Navigating Rejection: Tips for Handling Feedback in Your Job Search

Job Search
navigating rejection

The journey of job searching may be laced with times of hope and, on the other side of the coin, feel like waters that often swirl out of control. Navigating rejection is one of the most dreaded occurrences during this process. Whether it’s radio silence from a would-be employer or a blunt “no,” rejection is the brutal reality of looking for work. But it also might be some of the best growing and learning experiences. I know– I’ve learned from mine.

Here are some strategies for how to handle the feedback and rejection from your job search, turning those setbacks into stepping stones toward your goals for your career.

How to Make Sense of Rejection in the Job Market

First, it’s crucial to recognize that navigating rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person or professional.
I was crushed the first time I was rejected from a job I really wanted. I let it get to me, it affected my job search for a solid week, and I let it control my feelings about myself.
The job market is influenced by numerous factors beyond your control, such as timing, the specific needs of a company, and the pool of applicants. Sometimes, rejection speaks less of your qualifications and more of the lack of fit. Maintaining such a perspective can assist you in not losing confidence and resilience in the face of rejection.

Embracing Feedback

Take the notion of feedback from the premise that when you receive the feedback, negative or positive, you receive it as a gift. Constructive criticism can provide invaluable insights into areas for improvement, whether it’s your resume, interview skills, or certain qualifications. If feedback is not automatically provided, don’t hesitate to ask for it politely. Use the information to refine your approach and make it a stronger candidacy for your next opportunities.

Building Resilience

Building resilience is like your emotional armor in the job search. It includes adopting a growth mindset where every experience is taken as an opportunity for learning and development. So, pat yourself on the back for every effort and all the progress you’ve made, not only the outcomes. Be compassionate with yourself and remember that persistence is what will finally make your efforts pay off toward your career goals. Be patient.

Fine-Tuning Your Approach

Use rejection as another chance to reassess and fine-tune the areas of your job search that may not be working. Look for patterns in the feedback; all the comments seem to be leading toward only a few themes. What are the skills or experiences that you could fill in more detail? Is there any gap in your resume that you want to fill? The intention of this self-analysis is that with the realization, it will be possible to make targeted improvements in your job search approach so that you emerge stronger as a candidate in the race. What do I really want to do? How can I stand out as the obvious choice?

Networking and Mentorship

Developing a supportive network of family, friends, and professionals helps in receiving emotional and practical advice. Look for mentors who can guide and review your application documents and provide insights into your target industry. In addition, networking could act as a source of new opportunities by way of relationships, perhaps for job leads more befitting.


Sometimes, even a rejection can be a time to broaden your scope. Look at related fields and even opportunities where you could gain that advancement knowledge, and be open to the possibility of more education if it is in line with reaching your ultimate career goal. You can do this to make yourself more well-rounded and appealing to prospective employers. Thinking of getting that certification? Do it!

Staying Positive and Healthy

Maintaining a positive outlook is crucial, but it’s equally important to look after your mental and physical health while navigating rejection. Job searching can be stressful, so engage in activities that boost your well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. A healthy balance can keep you motivated and reduce the toll of rejection.
Back when my first rejection hit me, it was in the Fall. That is when I learned to can. During that job search and rejection time, I canned tomatoes, salsa, pickles, applesauce, pears, and so much more. It relaxed me AND it made me feel productive even though my job search wasn’t productive.

Persistence Pays Off

Remember the power of persistence. Every ‘no’ is bringing you closer to the ‘yes’ of destiny. Stay committed to your job search but be flexible in your approach. Be ready to learn, change, and jump at new opportunities. Navigating rejection isn’t always a straight path.

Learning from Success Stories

Find motivation from the success stories of people who have received rejections but later on have been hired in the company of their dreams. It may have helpful advice and motivation for moving forward. Knowing that even the very successful professionals have been rejected many times could make it normal and foster tenacity. ‘They’ve been through this, and look where they are now!’

Get Professional Help

If rejection is taking a toll on your confidence or even mental well-being, then consider seeking assistance from either career counselors (hello there!) or mental health professionals. They would provide techniques with which to deal with rejection, measures to make your job search better, and ways to handle stress.


While navigating rejections within your job search can surely be difficult, it is also an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Practice embracing feedback, bouncing back, refining your strategy, and staying positively healthy in mind and body, and you’ll turn rejection into an incredible force for moving your career forward. Remember, every “no” is a step closer to the “yes” that will open the door to new professional adventures. Keep learning, adapting, and persisting—your perseverance will pay off.

5 Essential Soft Skills Employers Want You to Have

Cover LettersResume Writing

In today’s ever-changing work environment, soft skills play a pivotal role in determining professional success. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person’s skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills are interpersonal and broadly applicable in the workplace.

Here are five essential soft skills for professional success, along with examples of how to showcase them in your resume or cover letter.

1. Communication

Importance: Effective communication is crucial in any workplace setting. It involves clearly conveying ideas, listening actively, understanding others’ perspectives, and responding appropriately. Good communicators can inspire and influence people, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Think about the leaders you know who inspired you. What was one of their best qualities? I bet it was the ability to communicate with their team.

How to Use in Resume/Cover Letter: In your resume, include instances where your communication skills led to positive outcomes, such as resolving conflicts, delivering presentations that won significant accounts, or leading workshops that improved team performance.
In your cover letter, you might write, “I have honed my communication skills through various leadership roles, consistently ensuring clear and effective dissemination of objectives and fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue.”

2. Teamwork

Importance: Collaboration and the ability to work well with others are fundamental in most jobs. Employers look for individuals who can contribute to the team, share ideas, and support their colleagues to achieve common goals while not involving themselves in drama.

How to Use in Resume/Cover Letter: Highlight specific projects where your ability to work in a team was evident in achieving results. For instance, “Collaborated with a cross-functional team to increase project efficiency by 30%, demonstrating strong teamwork and problem-solving skills.” In a cover letter, mention how you believe in the power of teamwork to overcome complex challenges and bring innovative solutions to life.

3. Problem-Solving

Importance: The ability to identify problems, analyze underlying causes, and implement solutions is invaluable. Problem-solving skills show that you can navigate challenges creatively and effectively, a quality that is highly prized in any role. We like to use CAR stories (Challenge, Action, Results). What was the challenge you faced? What action did you take to change it? What were the results?

How to Use in Resume/Cover Letter: Provide examples of situations where you successfully solved a problem or made an improvement. For example, “Identified a bottleneck in the production process and implemented a new strategy that reduced delivery times by 20%.” Your cover letter could explain a scenario where your problem-solving skills led to a significant breakthrough in a project or task.

4. Adaptability

Importance: In a fast-paced work environment, change is constant. Being adaptable means you can handle unexpected situations with ease and remain flexible in your approach to challenges and new tasks. How can we forget the pandemic? Adaptability in a time of crisis wins every time.

How to Use in Resume/Cover Letter: Mention experiences where you had to quickly adapt to changes or learn new skills to meet the demands of your role. In your resume, this could be, “Adapted to a rapidly changing work environment by learning new software in a short period, which increased the team’s productivity by 15%.” In your cover letter, reflect on a time when your adaptability allowed you to successfully navigate a difficult situation.

5. Emotional Intelligence

Importance: Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. It involves empathy, social skills, self-awareness, and self-regulation. High emotional intelligence can lead to better relationships at work, improved leadership skills, and a positive workplace culture.

How to Use in Resume/Cover Letter: Highlight roles or situations where your emotional intelligence made a difference. This could be through conflict resolution, mentoring colleagues, or leading a team through a stressful period. For example, “Leveraged my high emotional intelligence to mediate a conflict between team members, resulting in enhanced team harmony and productivity.” In your cover letter, discuss how your emotional intelligence has been a key factor in your professional development and success.


Soft skills are increasingly becoming the differentiators between good and great professionals. By effectively showcasing these skills in your resume and cover letter, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you not only have the technical skills required for the job but also the interpersonal capabilities that will make you a valuable addition to their team.
Remember, the key is to provide specific examples that highlight how these skills have contributed to your successes and how they can be beneficial in the role you’re applying for.

Mastering and Adapting Your Resume to Market Trends

Executive ResumesResume Writing

In the ever-evolving job market, adapting your resume to reflect current trends is crucial. A well-crafted resume does more than list your skills and experiences; it positions you as an ideal candidate in the eyes of potential employers (the goal). This post will guide you on how to master and adapt your resume to stay competitive.


Understanding Market Trends

The first step in adapting your resume is understanding current market trends. Trends can vary by industry, but common elements include the increased importance of digital skills, a focus on soft skills like communication and adaptability, and the need for evidence-based accomplishments. Staying informed about these trends ensures that your resume resonates with what employers are currently looking for.

Analyzing Job Descriptions

To tailor your resume effectively, analyze job descriptions in your field. Identify keywords and phrases frequently used and incorporate them into your resume. This not only helps in passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) but also shows that you’re in tune with the language and priorities of your industry.

Adapting Your Resume

1. Highlighting Relevant Skills

Update your resume to highlight skills that are in demand. For instance, if digital proficiency is trending in your field, ensure your resume reflects your competence in relevant software or platforms. Relevancy is one of my pet peeves. If you don’t have the skills relevant to the job, you may not be a good fit. If you do have the skills needed, don’t just list them, back them up by demonstrating how you’ve used them effectively in past roles.

2. Showcasing Achievements

Rather than just listing your duties at previous jobs, focus on your achievements. Use specific examples and quantify your successes wherever possible.
– Did you increase sales by 30%?
– Did you lead a project that resulted in significant cost savings?
– How did you help your team overcome a certain hurdle?
These specifics make your contributions tangible and memorable.

3. Modernizing the Format

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all resumes. Today’s resumes are more visual and concise. Use a clean, modern layout with bullet points for easy readability. Infographics and charts can be used sparingly to showcase key achievements. However, ensure that the design does not overpower the content.

4. Incorporating Soft Skills

Employers are increasingly valuing soft skills. Showcase your communication, leadership, and problem-solving abilities through concrete examples. Kennedy suggests using scenarios from your work experience where you demonstrated these skills effectively.

5. Customizing for the Role

Don’t forget to customize your resume for each application. This doesn’t mean rewriting it entirely, but rather tweaking it to highlight the most relevant experiences and skills for each job. When in doubt, check out the job description. You’ll find lots of little gems in there (keywords, descriptors, etc.).

Overcoming Challenges

Adapting your resume can be challenging, especially when transitioning industries or re-entering the job market after a gap. In such cases, focus on transferable skills and continuous learning. Highlight any courses, certifications, or volunteer work that demonstrate your commitment to staying relevant in your field.

The Role of Networking

Networking can significantly impact your job search. Engage with professionals in your industry through platforms like LinkedIn. Often, a strong network can provide insights into market trends and even lead to job opportunities that are not advertised publicly.

Continuous Learning

In a fast-changing job market, continuous learning is key. Stay updated with the latest trends and skills in your industry. Online courses, webinars, and professional workshops can be excellent resources for this. Every extra bit of learning helps. Add them!

In Conclusion…

Mastering and adapting your resume is an ongoing process. It involves staying informed about market trends, highlighting your most relevant skills and achievements, and continuously learning and networking. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your resume will stand out in today’s competitive job market.

Mastering the Art of Executive Interviews

InterviewingSuccess Strategies

Mastery Requires Next Level Preparation

Executive interviews require a different level of preparation and finesse compared to other job interviews.

Executives are expected to demonstrate their leadership abilities, strategic thinking, strong ROI, and ability to drive organizational success.

You know you can do everything the company is asking but how do relay those things in an interview?

We work with so many smart and accomplished executives who struggle with knowing what to focus on in the interview (or not).

Here are a few key things companies look for when interviewing executives:

Showcasing Leadership Skills:

  • Prepare examples that demonstrate your ability to lead teams, make tough decisions, and solve complex problems.**Have stories ready. People love stories and can relate to or visualize what happened.
  • Highlight your experience in driving strategic initiatives and achieving business objectives.
  • Emphasize your ability to inspire and motivate others, and your track record of building high-performing teams.

Executives are expected to demonstrate their leadership abilities, strategic thinking, strong ROI, and ability to drive organizational success.

Handling Tough Interview Questions:

    • Practice answering common executive-level interview questions, such as those related to leadership style, conflict resolution, and decision-making.
    • Be prepared to discuss challenging situations you have faced and how you effectively handled them.
    • Use the STAR or CAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and provide concrete examples.**We use the CAR method to gather information for resumes. They help build a story and provide deeper insight into the way YOU do things.

Researching the Company and Industry:

    • Thoroughly research the company, its mission, values, recent news, and industry trends.**Know the company. Know what they do/sell/build, etc. Know their financials. Know their pain points.
    • Understand the challenges and opportunities the company is facing, and how your skills and experience can contribute to its success.
    • Prepare thoughtful questions to ask during the interview that demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the organization.
    • Identify someone who works there on LinkedIn (having an ‘in’ helps) and after your intro, ask them if you can chat about the company.

Demonstrating Strategic Thinking:

    • Highlight your ability to think strategically and provide examples of how you have contributed to long-term organizational goals.
    • Showcase your understanding of market trends, competition, and industry challenges.
    • Discuss how you have developed and implemented strategic initiatives to drive business growth and profitability.**Give a detailed step-by-step if they are interested in one.

Communicating Your Leadership Style:

    • Clearly articulate your leadership philosophy and how it aligns with the organization’s values and culture. You know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leading.
    • Share stories that illustrate your leadership style and how it has positively influenced teams and achieved results.**Again, stories have amazing power.
    • Emphasize your ability to inspire, motivate, and empower others to excel.

Addressing Cultural Fit:

    • Research the company’s culture, values, and leadership style.**This is important and will give you an idea of the company and how they deal with each other.
    • Align your responses with the organization’s culture and demonstrate how you would be a good fit.
    • Discuss your experience in leading diverse teams and fostering an inclusive work environment.

You are already equipped with what they need. Practice with a colleague or friend. It will be easier than you think.


How to target your resume for your specific role or industry

Resume KeywordsResume Writing

Resumes are not one size fits all.

In other words, if you’re looking for an HR job, your resume should be targeted to that particular HR role.

When I was hiring, I was pretty specific in my position description for a part-time customer service person. I loaded it with job-specific customer service keywords.

I was shocked–and a little annoyed– by the applicants who applied: a CFO, a UX coder, an insurance claims specialist, an early childhood educator, an IT consultant, and more completely unrelated to my posting (with not a speck of customer service experience in their resume.

HR managers, hiring managers, and recruiters talk about this often–when applicants DON’T tailor their resumes to the position listed.

If you’re not sure what should be on your resume, always look to the job description. It’s full of keywords and it tells you exactly what they need.

For example, if you are a finance executive what things should you put on your resume?

Financial executive resumes are different from other executive resumes in several ways. Here are a few key differences:

  1. Emphasis on financial expertise: Financial executive resumes should highlight the candidate’s financial skills and experience, including their ability to analyze financial data, make strategic financial decisions, and manage budgets and financial forecasting.
  2. Technical skills: They may want to include a section highlighting technical skills such as financial modeling, risk management, and experience with accounting software.
  3. Education and certifications: Education and certifications are important for financial exec positions. Candidates should include information about their degrees, professional certifications, and any relevant coursework. Additional professional experience is important as well.
  4. Results-oriented: Financial executive resumes should highlight specific achievements and results, such as improving profitability, increasing revenue, reducing costs, or leading successful mergers and acquisitions.
  5. Industry knowledge: A career in finance should demonstrate a deep understanding of the financial industry, including regulatory compliance, financial reporting requirements, and industry trends.
  6. Leadership and team management: They are often responsible for managing teams, so the resume should highlight leadership skills, team-building experience, and a track record of successful management.

So, what are some keywords a finance exec might use? Again, look to the job description. Depending on the job you may see any of these:

  • Financial analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Budget management
  • Forecasting
  • Risk management
  • Investment analysis
  • Financial modeling
  • P&L management
  • Cash flow management
  • Accounting principles
  • Taxation laws
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Auditing
  • Corporate finance
  • Treasury management
  • M&A
  • Capital markets
  • Leadership
  • Team management
  • Communication skills

Make sure to incorporate these keywords appropriately in your resume, highlighting your relevant skills and accomplishments. However, avoid stuffing your resume with too many keywords as it may come across as inauthentic or spammy. Instead, focus on using relevant keywords that accurately describe your skills and experience.

ATS or Hiring Manager–Who should I write my resume for?

Executive ResumesResume Writing

Does the thought of writing your resume leave you confused?

Not sure who will be reading this? An AI (ATS) or a human?

It can feel stressful to know what to write, who to write for (recruiters? hiring managers?), what keywords, etc., especially when you aren’t sure exactly what an applicant tracking system does.

I’ll explain it in a nutshell.

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) are software programs used by employers to filter and sort through resumes to find the most qualified candidates for a specific job.

ATS typically look for the following elements in a resume:

Keywords: ATS scan resumes for specific keywords and phrases that match the job description. These can include job titles, technical skills, certifications, and other relevant terms that demonstrate your qualifications and experience. What words do you notice over and over in the job description?

Formatting: ATS prefer resumes that are well-organized and easy to read. To ensure your resume is ATS-friendly, use a simple and consistent formatting style, including headings, bullet points, and white space. Columns don’t work here as ATS reads left to right (like a book)—it doesn’t stop at the column.

Relevant Work Experience: ATS look for candidates with experience that closely matches the requirements of the job. Make sure your resume highlights your most relevant work experience, including job titles, dates of employment, and key achievements.

Education and Training: ATS also look for candidates with the required education and training for the job. Make sure to include your degree(s), certifications, and any relevant coursework or training programs you’ve completed.

Applicant Information: ATS also scans for basic applicant information such as name, contact information, and location. Make sure to include this information in a clear and consistent format at the top of your resume.

Knowing which keywords to add is perplexing to some of the candidates I talk to.

One way to know if your resume has enough keywords for ATS is to carefully review the job description and compare it to your resume. Look for the specific skills, qualifications, and experience that the employer is seeking and make sure to include relevant keywords and phrases throughout your resume.

Here are some tips to ensure your resume has enough keywords for ATS:

Use exact phrases: Use exact phrases from the job description wherever possible. If the job description calls for “project management experience,” include that exact phrase in your resume instead of a similar phrase such as “managed projects.”

Use variations of keywords: Use variations of keywords and phrases throughout your resume to demonstrate your familiarity with the industry and the specific job requirements. For example, if the job description calls for “customer service skills,” also include related terms such as “client service” or “customer support.”

Include relevant industry jargon: If there are specific technical terms or jargon commonly used in the industry, make sure to include them in your resume. This helps to demonstrate your familiarity with the industry and the specific job requirements.

Don’t stuff your resume with irrelevant keywords: While it’s important to include relevant keywords and phrases, don’t stuff your resume with irrelevant keywords. This can make your resume look unnatural and may actually hurt your chances of passing through an ATS.

Test your resume: Some ATS offer a “resume optimization” feature that can analyze your resume and provide feedback on whether it contains enough keywords for the job. Alternatively, you can test your resume by submitting it to a free online resume scanner that checks for ATS compatibility.

Something to keep in mind is that even though it’s important to write a resume that works with ATS, it’s also important to write for people.

It’s equally important to ensure that your resume is readable and appealing to human recruiters as well as ATS. This means using clear, concise language, storytelling, and formatting that makes your qualifications and experience easy to understand. Your resume should also highlight your unique skills and accomplishments in a way that captures the recruiter’s attention and stands out from other candidates. It should tell your story.

To strike a balance between ATS and human readability, consider tailoring your resume for each specific job application. Start by reviewing the job description and identifying the key skills and qualifications that the employer is seeking. Then, incorporate those relevant keywords and phrases throughout your resume while also crafting a compelling narrative that showcases your experience and achievements.

Similar to ATS, hiring managers typically look for the following key elements in a resume:

Relevant Experience: Hiring managers want to see that you have relevant work experience that demonstrates your ability to perform the job duties required for the position. Highlight your most relevant work experience and quantify your accomplishments with specific achievements and results.

Skills and Qualifications: Highlight your skills and qualifications that are directly relevant to the job. Be specific and provide examples of how you have used these skills in previous roles.

Education and Certifications: Include your educational background and any certifications that are relevant to the position. This helps to demonstrate your qualifications and expertise in a particular area.

Achievements and Accomplishments: Use specific examples to demonstrate your achievements and accomplishments in previous roles. Quantify your results wherever possible to demonstrate the impact you have made in previous positions. Numbers, numbers, numbers. Add metrics when possible.

Relevant Keywords: While not as critical as with ATS, it’s still important to use relevant keywords and phrases from the job description. This helps to demonstrate your familiarity with the industry and the specific requirements of the position.

Clarity and Readability: Hiring managers want to be able to quickly and easily scan your resume for the information they need. Use a clear and consistent formatting style, including headings and bullet points, to make your resume easy to read and understand. Keep the important info on page one—the top half of the page.

In summary, hiring managers look for a combination of relevant experience, skills and qualifications, education and certifications, achievements and accomplishments, relevant keywords, and clarity and readability in a resume. ATS seeks these things as well.

The job description offers a treasure trove of keywords and helps make the writing process so much easier. If you’ve done those same skills list them. Both the hiring manager and ATS will be seeking them out.


What is read more? Your resume or your LinkedIn profile?


I would say at least in more than half of the conversations I have with job seekers, they end up asking me if they should have their LinkedIn profile written, or just their resume?

What do hiring managers read the most? The resume or a LinkedIn profile?

The answer is BOTH.

Resumes and LinkedIn profiles are both important because they serve different but complementary purposes in the job search process.

A resume is a formal document that is used to summarize a job candidate’s work experience, education, skills, and other qualifications for a specific job application. It’s usually submitted to an employer as part of the application process.

LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a professional networking platform that provides a digital presence for job seekers. It allows candidates to connect with potential employers, recruiters, and other professionals in their industry, as well as showcase their work experiences, skills, and accomplishments through their profile.

Together, a strong resume and LinkedIn profile can help a job candidate to present a complete and compelling picture of their qualifications and expertise to potential employers.

The resume provides detailed information about a candidate’s experience, while the LinkedIn profile provides context, endorsements, and network connections that help to bring the candidate’s qualifications to life.

A resume helps a job seeker to do the following four things:

  1. Summarize work experience and qualifications: A resume provides a concise overview of a job seeker’s work experience, education, skills, and other qualifications, making it easier for employers to quickly assess a candidate’s suitability for a job.
  2. Stand out from other candidates: A well-crafted resume can help a job seeker to stand out from other candidates by highlighting their strengths, achievements, and unique qualifications.
  3. Make a positive first impression: A professional-looking and well-organized resume is crucial in making a positive first impression on potential employers.
  4. Target specific job opportunities: A job seeker can tailor their resume to match the requirements and qualifications listed in a specific job posting, making it easier for them to show how their experience and skills align with the needs of the employer.

A LinkedIn profile helps a job seeker to do the following four things:

  1. Build a professional network: LinkedIn allows job seekers to connect with potential employers, recruiters, and other professionals in their industry, which can lead to job opportunities and career growth.
  2. Showcase expertise and achievements: LinkedIn provides a platform for job seekers to highlight their work experience, skills, and accomplishments, helping them to stand out from other candidates and demonstrate their value to potential employers.
  3. Stay up-to-date in the industry: LinkedIn is a source of news and information about the job seeker’s industry, allowing them to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in their field.
  4. Expand their visibility: By having a strong LinkedIn profile, job seekers can increase their visibility and be discovered by potential employers and recruiters, even if they are not actively searching for a new job.

A resume provides a formal document that summarizes a candidate’s work experience, education, skills, and qualifications for a specific job application, while a LinkedIn profile provides a digital presence that allows job seekers to connect with potential employers, recruiters, and other professionals in their industry, showcase their expertise and accomplishments, and expand their visibility.

Having both a well-crafted resume and LinkedIn profile helps job seekers to present a complete and compelling picture of their qualifications and expertise to potential employers, increasing their chances of being considered for job opportunities. By having both, job seekers can also target specific job openings, stand out from other candidates, make a positive first impression, and stay up-to-date in their industry.

In conclusion, having both a LinkedIn profile and a resume is crucial for job seekers as they serve different but complementary purposes in the job search process.

What do you think is most important? What gets more interest– your resume or your LinkedIn profile?




Is your resume relevant for the role you want?

Resume Writing

Imagine you brought home a carton of milk, opened it for your cereal, started to pour, and out came Diet Coke.

It’s not that you don’t like Diet Coke.

It’s just that you 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 milk.

One of the most common frustrations I hear from recruiters and hiring managers is that their candidate’s resumes don’t match the position they are interviewing for.

Do you apply to jobs that may not be in your wheelhouse but apply anyway?

If I’m being honest here, this is a pet peeve of mine.

Recently, I put an ad on LinkedIn. I was looking for a Client Success Manager. Part-time, 20 hours a week. Must have customer service experience.  All of these things were spelled out crystal clear in the position description.

I got hundreds of responses within a 36-hour window.

Guess how many had ANYTHING to do with client success, client services, office administration, etc? About 20. The rest were… everything else. I spent four days scrolling through the applicants and reading every resume from top to bottom. Annoyed that so many were obviously not a fit is putting it mildly.

Guess how many had ANYTHING to do with client success, client service, office administration, etc.? About 20. The rest were… everything else.

There were two CEO’s, a CFO, high-tech, a couple of teachers, sales reps, recruiters, business development, process analyst, and so on. And about 90% of them wanted a full-time role.

None of them mentioned any of the skills I listed–and I searched their resumes for something, anything similar.

I even put a little note at the bottom to email me directly with a copy of the resume. After all, this is a small company, it’s not Google. I had the time to be thorough and review each applicant’s resume.

Guess how many people emailed me their resumes?

Go ahead and guess, I’ll wait.


SEVEN people emailed me their resumes. SEVEN.

I won’t vent here about not reading directions on an application, even though I really, really want to. 🙄I’ll save that for another rant post.

Keep in mind that a recruiter or hiring manager will only take a few seconds to view your resume. If they use ATS, the ATS will pick out appropriate matches as well.

So, if you really want to impress a hiring manager, read the entire position description and send them a resume that speaks to the role they need to fill. If your skillset doesn’t match what the position description is asking for,  you may want to look at other open positions.

If you have some transferrable skills that will work for the role you want, make sure to add them to the career summary, bullet points, and within each role.

Here are some things to consider when drafting your resume:

✅ 𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘. First, do you have the experience the position asks for? If yes, add examples of what you’ve done. If not, don’t fake it and add it to the resume. Leave it off and lead with other experiences.

✅ 𝗞𝗘𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦. Examine the description and notice the words they use over and over. This tells you that those words will most likely be keywords ATS will look for. Does your resume have those keywords? If not, add them.

✅ 𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗦𝗘𝗧. What skills do you offer the role? Each of us has a unique skill set we bring to the job. Great at relationship building? Expertise in vendor negotiations? Specialize in cyber security? Make sure it’s added to your resume. If you have skills from your current role that can transfer, add them. What did you do in your prior role that will work for this new role?

✅ 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗨𝗘. What value do you offer? How can you help the company? If you are an 𝗲𝘅𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲, in what ways have you achieved success? Use quantitative examples where possible. What awards have you received? What results have you produced? How did you help them increase revenue, cut costs, etc.?

To sum it up, making sure your skill set matches the position description is a must. If you think you have transferrable skills for the role, add those to the document. The more you can set yourself up as a candidate with similar skills, the better your chance is of being invited to the interview.