Everyone has an email address– or if they don’t then they are seriously lacking the skills necessary to find a job. Most people only have one email address they use for everything and a lot of the time they have had that address since they were younger. This might not be a bad thing if your address is based on your name, but if you have an email address like: partyanimal69@’madeupaddress’.com or sexykit10@thisaddress.com, then you probably need to create a separate email account just for your job search.
Typically, your email address will be the first thing that a prospective employer will see when you send them your resume. You email address should be as professional as it can be. Instead of having biglarr@’madeupaddress’.com, you should use a variation of your name. It’s much more professional and it won’t have a negative impact on your chances of getting the position. Some hiring managers won’t even look at a resume if it comes in with a novelty email address. Do you think that a hiring manager would be interested in adding someone who does not present a professional demeanor?
One thing you definitely need to do is create a new professional email address. It’s easy to sign up and get a free email address. You could create your email address based on your name, but if you have a creative profession, you could do a play off of that. But, you don’t want to over do it. If your email address based on your name is taken, then try a last name, first name combination. If this is taken then you can add a number to the end of it. The most important thing is to create an email address that will get you through to the hiring manager. There are thousands of email combinations that you can create, you just want one that will not raise a flag with the HR manager.
Another thing HR managers hate is when they get a resume from a work related email address. This shows the HR manager that at your current employer, you’re not fulfilling your job requirements. Actions like these will definitely raise the red flag when an HR manager sees this. Who knows, they could have worked at your employer before and still know people there. Imagine the problems that could come when they get in touch with your HR manager about you sending out resumes on company time. This could put you current position in jeopardy and affect your ability to find a new job. You never know if they will not take offer you the job because they believe that you might do the same thing to them.
You should set-up an email address that’s professional and will not get you blacklisted by the HR department. It’s a tough job market out there, and everyone needs that extra little edge.
Is Your Email Address Preventing You From Getting a Job?
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