best executive resume format

Executives can work diligently and do extensive amounts of research to know what to put on a resume, only to struggle with landing a job. There’s a lot of contradictory information on the internet regarding the best executive resume format, the content that should be used in a resume, and more. When you can sort away the myths from the facts, you’ll be in a better position to have success in your job hunt. Here are a few of the most common myths you may have heard.

A Good Resume Guarantees A Job

There are no guarantees in life, and writing an effective resume won’t guarantee you a job either. In fact, many times a resume won’t even ensure you get your foot in the door for an interview, especially if sending out emails to people who don’t know you or haven’t heard of you. Numerous factors go into sorting through resumes for recruiters and hiring managers, so the only thing you can do is your best when writing a resume. However, it’s important not to get discouraged, because it could be factors other than your resume preventing you from landing an interview.

best executive resume formatInclude As Much Information As Possible on One Page

Another myth is your resume has to be limited to one page, so you should cram as much information as possible on it. The top resume writing services will tell you a two-page resume is perfectly acceptable and even better, especially if you have many years of experience and a significant list of accomplishments. The worst thing you can do is try to fit it all on one page. The best formats are easy to read and incorporate white space throughout the document, so avoid the temptation to stuff as many words as you can onto a single page.

You Can Never Overuse Action Verbs

Action verbs are important when writing an effective resume. What many people don’t realize is there is a difference between a weak action verb and a strong action verb related to resume writing. Weak action verbs include words like “managed,” “supervised,” and others. They are weak because everyone uses them. The overuse of these verbs make them less important, so it is entirely possible to make your resume sound boring when you incorporate them. Instead, focus on actual results rather than the process you went through to achieve the results.

Resumes Aren’t Too Important Anyway

There may come a time when you hear resumes simply aren’t important anymore. The old saying “it’s not what you know, but who you know” is true to an extent. However, no matter what your connection is with someone, a poorly written resume isn’t going to do you any favors. A quality resume may not land you a job on its own, but a bad one can definitely put you out of consideration quickly. Further, the human resource department will need to have a copy of your resume on file, so thinking you won’t need one won’t help you.
Professional Resume Services knows about every myth there is regarding executive resumes. We are one of the top resume writing services because we focus on the facts and research exactly what employers want to see. If you have any questions about crafting your resume, or about a possible myth you may have heard, feel free to contact us at any time for advice.

best professional resume writers

One of the most under-appreciated aspects of a job search is creating a comprehensive plan and sticking to it. The mistake many professionals make is thinking they can put in a significant amount of time and effort for a couple of weeks and their efforts will be rewarded with their desired job shortly afterward. However, the best professional resume writers will tell you this isn’t always the case, even if you have a flawless resume. Creating a job search plan you can stick with will help you not only efficiently land your next job, but also give you a higher likelihood of getting the job you actually want. Here are some steps to take to create a solid job search plan.

Write Down Clear Goals

Due to the advanced technology today, the traditional pen and paper method of taking notes has essentially vanished. However, there’s something about writing down your goals that make them more likely to be accomplished. Write down big goals you have, as well as smaller goals you want to reach along the way. Some of your goals could be about the role you want at your next job, what culture you want in your next office or how large the organization is. Then you can tailor your resumes and cover letters to those qualities and start working to reach the goals.

Treat Your Job Search Like A Job

A job search is a job on its own. If you have a home office, set it up with all the tools you need to be successful in your job search. Also schedule out your day like you would any other job, whether it’s scheduling time for writing an executive bio, researching words to include in your resume or even taking lunch. The more you treat the job search like a job, the more structured it will be and will help you stay on track.

Reward Yourself When Reaching Milestones

Most people feel accomplished when their boss praises them for reaching milestones, so you should reward yourself for the same throughout a job search. When you’ve written a couple versions of resumes and cover letters, treat yourself to a nice dinner. Or when you’re done writing an executive bio, reward yourself by taking a walk or doing other things you enjoy. Breaking up the job search in these manners can keep the motivation levels high and prevent burnout.

Seek Advice When Needed

You will likely reach a point in your job search where you feel stuck or get discouraged. Before it reaches that point, reach out to the best professional resume writers for advice. Sometimes talking to another professional can give you the boost of motivation or energy you need to remember your goals and get back on track.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you throughout your job search. Whether it’s writing your initial resume and cover letter or developing a complete job search plan, we want to assist in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us at any time throughout the duration of your job search.

Avoid Using These Words and Phrases In Your Executive Resume

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If you’re like most executives, you choose your words carefully when crafting the perfect resume. However, depending on when the last time you updated your resume was, some of the words you think sound good may actually be diminishing your chances of landing an interview. Due to the limited amount of time a recruiter spends looking at a resume, you have to know which words to include. And most importantly, the key to writing an effective resume is knowing which words to avoid. Here are some of the most common words and phrases used that should be avoided.

Team-Player, Passionate, and Detail-Oriented

These words may accurately describe you, but they also describe many others. Since these terms have been so overused in the past, the value has decreased significantly. An executive resume writer may suggest getting rid of these words and replacing them with actual achievements. Shift your wording to show what you’ve done instead of telling about it.

Weak Action Verbs

Common weak action verbs include “managed,” “handled,” “led,” “supported” and many others. Again, these may be true, but they aren’t actionable and can bore the reader. A professional resume writing service can help you be creative with your action verbs, since they’ve seen every weak one imaginable.

Objective Statement

The objective statement is a thing of the past when it comes to resumes and will make you seem as though you aren’t current on the way resumes should be. Most applicants have the same needs and desires when applying for a job, so most objective statements are similar as a result. Instead, an executive resume writer will suggest ditching the objective statement in favor of a professional summary demonstrating your qualifications and experiences briefly.

“References Available Upon Request”

The common assumption recruiters have today is applicants will be able to provide references if asked, so don’t include this on your resume. As with the Objective Statement, this will make you seem out of touch with resumes today.

Outdated Information

At a certain point, a professional resume writing service will tell you experience is more valuable over certifications or education. If you have more than about 5 years of experience, you can likely relocate any mentions of your certifications or education to the end of the resume since employers are more interested in what you’ve accomplished.
Professional Resume Services provides detailed critiques of resumes to ensure these words, phrases and information are used to your advantage. Many executives aren’t aware these words could be hurting their chances at landing their next job, so we are happy to assist in any way we can. To learn more about how we can help with your resume preparation, feel free to contact us at any time.

professional resume writing services

professional resume writing servicesEmployers today are using applicant tracking systems (ATS) more than ever before. The purpose of ATS is to help hiring managers electronically sort through large stacks of resumes and to filter out unqualified candidates. As an executive job seeker, you have to keep ATS in mind when writing resumes that get you hired. You could put together the best executive resume format, but if certain keywords are missing from the resume, then it could quickly be sorted away. So how do you know if you are defeating ATS or if it’s defeating you? Here are important points to consider.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems

Applicant tracking systems can differ, so job applicants never really know what criteria any particular system has. The majority of them will pick out specific fields in the resume, such as relevant experience, educational background, contact information and other common headers. ATS can also identify keywords throughout the resume and use all the information to provide the recruiter or hiring manager with a score for the resume. The employer will have a certain score they look for, and if your resume does not pass, then it will never be looked at by human eyes.

Keywords Are Critical

Using the right keywords in your resume is critical for getting a passing ATS score. However, ATS can identify keyword stuffing as well, so they have to be used appropriately. The best professional resume writing services will help you strategically place your keywords throughout the resume, based on the keywords located in the job description and job requirements of the posting.

Is it Possible to Defeat ATS?

Many job seekers work diligently to have the best executive resume format and focus completely on defeating ATS. While it is entirely possible to include the right mix of keywords and relevant information on a resume, you have to remember that once you pass ATS, an actual human will read the resume as well. For example, if a certain job description requires a certification, you will eventually have to back up your claim that you either have the certification or are actively working to obtain it. Simply including the word “certification” in your resume may get through ATS, but it won’t help you land the job if you can’t back up the claim when a human asks you about it.
Professional Resume Services understands the struggle of defeating ATS. Writing resumes that get you hired today is more difficult than ever before, mainly because of the automation and technology available to help hiring managers sort through resumes. Our professional resume writing services are available to help you through these struggles, so don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for assistance.

Must Have Communication Strategies for Every Executive Job Seeker

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executive resume biography

Effective communication skills used to be added benefits for an executive job seeker, but nowadays it’s a requirement. You’re expected to have top notch communication skills, so if you’re struggling with your job search, it may be time to look into boosting that aspect. Sometimes people don’t even realize they are communicating ineffectively on paper or in person until they hear it from professional executive resume writers. The good news is identifying any potential flaws is generally straightforward and fixing them is entirely possible. Here are some must-have communication strategies for every executive job seeker.

Communicate Clearly on Paper

Your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile are the three main components any hiring manager will look at. Since you never know which one they will look at first, all three have to be worded clearly and concisely. The key to effective written communication is telling your reader why you are the best candidate for the job in as few words as possible. Even an expert writer needs someone to look over their work to ensure the proper message is being presented, and professional executive resume writers can be that resource.

Validate Written Skills With Great Interpersonal Communication

Being a well-rounded communicator means your written skills need to be backed up by your verbal communication. Your verbal communication skills are put to the test every time you talk to someone, whether it’s at a networking event, a career fair or even a job interview. You have a chance to boost your c-level personal branding every time you say a word, so choose each word wisely and practice effective communication regularly. The worst thing you can do is call yourself an effective communicator in your resume, but your speech isn’t as polished as you make it sound on paper.

Control Your Online Presence

Your online presence is huge in today’s world. Many executives make the mistake of thinking if they don’t utilize social media and don’t create an account for a LinkedIn profile, then they won’t have an online presence to worry about. The reality is their online presence is still there, but they just don’t have any control over it if they choose to ignore it. Align your online communications with your c-level personal branding and control the message you want people to know about you.
Professional Resume Services places a big emphasis on communication every time we meet with an executive. It’s important for your resume style to match your interpersonal communication style, so we take the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses clearly. Communication is such a vital part of an executive job search, so contact us if you need help developing or tweaking yours.

Is Your Executive Resume Stuck in the Past?

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executive resume writer

Most executives have the same job for numerous years, which means new resume trends have developed in the meantime. Even if you’ve only been at your current company for a few years, chances are your resume is already outdated from both stylistic and content perspectives. An executive resume writer can get your resume out of the past and modernize it to give you a better chance of being recognized. But before you hire one, here are some tips you can follow to determine on your own whether your resume is stuck in the past.

Ditch The Resume Template

Did you use a resume template for your last resume? If you did, it’s time to start over from scratch. The key to writing resumes that get you hired is making it stand out by using easy-to-read formatting, styles and effectively using white space. Plus, a vast majority of people will write their resume using a template, making it difficult to stand out. Do yourself a favor and ditch the resume template, and work with an executive resume writer instead.

Cut Out Wordy Text

The best way to eliminate wordy text is by having a clear direction with targeted content throughout your resume. You have about six seconds to impress your reader, and they won’t even take that long if they look at your resume and see more text than white space. Touch on main points, achievements, accomplishments and use concrete statistics wherever appropriate to eliminate wordiness and present meaningful information.

Remove The Objective Header

People used to think writing an effective resume meant starting off with an objective section. This used to state why you are applying for the job. This an obvious statement, because you are indirectly stating your objective by applying for the position in the first place. All it does is take up valuable space on your resume that can be used for more meaningful content instead. Check with an executive resume writer if you’re unsure how to effectively remove the objective section of your resume.

Don’t Mention References on Your Resume

Nowadays it’s understood you can provide references upon request. Don’t waste space on your resume by providing references or saying they are available. The interviewer may ask you for references, so it’s important to always have them available. Having a list of references at the bottom of your resume is a sure way to tell your potential employer that you’re not up-to-date with the latest resume trends.
Professional Resume Services knows what goes into writing an effective resume, no matter the industry you work in. Modernizing the style of your resume is important for being recognized, but so is the type of information provided. We can help you with both aspects if needed, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’re having a hard time getting your resume up to date.

Executive Job Searching is More Than a Perfect Resume

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executive profile

One of the most common misconceptions about an executive job search is thinking a flawless resume will guarantee you a job. It will definitely help your chances if you use one of the top resume writing services to perfect your resume, but there are many more components to a successful job search. The strategy you develop for your search and how you interact with people are two of the biggest pieces of the job searching puzzle, along with your written resume and cover letter. Here are some important points to keep in mind during your job search.


Networking is a critical part of being an executive and promoting your brand, and it’s even more important when searching for a job. The first thing to do is optimize your LinkedIn profile so you can easily be discovered and your connections will know who you are and what you bring to the table. LinkedIn is usually one of the top resources other executives and hiring managers use to search for candidates, so taking the time to update yours is well worth the effort.

Develop A Job Search Strategy

Using an online job board to submit applications has never been a recommended job search strategy. The sheer amount of applicants to these postings make it virtually impossible for you to stand out. Modernize your approach by attending networking events and shaping up your resume with one of the top resume writing services. Refocusing your efforts by utilizing LinkedIn and ensuring your executive profile is in great shape will make you more recognizable.

Perfect Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself, similar to your LinkedIn profile. The only difference is your cover letter is usually presented to a potential employer at the same time as your resume. So if your cover letter doesn’t earn enough interest from the reader, then they may not even look at your resume or LinkedIn profile at all. The top resume writing services can help with all three of these aspects.

Practice Interviewing

Your people skills in groups can help you earn an interview, but you also have to master the one-on-one communication. Ask a friend or family member to help you by doing a mock interview. The tougher the questions are in your mock interview, the better prepared you’ll be for your real interview. Interviews are all about confidence and how you present yourself. You may be the most qualified candidate, but if you appear hesitant to answer questions or lack confidence, your chances of getting the job will diminish.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you throughout your job searching process. Whether it’s developing a quality executive profile, optimizing your LinkedIn profile or providing basic resume writing tips, our main goal is to help you achieve your goals. Feel free to contact us at any time for tips about the executive job searching process, writing resumes and much more.

Could Your Executive Resume Benefit from a Professional Resume Service?

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professional executive resume writers

Many executives make the mistake of believing their experience and expertise speaks for itself on a resume. However, you aren’t the only one with similar experience, so writing resumes that get you hired isn’t as easy as it sounds. This is especially true if you haven’t crafted a resume in a while. There are many reasons why your resume could benefit from professional executive resume writers, and here are some of those reasons.

Your Aspirations and Goals Have Changed

When you last applied for a job, your goals and aspirations may have changed between then and now. Updating your resume from this standpoint goes beyond just removing and adding a few sentences here and there. When writing an effective resume, your goals and aspirations have to be clear and supported by your experience, which is more difficult to portray if you aren’t experienced in writing resumes.

Your Last Job Search Was Several Years Ago

Things change quickly, and your resume could be outdated if you haven’t updated it in a few years. You may have written great resumes in the past, but recruiting practices constantly evolve, meaning your older practices may no longer be effective. Everything from the format, the layout, keywords and the general content used in your resume can be addressed by professional executive resume writers.

You Aren’t Sure What to Include in Your Resume

You never want to include too much information on a resume, but you also have to make sure there’s enough information to highlight your attributes. Professional executive resume writers will critique your resume and determine what should be removed or added to give you the best chance to be noticed by a recruiter.

You Have a Bumpy Work History

Everyone’s employment history is different. In many cases today, employers aren’t worried too much about a bumpy work history as long as there is some sort of explanation about it. The key to writing resumes that get you hired is filling in employment gaps or other complications. You can’t change your past, but you can shape your future by writing an effective resume.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you in any way regarding your executive resume. We bring years of expertise to the table and always keep up with the latest job search trends. If you’re in need of a resume critique or just need to start from scratch, feel free to reach out to us at any time for a consultation.