Resumes and cover letters are made better with technology.
As you and nearly everyone else in the world have realized and are experiencing as we speak, technology has drastically changed the way people interact with one another. This goes not only for casual conversation, such as through social media, but through the way customers and businesses interact and even how people seek out jobs. If you’re a senior-level professional on the hunt for a new position, you’re probably taking in just how much job hunting has changed since the last time you had to look for work. However, many of the changes delivered by technology are quite beneficial to job seekers!
Social Media
You’ve likely had some experience with social media sites, either through your prior job positions or on a personal level. Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites, as well as LinkedIn, which is great for professional networking. However, if you’re on the hunt for a new job, you’ll want to evaluate your social media profiles and what image they’re presenting about you. You never know who will want to take a look at your profile. Many prospective businesses looking to hire you could end up searching for you on social media just to get a sense of who you are as a person and a professional. A stellar social media profile will do you a whole host of favors! You can consult with any number of top resume writing services to help even out your online presence.
Communicating with Higher Ups
Before the Internet became mainstream, reaching out to those in charge of hiring you was an ordeal. Originally, all that could be done was to send out a physical letter, hoping it reached the hiring manager and earned a response. The process was much slower back then in every sense of the word. Thanks to email, instant messaging and video chat services, however, this is no longer the case. Communications are far faster now than ever before, enabling you to easily get in touch with higher level professionals and hold a constructive conversation with each other about your prospects.
More Convenient Interviewing Procedures
As stated before, the advent of today’s technology makes communication easier than it ever was in the past. This includes the interviewing process, made convenient thanks to Skype and other video chatting clients. Nowadays, you’ll likely be first exposed to prospective employers through a telephone or video chat conversation. Because of its increasing prominence, it would be a good idea to gain some experience with software of this variety. A team of professional executive resume writers can help you with this as part of their services. A web interview works similarly to a physical interview. Be sure to keep this in mind as you prepare for one by dressing professionally, making sure your space has sufficient lighting and tidying it up if need be.
Resumes and cover letters are elements of the job hunting process that haven’t changed as far as importance! Once these pieces have done their job, however, times have certainly changed.

Start your search with an executive resume service.
Once you’ve entered the adult world, the idea of embarking upon a job hunt over the summer is probably the farthest from your mind. Like many, you probably haven’t done any job hunting prior to or throughout the summer since your teenage years, when you just needed something to occupy your time and weren’t quite as interested in building a career. However, now that you are unemployed or just seeking a position different from your old one, a summer job hunt looks to be in the cards again, and you’ll have to go about it far differently than you did as a teenager—but how? And is it worth it? As it turns out, starting or continuing your job hunt in summer can be quite profitable in more ways than one.
More Free Time
This benefit applies more to those looking to transfer careers than those who currently lack a job. Just as when you were in school, you and many of your coworkers will likely receive some time off from the office over the summer. This newfound free time presents the perfect chance to get really productive with your job hunt so use it wisely! Spend this time reworking your resume or working with an executive resume service to make some great, lasting tweaks. Go out on a few interviews and network with others in your industry at those frequent summer barbecues. It will surely pay off!
More Networking
As stated above, summer barbecues and other forms of summertime get-togethers are a great way to meet other people in your field who may be able to help you land your next job. Summer is a highly popular time of year for people to get out and about. Take advantage of it by going out yourself, especially to any and every function held by coworkers or other industry professionals you can introduce yourself to and speak with. Half of landing a great job is connecting with others and knowing the right people. You never know where your next job opportunity could come from!
More Time
Daylight savings time always unfolds before the start of summer, meaning you’ll have far more time to work on your job search than you would at any other time of the year. Work with a team of professional executive resume writers to perfect your resume, start sending out applications and communicate with those you’re looking to get hired by! Summer won’t last forever, which is why you have to make the most of every second while you can.
Managers Will Notice You
Even if most of the office has been relinquished for the summer, the managers in charge of the companies you’re looking to work for will still be working as hard as ever! Many managers still are in the process of looking for new employees during the summer months. This is the perfect time to catch their eye with the help of a well-written resume. You won’t want to miss any chance to communicate with higher ups!
We hope these tips will give you some insight on how to make the most of your summer by hitting the pavement and working your hardest on your job search. With dedication and some assistance, you’ll be able to use resumes that get you hired and careful networking to land the best new position for you!

Professional executive resume writers can help you tweak your resume.
Hidden inside every job listing is key information about the position. There are some useful points in a job posting you can use when writing a professional resume and cover letter. In fact, you can use the information the company provides to make resumes that get you hired by matching it up with precisely what they are looking for. Here are some tips for tweaking your resume to match the position you are trying to obtain.
Match Your Skills to What They Are Looking For
You’ll find most professional job listings to be inclusive of all the skills needed to perform the job properly. First of all, remember you most likely don’t need to have mastered all of the skills they are seeking. Don’t disqualify yourself if you don’t have all of the ones listed. Think about your skills versus the ones they are looking for and ask yourself these questions:
- Do I have most of the hard and soft skills mentioned?
- Do you have the experience or knowledge needed to do the job?
- What is your success rate and experience with the skills in the past?
- What other complementary skills do you possess?
Many skills can fall under broader categories so you can compare your present skills and level of experience to what the company needs. When you are writing a professional resume, include the skills related to what is listed, as well as your skills sets and experiences that are complementary to what they are looking for.
Match Your Characteristics with Their Job Description
Many times a job posting will contain attributes they would like to see in a candidate. They may use words like self-starter, ambitious, team player or organized. As you are reading the job description, think about the characteristics they listed and which ones may be applicable for you. Can you think of examples in your work history that are demonstrations of these specific attributes? The point is to make a connection with the company between what they want and what you have to offer. Use the attributes from the job listing on your cover letter and resume, if applicable.
Match Specific “Buzz” Words with Their Listing
Watch for words you see over and over in the job listing. These might be skills or other keywords they use. For instance, do they consider themselves a business? An organization? A company? Make sure you or your professional executive resume writers use these terms when drawing up a resume and cover letter. Resumes that get you hired will have the same tone and terminology the hiring agent uses in their descriptions of the job and qualifications they provide. You can learn a lot about the company by the tone they use in the description and you’ll get a sense of being a good fit for the position. Using the same language they use will demonstrate to them you are the perfect match.
Whether you are writing your own or hiring professional executive resume writers, it’s beneficial to know how to use your resume to show how well you match the position.

The top resume writing services can help you change careers.
Change can be a scary thing, especially when the change directly affects your future. This is why so many people hesitate when it comes to shifting industries. Those in this process may be transitioning into a new industry with little to no experience or with only indirect experience from their previous jobs. If you’re in this situation, you may be wondering just how to approach this change. First of all, we would like to congratulate you on this important first step! Second, recreating your resume to match your transition to a new field is not the easiest task, but it is certainly doable. Let us show you how.
Figure Out If There’s Any Way Your Previous and Current Industries Match Up
This will take a bit of thought, but it’s worth it in the long run when it comes to making your resume easier to approach. There may be elements of your previous career that sync with your potential new one and can be described in such a way that will catch the interest of prospective employers in your new field. This tip should prove especially relevant to professional executive resume writers with a long list of strong, eye-catching skills.
Rewrite Your Resume Entirely
Your current resume won’t be one size fits all. Your high involvement in your last field versus your smaller level of involvement in your current one will glare through unless you rework things properly. Take our last suggestion into account as you rewrite your resume to fit your new industry. Your skills likely still matter much more than you may think! Think about what the positions you’re applying for need and consider whether your skills still line up.
Don’t Be Afraid to Name Drop
If you’ve had the privilege of collaborating with high-ranking professionals during your time in your old industry, be sure to highlight this! Showing you are extremely qualified in one field and were able to perform well in another position will bode well in the eyes of recruiters in your new field.
Summarize Yourself
This will take utilization of all of the above tips we’ve mentioned. Make use of the impact you left upon your old industry and the skills you’ve developed within it and weave it into a descriptive paragraph that complements the current position you seek. This is a brilliant way to market yourself in any industry and lets employers know quickly and directly what you can offer to the industry and their company.
We hope this brief list will help professional executive resume writers as they transition into a brand new industry. This isn’t the easiest change to make, but it should prove worthwhile. If you need any more help or advice, feel free to reach out to your local executive resume writer services. There are a large number of top resume writing services that can help you reorient your resume properly.

Professional executive resume writers can help you avoid serious mistakes.
Just because one step of a larger process is the shortest doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the easiest. Take a job search, for example. The resume is often the briefest part of applying for a job. It’s often one page in length, and recruiters themselves only glance at them for a few seconds. However, the quality of your resume can make or break your ability to get hired. While you only have a few seconds, you should make them count. Figuring out how to market yourself to employers through your resume is the trickiest part. Luckily, our team of professional executive resume writers have helped us put together a list of ways you could be hurting your resume and your chances of landing your next position.
Don’t Include Jobs That Were Unpleasant or Didn’t Last Long
This will look dubious to employers at best because listing your shorter positions will lead to questions of why you weren’t there for long. Similarly, don’t include jobs that were nothing but an unpleasant experience for you. If you end up being asked about them during the interview process, you’ll likely have nothing good to say, which can impact this important first impression.
You Don’t Need to Write Out an Objective
Everyone applies to a job in hopes of scoring the position. Unless you are applying for a job in a completely different industry than what you’ve previously worked in, it’s fine to not summarize your intentions.
Don’t Write Fluff About Yourself
While you want to make yourself sound like the best choice, expounding upon all of your positive qualities is not the best way to go about it. When you make it to your first interview, your potential employer will size up what your assets are and what you can bring to the position and company.
Don’t Include Any Work Experiences That Don’t Pertain to Your Industry
Unless an otherwise irrelevant former position displays talents, skills or duties connected to the industry you’re in now, it would be a good idea to cut it out. It’s up to you to determine just how relevant your older positions are and whether they’re worth keeping.
There’s No Need to Include Your Photo
Most resumes will not ask for this, unless you’re in the modeling industry. If you’re in an executive field, you won’t need a picture at all. In fact, attaching one could, unfortunately, leave you vulnerable to hiring discrimination. We recommend avoiding adding photographs altogether.
Don’t Get Too Personal
You could easily get your potential employer in some hot water because they aren’t supposed to request certain personal details, such as your SSN, religion or personal traits.
Writing an eye-catching resume can be a tricky task. We hope these tips will be just what you need to help you write resumes that get you hired. If you find you need extra help, top rated resume writing services are available to help you improve your resume and land your next great job!

A professional resume writing service can help you network for future jobs.
Searching for a job is hard work. No matter how diligently you try, it can feel like you are not doing enough to land the one you want. You most likely started with a solid resume crafted by professional executive resume writers, numerous job searches and an upgrade to your online information to show how employable you are. However, let’s face it, there’s a lot of competition out there and it takes something exceptional to stand out from the rest. You are basically marketing yourself by trying to sell your skills to a potential employer. Think of your job search like running your own marketing campaign.
Starting the Conversation
Even with the help of a professional resume writing service, you will get nowhere in the business world without conversation. There are interviews, job offers and plenty of social media sharing to help get a conversation started. Discussions started online through things like professional LinkedIn profile writing can lead to future employment. Think about your job search as trying to figure out how to start a conversation with someone who can hire you.
Think Like a Business
Treating your search for a job as a marketing campaign puts you at eye level with a company. In marketing, you try to find a way to entice a buyer by offering them something in a way they can’t resist. When you are marketing yourself to a business, you have the opportunity to show them how valuable your skills are to them, how you will save them money or how you can make them look better. The same sales strategies used in the marketing arena work for applying for a job as well.
The Role of Targeting
When you are marketing a product, you choose a specific audience to target because they are most likely to invest in the product. This is an essential element in the job search process as well. You want to choose the companies that may be interested in what you have to offer. These are the ones you want to engage in conversation with. Once you identify the companies you want to target, everything can be crafted to get their attention and demonstrate how you can play a role in their productivity and profitability. Everything you do, from hiring professional executive resume writers to answering questions during the interview, will be geared toward alerting a potential employer to what you have to offer.
Who to Talk To
Once you find the industry or business to target, you then need to identify who you want to start your conversation with. Some specifics you might look for include:
- Individuals in supervisory positions above yours
- Individuals holding the same title as you are aiming for
By gearing your efforts toward these positions, you will be able to speak with those who can either hire you or connect you with a hiring party. Thus, you start your own professional network relevant to your expertise and necessary for your success.
By working with a professional resume writing service, you can craft the perfect resume to get you started on the right path. From there, you will be able to build your own marketing campaign with you as the focus product.

Avoid these mistakes on resumes that get you hired.
When writing resumes that get you hired, it’s evident you need to make sure yours stands out from the hundreds or thousands of others a company receives. Unfortunately, many people think this means they can break all the rules. Professional executive resume writers will tell you otherwise. This is why it’s often best to work with professional resume writing services to ensure you stand out while following the rules.
1. References Available Upon Request
When you’re applying for a job, it’s an unspoken understanding you will provide references upon the request of the interviewing company. There’s no need to write this statement on your resume. In fact, it simply takes up critical space you could use to highlight your skills and lets the hiring manager know you don’t understand the rules.
2. Including Non-Related Personal Interests
Many hiring managers ask about personal interests to get a feel for your personality and how you will fit into the company culture. It is also designed to show off your skills. Professional resume writing services recommend listing only personal interest that align with a job-specific skill, giving the recruiter a clearer picture of what you can offer.
3. Listing Duties, Not Achievements
One common factor in resumes that get you hired is the listing of achievements gained at past employment opportunities. What you did at your past jobs may play a role in whether you are qualified for a new position, but employers want to see where you have gone above and beyond. Listing all of your achievements will show them you are a valued employee and can be an asset to their team.
4. Dressing Up the Layout
In order to stand out, many people attempt to get creative with their resume and cause more problems as a result. Some people use a variety of fonts, as well as even different colors to offset information they want to highlight. In most cases, this is a serious mistake that will get your resume thrown away, rather than read.
5. Using Chronological Order
It may seem ideal to start with your most current job first, but this isn’t often the best way to approach your executive resume. When you’re applying for a high-level job, it’s more important to highlight the most relevant skills first. This will place focus on why you are the perfect candidate for this job over the other resumes that may be in the pile.
Because there are so many mistakes that can be made, it’s often important to work with professional executive resume writers to ensure your resume is ready to go. Resumes that get you hired stand out from the crowd without breaking the conventional resume rules. If you don’t have a firm understanding of those rules, you could delay your ability to get the job you want.

Building resumes that get you hired can feel like an insurmountable task. It can be difficult to determine which information is essential and what is better left unsaid. Below are some resume “don’ts”:
If you look at resume examples for lower level jobs, you will see an objective line at the top that details the goals of the individual. When it comes to executive level resumes, however, this section is unnecessary. Applying for the job indicates your goal. Instead, consider writing an executive summary that succinctly details your achievements.
Too Many Details
In the case of resumes, less is often more. You don’t need to list every employer you’ve had since your first job. Instead, focus on only the jobs that lend skills for the job in question. Consider focusing on one or two areas in which you have made the biggest impact in your career.
Personal Information
Professional executive resume writers emphasize leaving out the personal details of your life. Your resume is not the place to list your age, personal interests, relationship status, hobbies, school GPA or other details considered personal. This includes providing a photo. You want to make the first impression in person.
Your References
If you’re used to putting your references in your resume or even including the phrase, “references available upon request,” reconsider it. If the company you are interviewing with wants to talk to references, they will ask for them without prompting.
An Unprofessional Email Address
One of the best parts of a personal email address is you can let your creativity shine. However, it’s best to make sure the email address you include in the contact information on your resume is professional. Instead of using your cutesy personal email address, set up a special account for your job hunt that includes your first name, last name, initials or a combination of these.
Current Employer Information
When you’re dealing with executive-level positions, you don’t want to be contacted at work when you’re looking for a new position. For this reason, it’s best to leave off contact information related to your current job. Likewise, it’s best to forgo listing salary information on your resume. Your goal is to promote your skills, not your monetary worth.
The best executive writing services can help you re-evaluate your resume and eliminate the unnecessary information that could cost you the positions for which you’ve applied. Learning how to create resumes that get you hired will be an invaluable tool as you make your way up the corporate ladder.
If you’re looking for professional executive resume writers to help you polish your C-level resume, contact us. We can help you start from the beginning to develop an attractive, yet concise resume, including why you would be an asset to an employer. We can also evaluate your current resume and eliminate the unnecessary details causing more harm than good as you seek the ideal career path.