Searching for a new job is a full-time job on its own. But if you spend 30-40 hours each week on your job search, burnout is going to happen quicker than you think. Once you’ve experienced burnout, you may think it’s impossible to get back to the same productivity level of your job search. However, there are some things you can do to recover and come back stronger than ever. Consider these tips if you find yourself struggling with burnout from your executive job search.
Reflect on Your Efforts
One of the best ways to reflect on your job search efforts is to visit with the best executive resume writing service. These professionals can help you write resumes that get you hired and point out minor flaws in your process that could lead to better results. Talking to other professionals about your efforts can help you do some self-identification and might lead to better results in the long run.
Take Breaks and Disconnect
Instead of rewriting your executive bio for the 20th time, take a break and step away from the computer or phone. You have to allow yourself at least an hour each day to not think about your job search at all. Do whatever it is you like to do, whether it’s going for a walk, doing yard work, watching television or anything else.
Attend Networking Events
If burnout has set in, you may find yourself not wanting to do anything besides stay at home and distance yourself from everyone. This is the worst thing you can do, because all you have is your negative thoughts. Brush up your executive bio and hit the road to different networking events in your area. Don’t go in with the pressure of thinking you have to make a solid business connection at every event. Just talk and make friends with new people and see what happens.
Appreciate the Process
You won’t be unemployed forever. When you come to the realization that the right job will come your way eventually, you will appreciate the challenging times you went through. The appreciation may be completely non-existent right now, but just have faith that things will work out in your favor.
Professional Resume Services is the best executive resume writing service whether you need help tweaking your executive bio, creating a resume from scratch or for getting tips on recovering from job search burnout. Feel free to contact us at any stage of your executive job search and we will be happy to help you.
Your resume is usually the first thing a potential employer will see when you’re searching for a job. Having the proper format may seem like a little detail, but it’s actually pretty important. You want to make sure you have it in a format that will stand out, but you don’t want it to be too over the top and risk looking unprofessional. The best executive resume format clearly highlights your accomplishments in a clean manner. Here are some important things to consider when deciding on a format for your executive resume.
Chronological Format is Key for Executives
The best executive resume writers will recommend a chronological format for executives. Recruiters like to follow along the timeline of your career. It’s effective for people who have specialized expertise in a certain field because it highlights their attributes and ties them into the job they’re applying for.
Be Clear With Your Points
You may be thinking it’s risky to not include dates of employment or educational experience on your resume. While some employers do pay attention to dates, the best executive resume writing service will tell you it won’t cost you a chance to interview. Again, as long as you are clear with the expertise and experience you have, recruiters generally won’t raise a red flag for missing dates.
Combining Chronological and Functional Formats Can Be Effective
The best executive resume writers may even combine the functional executive resume format with the chronological format. This requires a little more attention to detail and creativity, because you want to highlight your most recent and relevant experience.
Executives with extensive experience will have more success with this combined approach than new executives with little experience would. If you don’t have experience and still believe a combined format would help your chances, the best executive resume writing service can help you pull it off.
Finding the proper executive resume format is a touchy topic. The goal of your executive resume is to make it pop without going overboard. If you would like to discuss the format of your executive resume and what options you have, feel free to contact us at any time.
One common theme among executives is they tend to make the same mistakes on their resumes. The good thing is the mistakes are usually easy to correct and avoid in the future. The bad thing is many executives don’t want to change anything, so they won’t stand apart from the rest of the group as a result. When you use the best executive resume writing service, you’ll be able to learn about your resume’s flaws and can correct them accordingly. Here are some of the mistakes people most commonly make, and how you can avoid them when crafting your executive resume.
1. Be Clear
Executives tend to use a big vocabulary and large, sophisticated sentences. While it may seem impressive to you, an HR manager doesn’t want to read through it. Any executive resume writing firm will tell you to be clear with your words and sentences. Use action words in short sentences to make a greater impact on the reader.
2. Keep it Simple
Simplicity is key with any resume, including executive resumes. Many executives like to make an extensive executive bio on their resume to highlight accomplishments. While it’s important to talk at length about accomplishments, the executive bio isn’t the place for it. Short and sweet is the best way to go.
3. Talk About Accomplishments, Not Responsibilities
You can mention what job responsibilities you have, but don’t waste a lot of space doing so. Instead, talk specifically about what you accomplished. Use some numbers and statistics rather than general statements, but don’t overdo it.
4. Target Every Resume
The first thing the best executive resume writing service will tell you is to target every executive resume to the company you’re applying to. Sending out the same resume to every company will be obvious and will likely get yours thrown out of the group. Learn a little bit about each company and make it clear in your resume that you can help them grow and prosper.
5. Include a LinkedIn Profile Link
You have to have a complete LinkedIn profile if you’re an executive today. If you’re sending out executive resumes, include the link to your profile in your resume. Recruiters and companies want to see you’re connected to other executives. Not only does this show you’re social, but it also gives them a little glimpse into your personality.
You may be making some critical mistakes like these in your executive resume and not even know it. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns about how your executive resume looks.
Networking events can be intimidating, especially if you are an introvert by nature. But for executives, networking is crucial to landing the job you want in the future. Sometimes even the best executive resume writing service can’t help you get the job you want if you don’t take the necessary steps to connect with people in your industry. Here are five effective ways you can break the ice and make yourself known at executive networking events.
1. Arrive Early
When you arrive early, there will be fewer people present. This will make approaching people less intimidating, since there is more of a one-on-one interaction. Plus, you could meet someone who is extroverted and can introduce you to more people as they arrive, so just follow their lead if that happens!
2. Bring a Friend or Colleague With You
You shouldn’t always hang out with the person you know at a networking event, but it can help to break the ice. Inviting other people into your conversation could help get the ball rolling for other conversations and introductions, where you could eventually split away from your friend and meet new people.
3. Be Prepared With Questions
Any executive resume service can help you come up with questions to use at your networking event. Questions are the best ways to break the ice, because people are generally more interested in themselves than you. Just listen to other executives talk about themselves and their accomplishments, and ask engaging follow-up questions, and you’ll seem like a networking expert.
4. Be Approachable
No one wants to talk to a person standing in the corner with their arms crossed or their hands in their pockets. If this is how you stand when you’re uncomfortable, then print out some copies of your executive bio and hold onto them. This will help you look more approachable and someone may even ask what you’re holding!
5. Be Yourself
The best executive resume writing service will tell you to be yourself on paper and in person. If you’re naturally introverted, embrace it and find ways to break out of your shell. This is a much more effective way of breaking the ice rather than trying to act like an extrovert. Most executives will be able to tell a fake person right away, so don’t let that be you.
Networking events are perfect for meeting new people to help you land the job you desire. If you need help or advice about attending these events, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
A Simple Guide to Sharing Your Executive Resume on the Internet
Congratulations! You’ve finally got your executive resume polished and ready to share with the world. Whether you used the best executive resume writing service or you crafted the perfect resume yourself, it’s time to show it off. Believe it or not, there are some things you need to look out for when sharing your executive resume on the Internet. With so many job boards, it can be difficult to determine where to post your resume. Here is a simple guide to sharing your resume with the online world.
Avoid Sharing Personal Information
When you publish any kind of personal information on the Internet, you never know who will see it. Avoid putting your home address or phone number, unless you want to get a lot of unwanted spam. An executive resume writer would suggest limiting your personal information to just a city or state so there’s no easy way to track you down. Once a potential employer contacts you, feel free to share the information like you normally would with a standard resume.
There’s No Bad Place to Post Your Resume
Some people believe you can post your executive resume anywhere and everywhere, while others suggest being selective. There isn’t necessarily a bad place to put your resume online, but you could find unexpected consequences. The more places you post, the more exposure your resume will receive. However, you may also receive more spam mail.
Posting your resume to just a few websites limits your exposure, but you’ll also be able to more easily determine legitimate contacts from phony ones. My favorite professional website for job seekers is LinkedIn. You can post your resume, research companies and look for jobs, all in one place.
Be Careful About Solicitations
The top rated resume writing services will warn you about solicitations you’ll receive in response to your resume. I always suggest to my clients to create a separate email address only for job search to make sure they don’t receive those types of emails (spam) in their personal inbox. You may get emails asking for personal information, but don’t fall for it. Legitimate employers most likely will wait until the interview to ask for that information so don’t give it out online unless you’ve already established a relationship with them.
These are just a few things to consider when posting your executive resume on the Internet. An executive resume writer may tell you any kind of exposure is good exposure. While that may be true, you also have to understand what you may see as a result.
Everything in today’s world is fast-paced, including the people who review resumes. If you want your executive resume to get noticed, something has to stand out immediately. The key to writing an effective resume is to ensure the reader finds exactly what they’re looking for in less than five seconds. A resume requiring more attention than that will likely be passed over. This is really the truth. I’ve talked with a few of my recruiter friends, and they said they just glance at it and don’t give it more than 15 seconds. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to make your executive resume stand out in the modern job hunting world.
Capture the Reader’s Attention
Sometimes the best way to capture your reader’s attention is by making subtle changes to the standard resume. You could use a different font, as long as it’s still professional. You can use a bit of color, a graph, a chart, etc. to make it stand out. They’ve come a long way since I started out 17 years ago and all we could use was Times New Roman, 12 pt. Font. The top rated resume writing services can suggest different ways to make your resume pop, but these are just a couple of simple ideas to get you started.
Make Your Achievements Stand Out
Many people who review resumes start reading at the top of the page. They’ll generally skim down to find keywords or important phrases that meet their requirements. If you want to help them out, you could consider using bold or italics in those areas to make sure they grab the reader’s attention.
Eliminate fluff to avoid making your resume too lengthy. If a recruiter is looking for a particular skill set, they want to find it in your resume immediately. Otherwise, they will quickly lose interest and move on to the next candidate, even if you are perfectly qualified for the job. Crisp and concise are the goals here.
Keywords Are Critical
This could be the same or different from the words you bolded in your resume. Since the vast majority of resumes are submitted online, companies will run them through software to find the keywords they’re looking for. If yours doesn’t have the words they want to see, you don’t stand a chance at getting an interview.
When writing an effective resume, you need to ensure you use recognizable keywords. Depending on the type of executive job you’re applying for, the keywords you use may vary. Avoid using generic terms and phrases and you’ll stand a better chance of at least getting a human to look at your resume.
The modern executive job market has never been more competitive. It’s critical to formulate the perfect resume to get any sort of recognition. Writing your resume is a critical first step in landing an interview so remember to refer to these tips when you get started.

Executive resume writers can help you craft a great resume.
Everyone who has written a resume knows the difficulties involved: listing out all of your adequate experiences and education, figuring out the most efficient way to format and, most importantly, doing all of this in a way that will catch the attention of any prospective employers. This is a challenge for every job seeker and especially so for those on opposite ends of the spectrum. For people with little experience, it’s a matter of not having enough things to list. For those in executive positions, there’s often too much. If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably part of the latter group. In this blog article, we’ve compiled a list of great tips to help executive resume writers craft the best possible resume.
Put Any Academic Information Last
This is only relevant for position candidates who have also recently graduated from school. It is also worth noting if you’re going to list where you went to school, your university is the only relevant information needed. If it’s been a while since you graduated, your work experience takes much larger priority.
Give Recruiters Access to Your LinkedIn or Similar Profile
There’s a high possibility your potential employer will want to see it in the first place. We recommend taking this step to prevent any confusion that could arise if a recruiter tries to search for you on their own.
Don’t Include Footers or Headers
It’s certainly pretty, but it can easily confuse most systems used for tracking applicants. The same goes for charts and other graphic elements people use for aesthetic purposes.
Keep Things Consistent
This is especially useful for those with common full names. You may want to go by a nickname, use your middle name or some similar method to help distinguish yourself. Whatever you decide, make sure you use it across every professional social media account you have to make yourself as easy to find as possible.
Keep Images Out of Your Resume
This goes for any kind of graphic, from graphs to portraits of yourself. Much like using headers, this can be confusing for the company’s tracking system for applicants. Using pictures of yourself presents other, more unfortunate problems as well, such as hiring discrimination. You want to give yourself as fair a chance as possible.
Always Provide an “Elevator Pitch”
This is of vital importance to executive resume writers. When you create an elevator pitch, you’re telling your prospective employer how you can benefit their company, why you’re interested in working with them and about your specific skills and talents. This section should be no longer than five sentences and no shorter than three, about a 30 second-long read.
Additionally, if you need a little extra help making your resume the best it can be, hire only the best executive resume writing service. They can help you revamp your application process in multiple ways, whether through resume advice or a cover letter writing service.

Resumes that get you hired are never general.
A general resume is exactly that – general. When seeking an executive position, your resume needs to be a focused presentation of relevant skills. You need to be able to demonstrate how you can benefit your target company in an executive capacity. The types of resumes that get you hired are polished, concise and tightly targeted. Writing a professional resume highlighting core executive talents is a must. If you aren’t confident in your ability to market yourself and your specific strengths successfully, hire the best executive resume writing service you can.
Targeted and Concise
In today’s human resources department, your resume is quite likely to be ‘read’ by applicant tracking systems or software before it is seen by HR personnel. Due to this, industry-related keywords are an essential part of resumes that get you hired. Without those keywords in a natural, correct concentration, your resume isn’t likely to make it past the applicant tracking program. Using a general resume almost guarantees a company using this hiring tool will pass over your resume completely.
Once your resume gets in front of human eyes, industry experts estimate it has about 10 seconds to capture the attention and interest of a hiring manager. One of the best executive resume writing service skills is the concise, direct presentation of the most relevant information, the information the reader uses to decide if it is worth reading any further. That alone is worth considering professional executive resume preparation.
Don’t Stray from the Purpose
While who you are, what you’ve done and how much you know all have value, resumes that get you hired are not quite so “I”-focused. Instead, that information is relayed in the context of what specifically you can do for that company should you garner that executive position. That is what potential employers are interested in: how choosing you will benefit their company in real, concrete terms. Your general resume simply can’t accomplish that.
The Art of Presentation
Another of the best executive resume writing service advantages has to do with how responsible and professional it makes you appear. That is more than your education, work history, skills and talents. A polished, professional executive resume has no spelling or grammar errors. It is professional and efficient in style, adhering to formal executive business communication norms. These things communicate information, letting potential employers know what they can expect in your professional demeanor and executive style.
Don’t Waste Time and Effort
In this competitive job market, a general resume, especially when seeking an executive position, is a waste of time. It is unlikely to yield the results you hope for and can actually harm your chances of landing the position you want. Instead, invest time and effort in crafting targeted, professional resumes that get you hired. If you aren’t up-to-date with the latest in successful resume writing, invest in having your executive resume professionally written for you.