Don’t Give Up The Job Search Just Because The Holidays Are Near

Job Search

I’ve been talking with job seekers lately who ask whether they should job search right now or wait until after the New Year.

The holidays are upon us and many worry it isn’t a good time.🎅

But–there are many benefits to continuing on with your job search.

🎄 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬. Companies have new budgets in place to entice and hire #candidates. They are still #hiring and actively looking.

🎄 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. Your competition is less since many people decide to hold off until the new year. Plus, you will impress companies with your dedication and commitment.

🎄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. Things are winding down at your company due to the holidays and end of the year, so you have more time to focus on #job search

🎄 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬. People are generally in better moods around the holidays. More time off, seeing family and friends (via remotely this year, unfortunately), shopping, and reflection. It’s a perfect time to reach out and start a #conversation.

I asked career professionals on LinkedIn what their thoughts were on the subject. Read what they have to say:

Hannah Morgan, Job Search Strategist, Career Sherpa:  November and December are great months for conversations and you are so right, many companies are either trying to fill roles that are still vacant now or line up candidates to hire Jan. 1. Don’t put on the brakes!

Ed Han, Talent Acquisition Geek, Recruiter:  As a corporate recruiter: let me reassure your readers & followers that if the job posting is up, I AM READING APPLICATIONS.
Scheduling interviews may take longer, but if it’s open, that hiring manager has funds earmarked towards that hire and is anxious to use them, because they’ll get asked if they really need the position or not by their boss, or their boss’s boss.

Nicole Reyes, Sn. Technical Recruiter: I’ve noticed that many hiring managers want new hires to start in January of the new year, which means they’re willing to schedule interviews with candidates this time of year. It’s worth your time to search for a position during this period, even if the search is a bit slower because people will be out of the office more with the holidays.

Greg Roche, Career Transition Coach: Take your holiday card list and see who you can connect with in person. Send them a card too, but use this list as a way to get back in touch with people who are important to you, but likely haven’t talked to in a while. This helps you practice connecting and you never know where it might lead Erin.

Andrea Yacub Macek, Top Job Expert to Follow, Career Coach:  The best time to network, market, and job search is when you are ready to do so in your season of life. If you need to take a break, do so, and if you want to continue networking or job search, do so; there are always benefits. These are some significant reasons you asked Erin Kennedy to continue instead of stop.

Meg Applegate, Resume Writer, Hinge Resume: The holidays are a great time to check in with your network. Start conversations now, even if after the new year is your goal. You never know what can come of it,

Sarah Johnston, Executive Resume Writer, LinkedIn Branding: Great reminder, Erin Kennedy. Some managers have “use it or lose it” budgets and have positions that need to be filled before the end of the year.

Adrienne Tom, Executive Resume Writer: If a company really needs an employee, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is — they will be looking. Which means, you should be too.

Bottom line: Don’t give up. Keep looking. This is a GREAT time of year to look for a job. 🎄




Job Search Plans

Job Search

Does #cold calling a hiring manager cause you to hyperventilate? 😱

You’re not alone!

If you have a solid plan in place it can reduce anxiety, build your confidence, and increase your chances of success.

Here are some quick tips to get you there:

✔ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 the company. Learn about their mission, goals, and the type of employees they hire.

✔ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩 your questions. Write them down. Read them out loud until you feel confident.

✔ Use your 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. See if you have a connection that would make a recommendation to the #hiring manager. Someone who can drop a little seed in the mind of the person you’ll be talking to.

✔ 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞 your data. Use a spreadsheet to track phone numbers, dates, messages left, and notes.

✔ 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 your script. Bullet point info to include experience and type of position you are seeking.

✔ 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞. This will increase your confidence. Record yourself. Make your main points in one minute. Practice your elevator pitch.

✔ 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐲. Determine the best time to call, when people are less busy.

Having a plan increases your confidence, helps you feel prepared, and increases your chances of landing a job that much quicker.

Out With the Old and In with the New…LinkedIn Job Search Tips for 2022

Job SearchLinkedInSocial Marketing/Online Branding

If you’re planning on starting a new job search in 2022, you need to know that how you search for a job has changed greatly over the years. Whether you’re a new grad, management professional, seasoned executive, or C-Suite office holder, you need to ensure that you have the “dos” and “don’ts” of today’s job search necessities down to a science BEFORE you start your search. One necessary tool for today’s jobseekers is having an optimized LinkedIn profile! A few easy “dos” and “don’ts” to consider when preparing your LinkedIn profile for a job search….


  • DO customize your URL and put a link to your profile on your resume. If your name is already taken, use a middle initial, special numbers, or a credential to make your URL unique.
  • DON’T use the URL that LI assigns you when you create your initial profile.


  • DO have a customized banner at the top of your profile. There are plenty of free sites to create a banner on, or, if you aren’t into doing your own thing, hire a designer to create one for you. This is where you can show a little personality on your profile while still looking like a professional.
  • DON’T use the LI default banner or your current company logo – if you are in a job search.


  • DO post a recent, professional-looking headshot of you (and ONLY you) in the photo.
  • DON’T post of photo of you cropped out of a group photo at an event or a photo of you from 20+ years ago – you don’t want to see shocked faces when you arrive for your interview!


  • DO display your name as it appears on your resume and what you go by in the workplace. Add any relevant credentials after your name.
  • DON’T use a nickname or outdated maiden name just because that’s the name you had when you created your original profile.


  • DO create a branding statement for the top of your resume and in the headline section of your LI profile. Use descriptive, high-impact, and industry-specific keywords to communicate your brand. You have 220 characters to brand yourself here – make them count!
  • DON’T use your current job title (LI default) in your headline – ugh…so boring!


  • DO include a targeted, keyword-saturated career summary at the beginning of your resume and in your LinkedIn profile (About) section. Remember to write toward the job/industry you’re targeting. You have 2,600 characters to write your story – use them to your advantage!
  • DON’T bypass this section – and don’t just make it paragraphs of boring text – readers will lose interest in you and your qualifications immediately. Use bullets to separate sections that give a brief synopsis of your skills, experience, and achievements. Show the value YOU can offer in one quick read!


  • DO put your most up to date and relevant information on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Include achievements in bullet lists and job titles that are in line with what is on your resume.
  • DON’T include your entire career history-only jobs that are relevant to your current career goals. Stay away from posting proprietary or confidential information in this section.


  • DO include all of your relevant degrees. Undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral, etc.
  • DON’T include the years if you graduated 10+ years ago, or information about what you did in college unless it is pertinent and relevant.


  • DO list certifications/licenses that are relevant to your career goals. If you are currently in the process of getting a certification/license, then just add it with the expected date of receiving the credential.
  • DON’T list actual license numbers (hello identity fraud???) on LI or include outdated information that is no longer active (unless it matters if you had it in the past).


  • DO use industry-specific keywords/skills on this list. Be descriptive and ensure that your skills are in line with your level, job skills, experience, etc. “Pin” your top 3 skills at the beginning of this section. LI does this automatically – you need to ensure that the top 3 are truly, well, the top 3!
  • DON’T list bland words like “Leader” or “Projects”. Focus on stronger terms – “Executive Leadership” or “Project Management”.


  • DO include your memberships in professional organizations (especially in industry-specific organizations). List your role in each organization (Member, Board Member, Committee Chair, etc.).
  • DON’T list organizations that you haven’t been affiliated with for years.


  • DO include recent volunteer work or past work that may be relevant to your current job search goals. Include any leadership positions with organizations or special events you chaired.
  • DON’T put in volunteer work from 20+ years ago or if it was an event that was a one-hour commitment!


  • DO look at all the additional sections LI offers (Patents, Projects, Honors/Awards, Courses, Publications, Languages, etc.).
  • DON’T add a section just to add a section. You want to have relevant and informative content on your profile – not uninformative fluff that takes up space.


  • DO give/request recommendations from clients, colleagues, supervisors, etc. Encourage those giving you recommendations to make them achievement/leadership-focused, so that the best you have is what they are talking about. You should have recommendations that are as current as possible.
  • DON’T use recommendations that are filled with typos or information that is outdated/unmeaningful.


  • DO check your settings and ensure that they are aligned with how you want to be seen, who you want to be able to see you, etc.
  • DON’T turn your profile completely off to public viewing. What’s the point of being on LI if nobody can see you?

DO make the profile unique to YOU. Make sure you can back up all the information you have put out there during an interview, and ultimately on the job for your next employer. DON’T take information from a friend’s or colleague’s profile or include skills/achievements that you can’t own. Your LinkedIn profile is a living document – keep it current and fresh. Finally – you have optimized the information on your profile, now you need to network! Engage with others by posting and commenting to get your name/profile seen by more people!

How to Break Into the Entertainment Industry

Guest PostsJob Search

The entertainment industry is a tricky industry to break into. In fact, there’s no one, sure-fire way to get your lucky break. While some become stars in childhood, others don’t begin acting until they’re in their 40’s. Whether you want to be a musician or the next great producer, achieving your dream of working in the industry can be difficult. Luckily, there are tons of career paths to choose from to help you get your foot in the door, no matter your hopes.

At the end of the day, it’s about who you know and how hard you work to get where you want to be. Here are a few tips to help you get hired in the entertainment industry.

Understand What to Expect for Recruiting

As far as recruiting and interviewing go, the entertainment industry is slightly different than any other industry. In most cases, you’ll start at the bottom. For example, if you want to write television shows, you might get hired as an assistant, no matter how great your scripts are. This means that just out of college, you’ll likely be making less than you would at a job outside the entertainment industry, for example at an accounting firm that would hire you based on your degree, not for a lowly role that forces you to pay your dues.

When you start job hunting, you should be available to start right away. Things move fast in Hollywood, and no one is going to wait for you when there are hundreds of applicants who want the same job. This means that if you have a regular 9-to-5, you may have to quit without giving notice.

Because there’s no time to wait, the interview process will likely be quick, if you land one in the first place. Employers will likely do a pre-employment background check, so be honest when answering all the questions during an interview.

Know About the Industry

Before you start looking for a job, you should know whether you want to work in television, film, or music. This will allow you to find the best positions that help you kick-start your career instead of getting stuck in a job that doesn’t allow you to grow.

Do your homework on the major companies in the industry and know who runs them. Read as much as you can about the industry and its giants, so that when you’re quizzed, you’ll know exactly what to say.

Even if you’re not applying for jobs yet, make sure to look at job descriptions for the types of positions you are interested in. It’s always useful to learn about all the different opportunities available in the entertainment industry. If you notice any job duties that you don’t understand, write them down and research them, because you never know when you’ll come across another position with similar requirements.


Much like other industries, becoming successful in entertainment is all about networking. Make a list of the people that you know personally who can help you start networking. The odds are that someone you know, knows someone in the entertainment industry.

Remember, those with reputations in the industry are often the least likely to help you get a job, because they have no idea about the jobs available for entry-level entertainment workers. That means that if your dad is friends with a director who has made a major film, they may not be your best resource starting out. Although, keep them in mind as you move up in your career.

Networking with people in your age group who are beginning to enter the industry can help you succeed. Many of them may not be going for the same types of jobs but may come across job postings that could benefit you. By staying in communication with them, you can send each other postings for openings to aid in landing a job.

Land Informational Interviews

Unfortunately, most people have no incentive to help you succeed in the entertainment industry, especially if you make big requests like helping you land a spot at a major television network. Try to keep your requests reasonable, and mention that you’re trying to break into the industry. You can ask contacts for their time to learn about their careers and experiences.

While you may not be able to land a job through this person, these informational interviews can help you create more realistic expectations and offer you tips and tricks for getting your first gig in the industry.

Make sure that the meeting isn’t just about you and asking them to help you get a job. Instead, try to learn from them as much as possible. You can, however, ask them what entry-level jobs you should be looking for if you want to be a director, actor, etc. Even if this person doesn’t know the answer, they might know someone who does.

Don’t Give Up

The entertainment industry is the hardest industry to break into; that’s why many actors and musicians refer to certain past opportunities as their “big break.” A vast majority of the people you network with won’t be able to help you, but you can learn from them. Just remember, while they may not be able to help you right now, you never know what could happen in the future.

Continuing to network and talk to as many people in the industry as possible can help you learn enough to make your dreams a reality. Landing a job in entertainment takes hard work and dedication. Make sure that you have a strong understanding of the industry and keep putting in the work until you get to where you want to be.

Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. He is currently a contributing editor for 365 Business Tips

How to Write an Executive Resume When You Don’t Have a College Degree

EducationJob SearchResume Writing

Do you know what one of the most common concerns I hear from clients?

“I don’t have a degree.”

Executive job seekers come to us to rewrite their resumes and in doing that we need to create their story. For some people, that does not include education. Or, they started it, the job got busy, and they never finished. It’s more common than you might think.

Many top performers we speak with have gone on to very successful careers despite not finishing their college degrees. Most started at companies and grew their way up the corporate ladder to reach high levels of success.

Not just our clients. Many famous people have done very well without a college degree.

Is A College Degree Always Necessary?

Why does an education matter? Obviously, it does for certain fields—medical doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., but not all require it.

I recently conducted a poll on LinkedIn to see how many people actually used their college degree in their job today.

The poll had 11,845 votes and over 261K views.

30% said they use their degree every day.
34% said they do not use it and are in a different field.
36% said they use it somewhat.

So, only a third of the people who responded use their degree in their jobs every day. Yet, many companies (not all) still insist on a college education. However, in the comments, many recruiters admitted that the companies really didn’t care if they had education or not. The experience of the candidate would help be the deciding factor.


This tells me that while education does matter for certain jobs, most of the time companies are looking for the right fit.

Case Study

One of my clients, “Dave” came to us to write his resume. He started at a small manufacturing company during his senior year in high school. His supervisor saw his drive and started promoting him from stocker, production associate, and production team leader to eventually securing more senior leadership roles like assistant manager and operations manager.

When Dave started at the company it had 13 employees and revenues of around $7MM. When he came to us, he helped grow it to 119 employees and $148MM. The ideas he implemented played a key role in helping this company grow to where it is today. He was ready to use his talents at another company and see where it would take him.

In the first few years he was with the company, he went to community college for two years but stopped after he got his two-year (associate’s) degree. He just didn’t have time for it while working at the company.

I see this happen so often with our clients—starting off young, helping a company grow to new levels, and yet, when it comes time to write their #resumes, they falter a bit, and their confidence dips.

According to Glassdoor dot com, on-the-job training and success matter more than a four-year degree. Corporate training that you’ve received is a skill set needed for a leadership position.

Writing your resume is easier to do when you have a strategy of how to do it and how you want your message to come across.

Here are a few things to consider:

💼 𝙁𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙪𝙚.

What departments have you built? How many people did you manage? What did you do to help the company grow? How did your contribution get them to the next level?

Also: what kind of a leader are you? What is the feedback you receive from your boss AND your team? How your team looks to you says a lot. Don’t be afraid to gather up testimonials from people who worked for you. If you built out an exceptional team, you could say something like:

“Led efforts to identify, secure, engage, and retain top-tier talent and cultivate a diversified entrepreneurial team to deliver optimal results; managed succession planning, attaining a 2% annual turnover rate across 102 employees.”

This bullet shows how this client built, grew, and led a team ending up with very little turnover. He established a culture within the team that made it a place where people wanted to work– and they thrived.

💼 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙭.

When you rose through the ranks, you increased revenue, your sales numbers skyrocketed, etc. Don’t be afraid to use numbers if you have them. Certain roles (like sales) usually end up with percentages or dollars. Don’t worry about how much or how little. Percentages and sales show your effort and growth. Like this:

“Developed a model to optimize short stay options across the residential portfolio to support a $200M regional capital project; negotiated the rental of 30 furnished apartments, expanded the model to 56 units, achieved 100% occupancy for 5 years and subsequently transitioned the units to university housing with a 98% annual occupancy rates.”

This bullet is loaded with numbers, proves his success, and also grabs the eye. Numbers and percentages stand out so add them where you can.

💼 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙.

What are you known for? What do people go to you for? What do you specialize in? This is a very common struggle job seekers struggle with, no matter what level they are at. And often, it comes slowly, through time and experience.

For example, when I started writing resumes I was writing every type of resume I could get my hands on, basically to gather experience. But as time went on, I noticed more and more finance and tech clients started finding me. This built my brand as a finance and tech writer.

Having a consistent brand in these fields is what eventually led to landing the Wall Street Journal contract as their resume writing partner. They heard about me and my team and what we specialized in (at that time) and my brand is what got their attention.

Once you have an idea of what you are known for, that is something you want to lead with on your resume. Make sure it stands out and is front and center. Don’t make hiring managers or recruiters look for it, because they won’t.

💼 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙥𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙨!

Are you listing your credentials or professional development? These all count in your skills section. Things like:

– Advanced training courses?
– Certifications?
– Did you write anything that became published in your area? White papers? Blog posts?
– What about presentations? Did you speak on your topic? Offer expertise in a podcast or interview?
– Lastly, any awards? If yes, list them.

There are plenty of ways to distract the reader from your lack of formal education and instead get the reader or hiring manager excited about your accomplishments and what you can bring to the role.

While college degrees are required for certain roles, many companies are simply looking for the best candidate for the job.

Managing Your Personal Finances While Job Searching

Guest PostsJob Search

Last year has shown us that we need to be prepared for everything, especially when looking for a new job even if you just found one, or received a promotion, because no one is secure from businesses closing during an economic decline. Sometimes, however, the reason for the job search is more positive, because you don’t want “a job”, you are looking for “the job”, a special place to reveal your potential and have the opportunity to work with industry leaders.

Regardless of the reason, along with updating your resume, you will need to think about finance management during your search, because no one canceled the rent bills or food expenses.

Assess your Current Financial Situation

First things first, know where you are now. Gather all the information about your financial situation to better plan your life while you are in the search. How much savings do you have? Do you have any debts or other obligations?  What valuable assets can you sell or lend to gain profit and live while there’s no active income? Check all the bank account details, including deposits and statement reviews to see how long you can live on the current amount you have, and what is the backup plan like moving back with parents, sharing the rent with friends, or selling some of your possessions if things are not going well with the job search.

Calculate your Budget

Check your utility bills and find out how much you spend on the rent, groceries, and other essentials per month. This information will help you to properly plan your budget and estimate how much you need to cover your living costs. This is required to realistically plan your expenses and stick to it after.  Don’t forget to include some extra for birthdays and an emergency fund, for cases like health issues or unplanned appliance repairs.

Think about Freelance Opportunities

Sometimes it may happen that your savings are not enough to make it through the search. For such cases, temporary engagement in freelance may be the option. There are a lot of freelance platforms, like Upwork or Fiverr where you can find a part-time job or a one-time gig.  Note though, that if you are engaged in regular freelance for additional income, it’s subject to taxes that may vary depending on the country, so you will need to figure out how to properly handle freelance taxes in order to avoid trouble.

Limit your Expenses

You will need to temporarily forget about some pleasant things like coffee to go every morning, nights out, and another digital subscription for fun, be more attentive to coupons, sales, and freebies, and last but not least, start to log the expenses. Luckily, now we have all means for doing so starting from web and mobile applications to any taste to monitor your spending and know if you are moving in accordance to your budget plan. This won’t last forever, but you need to embrace new circumstances.

Following these simple yet effective tips will help you to stay on top of your financial situation. The process of searching for a job sometimes is more time-consuming than you expect and poses a lot of limitations on your budget. That’s why it’s better to get prepared and start learning the basics of finance management even when you have a regular income. It may save you in times of uncertainty and give you more flexibility when you will be searching for better opportunities in the job market.

Ken Boyd
Accounting & Finance Expert; Content Manager at AIS-CPA

6 Benefits to Look for When Job Searching in 2021

Guest PostsJob Search

As you begin your 2021 job search, there are plenty of essential things on your mind:

  • “What are my career interests?”
  • “Which types of jobs am I qualified for?”
  • “What is my ideal work environment?”
  • “Am I a more independent worker or a more collaborative one?”
  • “Do I want to work part-time or full-time?”
  • “How much do I want/need to get paid?”

And so on, and so forth. But in addition to these crucial questions, you’ll also want to take a close look at benefit packages as you start applying for jobs, and even more importantly when you begin to compare job offers. Over the last year, due in part to the ongoing pandemic, a lot has changed in the job market, including benefit trends. While some companies are downsizing their benefit packages, others are shifting theirs to better reflect the modern workplace.

In this post, we’re discussing the importance of benefits packages and what you should look for as a job seeker in 2021; plus, how employers can keep up their recruiting and retention efforts in the new year.

1. Competitive pay

Competitive pay is probably one of the primary requirements on your wishlist for your next role, but it can be challenging to determine what’s competitive for your market and what isn’t. When it comes to identifying competitive pay, you have to consider the role itself, your professional expertise, industry standards, as well as the cost of living in your local area.

Check out the resources below to find accurate salary data for your industry and geographic location:

  • S. Employee Census
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • SHRM Compensation Data Center
  • Job search platforms (i.e., Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster)

2. Retirement plans with immediate vesting and employer matching

Over the last 40 years, retirement funds, specifically 401(k) plans, have become a popular and practically standard perk of employee benefit packages. Employer-sponsored retirement plans offer team members the opportunity to invest a portion of their earnings into their eventual retirement, so, throughout the course of their career, employees can build up their retirement savings.

Because retirement plans are not mandated by law, it’s up to the employer whether or not they want to establish one and if they want to allow new employees to start vesting right away or not. Immediate vesting means that new employees can start saving toward their retirement as soon as their first paycheck is processed. This can be a huge perk for job seekers.

In addition to immediate vesting, many employers opt to match their employees’ retirement contributions, up to a certain percentage. As of 2019, the average matching contribution was 4.3% of an employee’s pay. Offering 401(k) matching not only helps employees accelerate their retirement savings, but it also improves employee retention rates. In fact, 401(k) matching ranks as one of the top 5 benefits employees value more than a pay raise.

3. Telehealth options

When you think about benefit packages, health care is probably the first thing that comes to mind. And as the COVID-19 pandemic carries on, health insurance is arguably more important to today’s workers than ever before. What’s unique about health care trends for 2021 is that more employers are adopting telehealth options as part of their benefit packages.

Telehealth options allow individuals to seek care over the phone or via video chat, rather than going into the clinic. In addition to keeping employees safe amid a global health crisis, telehealth also creates an opportunity for employers to provide medical access to their remote and rural employees.

4. Non-medical perks

A lot has changed over the last year, and in order to keep up with their competitors and shifts in work environment and culture, employers have had to rethink their benefit packages. One way companies are transforming their perks and staying on-trend is by offering non-medical perks that fit into the 2021 lifestyle.

Some examples of non-medical perks include:

  • Childcare services
  • Remote meal plans via delivery
  • Pet insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Wellness programs
  • Home office stipends
  • Short- and long-term disability insurance
  • Errand-running and concierge services
  • Household management services

5. Paid time off and holidays

Paid time off (PTO) is another popular ingredient in an employee benefit package, and with burnout and stress on the rise, we expect it to continue to be standard. According to a study by Zenefits, private sector companies offer 10 days of PTO for first-year employees, and between 3-4 extra days for every 5 years of service thereafter. PTO policies do not include paid holidays or sick days, so be sure to consider all three categories when calculating total time off.

6. Flexible work from home options

Although the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is nearly in sight, many employees will continue to work from home for the next several months, and maybe even longer. But as employees have adapted to the WFH lifestyle, we expect many employers to start offering more flexible remote work policies as we enter a post-pandemic world. Including a weekly, biweekly, or flexible work from home days can be a big draw for professionals in 2021.

Wrapping up

As we start off the new year, we’ll continue to face the positive and challenging changes inspired by 2020. If you’re researching benefit trends to improve your business’ onboarding packages, remember to consider what perks will be most valuable to your employees. This depends on their lifestyle, goals, industry standards, and your company culture.

As for job seekers in 2021, keep these 6 benefits on your wishlist to help you narrow down job offers, and ultimately, find the best fit for you. If a company does not include the benefits you’re looking for, remember that you may be able to negotiate your benefits package, just as you would a salary.

Which of these perks are at the top of your priority list? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below — happy job hunting!

Sophie Sirois is a writer based in sunny San Diego, CA, currently writing content for With her Bachelor’s of Art in Strategic Communication behind her, Sophie began working in the content marketing sphere and has been crafting unique, informative, and click-worthy content ever since. Sophie enjoys covering a variety of topics, including tech, finance, business, marketing, wellness, and culture.


Updating Your Resume in 5 Quick Steps

Job SearchResume KeywordsResume WritingResumes

Has this happened to you?

A company you’ve had your eye on for a while suddenly has an opening. You are perfect for it. Not only are you perfect for it but it’s the perfect role for you. More seniority, increase in pay, remote work options, family-oriented, and so on.

You open up your documents and realized you haven’t touched your resume in eight years. Ack!

It can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

First, work from your most recent information, gathering what your job titles have been, what you’ve actually done in these roles, and what your career progression has been in those eight years. List your daily responsibilities, and what you were brought in to do.

Next, here are the top five things to quickly address:

𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁. What impact did you have on the company? How did your role impact the bottom-line? What contributions did you make? Were you a decision-maker? Provide examples.

𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮. Numbers and percentages prove your quantifiable contributions and success. A chart or graph is a great visual and works well if you have strong numbers. Have you helped increase revenue? Expanded the client base? Come up with a solution that cut costs, reduced risk, or played a key role in something? Talk about it and use numbers, when possible.

𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴. While some advanced formatting and graphic formatting is visually appealing, don’t clutter up your resume so much that it turns the reader off. Keep the format clean and consistent. Add bold where needed to differentiate daily responsibilities from accomplishments or to point out a key company name, etc. Finessing your format is so important. Having the right amount of formatting in combination with strong content creates a visually impactful and interesting read.

𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲. The no. 1 complaint I hear from recruiters is that the candidates applying for jobs aren’t a fit. Make sure you have the skills necessary for the position. If you don’t, don’t try to squeeze yourself into a role that isn’t meant for you. It only annoys the recruiters, and your resume will get permanently tossed.

𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗴! This is your chance to sell yourself and show what you can do. It’s OK to talk yourself up. You’ve earned it. You are the product, so show off what you’ve done and how what you did is unique and valuable to the next company. This is not the time to be shy or to step down and let someone else take the credit for what you’ve done. Strut your stuff!

Once you’ve got these basics covered, writing the rest of your resume should flow pretty easily for you. As always, let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!