Answering the tough questions can enhance your personal branding.
For some, the executive resume cover letter and executive bio are the easy part. These individuals may feel confident in the way they look on paper, but when it comes to the interview, they may fear the tough questions and just don’t know how to answer them. Facing these types of questions when you aren’t prepared can create the wrong impression, costing you the job you’re looking for.
What Is Your Greatest Weakness?
You spend a lot of time filling your executive bio with examples of your strengths to show your prospective employer why you are the perfect candidate. It’s all part of your personal branding. Unfortunately, this is one of the most commonly asked questions. The key is selecting a weakness that has little to no impact on the position for which you are applying. Carefully read through the job description before you make your choice. In addition to letting them know what your weakness is, address how you are working toward strengthening this area.
Why Is There a Gap in Your Work History?
There are a number of circumstances that can lead to gaps in your work history. Perhaps you took time off to raise children or maybe you were laid off and had difficulty finding a new position due to a declining economy. While you can’t make up a job to fill in the gaps, mention volunteer work and other activities you did during those periods of unemployment. Anything that shows you remained productive during those times can help pad your resume.
Tell Me About Yourself
This may seem like a way to learn about your personal life, but most employers don’t want to hear about your family or your latest vacation. Instead, they use this question to learn in your words about your career past. Talk about your education and your past jobs, particularly your last career. Keep this portion of the interview short and to the point.
Has a Supervisor Ever Challenged Your Choices?
When interviewers ask this question, they aren’t checking to see if you’ve made mistakes in your past job. Instead, they are interested in how you handle controversy and how you resolve issues with your superiors. Be sure your answer reflects humility and shows you learned a lesson from the encounter. Don’t badmouth your past supervisors or give the impression you were in the right.
Tough questions are all a part of the interview process. In many cases, it’s not about the exact answer you give. In fact, many of these questions are designed to gauge how you respond to specific situations and help an employer determine if you are a good fit for their company. Learning how to handle even the difficult questions with confidence will increase your odds of landing the job you want, especially if a good interview is accompanied by an excellent executive bio.

Writing an effective resume means targeting your audience.
It might be easier to write one resume and then send it to every job you are applying for. However, this isn’t the best way to reach your target audience. When writing an effective resume, you need to focus on the company you are applying to and the particulars of the job. An executive resume service can help with the task of writing a professional resume.
Create a Core Resume
The starting point for your professional resume will be the same for every resume you send in to a job because your core skills and past work experience won’t change. When you start building this resume, you can start with the same facts and save it to your computer so you can easily make changes for the next job you may apply for. This core resume will make up the bare bones, which can then be tailored to your exact needs as you continue through your job search.
Research the Job Particulars
Once your core resume is complete, the next step in writing an effective resume is to do some research on the job you’re applying for. Not only do you need to determine which of your skills and past work experiences relate to the job, but you also need to look at the company and its culture. This information is invaluable in helping you build a resume that will impress the right people and show them why you are a good fit for their position and their company.
Customize the Core Resume
Once you have this information, you can work on making the necessary changes to your core resume. The more specific you are in adding details, the more they will realize you took the time to learn about the company and the position they are offering. An executive resume service has the experience necessary to help you pull it all together and create a resume that will capture the attention of the individual responsible for hiring, increasing the chances you will land the job.
Writing a professional resume is about more than just creating one resume and copying it repeatedly for every job you are thinking about applying for. Unfortunately, these general resumes won’t produce the impact you’re looking for. Instead, you should work with an executive resume service to create a custom-tailored resume so you can make the best first impression on any potential employer.

The best executive resume format isn’t a template.
Putting together resumes that get you hired can be a time-consuming process so why wouldn’t you use any help you could get? A template may seem like the best executive resume format, but is it really? While a template may make the process of creating a resume faster and easier, hiring an executive resume service to help you stand out is the best option.
You Must Stand Out
When you consider how many people apply for every job listing, you’ll quickly realize the importance of making your resume stand out in the crowd. When your only way to make a great first impression is through your resume, you need to make sure it tells who you are and what you can offer a company. If your resume looks just like everyone else’s, your chances of landing the job you want are drastically reduced.
Sub-Standard Format
If you truly want the best executive resume format, a template isn’t going to get the results you want. When you search for resume templates online, you will uncover thousands of results. However, do you know how put those templates together? Many of them were created by individuals who don’t have experience writing resumes that get you hired. They may have experienced success getting a job with the format and feel they could help others out. Perhaps they haven’t even submitted a resume in that format but think they have all the answers. You shouldn’t trust your future career to just anyone.
Use Them as a Starting Point
While resume templates aren’t the best way to create your resume, you can still use them as a launching pad for creating a resume that will get results. Look at several options and determine what you like best in each of them. You can compile components from multiple resume templates and arrange them into your own personal resume that showcases what you have to offer. Using templates to create a custom layout will produce the best results.
Using a resume template doesn’t mean you won’t have any chance of landing the job, but it will make the process more difficult. If you aren’t using the best executive resume format, you can expect fewer call backs because you won’t stand out from the hundreds or thousands of other resumes received. This is why many people hire an executive resume service to help them create an outstanding resume that highlights their assets and makes them more appealing to prospective employers. When you move away from template resumes and venture into custom resumes that get you hired, you will see better results in your job search.

A professional resume writing service can help you get attention.
How you represent yourself with your personal branding can play a significant role in whether you are hired. However, it’s not all about hiring a professional resume writing service to write resumes that get you hired. In some cases, you need a executive recruiter who will be by your side to help you make the right career move. There are several reasons you should consider working with a recruiter as part of your job search.
There’s No Charge to Job Seekers
Recruiters are typically hired by employers to help them find the ideal candidate for any open positions. These recruiters have the experience and skills necessary to determine which applicants are the best fit for the job requirements. This means most recruiters are available free of charge to the job seeker. The person you hire will be paid by the employer for their services.
Access the Hidden Job Pool
Not all companies advertise their open positions where anyone can see and apply for them. In these situations, having a resume that gets you hired won’t produce results because you can’t see the available position. C-level recruiters often have a list of unpublished job openings they can provide so you can apply to ones in a much smaller pool of applicants.
An Inside Job
Not only do recruiters have access to job openings that aren’t published elsewhere, but they often have close working relationships with companies in their field. A professional resume writing service may be able to make your resume look great, but if you can’t get it in front of the right people, you won’t get hired. A recruiter can help you go over your resume and make changes that will make you more appealing to the job for which you are applying.
Avoid Overexposure
It may not seem like a bad idea to spread your resume as many places as you can, but distributing your resume in too many locations can have a negative effect on your ability to get the job you want. Employers look for individuals who may be in high demand but aren’t catering to a dozen other similar companies at the same time. When you use a recruiter in your job search, employers won’t stumble on your resume on a job board and pass you by because you may already be entertaining other offers. Instead, they will feel like you are an exclusive opportunity, boosting your chances of landing an interview and the job.
C-level personal branding is an important aspect of writing resumes that get you hired, but it’s not the only factor. Working with a executive recruiter can provide a number of benefits that can give you the advantage in the often-competitive business world. A recruiter can take some of the anxiety out of your job search and increase the chances you will find the right career path more quickly than working on your own.

An executive resume service can boost your chances of getting hired.
A new job search can be a major commitment, both in time and money; after all, you start dry cleaning your best interview clothes, driving to interviews and taking time from your current job to meet with prospective employers. An executive resume service can save you some time by helping you dust off your resume while staying well within your budget. Thinking about hiring the best resume writing service for your job hunt? Here’s why you should.
Writing Isn’t Your Thing
Not all of us are Mark Twain. Most executives make their livings focusing on numbers, people or even computer languages. These skills make you highly sought after in the job market but may not make you the best when it comes to writing an effective resume. A great executive resume service is staffed by skilled writers who know how to hone and polish the grammar and language in your resume to help get you hired.
It’s Been a While
Just like music, fashion and lingo, job search trends come and go. If you’ve been in the same position for several years or even decades, you are probably not aware of these current trends. For example, did you know adding keywords to your resume is a new trend? How could this help or hinder your job search? Others applying for the same job, on the other hand, may be aware of these trends, and it could put them at an advantage when it comes to landing the job. Your executive resume service will be able to help you keep up with these trends and stay well ahead of the curve.
The Calls Aren’t Coming
Maybe you’ve already dusted off your resume and started sending it out to prospective employers but aren’t getting any calls. It’s more than likely you just need a second set of eyes to help you identify the weaknesses in your current resume. Finding the best resume writing service could help you increase your call backs and land more first interviews than you’re getting on your own.
Insider Knowledge
Unless you’ve been working as a recruiter or hiring manager, you may not know what hiring departments are looking for in an executive. Resume writers, on the other hand, know first hand how these hiring managers think and what they are looking for. They know what buzzwords to use for your industry, how long your resume should be and they may even personally know the human resources staff at the companies you’re looking to work for. When it comes to searching for a job, who you know is important. An executive resume service can help open plenty of doors for you!
If you’re about to put yourself out there again and search for your next job opportunity, don’t go it alone. An executive writing service can help you by writing an effective resume, helping you keep up with the latest job search trends and opening doors with their insider knowledge. Increase your chances of job search success with the help of a resume writer!

Your executive resume should reflect why you’re making a career change.
Switching your career path can be a challenging time. There are a lot of difficult choices to be made, and after you’ve decided to leave your current field, you may be nervous about finding a new career with an executive resume that may not match the jobs you’re looking for. Reflecting your career change on your resume will help your new employers understand your switch and get a better sense of why you’re a good fit for your new career.
Updating Your Resume
When it comes to executive resume writing, it is important to show employers what skills you possess and how those skills would benefit their company. Even though your former career path may be different, it is likely you have many transferable skills that will still be relevant to your new job.
You can use your core qualifications to sell yourself in different ways, depending on the industry you’re trying to enter. The trick is to slant your current skills to be relevant for the job you’re seeking. Using the following steps, you can make your executive resume and cover letter for your resume work for a different industry.
Start Over
It is tempting to use your past resume and make some changes here and there. However, you’ll be much better off if you avoid the urge to take this easy route and start from scratch instead. After all, a new career means a new executive resume! With a new cover letter, as well as a new resume, you will be able to start slanting your skills toward your new field from the start, making it even more effective.
Express Interest
In all likelihood, your interest in your new field didn’t just happen overnight. You’ve probably been interested in the industry for years but were simply working in another. Use your new executive resume to tell your interviewers why you’re interested and what you know. This knowledge will help you seem interested, dedicated and ready for your change.
Highlight Skills
A traditional experience-based resume may not be enough for your career change. Instead of listing all the skills you have and have used in your previous job, you need to put all the focus into your transferable skills.
Stay Confident
Use your cover letter for your resume to really sell yourself. A lot of people become less confident when they change careers because there are plenty of people with more experience looking for the same jobs. Really hone in on your transferable skills, your accomplishments and your love for your new field in both your cover letter and resume.
Changing careers can be challenging, but with enough confidence, you can show potential employers why you deserve the opportunity to use your experience and knowledge to make a difference in your new field.

Cover letters for resumes are extremely important.
While most job seekers focus on crafting the perfect resume that includes a long list of accolades, achievements, degrees and awards, many HR professionals agree a resume is not the most important aspect of a potential candidate’s application package.
The Importance of a Grand Entrance
Outstanding cover letters can turn a middle-of-the-road candidate into a top contender. Why? By its very nature, a resume is usually dry and fact based.
By contrast, cover letters for resumes show hiring managers an applicant is vested in the job they have available. Anyone can hit “reply” and attach a one-size-fits-all resume in response to a job posting. A cover letter written to specifically address a particular position shows an applicant has taken the time and effort to make a good impression. It also shows hiring managers a different side of an applicant than his or her resume does. Word choice and attention to detail in cover letters for resumes matter. These nuances can move a “reject” resume into the “must interview” pile.
Consider What to Include in a Cover Letter
Yes, the cover letter is your opportunity to show your personality. To an appropriate degree, that is. Hiring managers looking for candidates for high-level executive positions must cull through hundreds or even thousands of resumes and cover letters. A short, succinct cover letter can be refreshing. One that is too long, too detailed or too informal is a waste of time.
Crafting a winning cover letter that allows your personality to shine through, without being too wordy or including unhelpful details, can be challenging. Unless you are a writer by profession (and a really good one), consider hiring a reputable cover letter writing service to help you. At the very least, a cover letter writing service can help you craft a good “base” letter you can customize for each job you apply for. If you are in the hunt for a high-salary executive position, you’ve probably already hired an executive resume service to perfect your resume. Your cover letter needs at least the same degree of professional attention.
Do Your Research Before You Write
HR professionals, especially those hiring for high-dollar, premium executive positions, have seen it all. They have a knack for knowing which cover letters are form letters sent out to many potential employers and which have been carefully crafted with their company’s job opening in mind. Before you sit down in front of your laptop to create a cover letter, make sure you’ve done the following:
- Conduct at least a bit of research into the company so you can tailor your letter to fit in with the company’s corporate culture.
- Use active rather than passive words and naturally incorporate keywords into the letter that were noted as “must-possess” skills or attributes in the job listing you are responding to.
- Include specific, not-commonly-known facts about the company to show you did your homework.
If you’re launching a new executive-level job search or want to revive a floundering search, crafting a winning cover letter is key.

An executive resume service can be one of your biggest assets.
As the saying goes, “it takes money to make money.” That definitely holds true for job seekers. New interview clothes and shoes, dry-cleaning, gasoline – these expenses add up, especially if you are a job seeker currently between positions. Should you take on the additional expense of hiring a resume service? The answer depends.
Just Entering the Workforce?
If you are a recent college graduate with little practical work experience and are seeking an entry-level position, hiring a resume writing service may not be necessary. At this stage, your work history is limited. The majority of your resume will consist of details of your education and the skills you possess that will make you a stellar employee. If you’re resourceful and possess decent writing and grammatical skills, you can probably craft a decent resume yourself. Yes, a resume service would be helpful, but it may not be necessary if your finances are particularly tight.
Executive Looking to Advance Your Career?
If you’re a seasoned professional in the hunt for executive or C-level positions, you absolutely should hire an executive resume service, a cover letter writing service and even a LinkedIn profile writer. The stakes for you are high. You don’t want to miss out on a lucrative position because, for example, your resume lacks the keywords hiring managers use to cull through hundreds or thousands of resumes they receive. Your forte may be management, marketing or team building. The best executive resume writing service providers have their own specialized niche: crafting resumes that win candidates job interviews. For job seekers at the executive level, hiring an executive resume service is a smart investment that could cut down the time it takes to land the perfect job.
Buyer Beware: Better Shop Around
Executives should absolutely invest in quality help writing their resumes, cover letters and social media profiles. However, not all resume writing services qualify as “quality help.” Anyone can hang out their shingle and call themselves a resume writer. Make sure to do your homework so you don’t waste your time and money on a resume service that won’t add any value to your job search.
When looking for a service, do your due diligence. Ask questions. If you get the sense you are dealing with a resume mill, move on. A resume mill is a service that offers cheap resumes with a fast turnaround time. Essentially all they really do is put your information into a carbon-copy template, format it so it looks pretty and make sure spelling and grammar are correct. They don’t address your specific skill set and goals. You know you’ve found the best executive resume writing service when the writer asks you questions, spends time getting to know you and demonstrates expertise in SEO, marketing and resume distribution.