School’s out for summer… but what about your job search?
Just because many executives and high-level employees go on summer vacation doesn’t mean you can take a summer break on your job search. One of the mistakes many job seekers make is thinking companies don’t hire in the summer, which simply isn’t true. Companies are always going through resumes and cover letters to find the most qualified candidates throughout the year. And if you decide to take a break during the summer, you may miss out on a great opportunity.
Companies Don’t Stop Hiring During The Summer
The notion is companies will wait until after the summer to start interviewing for different positions. However, it’s actually the opposite. Many companies are busier during the winter months, so they don’t have as much time to interview. So they reserve summertime for conducting their interviews and hiring employees, even if it’s on a temporary basis. Regardless, you need to ensure your LinkedIn profile is current once summer starts, just in case a recruiter happens to stumble upon it.
Temporary Could Turn Into Permanent
Since summer is typically slower for most businesses, they may only be hiring for temporary employment. However, many of these positions will turn into permanent positions when business begins to pick up again. Be sure to include in your executive bio if you’re willing to accept temporary employment if the option is available to become permanent in the future. At the very least, you can gain some valuable experience with a temporary position to set yourself up for a permanent position with another company at a later time.
Polish Up Your LinkedIn Profile
Whether you’re going on an extended vacation throughout the summer, or if you feel you need to take a break from your job search efforts for any reason, polish up your LinkedIn profile at the very least. You never know when recruiters are going through resumes and cover letters, or scouring LinkedIn to find the best candidates. Updating your LinkedIn profile could be a great way to get discovered during the summer with minimal effort on your part.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you get through the dog days of summer. We can help revamp your resumes and cover letters during the summer so you’re ready to apply for positions at any time. No matter what you need help with regarding your job search efforts this summer, feel free to contact us at any time.