You never thought this would happen to you, but it has. You’re 50+ in age and find yourself suddenly out of work, struggling to keep your head above water in a job market you no longer recognize, which bears no resemblance to the Greensheets and wanted ads you pored over during your youth. What should be a time for planning for your retirement is now filled with uncertainty, stress and scrambling to recover from your loss.
We understand what a shock this can be. The job market has indeed changed tremendously and will take some adaptation if you want to find success. If you are 50 or over and trying to find work, we dedicate this article for you. Follow these tips to help the process of getting back on your feet go a little more smoothly.
Research Your Prospects
Unfortunately, not all companies are receptive to older workers and seek out only those of younger generations. You don’t want to accidentally wind up in an office culture that’s unwelcoming to you. Look for companies currently experiencing turnover, as they and you will have similar goals—maintaining a long-term position in your field.
Work on Your Resume
This is especially true if it’s been a very long time since you’ve pounded the pavement, so to speak. If you haven’t already been keeping your resume up-to-date, you’ll want to modernize it as soon as possible to help boost your appeal to employers. You’ve racked up all sorts of great experience over the years, after all. Now it’s time to put it to use and show it off! Of course, you’ll have to adapt your resume to suit what today’s employers are looking for.
Focus on your strengths and tailor your resume to the types of positions you’re seeking out. Nailing your resume can be a tough job, even for those who have been immersed in today’s job market more recently. If you find you need a little extra help, you can always turn to a team of the best professional resume writers!
Improve Yourself
If your industry or former company is particularly stagnant, you may not have had to learn or deal with many of the technological requirements you’ll need to know for today’s jobs. Try enrolling in an adult learning course to brush up on your skills if you find yourself being hit with the same skill you lack over and over. This will look great to your prospective employers, as they will know you’re willing to embrace change and can bring this can-do attitude with you into their office.
Simultaneously, you may want to learn more about
LinkedIn profile development and how you can utilize LinkedIn to network efficiently with other people in your field (and your shoes)!
Make no mistake about it: job boards are a thing of the past. In the past, you may have posted your resume on a job board and had a reasonable shot at getting a new job opportunity; however, the way skilled workers find jobs has changed. The vast majority of these boards have become black holes for your executive bio and resume.
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and, most notably, LinkedIn are beginning to make traditional job boards obsolete. Recently, around 2-4% of people posting resumes on a traditional job board found employment. Individuals employing networking tactics on various social media sites found a career 40-50% of the time.
We’re not mathematicians, but it seems like networking is just a little bit more successful for most seeking employment. If you look at things from a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s standpoint, we can see why. Would you rather hire someone you only know from a piece of paper or an individual who has been personally recommended to you by someone you know and respect?
Your job search doesn’t have to be rocket science. Here are a few more reasons why traditional job boards don’t work:
Companies get hundreds, if not, thousands, of responses to online job board postings. Then they send every resume to a system that reviews and ranks their skills, experience and more. The hiring manager only looks through the top 10-20% of resumes sent in. The vast majority of resumes never even see human eyes when you submit via a job board.
Most of the best jobs never even hit the jobs boards. Many hiring managers have stopped posting on these boards altogether. Companies have started using recruiters and networking to find the right type of talent without having to spend days under hundreds of resumes.
When you submit your executive profile to a job board, you’re not putting your information in front of any decision makers whatsoever. Your resume ends up in front of a lackey whose job is to reject you for any reason. If you want to get in touch with someone who can make a decision, you’re much better off using social media sites and developing your networking skills.
If you get a hiring manager to speak honestly, they prefer to find candidates through LinkedIn more than any other way. LinkedIn is up-to-date and current. Successful employees use LinkedIn to further their career. People with decision-making power know this. That’s why they use the site to find the people they really want to hire before aggressively pursuing the candidate.
Getting Back in the Game?
Are you looking for employment? Ready to dust off the ole’ executive bio and profile? If so, you’ll want to be on the top of your game. It’s a competitive job marketplace out there, it’s important to give yourself an edge whenever you can. Successful job seekers know how to work their network and find the best job.

The best executive resume format can make your job easier.
It can be difficult to find a new job when you’re involved in an executive field—more so than it seems to be for those in lower positions. If you’ve been out of the job hunting game for a while, going back down that road can seem more intimidating. However, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re having trouble navigating today’s job market, we can help you. In this article, we’ll give you a few helpful tips for job hunting in today’s era so you can land your next career position more easily.
Don’t Forget About Networking!
The connections you have within the industry will be the most valuable resource you have as you search for your new job. Keep in touch with them regularly. You’d be surprised how easily an opportunity could be sent your way based on the people you know! Of course, you should also aim to build new professional networks as well. Visit industry gatherings and put yourself out there. You may run into someone who can put your skills to great use! Another great idea would be to get back in touch with those industry colleagues you haven’t contacted in a while. They may be able to help with leads.
Reach Out to Headhunters and Recruiters
It’s a well-known fact recruiting companies have received a bad rap over the years. Popular opinion dictates recruiting companies often have a low turnout as far as landing jobs for executives. Regardless of the accuracy of this statement, a resource is a resource. All you have to do is learn how to make the most of recruiting services. Work on building up the best executive resume format to show recruiters your skill set as clearly as possible. This will work to your advantage because recruiters with distinct knowledge of your professional skills and needs will more easily be able to match you to a job. Continue to keep in close contact with recruiters so you can help them help you!
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is an incredibly useful resource for networking and discovering new job opportunities. You will be able to get in touch with other industry professionals across the globe, opening up a wider expanse of opportunities, all with a click of your mouse. Brush up on how to write cover letters for resumes and use the information from your resume to augment your LinkedIn profile to its fullest. The site is full of resources to help you with your job search.
Thousands of professionals have a LinkedIn account in this day and age, meaning you may easily run into someone who may be able to open the door to your new career or can put you in touch with someone who can. You never know who is connected to whom. Furthermore, recruiters often browse through LinkedIn to find professionals they can help navigate the job market. Just be sure to keep your profile up-to-date!
If you still need help, you can also turn to other resources! A professional resume service can help you through your job hunt by showing you how to market yourself to employees more efficiently. Our services have earned us our title as the best resume writing service.

A professional resume writing service can help you network for future jobs.
Searching for a job is hard work. No matter how diligently you try, it can feel like you are not doing enough to land the one you want. You most likely started with a solid resume crafted by professional executive resume writers, numerous job searches and an upgrade to your online information to show how employable you are. However, let’s face it, there’s a lot of competition out there and it takes something exceptional to stand out from the rest. You are basically marketing yourself by trying to sell your skills to a potential employer. Think of your job search like running your own marketing campaign.
Starting the Conversation
Even with the help of a professional resume writing service, you will get nowhere in the business world without conversation. There are interviews, job offers and plenty of social media sharing to help get a conversation started. Discussions started online through things like professional LinkedIn profile writing can lead to future employment. Think about your job search as trying to figure out how to start a conversation with someone who can hire you.
Think Like a Business
Treating your search for a job as a marketing campaign puts you at eye level with a company. In marketing, you try to find a way to entice a buyer by offering them something in a way they can’t resist. When you are marketing yourself to a business, you have the opportunity to show them how valuable your skills are to them, how you will save them money or how you can make them look better. The same sales strategies used in the marketing arena work for applying for a job as well.
The Role of Targeting
When you are marketing a product, you choose a specific audience to target because they are most likely to invest in the product. This is an essential element in the job search process as well. You want to choose the companies that may be interested in what you have to offer. These are the ones you want to engage in conversation with. Once you identify the companies you want to target, everything can be crafted to get their attention and demonstrate how you can play a role in their productivity and profitability. Everything you do, from hiring professional executive resume writers to answering questions during the interview, will be geared toward alerting a potential employer to what you have to offer.
Who to Talk To
Once you find the industry or business to target, you then need to identify who you want to start your conversation with. Some specifics you might look for include:
- Individuals in supervisory positions above yours
- Individuals holding the same title as you are aiming for
By gearing your efforts toward these positions, you will be able to speak with those who can either hire you or connect you with a hiring party. Thus, you start your own professional network relevant to your expertise and necessary for your success.
By working with a professional resume writing service, you can craft the perfect resume to get you started on the right path. From there, you will be able to build your own marketing campaign with you as the focus product.

Writing a professional resume will help you stand out.
Most people already recognize the need to stand out from the other candidates by wiring an effective resume that showcases their skills. However, many of those same people have no idea how to accomplish this goal when writing a professional resume. The following tips will help you find new ways to make sure hiring managers notice your executive resume cover letter over all the others.
Dress Up Your Cover Letter
Every great resume begins with a cover letter that addresses the hiring manager and lets them know why you are considering the position. Unfortunately, this can be an area that many people struggle with, making it difficult to set yourself apart from the other candidates. It shouldn’t simply be a summary of what is included in your resume; instead, it needs to be a personal message to the hiring manager to help them see you as the ideal fit for their business culture.
In general, your executive resume cover letter should answer the question of why. This is your time to tell prospective employers why you are considering a position within their company and why you are the ideal candidate for the job. It can be useful to find a connection between something you have to offer and what they are looking for. Many hiring managers make the decision to request an interview based largely on the contents of the cover letter.
Create an Outstanding Resume
Once you have a cover letter that makes a great first impression, you need to focus on writing an effective resume that sets you apart and shows employers why you are the smart choice. When writing a professional resume, make sure to only include the relevant skills and experience, as well as a concise, narrative work history. This information will give employers a clear view of what you bring to the company.
Instead of listing work experiences that are unrelated to the new position, consider adding a section for non-work activities. This can give them a better idea of your personality to help them determine if you are a good fit for their company cultures. Therefore, it’s important to show them who you are, rather than simply what you can do.
As you consider your options for your future career, it’s essential to find ways to make sure you stand apart from the hundreds of other resumes that cross a hiring manager’s desk. From your executive resume cover letter to writing a professional resume, it’s up to you to show a company why you are the best fit for the job, especially over the other candidates who have applied.

Finding the right job board will enhance the power of resumes and cover letters.
You hire an executive resume writer to help you perfect resumes and cover letters, but how are you actually finding the ideal job? There are many job boards where people can network and make connections that can lead to new career opportunities. However, general job boards won’t provide the same results as niche markets. When you use job boards that focus on a particular industry, you increase your chances of networking with the right people and landing the job you’ve always wanted.
The Internet and technology field is fast-growing and constantly changing. If you are looking for a job in this industry, can be the ideal niche job board. This career board will help you find jobs with some of the biggest technology-driven companies in the industry. You will find careers for consulting professionals, as well as IT staff, so you can use your technology skills to their fullest.
eFinancial Careers
A professional resume writing service can help you showcase your financial expertise and skills, but it’s up to you to make the right connections to land a job. At eFinancial Careers, you will find a vast listing of financial positions around the world. This site makes it easy to find job opportunities based on sector, skill set and location.
Individuals seeking employment in the sales field will find a job search board they can rely on at SalesHeads. With more than 200,000 sales jobs available on this website, you will find a vast array of sales opportunities, including high-level sales jobs. This site can even help you distribute your resumes and cover letters to companies that meet your requirements so you can find a sales job more quickly.
The Levo League
Young professionals can often be at a disadvantage in the job search market. While some companies prefer to hire younger individuals who have been trained in the latest industry standards, it can be difficult to compete with those who have first-hand experience in the industry. The Levo League is targeted toward these young professionals, giving them the competitive edge in their career searches. This niche board offers advice through articles and videos and can help individuals network and connect with other individuals. All of these features enhance the job listings found here.
An executive resume writer may be able to help you create an effective resume and cover letter so you will be more appealing to your prospective employers, but it’s up to you to get out there and find the ideal job of your dreams. Instead of spending your time sifting through listings that don’t apply to you, consider using a niche job board. These boards will increase your chances of landing the perfect job and help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends within your industry.

When writing a professional resume, think ahead to your compensation.
When you’re looking for a new job, you likely have a salary goal in mind. As you’re writing a professional resume, you begin thinking about what you’re really worth. However, when you’re presented with a job offer, you may feel like you either have to take it or leave it. However, this is not the case. With careful c-level personal branding and these tips, you can negotiate a better salary and gain the compensation you deserve.
Research Average Salaries
Salaries vary dramatically due to a variety of factors, including location, industry, education level, experience and employer budget. What you make at a position in one location may be significantly more or less in another location. Performing your due diligence can help you learn how much you can expect to earn in a given position. Consider both local and national statistics for a clearer picture. Be sure to bring this information along to show a prospective employer.
Think Creatively
Compensation isn’t limited to what you bring home in your paycheck. There are other ways you can be compensated for your time and can help you boost your salary negotiations. If your prospective employer won’t increase your starting salary, consider asking for a performance review in six months to give you time to prove your worth. You may also inquire about:
- Signing bonuses
- Stocks
- Tuition reimbursement
- Paid time off
- Flexibility in your work schedule or location
These terms can bring value without increasing the salary your employer will pay.
Be Prepared to Walk Away
If you’re writing a professional resume, you are looking for a new job, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept whatever comes your way, no questions asked. Instead, you need to understand your worth and be prepared to walk away if an employer doesn’t realize that value. If you are the ideal candidate for the position, there is a chance they will offer you more once you let them know you are no longer interested. However, you need to be prepared to follow through if they don’t change their offer.
Like all other areas of life, practice makes perfect. There is value in practicing your negotiating skills with family members or a friend before you head to the negotiating table. Make sure your loved one offers some resistance so you can practice what you will say when the time comes.
Negotiating your salary can be one of the most difficult aspects of interviewing for a new job, especially for women. While you focus on your c-level personal branding when writing a professional resume, you must understand what your real worth is so you can fight for every cent you deserve.

An executive resume service can boost your chances of getting hired.
A new job search can be a major commitment, both in time and money; after all, you start dry cleaning your best interview clothes, driving to interviews and taking time from your current job to meet with prospective employers. An executive resume service can save you some time by helping you dust off your resume while staying well within your budget. Thinking about hiring the best resume writing service for your job hunt? Here’s why you should.
Writing Isn’t Your Thing
Not all of us are Mark Twain. Most executives make their livings focusing on numbers, people or even computer languages. These skills make you highly sought after in the job market but may not make you the best when it comes to writing an effective resume. A great executive resume service is staffed by skilled writers who know how to hone and polish the grammar and language in your resume to help get you hired.
It’s Been a While
Just like music, fashion and lingo, job search trends come and go. If you’ve been in the same position for several years or even decades, you are probably not aware of these current trends. For example, did you know adding keywords to your resume is a new trend? How could this help or hinder your job search? Others applying for the same job, on the other hand, may be aware of these trends, and it could put them at an advantage when it comes to landing the job. Your executive resume service will be able to help you keep up with these trends and stay well ahead of the curve.
The Calls Aren’t Coming
Maybe you’ve already dusted off your resume and started sending it out to prospective employers but aren’t getting any calls. It’s more than likely you just need a second set of eyes to help you identify the weaknesses in your current resume. Finding the best resume writing service could help you increase your call backs and land more first interviews than you’re getting on your own.
Insider Knowledge
Unless you’ve been working as a recruiter or hiring manager, you may not know what hiring departments are looking for in an executive. Resume writers, on the other hand, know first hand how these hiring managers think and what they are looking for. They know what buzzwords to use for your industry, how long your resume should be and they may even personally know the human resources staff at the companies you’re looking to work for. When it comes to searching for a job, who you know is important. An executive resume service can help open plenty of doors for you!
If you’re about to put yourself out there again and search for your next job opportunity, don’t go it alone. An executive writing service can help you by writing an effective resume, helping you keep up with the latest job search trends and opening doors with their insider knowledge. Increase your chances of job search success with the help of a resume writer!