The best resume writing services can help you hunt for a job successfully.
The task of finding your next job can quickly become overwhelming, especially if you don’t go about it the right way. While working with the best resume writing services and creating a solid executive LinkedIn profile can go a long way toward making you attractive to prospective employers, it’s important to learn how to walk the fine line between looking desperate and showing determination.
Mass Distribution
You spend a lot of time creating your resume so it seems like a lot of work to customize it to every employer you are considering. This can lead you to send out a mass resume mailing to every job you want. Unfortunately, sending carbon copies of your resume to every potential employer can actually cause you to lose your chance at the job. Instead, you need to do your research on every company you are considering and make minor adjustments that reflect the company philosophy and the exact requirements of the job to which you are applying.
Applying to Everything
If you’ve been looking for a job for a while, you may be tempted to start sending your resume out to every job listing you can find in the hopes of landing any job. While this may be necessary in some situations, it’s important to make sure you’re putting your executive resume in front of the right people. Think about what skills you have and which types of businesses are most likely to need someone with your skill set. An executive resume writer can help you focus on your skills and determine which job listings are worth your time.
Being Too Honest
Most people are aware they won’t get a job or could lose a job they thought they had if the employer finds out they have lied or exaggerated on their executive resume. While honesty is always the best policy, there is such a thing as being too honest. When you’re writing a professional resume and cover letter, there are some things you shouldn’t include, such as the exact reason you want the job, especially if it’s because of the pay grade, or your lack of experience. Instead, the best resume writing services will help you shine yourself in a positive light without stretching the truth or providing too much information.
While an executive LinkedIn profile may be a valuable tool in helping you get the job you want, your resume will still play a key role. Before you start your job search, however, it’s important to work with the best resume writing services to ensure you are taking the right approach to your job hunt. With their help, you can be sure you will make the best impression and increase your chances of landing the job you want.
Your executive profile can play a major role in whether you get hired for a job. If you aren’t using the best resume writing services to help you in your job search, you may find your resume is constantly rejected. Instead of giving up on your job search, consider whether one of these reasons applies to your resume.
1. An Overwhelmed Hiring Manager
Even hiring managers can become overwhelmed with too much information and may overlook your resume, especially if they feel the content is irrelevant. This is why it’s important to determine the exact information that impacts your ability to do the job and stick to that information alone.
2. Missing That Certain Something
Cover letter writing services can help you determine if you’re missing something critical that could be preventing you from getting the job. While sometimes this missing factor may be beyond your control, there may be other factors you need to highlight or potentially leave off your resume and cover letter for the best results.
3. Relocation Issues
If you’re applying for a job that requires you to relocate, one of the biggest issues can be when you are able to make the move. In some situations, your timeline may not line up with the requirements of the job. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you are flexible with your moving plans to eliminate this issue.
4. You Don’t Have a Job
In many cases, employers are looking for people who are already currently employed. While unemployed individuals aren’t always in their situation due to their own fault, it seems like companies view it as a negative. However, this can be one of the most difficult elements to fix. It may work well to work for a temp agency for a while to flesh out your resume.
5. Staffing Agencies Can Also Hurt
While a staffing agency can be a great way to fill in your employment gap if you’re unemployed, going through one to get the job you want may not be your best option. Some hiring managers purposely ignore these resumes or put them at the bottom of the pile.
6. Incorrect Job Descriptions
You expect businesses to create accurate job listings, but like anyone else, individuals in charge can make mistakes. Because you use this description to create your executive profile, you may not be as good of a fit as you thought when errors exist.
7. Social Media Paints a Poor Picture
The best resume writing services may be able to make you look good on paper, but what do you look like online? More businesses today are using social media to determine if people are a good fit for their business. Before you apply, make sure you clean up your social media to eliminate anything that may be offensive or misconstrued in a negative light.

Writing a professional resume requires avoiding common cliches.
Writing a professional resume is often more difficult than you could imagine. This is why many people turn to a professional resume writing service. If you’ve been looking for a job and are having difficulty getting interviews, let alone the job you want, it may be time to look at your resume. Using these and other clichés could be the cause.
“I’m Very Enthusiastic”
It might seem like a good thing to be excited about a new job, and it is; however, this statement can actually make you sound desperate. You may really want the job, but saying so isn’t going to make it a reality. It’s up to you to show your prospective employer why you are the right choice, not why you are excited about the prospect of working there.
“I’m an Excellent Team Player and Can Work Independently”
These are buzz words the best resume writing services know are best left off of your resume. These are the phrases many candidates think employers want to hear. When they see it on a resume, though, they will be paying close attention to what the candidate does and says to back it up. They may want to see you are capable of working well with others, as well as on your own, but you shouldn’t have to spell it out. Your other words and actions should portray the message.
“I Have Extensive Experience In…”
Experience is important to land any job, but you need to be careful how you use this phrase. Using it to describe every work experience you’ve ever had, including part time employment or internships, weakens the phrase and causes it to lose meaning. While you’ll need some experience, you don’t need to overcompensate and exaggerate to land the job you’re looking for.
“I’m Passionate About…”
Passion can be an incredible thing in the working world, but it’s important to be honest about it. You may choose to use this phrase to describe an early interest in the field, when in reality, it was just an interest. For instance, you may claim you have been passionate about the environment since the age of 12 when applying for an environmental job. However, if you really consider it, you may have just started developing an interest in exploring the area further. It’s best to leave your passions out of your resume, at least until you have an interview.
Writing a professional resume takes attention to detail and careful consideration to ensure it has the right impact on a hiring manager. Avoiding these and other common resume clichés will ensure you are portraying your experience and value appropriately, all while capturing the attention of your prospective employer. Talking to a professional resume writing service about how to word similar phrases can help you make the best impression, giving you a better chance at obtaining the right job.