
There’s a reason that appearance is important, particularly in your career. People make snap judgments based on your appearance. They might be wrong about you, but if there’s no further relationship, then there’s no way to find out why the first impression was wrong. Because of this, gifts that help create and maintain the executive image are usually very welcome.
The challenge is that there is no single business uniform. Different industries and different geographic regions have different standards of “dress for success”. So if you are selecting a good gift for the aspiring executive, then you need to know what will be helpful. Here’s a list of suggestions:
- high-quality jewelry — classic always works, but a unique piece can be perfect for making a statement. Think good watches, real gold cuff links, or tie pins and earrings, etc.
- high-quality tie — yes, the tie can become a joke when Dad gets so many, but if ties are worn, good ties look good longer.
- high-quality pen — any old ball-point pen can write, but a classy pen makes the writer feel like a million bucks.
- high-quality portfolio or case — there will always be papers to lug around, so make it a career statement.
- high-quality writing services — if they need help with resumes or job coaching, provide a way to get personalized assistance from a professional.
Do you notice the theme? A status symbol is an investment tool. High-quality stuff has a reputation for a reason. Because it is well made, it lasts a long time. The people your aspiring executive wants to join are wearing or using high-quality stuff, so giving a gift that helps them fit in is perfect.

An executive resume service can help you update your resume.
If you’re ready to start looking for a new job, you need to make sure your executive resume and cover letter are prepared as well. Whether you use an executive resume service or you choose to handle it on your own, it’s important to update your skills before you start submitting your resume to prospective employers. The last thing you want to do is miss out on interviews because you didn’t include your most recent, relevant skills.
A Chance to Reflect
Rushing around to improve your resume as you are applying for jobs can be a stressful experience, which may result in leaving important information out. However, when you work with an executive resume writer before you even begin your job search, you can take your time to reflect on your past experiences and provide the skills and other information needed to help employers make the right hiring decision. Taking extra time to reflect on your previous work and determining how it fits into your future employment will ensure your resume is ready when it comes time to apply.
A New Year and a Fresh Start
As the New Year approaches, it can be a great time to make a fresh start, especially if you aren’t satisfied in your current position. This makes a great time to brush up your executive resume and cover letter so it’s ready to go once you make the decision to begin applying for new positions. Think about your goals for the future and tailor your resume to land a job that will help you meet those ambitions.
Put a Positive Spin on It
Staying positive is essential when you’re working on resumes that get you hired. An executive resume service can help you create a positive overall feel to your executive resume. While writing a resume may seem relatively straightforward, how you word things can reflect negatively or positively. To help make sure your resume sounds as positive as possible, make sure you work with an executive resume writer at a time when you’re in a good mood and eagerly anticipating your new position.
You don’t have to wait until you are searching for a job to update your resume. In fact, an executive resume service will tell you it’s best to regularly update your resume so it’s ready to go whenever you are. Your executive resume and cover letter should always be ready so when you find a position you would prefer, you can make a few minor changes and submit it.

if you’ve been fired, writing a professional resume can be difficult.
Moving on to another job is rarely easy, but when you’ve been fired from your job, regardless of the reason, you may feel like writing a professional resume is even more difficult. This time is when C-level personal branding becomes a necessity. Executive resume writing services can help you rebuild your resume so you can successfully move on from the job you lost.
Accept Responsibility
Even if you feel you were terminated unfairly, chances are you played some role in the decision. One of the worst things you can do is maintain a position of innocence when you have clearly been fired from your last job. Instead, take responsibilities for the actions that led to your termination and show your prospective new employers what you have changed as a result. A failure to learn from past mistakes will only lead to more of the same results in the future.
Rebuild Your Bridges
Past references are an important part of getting your next job. Just because you’ve been fired doesn’t mean you won’t be able to use them as references in the future. In fact, reaching out to the person who fired you can provide valuable insight into what went wrong and how you can correct it. You will also be able to repair some of what can be a valuable relationship to help you get your next job. Avoid getting defensive during the conversation and treat it as a learning process. In most cases, terminations aren’t personal and relate to your performance. If you apologize and extend the olive branch, you may still leave with a positive reference you can use.
Talk to Human Resources
Many employers have adopted new policies for giving references due to the number of law suits that have occurred due to bad references. For this reason, it’s important to find out what your previous employers will reveal to prospective employers. Many employers will only allow human resources to provide dates of employment and ending salary numbers. Ask whether your manager is allowed to provide a reference. If the manager isn’t allowed and you find out they have spoken poorly of you, costing you a new job, contact human resources again to let them know about the issue. If you are respectful and emphasize the fact you are trying to move on and provide for your family, most human resource departments will be willing to help.
Getting fired from your last job doesn’t have to mean it will be difficult to get a new one. It all comes down to your C-level personal branding and writing a professional resume that increases your chances of getting hired, despite the fact you were terminated from your last job. These tips, along with working with executive resume writing services, will help you get the results you’re looking for.

An executive resume writing service can help you make minor changes.
Writing resumes that get you hired may seem like a lot of work, but once you have a resume written, just a few minor adjustments can make a major difference in your level of success. An executive resume writing service can help you determine which changes need to be made and then implement them into your resume. The following small changes can improve your resume and help you stand out from the other candidates.
Eliminate the Objective
The objective was once used to attract the attention of prospective employers, but it’s no longer necessary to get you hired. In fact, the top-rated resume writing services will no longer use this feature in the resumes they create. Today’s employers want to know how you can help them, not what you want out of a job, making this practice outdated.
Use a Profile Section Instead
The profile section has vastly replaced the objective at the top of the resume. This profile is a quick summary of your relevant skills and experience and consists of just a few short sentences or bullet points. This section should frame you in a positive light and make employers want to learn more about you.
Focus on Your Accomplishments
A professional resume writing service will help you highlight your accomplishments, rather than the duties of your previous employment. While it’s important to let your future employers know what you are capable of doing, phrasing the information to show what you have accomplished will put you in a better light and improve your chances of success.
Minimize the Text
Big blocks of text can muddle your resume and make it more intimidating for hiring managers to read. In fact, they may see the text and immediately put your resume at the bottom of the pile or even in the recycle bin. Bullet points can be a great way to keep your resume short and to the point.
Keep It Short
Your resume doesn’t have to be limited to one page like in the past, but resumes that get you hired will still be short and to the point. Don’t include anything that isn’t relevant to the position you are applying for. Also, make sure it can be easily scanned. Hiring managers often don’t have time to read through all of the resumes they receive so they are more likely to scan for certain words that spark their interest.
Remove Items That Don’t Highlight Strengths
Anything that doesn’t tell your prospective employers why you are a good fit for their company doesn’t belong in your resume. For instance, you don’t want to create a large section that goes over every minor duty you had at your last job. Instead, break it down to tasks that relate to the job at hand, as well as let them know what you were able to accomplish.
Your executive profile can play a major role in whether you get hired for a job. If you aren’t using the best resume writing services to help you in your job search, you may find your resume is constantly rejected. Instead of giving up on your job search, consider whether one of these reasons applies to your resume.
1. An Overwhelmed Hiring Manager
Even hiring managers can become overwhelmed with too much information and may overlook your resume, especially if they feel the content is irrelevant. This is why it’s important to determine the exact information that impacts your ability to do the job and stick to that information alone.
2. Missing That Certain Something
Cover letter writing services can help you determine if you’re missing something critical that could be preventing you from getting the job. While sometimes this missing factor may be beyond your control, there may be other factors you need to highlight or potentially leave off your resume and cover letter for the best results.
3. Relocation Issues
If you’re applying for a job that requires you to relocate, one of the biggest issues can be when you are able to make the move. In some situations, your timeline may not line up with the requirements of the job. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you are flexible with your moving plans to eliminate this issue.
4. You Don’t Have a Job
In many cases, employers are looking for people who are already currently employed. While unemployed individuals aren’t always in their situation due to their own fault, it seems like companies view it as a negative. However, this can be one of the most difficult elements to fix. It may work well to work for a temp agency for a while to flesh out your resume.
5. Staffing Agencies Can Also Hurt
While a staffing agency can be a great way to fill in your employment gap if you’re unemployed, going through one to get the job you want may not be your best option. Some hiring managers purposely ignore these resumes or put them at the bottom of the pile.
6. Incorrect Job Descriptions
You expect businesses to create accurate job listings, but like anyone else, individuals in charge can make mistakes. Because you use this description to create your executive profile, you may not be as good of a fit as you thought when errors exist.
7. Social Media Paints a Poor Picture
The best resume writing services may be able to make you look good on paper, but what do you look like online? More businesses today are using social media to determine if people are a good fit for their business. Before you apply, make sure you clean up your social media to eliminate anything that may be offensive or misconstrued in a negative light.

Writing a professional resume requires customization.
Sending out the same resume to every company can be a critical mistake. However, it can be time consuming to start every resume from scratch. When writing a professional resume, it’s important to modify it in between every job application. Creating a template of your own can help make the process faster and increase your chances you will be hired for the job you want. Top rated resume writing services can help with this important task.
You Aren’t Judged on Originality
While it’s important for your executive resume to help you stand apart from the other candidates for the job, the best executive resume writers understand this fact and can help you create a template you can easily alter to ensure your resume fits the job for which you are applying. The main goal of a resume is to successfully portray information about your skills and other qualifications. As long as your template gets this job done, you will be able to impress hiring managers and increase the odds you will be hired.
Focus on Your Best Features
Most people think they know what a resume should look like: education on the top, list of jobs in the middle and other relevant information at the bottom. This is a great format for college students who may not have a lot of practical experience in their chosen field because their education should back up their knowledge and skills. However, for individuals who have already spent time working in the field, it’s often best to list relevant employment closer to the top to ensure it draws the attention of those in charge of hiring.
Don’t Forget Your Major Achievements
The achievements you include on your resume may vary depending on the job you are applying for. However, they should appear on the same place on your resume for the most part. This location may not be at the bottom if they are important to your skill set. The goal is to make sure you let future employers know you have been recognized for your achievements.
Whether you download a resume template and tailor it to your needs or you create your own, it can be a time-saving method of writing a professional resume that suits every position you are trying to get. Top rated resume writing services can help you evaluate your resume and determine which changes are needed to produce the results you’re looking for. This allows you to make just a few minor adjustments so every resume speaks directly to the hiring personnel at a company.

Avoid these mistakes on resumes that get you hired.
When writing resumes that get you hired, it’s evident you need to make sure yours stands out from the hundreds or thousands of others a company receives. Unfortunately, many people think this means they can break all the rules. Professional executive resume writers will tell you otherwise. This is why it’s often best to work with professional resume writing services to ensure you stand out while following the rules.
1. References Available Upon Request
When you’re applying for a job, it’s an unspoken understanding you will provide references upon the request of the interviewing company. There’s no need to write this statement on your resume. In fact, it simply takes up critical space you could use to highlight your skills and lets the hiring manager know you don’t understand the rules.
2. Including Non-Related Personal Interests
Many hiring managers ask about personal interests to get a feel for your personality and how you will fit into the company culture. It is also designed to show off your skills. Professional resume writing services recommend listing only personal interest that align with a job-specific skill, giving the recruiter a clearer picture of what you can offer.
3. Listing Duties, Not Achievements
One common factor in resumes that get you hired is the listing of achievements gained at past employment opportunities. What you did at your past jobs may play a role in whether you are qualified for a new position, but employers want to see where you have gone above and beyond. Listing all of your achievements will show them you are a valued employee and can be an asset to their team.
4. Dressing Up the Layout
In order to stand out, many people attempt to get creative with their resume and cause more problems as a result. Some people use a variety of fonts, as well as even different colors to offset information they want to highlight. In most cases, this is a serious mistake that will get your resume thrown away, rather than read.
5. Using Chronological Order
It may seem ideal to start with your most current job first, but this isn’t often the best way to approach your executive resume. When you’re applying for a high-level job, it’s more important to highlight the most relevant skills first. This will place focus on why you are the perfect candidate for this job over the other resumes that may be in the pile.
Because there are so many mistakes that can be made, it’s often important to work with professional executive resume writers to ensure your resume is ready to go. Resumes that get you hired stand out from the crowd without breaking the conventional resume rules. If you don’t have a firm understanding of those rules, you could delay your ability to get the job you want.

An executive resume service can help you search online.
While the job market is improving, it can still be difficult to land the job you want, winning out over many other candidates. Searching online can be one of the best ways to locate jobs for which you are qualified and even start the application process. Before you start looking, however, it’s important to work with an executive resume writing service and an executive resume writer to ensure your resume is ready for your online job hunt.
Use Keywords in Your Resume
One of the first things your executive resume service should tell you is to choose your keywords carefully. Today’s businesses often plug resumes into a computer to determine whether candidates have used keywords that match the requirements of the job. Because job listings often generate a large number of responses, it’s essential to make it easy for those responsible for making hiring decisions to determine whether you are the perfect fit.
Don’t Rely Solely on Your Resume
Hiring an executive resume writer is important to ensure your executive resume is ready for sending to companies. However, you shouldn’t rely solely on posting your resume online to conduct your job search. While it’s still important to have a resume, more businesses are looking for individuals who think outside the box and submit something that stands out in order to apply for the job. Before you take this step, it’s important to make sure you understand company culture to ensure it’s an acceptable option.
Ask Around for Referrals
Many jobs are earned based on referrals from existing employees within the company. If you’re in the market for a job, one of the best ways to get your foot in the door is to find someone who can refer you. If you don’t have a friend or family member who already works there, attempt to make connections through LinkedIn and other social media sites. While these connections may not produce immediate results, they can be valuable tools in the future.
Stalk Your Dream Job
You don’t have to be connected to get the job of your dreams if you’re persistent about it. Once you find the job you want, reach out to the human resources department at the company and let them know directly you are interested in the job. You can also request an information interview so you can learn more about what’s required and show interest in the job.
Seeking a job online may seem easy, but there’s a lot of work that must be done to help you land the job of your dreams. Hiring an executive resume service to help you create an effective resume is just part of the process. These tips can help you make a great impression on prospective employers and increase the chances you will get the job you want.