Traditional approaches to finding a new job are no longer viable options. Nowadays, if you don’t have an online presence by way of social media, then you will find yourself way behind the curve. As an executive with years of experience, you may not think social media is important for your career, but you could be missing out on great opportunities. With the competition being as high as it’s ever been, LinkedIn profile development services are constantly helping executives stay on top of the curve. Here are some important things you need to know about how and why to incorporate social media into your job search.
Why is Social Media Important?
The majority of executive jobs aren’t posted online. Companies are using recruiting services and headhunters to find the best talent to fill their jobs, which further stresses the importance of LinkedIn profile development services. If you don’t have a complete social media presence, then your chances of being found are slim-to-none.
Hiring a LinkedIn profile service to help you develop your profile is a great way to start off your job search the right way this year. You need to have the right keywords, phrases, skills and experience listed on your profile in order to get recognized. Executives don’t always know or understand what recruiters are looking for, so different services can help polish up your profile to make it as effective and recognizable as possible.
How to Carefully Incorporate Social Media Into Your Job Search
Social media can put you ahead of the curve or it can seriously diminish your chances of getting a job, depending on how you utilize it. Just like headhunters use social media to find executives to fill positions, you can use it to your benefit as well.
Instead of replying to a job post online, look up some high-level people at the company on LinkedIn and reach out to them personally. This could help your name stand out, but you also want to be careful not to overdo it. If you don’t receive a response within a week, you can follow-up, but don’t keep bugging them to the point where they ignore you completely.
How to Begin
Start by looking into LinkedIn profile writing services. These services will help you with the dos and don’ts of social media when it pertains to your job search. Once you have an understanding of how social media can work for you and against you, you’ll be able to jump-start your job search this New Year.
For more information about the ins-and-outs of the relationship between social media and your job search, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
When it comes to networking, you don’t always have to step completely out of your shell to meet new people. One of the common misconceptions people have about networking is you have to attend professional events to make new contacts. However, sometimes you can make a professional contact just by living your daily life and being friendly. Here are some unique ways you can expand your network without having to attend a professional networking event.
1. Volunteer
Volunteering is always good to do anyway, but you also never know whom you might meet in the process. Strike up a conversation with your fellow volunteers and learn a little more about their life from a personal and professional standpoint. Plus, volunteering will help with your LinkedIn profile development and you can connect with other people who have volunteered with the same organization (possibly in other cities as well).
2. Go to the Gym
The gym generally isn’t a place people expect to make good networking contacts. However, just talking to the person next to you could lead to good conversations about a variety of topics. Just don’t be overly pushy when trying to strike up a conversation. Sometimes people want to stick to themselves when they’re at the gym, so be sure to recognize these cues and don’t bother people who want to stay to themselves.
3. Church Groups
Most professional resume writing services won’t ask you to put any church organizations on your resume, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valuable for networking purposes. Depending on how active you are in your church group, you could make some lifelong friends and quality business contacts just by participating in events.
4. Just Be Friendly
You don’t need a LinkedIn profile writing service to tell you friendliness is the best way to make good connections. You can network just about anywhere you go. The grocery store, the park, restaurants and anywhere else could be perfect for networking if you are friendly. Most people don’t mind talking to other people and being friendly. You never know where the conversation might lead. There are a lot of interesting people in the world who could help your professional growth; you just have to find them!
You don’t have to be skilled at LinkedIn profile development in order to grow your network. For other networking tips and to learn how you can approach people in a professional manner, feel free to contact us at any time.
Networking events can be intimidating, especially if you are an introvert by nature. But for executives, networking is crucial to landing the job you want in the future. Sometimes even the best executive resume writing service can’t help you get the job you want if you don’t take the necessary steps to connect with people in your industry. Here are five effective ways you can break the ice and make yourself known at executive networking events.
1. Arrive Early
When you arrive early, there will be fewer people present. This will make approaching people less intimidating, since there is more of a one-on-one interaction. Plus, you could meet someone who is extroverted and can introduce you to more people as they arrive, so just follow their lead if that happens!
2. Bring a Friend or Colleague With You
You shouldn’t always hang out with the person you know at a networking event, but it can help to break the ice. Inviting other people into your conversation could help get the ball rolling for other conversations and introductions, where you could eventually split away from your friend and meet new people.
3. Be Prepared With Questions
Any executive resume service can help you come up with questions to use at your networking event. Questions are the best ways to break the ice, because people are generally more interested in themselves than you. Just listen to other executives talk about themselves and their accomplishments, and ask engaging follow-up questions, and you’ll seem like a networking expert.
4. Be Approachable
No one wants to talk to a person standing in the corner with their arms crossed or their hands in their pockets. If this is how you stand when you’re uncomfortable, then print out some copies of your executive bio and hold onto them. This will help you look more approachable and someone may even ask what you’re holding!
5. Be Yourself
The best executive resume writing service will tell you to be yourself on paper and in person. If you’re naturally introverted, embrace it and find ways to break out of your shell. This is a much more effective way of breaking the ice rather than trying to act like an extrovert. Most executives will be able to tell a fake person right away, so don’t let that be you.
Networking events are perfect for meeting new people to help you land the job you desire. If you need help or advice about attending these events, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Some Important Things to Consider When Changing Careers
BlogJob Search
Most people have considered changing jobs or careers at least one time during their life, no matter how many years of experience they have. There are a wide variety of reasons why you may be looking for a career change. Money, time, stress and overall happiness are some of the main reasons people look for a change. But before you plunge into a different executive role at another company, consider these points.
1. Weigh the Long-Term vs. Short-Term Benefits
Sometimes you have to sit down and look at your executive experiences to see what you’ve accomplished in your current role. Look at where you started and where you are now. If you think you’ve reached the top at your current company, but want more, then another company could offer a better long-term solution. However, some of the short-term requirements may not be as attractive in a new role, such as increased travel or longer hours.
2. Look at the Pros and Cons of Each Career
Breaking out the pen and paper for creating your pros and cons on whether or not you want to change. You can do this before or after having your executive resume written, but most people do it afterward so they can generate more ideas. If you’re strongly considering a change, then the pros of a new career will likely be longer by default. However, focus more on the cons when you look at your current job and really think about how bad those cons really are. Sometimes you may overcook them just because of the frustrations of other aspects of the job as a whole.
3. Understand the Value of Your Network
It takes a good amount of time and effort to build a large executive LinkedIn profile with a lot of connections. Depending on how much work experience you have, it’s best not to drift too far away from your connections when choosing a new career. If you choose to do so, then you should always keep in touch with them in case the grass isn’t greener with your new chosen career.
4. Your Personal Feelings and Happiness
A career change is a huge decision. When you look at your executive resume bio and you aren’t happy with what you’ve done, it may be time for a change. Not even money can cover up unhappiness and negative feelings toward your job most of the time. If that unhappiness comes home with you at the end of the day, it’s time to seriously consider moving on from your current job.
We know how difficult it is to even consider a career change. We are here to help you at any point in the process, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
You can really put yourself in a good position by searching for a new job while you’re still employed—if you play your cards right. If you don’t handle the situation properly, though, you could be headed for an employment disaster leading to you being jobless. Many professional executive resume writers say your resume looks more attractive to recruiters if another company currently employs you. But there are some important things to keep in mind to execute your job search in your favor.
Don’t Talk About it – Unless You’re Asked
There’s no need to tell people around your office you’re looking for another job. What happens if the news gets back to your boss and he decides to just let you go on the spot? Then you’re put in a situation where you have to ramp up your job search and maybe even hire some of the top resume writing services to land a job quickly.
But if your boss sniffs something out and approaches you about the topic, then you shouldn’t lie to him. Tell him about some of your concerns and that you’re just looking at other options with no intention of leaving at the moment.
Be Positive About Your Current Job
If you work at your current job with a negative attitude, it will raise some red flags about something not being right with you. How your colleagues perceive you is critical when it comes to keeping your job search a secret from your current company.
Don’t Use Company Information
When you’re writing an executive resume, refrain from using a company phone number or email address. If you don’t have a professional email address, you need to create one. If your boss has a hint you may be looking for another job, he can see what calls you’ve made and what emails have been sent. You don’t want to have that awkward conversation.
Keep a “Business as Usual” Attitude
Most of all, don’t do anything to tip off anyone at your current job about your job search. Speak to professional executive resume writers on your own time, not company time. Also, don’t let your productivity slip during your job search. It can be easy to have the mentality of not having to be productive since you already have one foot out the door, but you don’t want to burn any bridges.
Juggling your current job may be the most difficult part of searching for a new job. Be sure to contact us if you need any more tips about how to pull it off.
Our Top Four Picks for the Best New Year’s Resolutions for Executive Job Hunters
BlogJob Search
Did you know that more than 100 million people in America make New Year’s resolutions each year? If one of your top resolutions is to find a job that fits your skills and abilities, then you need to take steps to improve your chances of being hired.
Finding a job is no small feat, especially in the executive sector where the process to get hired is more cutthroat than ever before. While your initial thought may be to hire the best executive resume writing services, there are a few other tips that can help along the way, as well.
1. Clearly define the job you want
It isn’t good enough to just state you want a new job. The more specific you get, the better results you are going to see. If you know what company you want to work for, write that down, too. Make sure you are realistic. Not everyone can move into the top executive position at a Fortune 500 company straight from the job market. The more specific and realistic you are, the better chance you have of achieving your resolution.
2. Create actionable steps
There are many reasons why resolutions fail. A common theme, however, is you don’t take the necessary actions to accomplish the goals you have set. You have to make it happen. Do you want a position as a Vice President of Sales at a large retail chain? If so, outline the steps you can take to achieve this goal.
For example:
- List the business options you are interested in.
- Use LinkedIn to post your resume after using executive resume services.
- Attend networking events where these companies are present.
- Learn who the decision makers are at the organizations.
- Tailor your actionable skills to meet your specific job hunt goals.
3. Revamp your resume
A resume is the first impression an HR manager receives of a candidate. If yours isn’t up to the company’s standards, then it may be time to revamp it. If you don’t have the time or ability to do this yourself, consider using the services of the best executive resume writing services. Not only can these services help you update your resume, but they provide other services, as well. For example, many resume companies also offer a cover letter writing service.
4. Consider using a recruiter
Being noticed in a saturated job market is getting more and more difficult. Regardless of your degree, experience and ability, there is always someone else out there who may be a bit more impressive. With the help of a recruiter, you can find the jobs suiting the goals you outlined as part of your New Year’s resolution.
Getting a job isn’t hard. Landing the job you really want, especially at the executive level, can be a challenge. With the tips here, you are on your way to getting a job that challenges you, while letting you show off your abilities and skills. If you would like more information about resume writing services, or getting the job you want this year, contact us today.
If you take the time to speak with any executive level job-seeker, you are likely going to hear a few words of wisdom about how to find the perfect executive position. However, many of these individuals are full of misguided tips that are going to hinder, rather than help, your job hunt.
To avoid falling for these common job hunting mistakes, use the information here.
Not Knowing What Your Personal Market Value Is
Prior to attending even one interview, take some time to assess your value in the open market. If you don’t know your professional worth, there is a good chance you will undersell your experience and knowledge, which will hurt your negotiating power.
There are tools to help with this. For example, compensation benchmarking can help you determine what your market value is based on your geographic location, experience, skills, etc.
Your Resume Gives All the Details of Your Past Work Experience
It is important to remember, the purpose of a resume is to help you receive a call for an interview. You don’t have to create an extremely detailed autobiography of your entire professional history. If you are having a difficult time consolidating the information on your resume, consider using executive resume writing services.
Trying to Match Your Resume to the Keywords in the Job Posting
HR managers and personnel have to review hundreds of resumes for every position. If they are all full of keywords from the job posting, they are going to have a difficult time finding someone who stands out. Instead of “stuffing” the resume with keywords, fill it with information that describes you, as well as the unique expertise you have. Professional executive resume writers can help capture all the characteristics that help you stand out as a great candidate.
Assuming You Need More Certifications or Schooling to Get the Job You Want
You don’t have to acquire an MBA or a large selection of certifications to find the right executive role. Remember, two of the wealthiest executives that ever lived, Carlos Slim and Bill Gates, don’t have these credentials. The important thing is to utilize your skills and abilities to demonstrate your professional experience and expertise.
Ruling Out Opportunities Carelessly
Don’t overthink the job description you read. Treat the ad as an ideal. In many cases, the description is a wish list of what businesses want in a new executive, but there are only a few requirements that are absolutely essential. Don’t take yourself out of the running without evaluating the situation carefully. Once you know the specifics, you can begin writing a professional resume that targets these desired traits.
Executive resume writing services can help you create a resume to highlight your unique skills and abilities. Using these professional services can help you stand out from other candidates seeking the same executive level position.
It can be very tempting to shut down, or slow down, your job search during the winter months. When you get caught up in the holiday season, it can seem like you just don’t have enough time to put the effort you need into searching for your perfect job. However, companies generally do not stop hiring just because it’s the holidays, so now is not the time for you to stop creating perfect resumes that get you hired. Here are five things to keep in mind while you are on your job hunt.
1. Use Social Events to Your Advantage
You don’t have to rely solely on professional networking events in order to make business connections. Any conversation could lead to work-related topics, so you always need to have a professional mindset to be ready if the opportunity arises. Don’t discount the people you know, from casual friends to industry colleagues. You never know where a conversation could lead, and who your associates might know.
2. Reacquaint Yourself With Contacts
Go through your list of contacts and get in touch with people you may not have spoken to in a while. This could include friends, family and former co-workers. Catch up with them and let them know you are looking for a job. They might be able to help put you in touch with someone they know. Again, the power of networking is phenomenal. While it’s easy to underestimate the people you know on a less-than-professional basis, you never want to brush them off completely.
3. Commit to Your Job Search
The winter months can make it difficult to get motivated. The gray, gloomy days can take the drive out of networking or job searching. To stay committed and motivated, try visiting one of the top rated resume writing services. You just might find the motivation you need to keep moving if you’re able to craft a few quality resumes that get you hired. At the very least, you may receive some important advice toward your resume or other qualifying documents that will aid you as you continue your job search later on.
4. Get Direct
As you’ve navigated your job search, you’ve likely often wondered, “How do I create the most effective executive resume?” However, the key to landing a great new job involves far more than just drawing up an excellent resume! You’ve spent so long in your industry that you undoubtedly have quite a few powerful connections under your belt. Use them to get directly in touch with the people in charge of the companies you’re hoping to work for! Getting in touch with an executive for the company is a great way of proving your initiative, which employers like to see. This may very well work in your favor in other ways, as most people slow down their job hunting during holiday months and research shows nearly half of people who’ve reached out to hiring managers and other executives managed to get the job.
5. Broaden Your Perspectives
Don’t limit yourself to only certain jobs when you’re on your search. At the same time, you also don’t want to apply to just any job. While the vast majority of executive positions are highly specialized, the skills involved can easily carry over into other positions that could fit you just as well. Finding a good balance is key when you’re on your winter job search. You could visit some top rated resume services to help tailor your resume to your different skill sets. That way it will be more targeted to the particular position you’re applying for.
Your winter job hunt shouldn’t slow down around the holidays. If you’re stuck in a rut and are having a hard time getting motivated, feel free to reach out to us at any time.