March 3, 2017: Professional Resume Services is pleased to announce a member of their writing staff has been granted a Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM) award, as bestowed by Career Directors International. This award comes with the title of “Certified Executive Resume Master,” currently held by 18 resume professionals internationally, including owner, Erin Kennedy. With this title comes the security that a professional resume writer is one of the highest-ranked in the industry—as well as increased trust from executives looking for job search assistance.
To qualify for the CERM award, the resume writer in question must first receive one of the following certifications: ACRW, CMRW, MCRS, CARW, CRS, MRW, CMRS, CPRW, and/or NCRW. They must also possess a sizeable portfolio displaying their expertise in the major aspects of executive resume crafting, such as formatting and personal branding. Once these criteria have been met, the executive resume writer can apply for the award. Applications require a fee, completion of the CDI Executive Competency Review and four samples of previous work pulled from the applicant’s professional portfolio. After four weeks, the applicant will receive notification of their award status directly from the CDI.
Through this new achievement, Professional Resume Services obtains further accreditation and proof of their industry prowess. You can learn more about their services by calling 810-664-1933 or visiting their official website. Congratulations to the winning writer for this outstanding accomplishment!

Wow! I just earned a nomination for the T.O.R.I. awards through Career Directors International.
Each year CDI hosts an international competition, Toast of the Resume Industry™ , that propels hundreds of resume writers to send in samples of their work to be evaluated by a panel of judges. The judges then determine whose work is the “best of the best”.
Recognition is based upon creativity, clarity, strategy, syntax and visual appeal in professional resume development with submissions judged by an international panel of professional resume writers.
Each year in May, CDI selects up to five nominees in various categories who represent the top echelon of resume writing worldwide.
This is the third year I have entered the competition and each year I am nominated! To be chosen for a category with some of the world’s greatest resume writers is a thrill and an honor. I’m still a little dazed by it!
We find out the winners at the CDI conference in October. Frankly, I don’t care if I win or not… being nominated is wonderful enough! 🙂
Brand New Web Site
I have been MIA lately… it’s not that I haven’t wanted to blog, I really have, it’s just that I’ve been doing something really exciting and had to wait until it was completed until I could blog again. It was worth the wait.
I launched a new website.
It’s been a long time coming.
For those of you who had to double check what you spelled when you realized the page you were on looked nothing like my old site, it really is the same company, Professional Résumé Services.
We’ve improved!!
I’ve had a vision in my head for a long time of what I wanted my new site to look like, but kept putting it off because it seemed like a lot of work, time, money, effort, work, time, time, time…
Then I met Carl Chapman.
Not only is Carl an SEO expert, designer and all around nice guy, but he also creates very cool websites. I took a look at a couple of sites he’s created and thought… SOLD! He has made this a very painless process and took over all of the work I thought I’d have to do (my old web host really didn’t do a thing for me except charge me a lot each month in fees—buh bye!). I like not having to think all of the time on what I could be doing to improve my site. We are all busy, so you can relate. I’ve never delegated a thing in my life. But hiring Carl has been wonderful. Ahhhhh.
So, now I have this new website that showcases what I offer, is fun to look at, and easy to maneuver through. Plus, I’ve been able to add things to the site I always wanted and it has allowed me to expand my product and services offerings.
Having said that, I hope you stop by my site and let me know what you think of it.
Here is the link:
Until next time…
I just got my copy of it in the mail from the publishers and yours truly is on page, um… let’s see, OK, here we go… Page 194!
It is a wonderful compilation of cover letters for every scenario including: job ad reply letters, networking letters, broadcasting & prospecting letters, resume letters, and thank you and follow up letters.
Grab a copy of yours at any bookstore today. Very valuable to have on hand, ready for any situation you are applying for.
Erin Kennedy, CPRW, CERW
Professional Resume Services
Lapeer, MI 48446
Erin Kennedy, President of Professional Résumé Services, has been awarded international certification as a Certified Expert Resume Writer (CERW) by Career Directors International (CDI). She has demonstrated her superior knowledge and experience in resume writing and career development through an intensive examination, professional writing and professional development process to assess and demonstrate her industry knowledge and resume writing skill. Recognition as a CERW sets Ms. Kennedy apart from the competition and distinguishes the high caliber of her credentials in assisting clientele with professional resume and career coaching services.
Professional Resume Services offers expert resume writing and career coaching services to entry-level through executive clientele in the global marketplace. Their expertise is in empowering clients who wish to transition either within their existing career fields or to another industry. Ms. Kennedy is a recognized national expert, author and multiple T.O.R.I. award (Toast of the Résumé Industry) nominee with over 9 years of assisting clients to meet their career goals. Samples of her work have been published in eight resume writing and cover letter compilation books. To learn more about Professional Resume Services, visit her website at
CDI is an international association that provides proactive resources and assistance to empower its members in the undertaking and application of career development, resume writing and employment practices.
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Cover Letters for Dummies
Erin Kennedy, CPRW, has been chosen to have samples of her work published in the new upcoming career book, “Cover Letters for Dummies, 3rd Edition”. The “for dummies” brand is internationally known and books become instant best sellers.
The new book hits stores as early as January of 2009.
T.O.R.I. Award Nomination
Erin Kennedy, CPRW, President of Professional Resume Services, was nominated as a “best of the best” resume by Career Directors International in their annual Toast of the Resume Industry™ (TORI) competition for 2008.
Recognition is based upon creativity, clarity, and visual appeal in professional resume development, with submissions judged by an international panel of professional resume writers.
Each year in May, CDI selects up to five nominees in various categories who represent the top echelon of resume writing worldwide. Awards will be announced at the annual conference in October 2008.
PRESS RELEASE–Contributor in new books
PressBig News!!
Just got word today that some of my resumes will be featured in a new resume book published and coming out in the fall:
“No-Nonsense Resumes: The Essential Guide to Creating Attention-Grabbing Resumes That Get Interviews & Job Offers” by Wendy Enelow and Arnie Boldt.
Also included in the book are resumes from one of our other writers, Kris Plantrich.
To quote the authors Wendy and Arnie, “We are thrilled to be able to include your excellent work in this new publication.”
Congratulations Kris & Erin!
Be sure to grab a copy of this book when it comes out!