September is "Update Your Resume Month"

Resume WritingResumes

It’s that time again! Update Your Resume Month (UYRM).
Professional Resume Services, in collaboration with Career Directors International (CDI), is once again presenting (and in the midst of) Update Your Resume Month.
Not only are the kids (finally!) back to school, but it’s time for job seekers to prepare, too– for unexpected opportunities! Is your resume ready to be viewed? Is it loaded with everything you’ve accomplished? Would you hand it out to a stranger (i.e. the hiring manager/recruiter) tomorrow?
What would you do if you were told about a fantastic opportunity that seemed tailor-made for you, but you only had a day to submit your resume to the person? Are you ready? Worse, what if you look at it and realize, it doesn’t need to just be updated, it needs to be REWRITTEN! I don’t know about other resume writers, but we are booked up at least a couple of weeks in advance.
What have you accomplished since your resume was written? Certifications? Training? Career advancement? Continued education? A job move? 2? 3? Yikes! What are you waiting for?
Be prepared for the golden opportunity– update your resume today and spare yourself the pain of missing out on it tomorrow.

Do you know what this month is?

It’s September: Update Your Resume month.
You may be thinking, “Yeah, so? My resume is fine, and besides, I’m not “looking” for a job, so I don’t need it updated.”  I think perhaps at one point in time, a decade or so ago, it was OK to be that sure, but not anymore.
Do yourself a favor, get it updated today and save yourself any anxiety in the future when the perfect opportunity presents itself, because you will be COMPLETELY PREPARED.

September is "International Update Your Resume Month"

Executive ResumesNetworkingProfessional ResumesResume KeywordsResume WritingResumes

It’s that time of year again, folks!
September is International Update Your Résumé Month, officially proclaimed by Career Directors International (CDI). During the entire month, CDI members will dedicate their efforts to boosting industry awareness and encouraging the public to update their own résumés.
Since most careers require a résumé in order to gain employment, it’s important that job seekers take a proactive approach in order to be ready for any and all opportunities that crop up. Too often people try to write a résumé at the last minute, which is the worst time to prepare a document that needs to be perfect. A well-crafted résumé takes time and research, and Update Your Résumé Month is a perfect reminder to be prepared for new opportunities.