Seeking a new c-level position takes a similar approach as searching for a job of any caliber. Without the proper preparation and going through the necessary steps, you may find your search to be more difficult than it needs to be. No matter how polished your executive profile may be, you still have to follow the same steps as everyone else to be considered for a high level job. Here are some of the most common mistakes c-level executives make when seeking a new position and how to avoid them.
Misunderstanding The Process
Whether you’re searching for a c-level position or an entry level position, the job search and hiring process will be very similar. You have to do research about the company before applying for a job there. Having all of the skills and qualifications doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the job. You still have to sell yourself and show how you add value to any given company in order to stand out.
Not Having The Right Strategy
It may have been a long time since you last looked for a new c-level position, so the same strategy may not apply. The first thing you should do is optimize your LinkedIn profile. Many recruiters will find candidates on LinkedIn, whether they are searching for a job or not. Furthermore, you can almost guarantee a hiring manager will look for your LinkedIn profile as soon as they receive your resume. If your strategy is to just send out as many resumes as possible, you’re heading down the wrong path.
Not Building Relationships
The power of networking is instrumental in landing your next c-level position. Building solid relationships is more important than building a solid executive profile. The old saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” applies to c-level positions as well. Thinking your resume speaks for itself is another common mistake executives make.
Making it About You, Not the Company
Companies don’t necessarily care about you when they are hiring; they care about what you bring to the table. Many executives try to make themselves sound good, whether it’s on their LinkedIn profile or an in-person interview. However, what you really need to do is show how valuable you will be to the company based on your experience. The information and qualifications are the same, but the way you present everything makes a huge difference.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you avoid common mistakes to give you a better chance at landing your next c-level job. Whether you need help optimizing your LinkedIn profile, updating your resume or anything else throughout the job search process, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

There are many reasons why you may be thinking about moving to a new industry for your career. You may have simply burned out on your current career, landed your dream job or just feel like you need a change. No matter how excited you may be about the switch, it’s only natural to feel a little stressed because of the transition. However, before you spend hours writing and rewriting your executive bio to make it sound attractive to a new industry, here are some tips to consider.
Know Which Skills Transfer Over
You’ve developed many skills in your current job, but some of them may not be useful in your new industry. If you aren’t sure which skills naturally fit with your new industry, check with an executive resume service. They work with people with all different backgrounds to find careers in multiple industries. They will be able to help you identify your pertinent skills related to your new industry, so you can write your executive bio accordingly.
Network and Volunteer
The more people you know in your new industry, the easier time you’ll have finding the job you desire. When you don’t have some of the specific skills and experiences for your new industry, it doesn’t matter if you have the best executive resume format or not. However, going out of your way to network and volunteer to make solid business connections can overshadow some of the lack of skills you may have in the industry you desire.
Take Your Time to Find The Right Fit
Before you leave your current industry, make sure your finances are in good enough shape to allow you to take your time with your transition to a new industry. The last thing you want to do is add to your stress level because you’re running out of money. You may end up settling for a job you don’t want just to pay the bills.
Take your time as much as you can. Visit an executive resume service to make sure you have the best resume possible to hand to recruiters. By taking your time and being patient, you’ll be more satisfied with the end result and the process of getting there will be less stressful.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you make a smooth transition to a new industry if you’re looking to do so. Writing a good executive bio will help, but there are many other factors to consider as well. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need help with your executive resume or need answers to any career-related questions you may have.
No matter how you look at it, getting laid off from your job is never fun. You may have been expecting it for weeks or months, or you may have been caught completely off guard. Regardless of the circumstances, there are some things you should do and shouldn’t do immediately following a layoff.
You may be tempted to send out dozens of resumes and cover letters frantically in an attempt to find a new job as quickly as possible, but that could possibly be the worst strategy you can use. Instead, here are some do’s and don’ts to consider if you’ve been laid off.

Don’t Feel Sorry For Yourself
Feeling sorry for yourself and telling others about it doesn’t move you forward. Getting out of your rut of being laid off can be difficult, but it’s a necessity. If you must, take a day to reflect on the situation, but then let it go. Visit an executive resume writing service for professional help on brushing up your resume. The professionals there can give you words of encouragement based on experience, since they work with all types of clients and have plenty of success stories to share.
Take a Break Before Starting Your Job Search
You should take a little break before immediately jumping into your next job search. It’s human nature to take a little while to rebound from a layoff, so you need to make sure your mind is in the right place before you start talking to potential employers. This downtime would be the perfect window to optimize your LinkedIn profile, but give yourself enough time to recover before making connections.
Reconnect With Your Network
Reconnecting with your network is something you should do even before you send out dozens of resumes and cover letters. Be sure to optimize your LinkedIn profile first, though, so your connections know exactly what you’re up to when you reach out to them.
Take Time to Devise or Revise Your Career Plan
You may have been taken by surprise with your recent layoff, so take some time to come up with a new career plan. That may involve incorporating multiple streams of income or switching industries completely. Your opportunities are endless, so take all the time you need to put together your next career plan!
Professional Resume Services works with people who have been laid off all the time. Our executive resume writing service excels at helping people get back on their feet and into the jobs they want. Feel free to contact us if you need help following your layoff.
Whether you’re a brand new executive or you have years of experience, you should know by now that summer is one of the best times of the year for networking. You can spend hours working on resumes and cover letters during the colder months, but now is the time to disperse them to your best contacts. What makes the summer season the best time to improve personal branding for senior level managers? Here are some things to consider the next time you network this summer.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are numerous volunteer opportunities across any community nationwide throughout the summer. Take advantage of these opportunities by doing good deeds while meeting some new people along the way. You’d be surprised at how your c-level personal branding can improve by being active within the community. Plus, just about everyone is open for conversation since they feel great about contributing to a good cause. There are many great people you’ll meet when volunteering that can lead to lifelong friendships and potential business contacts.
People Are Open For Conversation
There’s something about the summer season that makes people more relaxed and open. With vacations planned and more time spent outside the office, people are more open to conversation now than any other time of the year. There’s never a bad time to work on your c-level personal branding. Whether you’re at a Meetup group, a work event or even a happy hour with some colleagues, never miss the opportunity to improve your brand. And don’t forget your business cards so people will have something to remember you by!
Casual Environments Are More Relaxing
People simply get tired of being in an office all day long. Summer is the perfect time to get out and have some drinks on an outdoor patio after a long day of work. Find events that are outdoors during the summer, since generally you’ll find the people there are more relaxed. Just be sure to adapt to your environment so you fit in rather than being the person who ruins the vibe.
Professional Resume Services isn’t just about resumes and cover letters. We also have some valuable tips about networking as well. This summer is the perfect time for networking, so feel free to contact us at any time if you need any tips or advice on making the best connections this summer.
Any job seeker knows how important networking is. However, even a minor mistake can lead to major consequences in your job search. Taking executive level personal branding seriously is important, since hiring managers look for that when talking to candidates face-to-face. When you’re spending your free time networking to find a new job, try your best to avoid these mistakes to help yourself stand out to interested companies.
Expecting a Job Offer Right Away
Many people go to a networking event and expect to walk away with a job offer. This is simply unrealistic. It’s one thing to be confident in yourself and your abilities when meeting someone for the first time, but you shouldn’t be so bold as to basically ask for the job on the spot. A key to personal branding for senior level managers is to get to know the hiring manager and other top executives within a company. They are likely taking their time with hiring someone, so you should do the same and make as many connections within the company as you can.
Talking About Yourself Too Much
No one know more about you than you, so it’s easy to fall into the trap of talking about yourself nonstop. When you feel the urge to talk about yourself, ask an intuitive question instead. Ask your connection how they got into their job, how they like it, what the culture is like and other questions that show interest. Not only will this clearly show your interest in the job, but it will also give your c-level personal branding a boost.
Not Spending Enough Time on Personal Branding
Speaking of c-level personal branding, you need to be doing more of it. Everyone believes they are qualified for certain jobs. And most of those people will talk about the same qualifications. But instead of talking about how you are qualified, talk about the value you bring to the table. Companies are more interested in learning how you can help them, rather than only knowing what skills you have.
Overlooking The Importance of a Polished Resume
Your executive bio is usually the first thing a recruiter will read on your resume. If you’re going to take the time attend a networking event, at least have your resume reviewed by a professional to ensure there aren’t any glaring mistakes. Remember these recruiters are going to talk to dozens of people at networking events, so your executive bio needs to stand out and make them remember meeting you face-to-face.
Professional Resume Services is here for job seekers, whether you need help writing an executive bio or anything else related to your job search. If you need assistance before or after a networking event, feel free to contact us at any time.
I wanted to tell you about one of our partners that offers one of my new favorite tools. If you haven’t heard of Jobscan yet, you are missing out on one of the best job search and interview tools out there.
The premise behind Jobscan is that they provide an analysis of how well your resume will meet the needs of a particular job based on the keywords needed for the ATS (applicant tracking systems). So in other words, they research the job description and then match your resume against it to see if you have the correct keywords needed for that job on your resume.
The resume match rate is a score from of 0 to 100%. Jobscan recommends a match rate of 80%. Your match is based on four items: 1- Hard skills, 2- Education level, 3- Soft skills, 4- One-word keywords.
When you scan your resume focus on matching hard skills as they have more of an impact on your match rate. Hiring managers and recruiters search for hard skills, i.e. “Sarbanes Oxley”, more often than soft skills like “detail-oriented” (you all know how I feel about that term anyway…just DON’T!). If you haven’t met the 80%, there are drop down menus that will assist you in keywords that might help you match up. You will get more measurable results if you can offer a longer job description (versus a few words).
To me, this concept is brilliant. Tailor your resume for each description based on the keywords. While your resume writer will be able to tailor it to several jobs, you can easily tweak your resume by adding keywords here and there to make it a perfect fit for the job you want.
If you haven’t had your resume written by a professional, you may want to consider it. We know what keywords need to be used in order for your resume to be parsed by an ATS. To be sure, give Jobscan a try and see how your keywords match up to job descriptions you are looking at. If you are below 80%, give us a call. We can help.
Job interviews can be intimidating, no matter what level you are in your field. There’s a lot of pressure involved, as you’re faced with yet another situation where you have to make a positive impression on a prospective employer—with the added complication of having to speak practically on the fly. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to mess up under this situation. We’re here to inform you of some of the most common interview mistakes and how you can avoid them.
1. Revealing Too Much About Your Location
Remote work has yet to really catch on in today’s business climate. As such, the majority of employers are looking for someone who lives close enough to the company to commute on a regular basis. Needless to say, someone who lives too far away from headquarters to commute a reasonable distance or needs time to move across the country may not get chosen over the other candidates.
It’s never worth it to lie on your resume about where you live just so you can land a certain position, nor is it worth it to try to haggle your way into a job by admitting you live too far away but your skills are so valuable they should tweak the position’s requirements just for you. Employers can see your location on your executive LinkedIn profile, anyway.
2. Lack of Post-Interview Communication
Your correspondence with the interviewer never ends once the interview is over, even if you don’t get the job. It’s important to consider the time the company has already invested in you, and respond accordingly. Be sure to send along a formal word of thanks to your prospective employer for the time they’ve spent on the hiring process, if only for the sake of maintaining a good impression. We know you’re probably extremely busy, b you’ll want to take the time to sit down and follow up with the company after you interview.
Failing to give your thanks may leave a bad taste in an employer’s mouth, giving them pause as to whether to keep in further touch with you. As you may know, people in your industry talk, and that bad taste may spread to other executives and companies in your field. You can always turn to a cover letter writing service for help with your thank you letter, if you aren’t sure what to say. Your efforts will be appreciated, even if you don’t land the job! The company may keep you in mind when it comes to other openings, or pass your information along to another company who could use someone with your credentials.
3. Excessive Jargon
It’s a well-known fact if you’re going to be involved within a specific industry you have to know what you’re talking about. Some jargon is just going to be part of daily business conversation. However, you shouldn’t use so much industry speak that those around you will need a dictionary to figure out what you’re talking about! There’s such a thing as too much specialized language, even among people in your industry. While your coworkers may be able to understand what you’re saying, it’s possible that your interviewer works in another area in the company (like human resources) and isn’t as fluent. You can rely on the best resume writing services to help you tweak your resume and cover letter so that anyone in the company can understand what skills you can add to their executive team.
There are many other ways you can help you land and succeed during your first interview. You can always turn to us for help with this or any other step of your job hunting process. And as always, reach out to us any time for job hunting assistance, executive LinkedIn profile assistance or answers to your questions!
For many, interviews can be some of the hardest parts of the job seeking process. This holds especially true for the naturally nervous and the socially clumsy, as well as those who just don’t cope well with pressuring social situations. If any of those last three descriptions fit you, we understand your worries. The good news is you don’t have to wring your hands over interviews! In this article, we’ll go over the three most common ways people bungle their job interviews and how you can avoid these mistakes and ace your own interview!
1. Revealing Too Much Unavailability
Let’s face it: employers will rarely hire someone who lives several hours away from the company office. It is unrealistic to expect or believe someone who lives too far away will be able to consistently make it in to work on time. Furthermore, if other circumstances limit your ability to work on a consistent basis, this will also count against you.
While we’d recommend simply not applying for any jobs you know you’ll have trouble commuting to for any reason, sometimes you have valid reasons for picking that employer. For instance, you could be in the middle of a move, so your being too far away is simply a minor and temporary technicality. In the meantime, you may want to borrow the address of a friend or relative who lives in the area until you’re able to relocate properly.
2. Aggression
Of course, you always want to have and maintain a go-getter attitude when it comes to applying for jobs. If you don’t, you’ll never get a job at all! However, there’s a difference between being motivated and being pushy, and you never want to come off as the latter. This is the easiest way to ruin your chances of being called back.
Once you’ve interviewed, do not try to call the employer with no warning whatsoever. In the meantime, spend that energy elsewhere if you can’t get rid of it, such as by working with a team of professional executive resume writers to tweak your resume and related documents. The most you should do is send out an email to the employer, re-introducing yourself. This will help you stick in their head as a potential candidate.
3. Neglecting Your Pitch
No matter what company you’re seeking to work for, all of them will want to get to know you during the interview process. Ideally, you can use this chance to reveal strengths that your resume will not necessarily show (even if you’re a pro at writing resumes that get you hired)! Having a great pitch will catch your interviewer’s attention and let them know you’re worth giving a chance. If you bungle this, you could risk your entire chance at getting the job. Think about who you are and what your professional strengths are before going to the interview to help hash out how to market yourself to your employer.
Additionally, you may want to rely on an executive resume writing service to help ensure you have a better chance of landing interviews—and jobs! The best thing to do is get in touch with a team of professional executive resume writers to help turn your prospects around.