Social media is a massive part of many of our lives now that using it seems almost second nature. Whether we are liking Facebook statuses, tweeting our friends or sending photos via Tumblr, we are all used to making the most of social networking. In fact, we also know that it can help us to keep in touch with friends, get back in touch with old friends and even to meet new people!
What many people don’t realize is the benefit that they can have if they use social media for job search. Fair enough. You might not be able to “tweet” to apply for a job vacancy, but there are plenty of ways to use social media to your advantage when you are job hunting.
In fact, there are even social networking websites that are aimed towards professionals. They allow you to create an online version of your resume, connect with colleagues and employers and meet new people. It is a great way of networking and getting the inside information on companies and any vacancies that may be coming up! Remember that it has always been “not what you know but who you know.” By getting involved in social media job hunting you can be sure that you are making the most of every avenue open to you when it comes to enhancing your career and getting the job of your dreams.
Once you join one of these websites you will see that there are loads of other people already using them – which you can always use to your advantage!