Job hunting is not anyone’s favorite thing to do. Neither is writing a resume either, unless you do it for a living. So when you find errors on your resume after you’ve sent it, how important are they? This just happened to a friend of mine. No sooner had her finger hit ‘send’, did she realize there was a typo in the career summary at the top of page 1. Are those mistakes really going to cause you serious problems?
Well, the answer to that is that it depends. There are many different types of errors that you might find on a resume, and while some of them are ridiculous, others are so inconsequential that no one will notice.
For example, formatting errors are more noticeable than anything else, and will leave an impression that the person who is submitting the resume doesn’t know what they’re doing. If the resume wasn’t created by you, it will still be the impression given to the employer. Ensure that your resume is properly formatted. In other words, all the edges match up, because looks do count. Pay attention to whether or not bullet points are used in appropriate places, if you have chosen to use them. Make sure everything is consistent. If you are going to capitalize your job title, make sure ALL job titles are capitalized, etc.
How important are errors on a resume? Is your contact info correct? There is a difference between the town names Brookfield and Brookville! Let’s say Person X living at 123 Main in Brookfield lands a job—but their resume says Brookville. When the job offer is mailed to the wrong address and comes back as returned mail, that’s a big problem.
Incorrect information on a resume is also a major resume no-no. Lying about previous experience or schooling is a huge problem. How important are these errors on a resume? More than likely, at some point in time, you will get caught, and your credibility could be ruined. Oh, and you’ll probably be fired, too.
When creating your resume be truthful about where you went to school, what your ranking was, and when you graduated. If you took longer to graduate, you can explain that in an interview. Past experiences are listed on your resume with the most recent on top and a description of what the job was, using as few words as possible. Many people are too wordy, which is a turn-off to employers looking for potential workers. Keep it straightforward and simple. Cut the fluff words and stick to the point.
Spelling counts for a lot and the spell-check function on your computer can be a valuable tool. Be aware of how to spell the names of personal references properly. When potential employers call to check the references with these people, they don’t wish to be embarrassed by asking for the wrong person due to the name being misspelled. You should always spell-check and proof your work obsessively, or at least 2-3 times. Beware: spell-check doesn’t catch everything. I used to always automatically type “manger” for “manager”. I don’t know why, but I did. Manger is a word so spell-check never caught it. I did though. Luckily there is a cool tool in MS Word (auto correct options) where you add the words you misspell the most and it will automatically correct them (whew!).
Really, how important are errors on a resume? It all depends on the position you are applying for. If you are looking at a small spelling mistake in a sentence, and you are applying at an auto parts store for a cashier position, then it’s probably not a big deal. However, if you are applying as a newspaper editor with that same resume, it is a big deal. In the end, your resume should still be perfect anyway.

How many times have you pressed ‘send’ only to realize there was a glaring typo in your email/cover letter/resume? Ack! Even though you double or triple checked it, sometimes an error is right in front of your eyes, but you just haven’t seen it.
Whether you consider writing to be one of your weaker points, or you consider it to be your forte, you can always benefit from having someone take a second – or even a third or fourth – look at your resume. After all, this will be the first impression that you give a future employer; if your resume is sprinkled with typos, then it might be perceived as a lack of initiative on your part. As a matter of fact, anyone can suffer from this predicament: when you spend hours trying to put together the perfect resume, it can be very easy to overlook minor errors. When you read your own writing, you tend to look past the typos and concentrate on the more major aspects of it. While it’s ultimately your responsibility to make sure that your resume is presentable for your future employers, it’s best to take advantage of varying sources to minimize the possibility of errors and to maximize your potential of getting noticed.
If you are a college student or graduate, check to see if your school has a writing center and career center. At a writing center, a tutor can look over your work to make sure it is free of errors, and at a career center, a human resources consultant can tell you what employers want to see on a resume. These people can provide an unbiased opinion of your resume’s strong points as well as the parts that need improvement. Even if you have a friend who is a professional writer or a human resources professional, he or she might have a biased perspective, or they might be reluctant to offer any criticism.
If you are willing to invest some money into your resume, you can even purchase the service of resume professionals online. These resume services are usually comprised of business writers and human resources professionals who have spent years working with resumes and cover letters. We provide the insight necessary to highlight your most important qualities and downplay the ones you don’t particularly want employers to know about. For example, if you held a senior position in your last job, you’ll want to know just how to describe your experience. Of course, these professionals will also proofread your resume before sending it back to you.
In the end, it’s always good to have a second (or third) set of eyes to proof your resume. Even if you have impeccable writing skills and stellar credentials, you can still blend in with a competitive pool of job applicants. A writer can point out any errors, and a human resources professional can determine what will help your resume stand out. While you are the last person who should review your resume before it goes out, it always helps to have a variety of sources provide their insights on it first.