A resume today is perceived differently than it was several years ago. Your resume should not only highlight your past achievements. It should also clearly demonstrate why you are equipped to handle the particular job you’re applying for. This means the days of writing one general resume and sending it out to multiple employers are over. The best professional resume writers can help you target your resume for the short-term, while also setting a solid foundation for the long-term. Here are some of the main reasons why working with executive resume writer services is worth the investment.
Answer A Recruiter’s Questions On Paper
The best professional resume writers can anticipate questions a recruiter will have about your expertise and will work the answers directly into the resume. Not only could this potentially shorten your job search, but it may also help you prepare for an interview since you can get your mind thinking about the questions you may hear. Recruiters will always have questions for job candidates, but the more you can answer on paper, the fewer you will have to address verbally.
Highlight Achievements Without Bragging
It’s easy to write about your achievements when writing resumes and cover letters. However, you don’t want to come across as boasting. Sometimes you may not be intentionally bragging, so it’s always good to have another set of eyes look at your resume to make sure it doesn’t come across that way. Employers like confident employees, but tend to shy away from over-confident candidates.
Save Time
Writing resumes and cover letters on your own can take a significant amount of time. When you leave that task in the hands of professionals, you can spend your time on tasks like networking, boosting your online brand, preparing for potential interviews and actually applying for jobs. No one wants a job search to last longer than it has to, so save yourself valuable time by working with executive resume writer services.
Polish Your Resume For Your Lifetime
When you have a solid foundation for your resume, it’s possible only minor tweaks and updates will be needed for the duration of your career. However, developing the foundation can be challenging to do on your own without an expert to at least proofread it and make adjustments. Setting a foundation one time can set you up with a quality resume for the rest of your career.
Professional Resume Services hires only the best professional resume writers to serve you in the most effective manner. Our goal is to minimize your time spent on a job search by helping you be efficient with your strategies and taking some stress off of your plate. We strive every day to be perceived as a worthy investment for our clients. Feel free to contact us at any time if you’re in need of a solid foundation for your executive resume.
Not too many people truly enjoy the time they spend searching for a new job. While working with an executive resume writer can be an enjoyable and pleasant experience, it’s not the first place executives want to be at any given day. Sometimes you can’t control how long it takes an employer to hire a candidate, but you can take some steps to use your time more wisely and shorten the search process. Here are a few effective time management tips to consider when job searching.
Know Exactly What You Want
Think about your past experience, what value you bring to the table and what you actually want to do. There may be some aspects that are non-negotiable, so be sure to identify those in your thought process. Just remember to be realistic in this regard so you don’t eliminate yourself from too many potential jobs. Once you know exactly what you want out of a job, you can start writing an effective resume geared toward it.
Be Realistic When Setting Goals
If you’re unemployed and looking for a job, it’s usually unrealistic to think you can spend eight hours per day on a job search. Burnout is just as real with a job search as it is with jobs themselves, so consider designating a couple of hours each day to work hard at it. This can involve visiting a professional resume writing service, attending a networking event, tweaking your social media profiles and more. Setting realistic goals will help you prevent burnout and keep you motivated.
Many job openings are filled through networking rather than through traditional channels. Your time can be spent wisely by attending and actively participating in networking events. You never know whom you might meet at these events, so always be sure to bring your best. And it’s wise to also ask an executive resume writer to take a look at your resume to ensure it’s polished enough to bring to these important events.
Get Professional Advice With Your Resume
You don’t want to waste any time sending out resumes with mistakes on them. You could essentially be spinning your wheels with your job search and not even know it. Get ahead of any potential issues by working with a professional resume writing service upfront. They can help identify and fix any problems on your resume and modernize it for today’s job searching landscape to make your time be spent more efficiently.
Professional Resume Services is known as a professional resume writing service, but we are much more than just that. We enjoy the opportunity to be involved in an executive’s job searching efforts and help them find the job they desire. The landscape of job searching has changed drastically over the years, and we are here to help guide you in the right direction. Never hesitate to contact us if you need any guidance along your journey.
The vast majority of employers today look on social networks before even considering bringing a candidate in for an interview. Too many executives believe they don’t need an online presence since the experience on their resume speaks for itself. However, sometimes not having an online presence at all is perceived as being just as bad as having a negative presence. At the very least, it’s important to work with a LinkedIn profile service to develop a profile you can point to online for recruiters. Here’s what you need to know about social recruiting today.
Why Employers Look For Social Proof
Any professional LinkedIn profile writer will tell you a resume is great, but you have to back it up with social proof. Employers want to be able to validate who you say you are from your resume and learn more about your life in general. They will look at your LinkedIn profile, Twitter, Facebook and any other profiles you have to gather this information. They aren’t necessarily stalking you, but rather, they just want to be sure you are who you say you are before they make an investment in hiring you.
Social Networking Can Help And Hurt Your Personal Brand
A good rule of thumb before beginning a job search is to clean up your online presence. Start by doing a Google search of your name and see what results show up. A good LinkedIn profile service can help you incorporate the right keywords into your profile to give it a better chance of showing up higher in the results. If all the right things show up with a Google search, then you will likely enhance your c-level personal branding significantly. On the other hand, you can hurt it just as quickly if you have some things about yourself you don’t want others to know on your profiles.
Always Be Consistent Across All Platforms
When it comes to c-level personal branding, recruiters and hiring managers look for consistency across all platforms. A professional LinkedIn profile writer can help you develop your profile based on your resume, and it’s up to you to make sure your other social networks are consistent as well. Nothing will hurt your chances of landing a job more than when a recruiter can’t get a feel of who you are by looking at your resume and online presence.
At Professional Resume Services, we know social recruiting is more of the norm today than it has ever been before. That’s one of the reasons why our LinkedIn profile service is helpful for executives. Details matter when crafting the perfect profile, just like a resume or cover letter. We are always available to help with every aspect of a job search as well as offering helpful advice to boost your c-level personal branding. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time if you need assistance with any stage of your career.
By now it’s likely you already know the importance of networking as an executive. Still, some people make the mistake of thinking simply showing up at networking events is sufficient. While you don’t have to necessarily interact with everyone you look at, it is important to be involved to see how you can help others. And most importantly, you need to be a good listener. You can get a good background of some of the attendees by looking at their LinkedIn profile ahead of time, but even if that’s not an option, consider these tips before your next event.
Be A Great Listener
Everyone is an expert on themselves, so their default is to talk mostly about themself. Do your best to refrain from always responding back with a story about yourself and just be intent on listening to what the other person has to say. This is a rare attribute few people have, but it makes the other person feel great about themself and they will appreciate you much more because of it. Being a good listener isn’t necessarily something you’ll be putting in your executive bio, but your brand will be enhanced because of it.
Take Mental Notes And Follow-Up
Listen for key parts from the speaker that could clue you in on how you might be able to help them out. If they talk about a problem they’re having, think about whether you have a solution. You may not be an expert in their specific line of work, but you may know someone who is and can offer assistance. The networking event itself isn’t always the best time to go into specific details, since interruptions can happen at any given moment. Instead, take good mental notes, get their contact information or LinkedIn profile link and follow-up with them when you have more time to talk.
Ask Leading Questions About Others
You can boost your credibility significantly by asking the right leading questions that give the other person a chance to continue talking. Remember the main idea is to let them do most of the talking and be an intent listener. The more you can prompt them to continue talking, the more powerful your personal branding will be in general.
Professional Resume Services helps executives write resumes and cover letters so they will have polished documents to hand out at networking events. We can also help with the development of your LinkedIn profile, since it takes a well-rounded effort to be seen as an expert in your industry and boost your chances of landing the job you desire. Listening is always a great attribute to have, and it’s especially important when you attend networking events. If you have questions or need other networking tips, feel free to contact us at any time.
Executive job searches are much different today than they were several years ago. You have so many different aspects to think about and it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Of course, starting by working with the top resume writing services can help set your foundation, but you also have to think about your LinkedIn profile, other social networking profiles and even attending networking events. It’s not uncommon for people to get burned out on the job search process after a few weeks and lose motivation as a result. Here are some effective ways to keep your spirits high and your drive alive when your job search isn’t going exactly how you had hoped.
Interact With Support Groups
You likely won’t have to look very long or hard to find job search support groups. The people who comprise these groups are in similar situations as you, so you won’t have to feel awkward talking about strategies or feelings. You may get valuable tips from people on how to write resumes that get you hired and you can also share some techniques that have worked for you in the past. The idea behind participating in these groups is to help you understand you’re not alone in your job searching efforts and to remain persistent.
Try Different Job Searching Strategies
If you’ve been using the same job searching strategy for a few weeks, consider changing it up. Your executive resume writer may suggest attending networking events if you haven’t yet, or maybe even visiting potential employers in person to drop off your resume rather than mailing or emailing it. Getting out of a routine that’s not creating positive results can revive some of the energy you may have lost throughout the process.
Volunteer For More Experience
Volunteering while you’re unemployed has several benefits. For one, it gets your mind off of your job search for a while. You also have opportunities to network with other volunteers, even though you may not volunteer specifically for that reason. Volunteering also gives you an opportunity to add to your resume. Your executive resume writer will always suggest including volunteer experience on your resume, especially when it’s during a time you’re unemployed, since it shows potential employers you are always active.
Take Breaks And Keep Your Goals In Front of You
Sometimes it can get to the point where you need to forget about your job search for a day or two and refocus on your goals. You can only try to write resumes that get you hired so much before eventually burning out. Clearing your mind occasionally is essential when you’ve lost some motivation. Starting fresh the next day can work wonders for your mentality and attitude toward your job search.
Professional Resume Services is one of the top resume writing services because we stick with our clients throughout their job search. We understand there are many different aspects of a job search and they are all equally important. If you’re at a point where you’re stuck in your job searching efforts and need some advice, feel free to give us a call at any time.
If you’ve gone through a job search recently, or are actively looking for a job, you likely know the importance of having SEO relevant keywords on your LinkedIn profile. One question many professionals have is where exactly to place those keywords. This is a valid question and an important one to understand to make the most of your SEO efforts. Just like writing an effective resume, developing your LinkedIn profile in a way that helps you show up on top of the search results will help you be discovered more easily. Here are three of the most important spots on your LinkedIn profile to focus on SEO relevant keywords.
Your Professional Headline
Many people overlook their professional headline as being a valuable section for SEO purposes, mainly because it has a character limit. The best resume writing service will suggest using specific job titles from previous jobs, as well as other similar job titles. Employers may designate different job titles for essentially the same responsibilities, so you want to make sure you’ve got all of the relevant titles covered. When your LinkedIn profile has the specific keywords a recruiter searches for, your chances of being discovered will increase significantly.
The Summary
This is an area that people don’t often utilize for SEO purposes. Not only do you create an interesting and engaging summary, but you can also keyword load it because really, what you do on a daily basis consists of a lot of keywords. When you talk about your career in summary terms, you’ll be (briefly) talking about what you’ve done, what you are best at, and how you can do this for them. If you are laser-focused on a specific role, use the wording you see in specific job descriptions of roles you are interested in.
Job Titles
You should never be inconsistent with your past or current job titles across your resume and online profiles. The best resume writing service can help you add relevant keywords to your title for SEO purposes, without raising any questions as to the consistency of the information you provide. Again, job titles are different at various companies, so the more relevant ones you can fit in, the better your chances are of being found on LinkedIn.
Professional Resume Services is known as the best resume writing service because we focus on more than simply writing an effective resume. While the best executive resume format is critical, we understand it’s not the only aspect to consider to increase your chances of landing an interview. Your LinkedIn profile requires just as much attention as your formal resume, and we can help you with both. Never hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance in either of these areas.
Spending time on LinkedIn profile development can set you up for success in many different ways. One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is it gives you a platform to demonstrate your personal brand. Too many executives believe they don’t need to focus on their online brand since they have a good reputation within their company. However, you still have to maintain a good online reputation in the event of a job change or to even look good for your current company. Here are some effective ways a professional LinkedIn profile writer can help you boost your online brand through the LinkedIn platform.
Optimize Your Profile Header
When you’re learning how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you have to consider Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your profile header should contain terms employers and recruiters will search for. You only have 120 characters in your profile header, so leave out any fluff and only use terms that reflect your brand closely.
Write Useful Information In Each Section
Original content is highly underrated. For one, the more useful information you have on your LinkedIn profile, the better the chances are of you incorporating relevant keywords and getting discovered. Original information is also valuable when you write it geared toward your target employers. Anyone who reads your LinkedIn profile should have a strong grasp on who you are as a person and as a professional, and those are exposed with solid writing skills and providing relevant information.
Expand Your Network
One key to effective LinkedIn profile development is to expand your network so you’ll have more connections. When you have more than 500 connections on LinkedIn, your profile will show up earlier in the search results and give you a better chance of being discovered. Utilize these connections to your advantage by interacting with as many of them as you can, which will help build your personal brand in the process.
Be Active
You can’t simply create a LinkedIn profile and expect to automatically boost your online personal brand. You have to be active by posting updates frequently, creating original content, interacting in groups and commenting on other articles. The more you share your knowledge and expertise, the more you’ll naturally boost your brand and your name will be widely known across different industries.
Create Original Content And Comment on Others
Any professional LinkedIn profile writer will suggest writing blogs or other pieces of helpful information, as well as commenting on other original pieces of content. You never know who will find your expertise valuable and it could lead you to opportunities you didn’t even know were available. No one will know you’re an expert in a certain area unless you let them know, and writing and posting articles or blogs are great ways to do so.
At Professional Resume Services, we believe LinkedIn is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to boosting your online personal brand. Your LinkedIn profile should be one of the first results that show up when you do a Google search for your name. If it isn’t for you, then be sure to contact us for assistance on optimizing your profile to enhance your brand.
Doing your homework prior to going into a job interview can be the difference between being considered a viable candidate or having your resume pushed to the side. Companies want to hire someone who shows they are willing to do their due diligence in order to make a quality decision. Writing resumes that get you hired is great, but those resumes don’t guarantee you are a perfect fit for any given job. Here are important points to research about a company prior to going into a job interview.
Learn About Key Team Members
You can find out the names of key team members of a company by looking at the company’s LinkedIn profile. Take this a step further and learn a few interesting facts about those people as well. Discover what college they attended, how their degree led them to the role they have and anything else you deem to be relevant. When you research professionals at a prospective employer as much as they research you as a job candidate, you’ll be more likely to make a great first impression.
Understand Mission Statements And How To Apply Them
Knowing a company’s mission statement is important in a few ways. For one, you shouldn’t work for a company if you don’t agree with their mission and values. You also should demonstrate to an interviewer how your work ethic, personal ethics and daily actions fit what the company represents. Having this information in your LinkedIn profile is one thing, but it’s also important to be able to give examples during your interview.
Check The Latest Industry or Company News
When you’re able to talk about the latest news within the company or the industry they operate in, you’ll earn some solid points with the interviewers since it shows you’ve come prepared. The best executive resume writing service can help you relate your past experiences to the company you’re interested in on paper. It’s up to you to follow-up on those experiences with action by demonstrating you’re ready to get started working for them right away.
Know The Company Structure
A LinkedIn profile of an interviewer or a company doesn’t give you the total picture of a company’s structure. The title “executive” means different things to different companies, so if you aren’t able to figure out how the company is structured by searching online, then don’t hesitate to ask them in the interview. You need to make sure you fit within the structure so you know exactly what your role is if hired.
Professional Resume Services does much more than simply write resumes that get you hired. There’s no specific action you can take that will magically land you any job you want, and the work doesn’t stop once your resume is created. Doing your due diligence on a company will help you master the interview and put yourself in a great position to get the job. For more tips like these, feel free to contact us at any time and we would be happy to work with you.