Being stuck without a job for an extended period of time can be stressful. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. If your job search isn’t working out how you would like it to, consider using one of the top resume writing services to get you out of your rut. Not only can they help revamp your resume, but they can also give you some tips on how to approach your job search. In the meantime, here are some of our best new tips to help you with your executive job search this season.
Stay Active
When you’re in the midst of a job search, the last thing you want to do is stop networking or being active on social media. It can be easy to scratch these activities off your list when your job search isn’t going as planned, but that’s actually the worst thing you can do. Take on some volunteer opportunities or a short-term contract opportunity. When writing an effective resume, you want to show you made the effort to plug the holes between your employment.
Expand Your Job Search Criteria
It’s natural to be selective about your employment prospects when you first begin your job search. However, you have to expand your criteria eventually if it’s not working. This could include considering new positions or expanding your location options. Sometimes a big change may be the best thing for your career, especially if you’re in a stall with your search efforts.
Evaluate Your Job Search Strategy
It’s never a good idea to send your resume out to companies in bulk. Instead, focus on improving your c-level personal branding to make employers notice you more. This may include attending more networking events rather than submitting countless resumes. There are many different methods of going about a job search, so evaluate how yours is working and don’t be afraid to change it up.
Remember No Job is Perfect
One of the things top resume writing services will tell you is to always remember you will never find the perfect job. However, it doesn’t mean a particular job couldn’t turn into a perfect one later on. When you understand the perfect job probably won’t be out there on paper, you’ll have a better mindset about your job search.
At Professional Resume Services, we help many executives on a daily basis with their job search strategies. If you need help writing an effective resume or just can’t get out of your job search rut, feel free to contact us at any time.
An executive job search can be exciting and stressful all at the same time. Like any job search, it can seem like you’re on a daily roller coaster of emotions until you finally land a job. If you take some strategic steps and avoid common mistakes, you’ll be able to reduce the length of your search. Using executive resume services is a good first step to get you on the right track, but before you do that, be sure to heed some of these common mistakes executives make with their job search.
1. Failing to Target Your Search
At first, it may seem like a good strategy to cast your net far and wide. However, this method doesn’t produce great results most of the time. The top resume writing services will suggest tailoring your resume to specific companies, rather than trying to write a general one. Resume targeting is a key aspect in an executive job search, but it’s also one of the things executives fail to do.
2. Not Networking
The days of sending in a resume online and getting a call for an interview the next day are virtually over. Executive resume services suggest handing your resumes to people in person at networking events, rather than replying to an online job post. The power of networking should never be underestimated, but you would be surprised at how many executives don’t see the importance.
3. Being Unprepared
Always be prepared, whether you’re networking or doing anything related to your job search. Being prepared means cleaning up your social media profiles, enhancing your online presence, visiting with executive resume writers and more. You need to be prepared if a potential employer decides to contact you.
4. Not Changing Strategies
Just like you have to adapt to the ever-changing business world, you have to change job search strategies occasionally also. Doing the same thing over and over again can get frustrating when you continue getting similar results. Be open to changing your executive job search strategy if you aren’t getting the results you desire.
5. Spending Too Much Time or Not Enough Time
Searching for an executive job is a full time job itself. However, just like an actual job, spending too much time or too little time doing it can lead to underperforming. Find a good balance and speak with executive resume services if you find yourself hitting a rut in your search.
Sometimes executive resume writers can help you avoid mistakes in your job search before you make them. Feel free to contact us with any questions about other mistakes to be aware of.
Going through a layoff is never easy. However, depending on how you handle it, you could end up in a better position in the long run. The main thing to remember is you never want to burn any bridges with your past employer. Layoffs happen for a variety of reasons, so there could be a chance for you to return in the future. Once you get laid off, however, the top resume writing services should be used to help get your resume brushed up. Here are some other things to keep in mind when dealing with an executive layoff.
Accept it With Dignity
Accepting the fact that you’ve been laid off can be difficult. In order to bounce back better than ever at your next venture, you have to be able to accept the layoff for what it is. Working with professional resume writing services can help with the process, since you’ll be forced to think about your achievements. Once you’ve come to accept what’s happened, you’ll be better equipped to move forward.
Figure Out Your Next Steps
Take some time and figure out exactly what you want to do. Did you already have a plan B just in case a layoff happened? Or did the layoff completely catch you by surprise with no backup plan? In either scenario, you have to really think about what you want to do next and don’t rush into a decision you may regret later.
Don’t Feel Sorry For Yourself
A layoff can damage your self-confidence. However, feeling sorry for yourself won’t do any good and it definitely won’t help your chances of landing a new job. You need to craft specific resumes that get you hired, so get back in the game as quickly as possible to restore your confidence level.
Network to Get Back in The Game
Networking can work wonders after a layoff. You would be surprised at how many people can relate to your situation, so talking with other executives can help you handle your layoff much better. Just be sure to visit the top resume writing services before you get deep into networking, so you can pass along a resume while you’re there.
A layoff can be a difficult and life-changing event. Feel free to reach out to us for professional resume services to help you feel better about your layoff.
Considering the current state of the employment world, it’s commonplace for people to have employment gaps. However, a gap of a few months is much different than gaps of a few years. When you use an executive resume writing service, you can easily hide the small gaps or they can help you clearly explain the longer gaps. The main thing is to not let any employment gaps deter you from applying for executive positions. There are many ways to address the gaps where they won’t be a problem.
Don’t Worry About the Small Stuff
If you only had a few months of unemployment, you probably don’t even have to acknowledge it in your resume. Many professional resume writing services will only include the years of employment rather than months anyway. A few months here or there shouldn’t raise any red flags.
Be as Honest as Possible
Nowadays it’s completely understandable for someone to take time off from employment to go back to school or to raise kids. If you had a situation like that, the best thing to do is be honest about it. You can explain in a sentence in your cover letter that you took time off to raise your family or to seek higher education. Place the section right in line with your employment history and you likely won’t be questioned about it in a negative way.
The tricky part is if you took time off to do other things like travel the world or if you just didn’t like your previous job. For those situations, you may need to consult with some of the top resume writing services to help you address the employment gap in a professional way that won’t hurt your chances of getting an interview.
Include Volunteer, Consulting, or Unpaid Experience
No matter what your initial reason was for leaving your previous job, you can easily fill the gap with any volunteer work, consulting, or unpaid experience you got. Some people believe they are ready to retire, but then realize they have to stay busy. Volunteering for several hours each week or gaining valuable experience elsewhere could be great ways to fill your employment gaps.
If you consulted during this time, that counts as a position! Gather up what you did and add that to your resume as a role. Adding that experience will be a benefit and show the reader that you were still working.
The main takeaway professional resume writing services will tell you is to not worry too much about employment gaps. There are plenty of creative ways to fill those gaps to make them a non-issue, so feel free to reach out to us if you need assistance.
You can really put yourself in a good position by searching for a new job while you’re still employed—if you play your cards right. If you don’t handle the situation properly, though, you could be headed for an employment disaster leading to you being jobless. Many professional executive resume writers say your resume looks more attractive to recruiters if another company currently employs you. But there are some important things to keep in mind to execute your job search in your favor.
Don’t Talk About it – Unless You’re Asked
There’s no need to tell people around your office you’re looking for another job. What happens if the news gets back to your boss and he decides to just let you go on the spot? Then you’re put in a situation where you have to ramp up your job search and maybe even hire some of the top resume writing services to land a job quickly.
But if your boss sniffs something out and approaches you about the topic, then you shouldn’t lie to him. Tell him about some of your concerns and that you’re just looking at other options with no intention of leaving at the moment.
Be Positive About Your Current Job
If you work at your current job with a negative attitude, it will raise some red flags about something not being right with you. How your colleagues perceive you is critical when it comes to keeping your job search a secret from your current company.
Don’t Use Company Information
When you’re writing an executive resume, refrain from using a company phone number or email address. If you don’t have a professional email address, you need to create one. If your boss has a hint you may be looking for another job, he can see what calls you’ve made and what emails have been sent. You don’t want to have that awkward conversation.
Keep a “Business as Usual” Attitude
Most of all, don’t do anything to tip off anyone at your current job about your job search. Speak to professional executive resume writers on your own time, not company time. Also, don’t let your productivity slip during your job search. It can be easy to have the mentality of not having to be productive since you already have one foot out the door, but you don’t want to burn any bridges.
Juggling your current job may be the most difficult part of searching for a new job. Be sure to contact us if you need any more tips about how to pull it off.
Everyone has a personal brand, whether they know it or not. It’s important for everyone to clearly define their personal brand, but it’s especially critical for high-level executives. As C-level personal branding has increased in importance, the myths surrounding it have also grown in number and prevalence. The truth is many people believe these myths, which can negatively impact their personal branding. Here are the top five myths you should know about, and most importantly, shouldn’t believe.
Myth 1: Your Personal Brand Is Equivalent to Your Reputation
You’re allowed to keep your personal life separate from your business/online life. You may have a completely different reputation with your family and friends than with your business colleagues, and there’s nothing wrong with that!
Myth 2: Personal Branding Isn’t Necessary
Many people underestimate the power of personal branding for senior level managers. Just like a reputation, it takes some time to build a solid personal brand, but it can also be ruined in a matter of seconds. If you think personal branding isn’t necessary, think again.
Myth 3: Personal Branding Is Manufactured
C-level personal branding is only effective if it’s not fake. People who try to make themselves sound better than they really are will only hurt themselves in the long run. Top executives can see right through manufactured personal branding so you won’t be doing yourself any good to create a false personal brand.
Myth 4: Personal Branding Takes a Lot of Time
The art of personal branding for senior level managers isn’t as time consuming as people make it out to be. Yes, you have to work on it a little bit, but you shouldn’t have to spend extra time on your personal brand. Every email you respond to or phone call you take either helps or hurts your personal brand. Just be conscious about your actions and your personal brand will essentially develop itself.
Myth 5: Your Personal Brand Makes You Look Selfish
You may try to make yourself look good on a resume or cover letter, but C-level personal branding is different. As a top executive, you likely have many leadership roles. Being a good leader is one of the best ways to give your personal brand a good image. If you’re able to help others do their jobs better and advance in the rankings, how could you possibly seem selfish?
Most people focus on polishing up their resume, but don’t spend much time thinking about their personal branding. What are you known for? What do you excel at? Many top resume writing services will emphasize your personal brand in your resume, which actually makes it even stronger.
Resumes and cover letters are made better with technology.
As you and nearly everyone else in the world have realized and are experiencing as we speak, technology has drastically changed the way people interact with one another. This goes not only for casual conversation, such as through social media, but through the way customers and businesses interact and even how people seek out jobs. If you’re a senior-level professional on the hunt for a new position, you’re probably taking in just how much job hunting has changed since the last time you had to look for work. However, many of the changes delivered by technology are quite beneficial to job seekers!
Social Media
You’ve likely had some experience with social media sites, either through your prior job positions or on a personal level. Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites, as well as LinkedIn, which is great for professional networking. However, if you’re on the hunt for a new job, you’ll want to evaluate your social media profiles and what image they’re presenting about you. You never know who will want to take a look at your profile. Many prospective businesses looking to hire you could end up searching for you on social media just to get a sense of who you are as a person and a professional. A stellar social media profile will do you a whole host of favors! You can consult with any number of top resume writing services to help even out your online presence.
Communicating with Higher Ups
Before the Internet became mainstream, reaching out to those in charge of hiring you was an ordeal. Originally, all that could be done was to send out a physical letter, hoping it reached the hiring manager and earned a response. The process was much slower back then in every sense of the word. Thanks to email, instant messaging and video chat services, however, this is no longer the case. Communications are far faster now than ever before, enabling you to easily get in touch with higher level professionals and hold a constructive conversation with each other about your prospects.
More Convenient Interviewing Procedures
As stated before, the advent of today’s technology makes communication easier than it ever was in the past. This includes the interviewing process, made convenient thanks to Skype and other video chatting clients. Nowadays, you’ll likely be first exposed to prospective employers through a telephone or video chat conversation. Because of its increasing prominence, it would be a good idea to gain some experience with software of this variety. A team of professional executive resume writers can help you with this as part of their services. A web interview works similarly to a physical interview. Be sure to keep this in mind as you prepare for one by dressing professionally, making sure your space has sufficient lighting and tidying it up if need be.
Resumes and cover letters are elements of the job hunting process that haven’t changed as far as importance! Once these pieces have done their job, however, times have certainly changed.
The top resume writing services can help you change careers.
Change can be a scary thing, especially when the change directly affects your future. This is why so many people hesitate when it comes to shifting industries. Those in this process may be transitioning into a new industry with little to no experience or with only indirect experience from their previous jobs. If you’re in this situation, you may be wondering just how to approach this change. First of all, we would like to congratulate you on this important first step! Second, recreating your resume to match your transition to a new field is not the easiest task, but it is certainly doable. Let us show you how.
Figure Out If There’s Any Way Your Previous and Current Industries Match Up
This will take a bit of thought, but it’s worth it in the long run when it comes to making your resume easier to approach. There may be elements of your previous career that sync with your potential new one and can be described in such a way that will catch the interest of prospective employers in your new field. This tip should prove especially relevant to professional executive resume writers with a long list of strong, eye-catching skills.
Rewrite Your Resume Entirely
Your current resume won’t be one size fits all. Your high involvement in your last field versus your smaller level of involvement in your current one will glare through unless you rework things properly. Take our last suggestion into account as you rewrite your resume to fit your new industry. Your skills likely still matter much more than you may think! Think about what the positions you’re applying for need and consider whether your skills still line up.
Don’t Be Afraid to Name Drop
If you’ve had the privilege of collaborating with high-ranking professionals during your time in your old industry, be sure to highlight this! Showing you are extremely qualified in one field and were able to perform well in another position will bode well in the eyes of recruiters in your new field.
Summarize Yourself
This will take utilization of all of the above tips we’ve mentioned. Make use of the impact you left upon your old industry and the skills you’ve developed within it and weave it into a descriptive paragraph that complements the current position you seek. This is a brilliant way to market yourself in any industry and lets employers know quickly and directly what you can offer to the industry and their company.
We hope this brief list will help professional executive resume writers as they transition into a brand new industry. This isn’t the easiest change to make, but it should prove worthwhile. If you need any more help or advice, feel free to reach out to your local executive resume writer services. There are a large number of top resume writing services that can help you reorient your resume properly.