It’s only natural to be concerned about your privacy with anything you post online about yourself. In fact, sometimes people will refuse to use social media platforms, including LinkedIn, due to privacy concerns. While everyone has their own views on this subject, it’s also important to know the ramifications of not having an executive LinkedIn profile when conducting a job search. Here are some of the main points you need to know about the consequences of not having a LinkedIn profile.
Hiring Managers Expect To See A Candidate’s LinkedIn Profile
In this day and age, recruiters and hiring managers will look at an executive LinkedIn profile before they even look at a resume, in some cases. If you don’t have a profile set up, it could send a message that you’re behind the times, aren’t technologically savvy and more. While these may not necessarily be fair assumptions, it’s the reality of the times we live in today. If you’re truly concerned about privacy, consider working with LinkedIn profile development services you trust so you can feel more comfortable with the information put online about yourself.
You May Miss Out On Opportunities
Many job opportunities are only posted on LinkedIn or are found by networking through LinkedIn. When you optimize your LinkedIn profile, you give yourself more visibility to be discovered by recruiters and could be presented with more opportunities than you would get without having a profile. A secret many employers won’t tell job candidates is they will check their LinkedIn profile immediately after looking at their resume. If a resume presents a good candidate, but a hiring manager can’t find any other information about the person online, it could get their resume thrown out of the candidate pool.
Carefully Weigh Your Risks
It’s understandable to be concerned about privacy of your executive LinkedIn profile. However, you also have to be conscious of the times we live in and weigh your risks. Networking is such an essential component of developing a career today, and LinkedIn provides a valuable platform for doing so. Not having a LinkedIn profile may not necessarily mean you’ll be unemployed, but the chances are greater of you not finding the job you’ve always desired.
Professional Resume Services not only helps develop the perfect resume, but we also enjoy helping executives strategize their job search. Our LinkedIn profile development services are top notch and we know how to design it strategically to help get you noticed. Privacy concerns are always valid, and we can help answer any questions you may have about them. Feel free to contact us at any time if you have any reservations about using LinkedIn to enhance your career.
When you work hard to optimize your LinkedIn profile, it’s only natural to consider whether you should upgrade to the premium version to take full advantage of the benefits. Depending on where you’re at in your job search, LinkedIn Premium could be exactly what you need and the expense could be well worth it. But still, knowing exactly what you’re getting from the membership ahead of time will confirm you’re making the right decision. Here is some information many LinkedIn profile writing services suggest taking into consideration before upgrading.
Two Main Features LinkedIn Premium Offers
There are four different levels of LinkedIn Premium at different price points. The two constant features across all levels is the ability to contact with anyone using LinkedIn InMail messages, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile in the past 90 days. The InMail feature is convenient since you don’t have to be connected with someone in order to send them a message. This feature itself makes networking much easier. And with the ability to see who has visited your profile in the last 90 days, rather than just the last five viewers with the standard LinkedIn version, you will always know who is interested in you.
Take Advantage of The Free Trial
Almost every executive LinkedIn profile writer will suggest taking advantage of the free trial of the premium version you’re interested in. This trial lasts 30 days, so be sure to take advantage of each day. Explore all of the various features and make note of the advantages it provides. If needed, you can work with LinkedIn profile writing services to help you decipher the main differences and gauge whether the value is worth the price point of upgrading.
No Long-Term Commitment
The best part about any of the LinkedIn Premium levels is the commitment is only month-to-month. So if you optimize your LinkedIn profile during the free trial and don’t see much value in return, then you can go back to the basic version with no obligations. In fact, many LinkedIn profile writing services work with executives who upgrade to a premium version for just a couple of months to build up their connections, or even land a new job, and then revert back to the basic version. Everyone sees different value when using LinkedIn, so you can determine its value after using it for a while.
Professional Resume Services offers LinkedIn profile writing services because we understand how important the platform is for job searching. We always recommend taking advantage of the free trial period offered and determining its value after that. Feel free to ask your executive LinkedIn profile writer as many questions as you can as well, and they will give you the facts and opinions based on their experience. And never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about LinkedIn or anything related to your job search.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile to ensure you get the best results.
There are a plethora of jobs to be found on LinkedIn. Once you have an optimized LinkedIn profile, you can start using the platform to find employment opportunities; however, how to optimize your LinkedIn profile is a whole different article. Most job seekers just check the Job Board on LinkedIn. After browsing the board, they spam some resumes and call it a day.
This method rarely works. LinkedIn is a social media site created with business networking in mind. There’s no networking in spamming resumes to job postings. Luckily, there are a number of different ways to find work using the platform with the help of your Linkedin profile writing service. Here are a few ideas for finding more great job opportunities on LinkedIn.
1. The Job Board
Of course, you’ll find the vast majority of openings on the LinkedIn main Job Board. You can create a profile based on exactly what kind of job you’re looking for through a number of factors. You can also use advanced search features to narrow down to a certain set of strict parameters, for example: within 10 miles of your home address.
Pro-Tip: Don’t search for titles. Similar roles will have varying names throughout different companies.
2. Group Jobs Tab
Joining Groups on LinkedIn is an excellent networking tool. You can connect with others in the industry and post useful information to show your expertise. The Jobs menu within each group allows discussion of jobs in the industry and posting of open positions relating to the group.
Use this to your advantage. These job postings get significantly less traffic than posts on the main board. The openings in each group will also be targeted to a focused pool of candidates. Join up to 50 groups on the platform and start your search in the shadows.
3. Company Pages
Before searching through company pages on LinkedIn – it’s important to note the pages are used for branding purposes. Every company uses this space to put their best foot forward and make their organization seem like the best place in the world to work. That doesn’t mean you won’t find great jobs posted on a company’s page. It means you should take what a company writes about their corporate environment with a grain of salt. You’ll find job postings on these pages or a link to the business’s job portal.
4. Update Feed
The LinkedIn homepage features an update area. Here you’ll find postings of anything the Pulse feature thinks you’d find interesting. While you’ll see updates from your connections and other miscellaneous items in this feed, you’ll also see job postings from recruiters and hiring managers. These jobs will be fresh off the wire and often, urgent.
5. Don’t Apply Just Yet!
Have you thought about how to optimize your LinkedIn profile? You only get one shot to make a first impression. Also, make sure you’ve searched to see what kind of connections you have with a company you’re considering. Remember, LinkedIn is for networking.

LinkedIn profile development is essential to your success.
Setting up a LinkedIn profile can be just as tough as putting together the right resume, especially if you aren’t particularly savvy with the Internet. You have to figure out just the right way to frame yourself, all in a format that’s slightly different from the average resume. Whether you already have a LinkedIn account or are just now setting up an account, we have some advice regarding common mistakes that keep individuals from maintaining an optimized LinkedIn profile.
Don’t Ignore the Privacy Settings
Having other employees (or your supervisor) find out you’re in the middle of a job search isn’t the best situation. In fact, it’s often more trouble than it’s worth.
Don’t Confuse LinkedIn with Facebook
LinkedIn is a wholly separate entity from Facebook and should be treated as such. Keep the information you include on your profile both accurate and current. Any photos you upload should represent you in a completely professional light. Furthermore, don’t clutter your profile with negativity and personal gripes. This will only give off a bad impression to recruiters and hurt your ability to get hired.
Don’t Be Self-Effacing
Never let yourself feel too intimidated to reach out to others, especially if they’re a hiring manager or someone else in the position to help you land a job. Doing this is actually the first step to impressing them. It also puts a more personal spin on the introductory process resumes and cover letters give.
Don’t Ask Just Anyone to Vouch for You Professionally
Only ask people to write endorsements that cater to the skills you truly possess. It does you no favors for people to write puff pieces about you. In fact, it will harm you later on when employers expect you to fulfill a need you have no real experience with. Recommendations are just as important. Ask only the people you work for or with and have a good rapport with to talk about why you should be hired.
Don’t Shut Yourself Off from Other LinkedIn Users
Consider joining groups that are relevant to your interests. By becoming part of a group that caters to your chosen industry, you can stay in touch with news and job openings much more easily, as well as make some great connections with others.
Don’t Neglect Your Profile
An idle profile is less likely to get hired than one that consistently updates and develops relationships to other LinkedIn members. Maintaining an active presence on LinkedIn is more likely to get you noticed by recruiters.
Don’t Skimp on Your Description
A well-written description is part of the ticket to ideal LinkedIn profile development. The best descriptions zero in on your skills as an employee and what you have to offer to a company if you’re hired. Try to write something brief, but attention-grabbing.
An optimized LinkedIn profile now ranks on the same level of importance as a good resume and can be vital in making sure employers know you’re available and ready to come aboard. If need be, don’t hesitate to look into hiring a LinkedIn profile service to help you get set up!

Your LinkedIn profile serves as an executive bio.
In a sea of social-networking sites that are primarily useful for, well, socializing, LinkedIn is a breath of fresh air for professionals. When you are active on this social networking site, you’re not just wasting time creating and reading pointless postings. You’re improving your marketability as a job candidate, making valuable job-seeking connections and increasing the odds of discovering or getting your next lucrative job.
Your LinkedIn Profile Is Like Your Personal Brand
If you are looking for an executive level job, it is imperative you optimize LinkedIn profile appeal so you will generate more profile views. The more people who view your profile, the higher the odds the right person will view it. There’s really no point even being on LinkedIn if your profile is incomplete, lacks important keywords and has a paltry network of connections.
Ever Heard of “Social Selling?”
The concept of social selling is relatively new, but it’s important if you’re trying to market yourself. Essentially, social selling involves building up a strong reputation (selling yourself) as an expert in your chosen field by being an active participant in social media (particularly LinkedIn). Every aspect of your LinkedIn profile, including your headline, photo, connections, executive bio and summary, should be crafted with care and to elicit a specific response should a potential employer view it.
How Should You Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile?
Now that you understand the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn profile, you’re probably wondering exactly how to do that. By far, the smartest way to go is to partner with a skilled and experienced LinkedIn profile writing service. When you are looking for an executive position, you can’t afford to take risks with something as critical as your LinkedIn profile. The writers at a LinkedIn profile writing service know how to use keywords effectively, add rich media that will generate attention, strategically organize a skill list to appeal to hiring authorities and more.
It’s always a wise move (and one that will save you time and anxiety) to outsource things not in your wheel house to someone who specializes in them. When your car needs an oil change, you could probably muddle through and do the job yourself, but you likely opt for the smart alternative and take your car to your auto repair shop. The same holds true for writing a resume, cover letter, executive bio and LinkedIn profile. If you have a computer, you could sit down and create these documents yourself, but if you trust a pro to do the job, these important components of your job search will probably be exponentially stronger than what you could create on your own.

Your LinkedIn profile can make or break your chances of getting hired.
When you are a job seeker looking for a C-level executive position, not only must you have a LinkedIn profile, but that profile must be outstanding. Your profile should be succinct and to the point, as well as provide critical information upfront so a recruiter doesn’t have to wade through expendable verbiage to get to the details they’re most interested in.
Some Critical Components to Optimize LinkedIn Profile Benefits
First, you want to include relevant keywords that will help a recruiter find your profile. Review some recent C-level job postings you’re interested in and look for words most frequently used in these postings. Incorporate these words in a natural way in your profile so it will catch recruiters’ attention.
Also, make sure to build up your network of connections, as well as give and request recommendations from past employers, co-workers and those who work under you. Recruiters place significant weight on what third-party sources have to say about you and the words they use to describe you. This is valuable information that paints a picture of your leadership style.
Don’t underestimate the importance of the photo you choose for your profile. You are applying for a high-level managerial position, you’re not trying to get a date or impress your buddies. Keep it professional; your photo should depict you looking like you would sitting in your corner office, not on the golf course.
Finally, while it may be true you are on LinkedIn for the sole purpose of finding your next C-level opportunity, you definitely do not want to broadcast that fact. You lose your intrigue if you appear desperate.
What Tone Should You Take When LinkedIn Profile Writing?
Obviously, your verbiage should be professional, but many professionals agree the tone should be relatively informal. It only makes sense to use first person “I” because you are describing yourself. Even if you hire a LinkedIn profile writing service, as many upper-level executives do, the writer should write in first person. Avoid being too wordy, but also being overly dry. Any recruiter who sees your profile will be interested not just in your qualifications, but in your personality.
One Special C-level LinkedIn Consideration
It may seem counterintuitive, but if you are already employed as a CEO, CFO or COO, it’s a good idea to change your privacy settings to ensure your connections aren’t visible to the public. Doing this is simple. On LinkedIn, you will find a setting that allows you to choose who can see your connections. Change the setting to “just you.” This protects you from current competitors mining your connections and gaining insight into professional relationships you’d rather them not know about. Similarly, scroll through your public profile privacy settings and opt out of any that may jeopardize your odds of landing a better position. If, for example, you belong to partisan or controversial groups or organizations, you can opt to keep these off of your public profile.
It’s not good enough to simply have a LinkedIn presence. If you’re a C-level professional, your presence should be complete and well-crafted, not simply an afterthought.

In a sea of social-networking sites that are primarily useful for, well, socializing, LinkedIn is a breath of fresh air for professionals. When you are active on this social-networking site, you’re not just wasting time creating and reading pointless postings. You’re improving your marketability as a job candidate, making valuable job-seeking connections, and increasing the odds of discovering or getting your next lucrative job.
Your LinkedIn Profile is Like Your Personal Brand
If you are looking for an executive level job, it is imperative that you optimize LinkedIn profile appeal so you will generate more profile views. The more people who view your profile, the higher the odds that the right person will view it. There’s really no point even being on LinkedIn if your profile is incomplete, lacks important keywords and has a paltry network of connections.
Ever Heard of “Social Selling?”
The concept of social selling is relatively new, but it’s important if you’re trying to market yourself. Essentially, social selling involves building up a strong reputation (selling yourself) as an expert in your chosen field by being an active participant in social media (particularly LinkedIn). Every aspect of your LinkedIn profile, including your headline, photo, connections, executive bio and summary, should be crafted with care and to elicit a specific response should a potential employer view it.
How Should You Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile?
Now that you understand the importance of optimizing your LinkedIn profile, you’re probably wondering exactly how to do that. By far the smartest way to go is to partner with a skilled and experienced LinkedIn profile writing service. When you are looking for an executive position, you can’t afford to take risks with something as critical as your LinkedIn profile. Certified resume writers at a LinkedIn profile writing service know how to use keywords effectively, add rich media that will generate attention, strategically organize a skill list to appeal to hiring authorities and more.
It’s always a wise move (and one that will save you time and anxiety) to outsource things not in your wheel house to someone who specializes in them. When your car needs an oil change, you could probably muddle through and do the job yourself. But you likely opt for the smart alternative and take your car to your auto repair shop. The same holds true for writing a resume, cover letter, executive bio and LinkedIn profile. If you have a computer, you could sit down and create these documents yourself. But if you trust a pro to do the job, these important components of your job search will probably be exponentially stronger than what you could create on your own.