6 Common Fears Experienced When Facing a Career Change, and How to Tackle Them: Embracing the Spooky Season of Transition

Job Search
Two corporate professionals trying to navigate career change trapped on an elevator with zombies trying to attack on Halloween

Ah, the crisp rustle of leaves underfoot 🍂, the aroma of pumpkin spice lingering in the air 🎃, and of course, the Halloween candy 🍫🍬 and scary movies 😱 – it’s that magical time of the year again. To fully embrace the spooky season, I wanted to venture into the eerie realm of career change, unraveling the six most common fears that tend to send shivers down the spines of many professionals I encounter. Here, I will illuminate the path, offering strategies on how to vanquish these fears and embrace the transformative power of change. So let’s dive in. What are six of the most common fears experienced when facing a career change? 

Career Change Fear #1:  The Unknown

The fog of uncertainty often cloaks the road to career change, paralyzing even the most daring souls. The best way to combat the unknown: education and research. Delve into new career paths, explore diverse industries, and identify your transferable skills. There are many online resources out there to help you discover different executive roles, helping you narrow down exactly what you are looking for. Additionally, if you still find yourself wandering aimlessly, career counseling and professional resume services can help point you in the right direction.

Career Change Fear #2: Financial Instability

👻 A specter that frequently haunts the minds of transitioning professionals is the fear of financial instability. Worry not brave traveler! To fight this fear, we can borrow from the Boy Scouts’ simple but important motto: Be Prepared. Plan meticulously; budget wisely for the transition period. Evaluate your skills – the treasure trove of expertise acquired over years can often unlock doors in unexpected places. Seek industries that value executive experience, where the skills you have are exactly the ones for witch (see what I did there? 😉)  they are searching.

Career Change Fear #3: Rejection

In the eerie silence of job applications, the fear of rejection can echo loudly. Quell the fear with the power of self-assurance. Build your confidence, craft resumes that speak volumes about your capabilities, and sharpen your interview skills. If you’re not sure where to start, we are happy to be your ally, ensuring your skills shine brightly, banishing the shadows of doubt.

Career Change Fear #4: Skill Obsolescence

Amidst the rapid evolution of the job market, the fear of skill obsolescence lurks. It’s a valid concern, and anxieties on this subject abound among many of my clients. How do we fight this? Knowledge. Enroll in online courses, gain certifications, and embrace professional development. Once accomplished, shout your accomplishments from the rooftops! Enhance your resume and LinkedIn profile with these newfound skills. 

Career Change Fear #5: Work-Life Balance Disruption

It can be hard to break away from a job that is no longer satisfying your career goals but has allowed for a healthy work-life balance. In the labyrinth of career change, maintaining that balance can feel like a daunting task, especially for executives navigating a career change. The key is to remember to manage your time efficiently, set boundaries, and seek the support of loved ones. 

Career Change Fear #6: Losing Professional Identity

As the career metamorphosis begins, the fear of losing one’s professional identity and status can cast a daunting shadow. But remember: change often means growth! Embrace the change; let it be your cocoon of transformation. Focus on personal and professional growth, recognize that identities can evolve, and draw inspiration from success stories. Change also doesn’t mean you have to leave your “old self” behind. Build on the solid foundation you’ve already formed, never forgetting the challenges you’ve already overcome and the skills you’ve gained while facing those challenges. 

As we bid adieu to the spine-chilling tales of career change fears, remember this – the night may be dark, but each fear is but a flickering candle waiting to be reignited. Embrace the challenges, seek guidance, and let your fears be the stepping stones to your triumphant career change. Dare to change, for in the embrace of transformation, you’ll find the true essence of your professional self. So, my friend, step boldly into the unknown, and let the adventure of your career change begin – for in every shadow, there’s a chance for brilliant illumination.

Does Your Resume Match The Position Description?

Resume Keywords

I recently spent some time picking the brains of two hiring managers.

We got to talking about jobseekers, resumes, approaches to resumes, what they looked for in a resume, and job descriptions.

Something they both mentioned as a common frustration is when the candidate’s resume doesn’t match the position they are interviewing for. The job is for a VP of Product Development, but you have spent your career in procurement.

They understood that sometimes people want to transition out of what they are doing. They want to change industries, change positions, want to do something different, or just do something they’ve always been interested in.

But if that’s what you want to do, you need to make a case for yourself.

Prove to the hiring manager why you are the right fit even if your experience has been slightly different. Don’t make them search for it–because they won’t.

Do you have what they need?🤔

Many of my clients and the jobseekers I talk to struggle with what should be on their resume. Do they add ALL of their information? Older info as well, if it was relevant to the role? Less? More? Help!!!

Here are some things to consider when drafting your resume:

✅ 𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘. First, do you really have the experience the position asks for? Be honest with yourself. You don’t want to waste your time or the hiring manager’s time if you really don’t have experience (or transferable skills) in that role. If yes, add examples of what you’ve done. If not, don’t fake it. Leave it off and lead with other experiences.

✅ 𝗞𝗘𝗬𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦. Examine the description and notice the words they use over and over. This tells you that those words will most likely be keywords ATS will look for. Does your resume have those keywords? You can sprinkle them throughout your resume, but keep your focus on “above the fold”. This is the area that when someone is reading a document on a computer screen, the words above the bottom of the screen are what stand out first. Many times, if what is above the fold doesn’t interest/pertain to them and what they need, they’ll move on.

✅ 𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗦𝗘𝗧. What skills do you offer the role? Each of us has a unique skill set we bring to the job. Great at relationship building? Expertise in vendor negotiations? Specialize in cybersecurity? Again, refer to the position description. What skills of yours do you see in that description? You may have more than you realize. There may be things you do every day that pertain to that new role. Make sure to add these things to your resume, as well.

✅ 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗨𝗘. What value do you offer? How can you help the company? In what ways have you achieved success? Use quantitative examples where possible. What awards have you received? What results have you produced?

Offer proof by adding numbers $ or percentages % wherever possible.

It’s not impossible to switch careers mid-career. When you have the skills that the role calls for, make sure they are easy to find on your resume. That will make the decision to call you in for an interview that much easier.

Career Change Can Happen at Any Time…Will YOU Be Ready?

Career & Workplace

Recently, I was speaking with a client who was eager to get out of the industry she had worked in for 20+ years to follow her dreams of becoming an Interior Design/Home Improvement/House Flipping professional. As she had spent her entire career as a Purchasing Agent in the Automotive industry, she wasn’t sure how to start her journey into a more creative field, especially when she had been in the same one for so many years.

It’s actually quite easy. When making a career change, especially to a completely new industry, it’s important to focus on highlighting your transferrable skills and some of your biggest career accomplishments on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Here are some quick steps to get you moving forward to the job of your dreams:

  • Change up the format of your current resume – create a format that makes your transferrable skills stand out (don’t let the need to follow tradition scare you!) and ensure that those skills and best leadership qualifications are highlighted in your career summary, branding statement, and keyword list (areas of expertise, core competencies, etc.).
  • Transferrable skills – so many clients have told me “this is what I want to do, but I don’t think I’m qualified”, when actually – they really are. It just requires some thought and creative writing (which is why she hired a professional service). When making a career change, it’s imperative that you include skills you’ve used in your current field that could be applied to the next one. Organizational Development, Brand Development & Promotion, Project Management, Budget Administration, Process Improvement, Team Collaboration, Vendor Relations, Inventory Procurement, Cost Control, Negotiation Strategies, etc. These are all areas of expertise used across industries.
  • Show where you have made an impact – at any point in your career, you should be able to show where you’ve made an impact to the organization(s) you’ve worked for. Quantifiable results work well when you highlight your accomplishments in a “Career Highlights” section on your resume. Sales goals? Cost savings initiatives? Process or program improvements? Building partnerships that result in revenue growth for your company? Add financial or numerical values where you can, and show the impact you’ve made on the organization’s bottom line!
  • Education and credentials – this is another one that holds people back. Just because your degree is in one area doesn’t mean you can’t excel in another! Don’t let a label from 20 years ago hold you back! On-the-job training, experience, professional development, etc. are all things that can show you have diversity in what you know and what you are capable of doing in any field! There are also tons of online certifications and skill development you can get to prepare for and show you’re eager to learn about your new field. For this particular client, she was getting her real estate license to get some more experience in the industry, staging, client relations, etc. which will make her a more marketable asset for her clients, etc.
  • LinkedIn – As with your resume, your LinkedIn profile is your tool for getting noticed – but more importantly, this platform allows you to get noticed on a global scale with basically a click of a mouse. Make sure your profile is optimized with key terms and highlights using language recognized in your future industry. Even if you don’t have the licensing or certifications you need right away, you can still show that you are working toward those goals. Include links to projects you’ve completed to give readers a visual view of your creative style, published works, projects, etc.  There is a lot of room for information on LinkedIn, and you need to ensure you are using the site to showcase you in the best ways possible. NOTE: LinkedIn is a huge source for not only finding jobs and connecting with colleagues and other friends, but also for networking and joining groups within your new industry. The more you network and learn, the faster you will grow in your field.
  • Social Media – in addition to LinkedIn, you can market your skills, experience, and accomplishments on multiple sites to get your name out there. Start a business page, use creative content, and be sure to brand yourself appropriately – even when you are limited in the character amounts you can use – you can still find something short and sweet to speak to your abilities. Effective branding is key in getting noticed and pulling the reader in to want to learn more about you!

Don’t let age, lack of formal experience, or anything else keep you from pursuing your dream job. If you’re willing to learn and work hard, you can do whatever you want in your career and in life – you just need to prepare for the change, ramp up all of your marketing tools, and hit the ground running with a positive “I’ve got this” attitude.

You know the phrase…”it’s never too late to teach a dog new tricks”…it became a popular phrase for a reason. Take ownership of that mindset and rock your new career!

writing an effective resume

There may come a time in your career when you’re ready for a change. Obvious challenges are present when making a career change, and none are more evident than trying to write resumes that get you hired. Some of your skills may transfer over to your new career, but many of them won’t. Your main goal should be to discuss in your resume which skills you can use from your previous career, as well as why you want to make the career change in the first place. Employers will have plenty of questions for you, but writing an effective resume can answer a few of them. Here are some tips to consider when writing a career changing resume.

Discuss Transferable Skills

Every company wants new employees to have a solid mix of technical skills as well as soft skills. Depending on the nature of your career change, some of your technical skills may not transfer over well. Instead, executive resume writing services may suggest focusing on soft skills like your personality, work ethic, leadership, communication and more. Strong soft skills are transferable to almost any profession, so clearly showing your strongest skills backed by examples will make the most significant impact.

Target The Company

The key to writing an effective resume is targeting the specific company you’re applying for and demonstrating your understanding of their needs. The same is true even if you’re going through a career change. While you may not have the hard skills listed in their job requirements right now, if you have a complete understanding of what the company’s overall needs and goals are, you can shift your resume to target those aspects. Using examples from past experiences to show how you helped previous companies meet their goals will show your track record of success. And when you show an understanding of the company’s goals, they’ll be more impressed that you’ve done your homework and will then know you’re serious about the career change.

Demonstrate Your Passion For The Career Change

Employers today don’t necessarily like taking chances on candidates. They would rather hire someone with the exact experience they desire in their industry. That’s why executive resume writing services will suggest writing your resume to show a clear passion for what you want to accomplish with your career change. Demonstrate how thoroughly you thought the career change through and why the position is exactly what you’re looking for. Employers will look for any reason to not hire a person in your position, but when you show your passion on paper, they’ll be more likely to at least give you the opportunity to interview.
Professional Resume Services knows how difficult it is to change careers. However, when you put forth the effort to write resumes that get you hired, the result is well worth the time and energy. Your resume always needs to be perfect regardless of the situation, and everything is magnified when you’re changing careers. Writing a career changing resume is tricky, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help getting started.

Essential Elements to Include on Your Career Changing Resume

BlogCareer & WorkplaceJob SearchProfessional ResumesResume Writing
best executive resume format

Going through a career change can be difficult to wrap your mind around. This is especially true if you’ve been in the same industry or worked at the same company for several years. However, ask any professional resume writing services and they will tell you changing careers is becoming more of a norm today. How you present yourself on your resume will make a big difference in how successful you are with your transition. You don’t necessarily have to start from scratch, but you do need to do some tweaking and ensure these essential elements are included in your resume.

Clearly Demonstrate Your Goals

The best executive resume format will be easy to read and display information clearly. However, when you’re changing careers you need to take it a step further. The potential employer needs to know you are seeking a career change and why you think you are qualified for the job with minimal industry experience. You can do this by highlighting relevant achievements, certifications and summarizing your most important responsibilities and how they relate to the new job you’re applying for.

Highlight Applicable Skills and Positives

Some of your skills and achievements from the past may not necessarily apply to your new desired position. Don’t try to force this information into your resume, since it can seem like you’re trying too hard and can hurt your c-level personal branding in the long run. Instead, highlight the most relevant achievements and quantify them. Use numbers and statistics to show how you cut costs or turned a profit for your previous company. Every company can relate to these aspects, so they are the most applicable skills to show on your resume.

Optimize The Resume For ATS

Your professional resume writing services can help you optimize your resume for ATS. You may not have the exact experience required in the job requirement listing, but if your resume has the right keywords, chances are it will get recognized. Not including these keywords may not even get your resume in the hands of a human.

Be Specific With Achievements

As an executive, some achievements are impressive across multiple industries. It’s always better to be specific rather than general. Use dollar amounts, percentages and other numbers as needed to clearly show your success at previous jobs. The more specific you are, the higher likelihood of your resume getting noticed.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you with all aspects of your job search. Whether it’s writing a resume from scratch, helping improve your c-level personal branding or providing interview tips, we are here for you every step of the way. A career change can be stressful due to the unknown, but we can help make your path a little clearer. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time for advice on how to put yourself in a position for success in your efforts to change careers.

professional resume writing service

professional resume writing serviceGetting a new job offer is exciting, especially if it comes with a significant salary increase. However, many executives only look at the size of the paycheck and don’t look at other aspects, especially if a job relocation is required. Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what an executive needs at some point in their career, but picking up and moving your family is easier said than done. Your professional resume writing service may help you land a new job in another city or state, but consider these points before you pick up and move.

Consider The Cost of Living

Understanding the cost of living in your new city will help you determine whether the higher salary is worth it. Many candidates find the higher salary is equivalent to the higher cost of living, making the move essentially a wash. Of course, everyone has their own reasons for wanting to relocate, and money may not be the only factor. You may be able to check the LinkedIn profile of other professionals in your field who live in your potential new city. Don’t hesitate to message them directly to get more information and make a new contact.

Think About Your New Commute To Work

If you don’t like spending hours every day commuting to work, then you need to consider your options. Check on public transportation, parking, high traffic areas and more. Some cities are known for having bad traffic, so you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you have to sit in traffic for hours, especially if you don’t have to with your current job. Again, this is where checking in on the LinkedIn profile of another professional can help you gain a better understanding of the area.

How Will Your Relocation Affect Your Family?

No matter how effective you are at writing a professional resume and ultimately landing a new job, you need to consider how the job relocation will affect your family. If you are single with nothing to lose, then this may not be an issue for you. However, dealing with the stresses of moving can be difficult for a family. Whether it’s your spouse’s job considerations, children’s education or other points, be sure to cover all aspects so your family is comfortable with the move as well.
Professional Resume Services is a professional resume writing service dedicated to helping executives land the jobs they desire. Relocating for a job is difficult on everyone, but many times the benefits outweigh the negatives. Be sure to contact us to learn more about writing a professional resume or for other tips about job relocation.

c-level personal branding

Some business executives are naturally outgoing and personable while others have to force themselves to at least appear comfortable when networking. Networking is a big part of a career as an executive, so being reluctant or hesitant to take part in different networking events can be a problem. You may be able to write the best resumes and cover letters, but if you don’t put your name out there, the chances of them getting into the right hands decrease significantly. Here are a few tips to consider to break out of your fear of networking.

Always Make Eye Contact

Simply making eye contact with another person shows you have confidence. And if you don’t have confidence just yet, make eye contact anyway. Faking your confidence over a period of time will eventually lead to you actually getting more confident. Look the other person in the eye when you’re talking about your executive profile and you’ll make a better impression.

Observe Body Language and Be Approachable

Standing in the corner of a room with your arms crossed isn’t a good way to appear approachable. Look around and see what other people are doing. If you see someone handing out resumes and cover letters, approach them and do the same. A smile and a handshake are two of the easiest ways to be approachable, and neither require much effort.

Be Interested in Other People

You don’t want to force your way into conversations, but show your interest in other people any chance you get. Most executives like to talk about themselves and their achievements, so let them do the talking. The more you ask them questions, the more they will answer you and will have a stronger connection with you.

Don’t Forget Your Business Card

Business cards are great icebreakers if you can’t build up the courage to start an initial conversation. Almost everyone has a business card today and are always willing to trade them. Many people think they have to give another person their entire executive profile in order to start a conversation, but simply talking about the company you work for is enough to break the ice sometimes.
Professional Resume Services is one of the top rated resume writing services, whether you need a full resume drafted or just need to touch up your executive profile. We understand the importance of networking, and will tailor resumes and cover letters to fit the needs of your particular situation. If you need assistance with any part of an executive job search, or need networking tips, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

resumes that get you hired

resumes that get you hiredNavigating today’s demanding and ever-changing job market is tough—no matter what age you are. If you’re 50 or over, however, learning the ropes can be even more of a challenge. It’s highly likely that it’s been years upon years since you last searched for a job, and the market has changed tenfold since you were in this position.How do you navigate this strange new territory?How do you reach out to the people you want to hire you?Just what is the key to writing resumes that get you hired in today’s world?We have a few tips on things to avoid to help make your search easier.

Personal Stagnation
Regardless of age, it never hurts to learn new things—information, viewpoints and especially skills. Think about the skill set you have now. How well does it sync up with the job listings you’ve seen this decade? Are there any skills you’ve seen that have stumped you, or that you know you have no idea how to perform? Don’t let this become a detriment to you and hurt your chances of getting hired!While you’re searching for a new career, it would serve you well to start looking into expanding your skill set by taking some adult educational classes. If you aren’t good with computers and other electronic devices, now is the time to learn. If you need to be familiar with a certain kind of software to qualify for the positions you’re seeking out, consider seeing if your nearest learning center has classes for it.
A Lacking LinkedIn
You’ve very likely heard of LinkedIn at some point during your professional career. It’s a business-oriented social networking site and has become increasingly important in recent years. Most professionals today use it to network with other people in their industry, meaning if you don’t have a LinkedIn account of your own, you’ll want to invest some good old time and effort into putting one together and keeping it active and updated.You never know who might notice you on LinkedIn, especially since so many of today’s hiring managers use the site to find potential candidates. If you can’t make heads or tails of LinkedIn, you can even hire a professional LinkedIn profile writer to lend you a hand.
Ego Trouble
Because you’ve been in the workforce for so long, especially as a senior-level professional, you’ve racked up a lot of accomplishments. While this is certainly commendable and even worth acknowledgment, you should keep in mind that by looking for new work, you’re much closer to square one than it may seem. Be humble about your skills, and don’t limit yourself as far as the positions you can acquire. Similarly, you don’t want to be too meek and cheat yourself out of a great position. Simply communicate, connect with every fellow professional you meet and don’t let your personal opinions get in the way of your search.

And don’t forget you can always rely on a professional resume writing service for help with your job search and to help you maneuver through today’s job market!