Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has many different functions and benefits. You can either greatly benefit from SEO when you’re searching for an executive job, or you could fall way behind the rest. Being discovered is one of the most important things in a job search today. You may have a great LinkedIn profile, but if you don’t have the right keywords on your profile, recruiters won’t be able to find you. Here are some tidbits about SEO you should know about so your job search is affected by it in a positive way.
What Does Search Engine Optimization Accomplish?
When recruiters search for candidates for an open executive position, they will use certain keywords in their search engine. SEO works to deliver the most relevant results based on those keywords. Hence, it’s important for you to know which keywords should be used throughout your executive profiles on each platform you use online.
If you’re somewhat unfamiliar with SEO, you can’t just stuff your LinkedIn profile with keywords and expect to be discovered. In fact, this will go against you for SEO purposes. You need relevant information about yourself to go along with the keywords sprinkled in here and there.
Use The Right Keywords
The best place to find the proper keywords to use would be in the company’s job posting or on the company’s website you’re applying to. Most of the phrases and keywords have to do with certain expertise they’re looking for, so you should be able to fit them in naturally if you possess those qualities.
Place Your Keywords Appropriately
For SEO purposes, you should put an emphasis on having your keywords at the top of your page, whether it’s a personal blog, LinkedIn profile or any other online executive profiles you have. Once you develop your profile or online resume, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have an expert check your page for SEO so you can maximize your chances of being discovered.
Proof Everything Thoroughly
It goes without saying, but you should proof anything you put online multiple times. Typographical errors or poor grammar not only looks bad for your c-level personal branding, but it can also hurt your job search from an SEO perspective. This is especially true if your typo comes in an important keyword, so be sure to proof your profiles thoroughly and have a second set of eyes look at them as well.
Professional Resume Services offers expertise in the complexities of SEO. We can fully optimize your LinkedIn profile to match the branding you strive for in your executive job search. If you need any assistance or advice regarding SEO and your job search, feel free to contact us at any time.