How Creative Can A Work Wardrobe Be?

Career & Workplace

how creative can a work wardrobe be?
It was interesting to see the comments on Anna Akbari’s DailyWorth post. “Don’t Dress for the Job You Want” is a statement that seems to fly in the face of the general consensus on working wardrobes. But she does make some good points to consider when dressing to express yourself instead of your position:

  • demonstrate that you get it
  • connect with your audience
  • exude confidence

Context is Everything

Those first two points are a reminder that we work with other people. The way we dress does affect how others react to us, and it’s naive to insist it doesn’t matter. To quote Ms. Akbari, “demonstrating that you understand the unwritten dress codes and larger ethos of any given context is the first rule of successful self-presentation.”
You have to connect before you can communicate, and if everyone around you is wearing a “uniform”, it shows they are all part of the same group culture. Wearing at least part of that uniform, or wearing the uniform in an acceptably unique way, will be a signal that you belong even though you are a bit different. If you don’t care about the group, you don’t try to connect or get what they are about — and at that point, why are you working there? In an interview situation, why are you saying you want to work where you don’t get the group’s culture?
There are times when a unique status symbol is an investment tool, but it entirely depends on the group you are in. Cowboy boots communicate one thing in Dallas and a different thing in D.C., but there is more to the symbolism than identity. If those boots are high-quality and well-kept, the wearer is signalling confidence even if everyone else is in tied-up Oxfords. That confidence is important, because you need it however you dress. If wearing a unique item makes you feel more like “yourself” and gives you confidence, that’s good. But make sure you are respecting the context of your surroundings.

Common Job Search Mistakes Anybody Can Make

Job Search

common job search mistakes anybody can make
AARP’s website and magazine will often have very good career advice. Kerry Hannon’s slideshow about 8 Common Mistakes Older Job Seekers Make  is targeted to the older worker but actually could apply to all of us. Here’s why:

  • Mistake: kicking back & taking a break. The problem isn’t in taking a needed vacation, but in failing to maintain an active presence in your field. Try blogging or consulting so when you resume your job search, you have evidence you didn’t stagnate.
  • Mistake: using dated email accounts. It’s an excellent idea to have a dedicated professional email account that is your name, your initials & last name, or your name + your expertise. But make sure it’s also a currently respected address. AOL & Yahoo are not going to work like Google or Outlook to enhance professional image right now, but these things change rapidly so pay attention.
  • Mistake: low or missing digital presence. Privacy is not the same as invisibility, and most potential employers will look online. Social media and LinkedIn profile development are no longer optional for professionals.
  • Mistake: refusing to be flexible about salary requirements. You may be offered a lower wage but can negotiate compensatory perks, for instance. Looking at the bigger salary picture can get you in the door.
  • Mistake: overlooking contacts. You never know who you will run into again, who can introduce you to your next boss, or who is going to be helpful. Ideally you are being helpful to the others in your network, too, because it goes both ways and comes around again.
  • Mistake: overdoing your resume. If it is bloated with outdated detail, hard to read, and over two pages, you overdid it. Time for a resume update! Do your research and make it concise. They can ask you for more detail in the interview.
  • Mistake: ruling out jobs. It may not be a perfect fit, but a job that is mostly a good fit will be perfect with the right attitude.
  • Mistake: waiting for the perfect job to open up. Here’s the truth: there is no perfect job. That’s okay, because people aren’t perfect anyway. The same skill set and experience can transfer beautifully into any number of possibilities so be open to them all.

These mistakes are certainly not limited to any age group. If you have been making one, fix it and you could find that next job!

Can You Do The Digital Handshake?


can you do the digital handshake?
With the growing number of video interviews, there’s not a good reason to assume you won’t be asked to be part of one. Business video chats are not in the same category as a Skype or Google hangout because there is a level of professional behavior expected from all parties. Many business meetings are being held in a video conference, too, so these skills are going to be essential in most careers.
One of The New Secrets to Rocking Your Skype Interview that Scott Dockweiler gives us on The Muse is the “digital handshake.” This substitute for a physical shaking of hands is a way to show you are friendly, professional, and ready to get started. This is how you do the first impression successfully, laying the foundation for good communication during the rest of the meeting. Without that good first impression, the rest of the meeting is an attempt to overcome bad vibes.

Components of The Digital Handshake

  • Look at the camera
  • Lean slightly forward, shoulders & eyes focusing ahead
  • Nod your head in a slow, confident, deliberate gesture without breaking eye contact

Now I can hear some of you saying…”I’m looking at a camera! What’s the eye contact there?” You need to remember, in a video meeting that the camera is where you look when you are speaking. When the other party speaks, look at the screen, but when you speak, look at the camera. Some people use a photograph with a hole in it for the lens to put over the camera as a reminder.

Why A Digital Handshake Is Important

The whole video business meeting dynamic is inventing itself, and we are still seeing things change. But even a few years ago, global trends indicated that business and video conferencing were only going to increase. Since the use of video eliminates some of the geographic limitations, we are going to have to be prepared for some cross-cultural challenges along with the ordinary challenge of impressing a remote viewer with your professional abilities.
That simple nod and the body language accompanying it says you are ready to listen and contribute to the meeting — so it can start. 

Predictive Analytics and Your Career

Social Marketing/Online Branding
predictive analytics and your career

“While not new, predictive analytics is an important factor in assessing a candidate’s fit and potential. What is new is its accelerating use in corporate America as a means to filter candidates in and out of consideration long before any personal assessment is made.” — Lou Adler

Lou Adler is a regular contributor to LinkedIn and has so much experience and authority in his perspective on the hiring process that it is worth taking the time to understand what he says about the way Big Brother is Now Determining Your Hirability. Today, a person seeking a position is filtered by all that is in their resume, and all that is in their online brand as well. There’s a list of characteristics that fit into a pattern; the pattern of the Achiever.
Here is what the “Achiever Pattern” that many companies look for consists of:

  • lower turnover with growing responsibility
  • quality of the years of experience rather than number of years
  • quickly being assigned (or volunteering) for important projects and/or teams
  • demonstrating same patterns of initiative & responsibility in every position
  • rehiring and being rehired by past co-workers
  • participation in expanding cross-functional teams

Why Are Certain Qualities Desirable?

If you look at the Achiever Pattern’s overall impression, you see someone who is willing and able to work within any setting and maximize the potential. They are good to work with, as evidenced by the fact they hire past co-workers and are hired by people who have worked with them in the past. There’s a pattern there of more than a self-centered trampling on the way to a shinier inflated ego — the achievement they consistently reach is an achievement that is good for everyone.
If you don’t have these qualities, you may be filtered out of the running before you ever get to the interview. It may be a good idea to carefully look at your resume and online presence and see how accurately they are portraying your own achievements. LinkedIn profile development has never been more important than it is today because it reveals a pattern that your next employer uses to predict your hirability.

Ask The Experts: Cover Letter and Resume Transformation

Resume Writing

Recently, I was honored to be among industry experts discussing current trends in resumes and cover letters on a Mashable Biz Chat. Tracy Edouard, Marketing and Communication at Mashable, gives us the highlights of Mashable’s #BizChats Twitter chat on how to transform your resume and cover letter for the better and you can see different professional perspectives on these questions:

  1. Is it important to have both a cover letter and resume when submitting job applications? Why or why not?
  2. How can someone truly make their resume stand out from the competition?
  3. What features are important to showcase on someone’s resume? (GPA, school, skills, etc.)
  4. What are employers and recruiters looking for in resumes and cover letters?
  5. What are the biggest cover-letter mistakes professionals are making?
  6. How important is design when it comes to creating a resume and cover letter?
  7. What are the top resources available for resume and cover letter support?
  8. What final tips do you have about creating great resumes and cover letters?

These are all good questions. And the input from the various professionals involved is valuable without a doubt. But do you know what the most striking thing about this Twitter chat is?

There Isn’t An Excuse For An Ineffective Resume & Cover Letter

We have the ability to pull experts from all over the place for a chance to pick their brains. Every expert tweeting is linked to a site with a wealth of information, and there is no reason a job seeker with access to an expert can’t get expert advice. Much of that advice is free, too!
The overwhelming consensus is that you can have an effective resume and cover letter by putting the right effort into it. Sometimes that effort involves doing the research on current trends and revamping it yourself, sometimes it takes a resume critique from a professional to help you see what needs to be done, and sometimes your best investment is in a professional resume service.
The help you need to have a powerful resume and cover letter is out there and you can find it easily, along with a wealth of career advice from experts in your field.

Top Mistakes That Get Your Application Tossed

Job Search

top mistakes that get your application tossed
Sometimes, the difference between a job application that makes an employer say, “Wow!” and one that makes an employer say, “Whoa…skip that one” is a simple mistake that is easy to avoid. In a recent Daily Worth article, Natasha Burton looks at 9 common job application mistakes that can cause that application to get tossed. Her list is:

  • not following instructions
  • applying for “any” position
  • sloppy grammar
  • outdated resume
  • listing responsibilities instead of what you accomplished
  • over-the-top resume
  • passive voice & too many skills
  • unsolicited salary requirements
  • inappropriate cover letter/email

Pay Attention To The Details

Every single item on this list could be avoided if the applicant is paying attention to detail. It’s pretty easy to go into an automatic zone when you are submitting a lot of applications, but that’s when the mistakes happen. Electronic job applications, for instance, are increasingly common and can put everything in the wrong box if you aren’t careful.
Handwritten applications are still being used, and that means your handwriting has to be legible. Is it? Hard-to-read scrawls are one big reason a good candidate goes un-interviewed. Slow down and write clearly if you are asked to fill out an application by hand.
Many times, it feels redundant to fill out an application when you have all that information on your resume. But often, an employer will use it to cross-check your information. It’s a good idea to have a copy of your resume — the updated one you submitted — so that the details are easy to access. Nobody remembers all the little details of a job history without help, and why add stress to your life? It’s easy to have your resume along and use that to fill in the application quickly.
Probably, the most important mistake to avoid is not following instructions. If you have a tendency to skim quickly and assume you caught the gist, slow down and make sure you also catch the details that could change the way you do things.

3 Reasons To Track The Numbers In Your Job Performance

Career & Workplace

3 reasons to track the numbers in your job performance
Some of us liked math class, and some of us did not (I am in the latter group). But like it or not, numbers are essential in your career, from resume to retirement and everywhere in between. Job performance numbers are particularly useful for at least three reasons:

  1. they look good on your resume
  2. they help with salary negotiations
  3. and they give you confidence

Performance Numbers Validate Your Resume

When you can state that your work for a past employer resulted in a 15% increase in sales, that is an authoritative statement. It had better be a true statement that you can back up with more information, too! The fact is. illustrating your success with hard numbers always gets a good ROI on your resume because it is specific proof of your worth. Employers looking for a good return on their investment in hiring you will be impressed.

Performance Numbers Bolster Your Salary

When you come into a salary negotiation equipped with the numbers showing your worth, you have a powerful argument for getting a raise or added benefits. You have provided the company with more profit and are worthy of a bigger wage. Again, the numbers need to be backed with additional information so it can be verified if questions come up. If you are due for a salary increase, be prepared to bolster your claims with the numbers to prove it.

Performance Numbers Boost Your Confidence 

When you are keeping track of what you do at work and the difference that it makes, there’s a record of your valuable input. Even something as simple as attendance means you were on the job — and if you are tracking all the numbers of your particular job you should see which numbers will be valuable for your resume and salary negotiations. You will also begin to see indications and trends in your personal work habits and opportunities that will help you establish goals.
Keeping track of your own job performance numbers puts you in control of your own career.

Are You Looking For A Way To Improve Your Job Skills?

Assessments & Education

are you looking for a way to improve your job skills?
Many of us need a little help learning the new skills that are a part of today’s workplace. Fortunately, there’s a way to get some of that education for free — the MOOC, or Massive Open Online Course. The challenge is finding the right course for your circumstances, and not being overwhelmed by the task. Many of the top universities offer MOOCs, but just because it’s good content doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Do Your Research

Take the time to read reviews and carefully consider what your goals are. For instance, the emphasis on internet marketing in every business means that people who keep up on SEO skills are preferable. Look for some reviews, or guides like the 2015 Guide to Free SEO Training Courses Online on Search Engine Watch. The goal is to select one skill to develop in your spare time and deciding which skill you need to prioritize based on your own career goals.

Do Your Homework

Once you have decided to take something like a MOOC, keep at it. Most of the difficulty in online classes is keeping at it. This is why it’s usually good to do one at a time and, if you can talk a friend into taking it with you, you have a study partner and some accountability. You are working on educating yourself for your own satisfaction for the most part, but that is impressive because it shows you are looking for life-long learning opportunities.
People who demonstrate a desire to keep learning, taking the initiative to research the best options for their industry, and keeping at it by getting through something like a massive open online course are impressive. They make an impression on their colleagues because they set a good example. They make an impression on their employer because they demonstrate an ability to stay current with their skill set. And they make an impression in their self-confidence because they are increasing their knowledge and understanding.
If you decide to explore the potential of the MOOC, do your research and select the right one — then do your homework and get it done.