Getting The WOW Factor Into Your Cover Letter

Cover Letters

cover letter
If you are taking the time to apply for a job and you want to be successful, then it makes sense that you ensure that your resume and cover letter are spot on when it comes to getting a potential employer’s attention.
There are different ways that you can do this, although making sure that your cover letter has the WOW factor is a big deal. There are several ways that you can go about achieving this, including:

  1. Have a strong opening for your letter. Remember that first impressions count so ensure that your cover letter has an opening summary that promotes exactly why you are the person they are looking for. Make examples of your experiences using the skills that they have listed in their job advert.
  2. Give them reasons to hire you. When you are listing your experiences and achievements, don’t just list them down. Give examples of when you went the extra mile or how you hard work helped to improve the way the company worked.
  3. Keep it short. As much as you need to list your experiences and skills, you have to remember that the person in charge of the vacancy will have a number of different cover letters and resumes to read through, so they’ll want to read them quickly. Makes yours stand out without writing too much text because they will simply lose interest and move onto the next cover letter that they have received.

If you stick to these simple steps, then you are well on your way to having the perfect cover letter and giving yourself the best chance of getting the job you have applied for.

How To Survive A Job Interview


job interview
In the vacant job market today just getting as far as a job interview is an accomplishment in itself. To get the best possible chance of securing a job interview for a vacant position you are interested in there are a few things that you need to make sure you have in place first. One of the first things you will need is a current resume of your work history. The potential employers should already have a copy of your resume when you first applied for the job, but do take a copy along to the job interview with you.
Make sure that on the day of your interview you have everything planned beforehand. Leave yourself plenty of spare time when making travel arrangements. You need to take into consideration hold ups in the travel network whether you are traveling by road, rail or air. There is nothing worse than being stuck in a traffic jam when you need to be at an interview 10 minutes later and you know you are twenty minutes away from your destination. Bad time management does not reflect well on you by your prospective employer.
Try not to be too nervous on the day of your job interview. Remember that you must have qualities that the prospective employer is interested in for you to have been invited to the interview stage. There are usually hundreds of applicants for any vacant job and employers have the luxury of being able to invite for interview only the best of the best applicants.

Why You Should Be Job Hunting – Even If You Already Have a Job

Executive ResumesJob SearchNetworkingProfessional ResumesSalary

job hunting
Many people feel that consulting job hunting resources and looking for a new job are things that only people who are unemployed should be doing. It is often assumed that the only time you need to be aware of what jobs are on the market and the opportunities that are available for you when you don’t already have a job.
Quite the contrary. Experts agree that it is a good practice to always keep an eye out for job opportunities, as well as the average rate of pay for jobs you may be interested in. Of course this isn’t something that you’ll want to do every day, but staying in the loop with jobs and salary changes in your industry could eventually help you move up the corporate ladder.
By keeping apprised of trends in job openings and salaries in your industry, you can ensure that you’re getting the best salary for your value, and that you are aware of changes in skills and experience needed for certain jobs. In addition, this knowledge could also give you great bargaining power when the time comes to negotiate your next salary increase!
While you may be happily employed today, we all know that with our country’s current economic situation, people are still continuing to lose their jobs everyday and are finding themselves actively searching for a new job. Job hunting doesn’t have to consume a lot of time, you just need to keep your resume current with your most recent employment history and achievements, know the best job search resources for your industry, and be willing to network with colleagues and friends in other companies who may know of opportunities for someone with your skills and expertise.
Being prepared for your job search will result in a a more effective, targeted search, and ultimately success!

Using Your Resume To Sell Yourself

Professional ResumesResume WritingResumes

While most of us recognize the need for our resume to showcase our talents when it comes to applying for jobs, not many of us know the right way to go about really selling ourselves. You have to remember that job vacancies are sparse, which means that when one does pop up more people are likely to apply! This means you really have to try and make sure that yours stands out from a crowd and encourages them to contact you for an interview.
It is very easy to find hits and tips from websites that claim to be able to help you put together the perfect resume, but what you will find is that everyone has used these same websites so your resume doesn’t stand out. Instead, you need to use a little imagination to create something that really sells yourself.
This means that you need to think about what you can really offer a company. Look at your experience and how this can help to improve a workplace. You should always strive to use your resume to sell yourself as much as possible – so tell them what your experiences are and the ways that you feel this helps you to be a welcome addition to any workforce.
Don’t be afraid to change your resume slightly when you are applying for a job. I usually suggest to my clients to have a few different versions of their resume, or at least be able to tweak it a little for each job so it looks more targeted. Remember, employers want a ‘specialist’ or an ‘expert’, not a ‘generalist’ or an “I will do anything, I just want a job!’

How To Get Help With Job Hunting

InterviewingJob SearchNetworkingProducts & Services

When it comes to job hunting there are two ways that you can approach it. Most people assume that standard job hunting is the best way to find their perfect job. This means that a majority of people feel that simply checking job websites and classified ads a few times a week is enough to bag them the job position they’re dreaming of. Sadly, this isn’t usually the case.
The job market is tough and competition for the jobs that are available is fierce. If you truly want to be successful in your job hunt then you need to up your game and do everything you can to make it happen.
When you’re seeking help with your job search, it is important to do so  from every angle – getting help with writing your resume, distributing it to the right places, and soliciting advice on where to look for jobs in your industry. It is essential that you look for opportunities in industry specific job boards, as opposed to just generic job websites, so you’re not  wasting time going through job vacancies that aren’t suited to your qualifications. Contacting professional placement agencies or recruiters may also give you insight as to what openings are out there for a candidate with your skills and experience.
There are plenty of ways to get help with your job search. You just need to be diligent in pursuing the job services and/or recruiting firms that are the best match for your career objectives.

Not Hearing Back From Job Applications? It Could Be Your Resume!

InterviewingJob SearchResumes

Many people think that simply submitting their resume to as many job vacancies as possible is the perfect way to go about job hunting. While it is great if you can apply for as many jobs as possible, this isn’t always the best way to go about being successful on a job hunt.
If you are submitting your resume to job vacancies and aren’t hearing back from people, then you really need to re-evaluate what you are doing and what you are going wrong. Quite simply, if you are not even getting as far as the job interview stage, then you need to change something to increase your chances of success.
One of the best ways to do this is to re-do your resume and make sure that it is as well-written as possible. It may even be worth contacting a professional resume company for their advice; after all, they are the experts.
It is important to remember that first impressions count! The resume and job application that you submit is your prospective employer’s first impression of you, so you need to make sure that the impression they have of you is a good one! They will read over your resume and cover letter and use this to decide whether or not to progress you to the next stage.
There are likely to be a number of people applying for job roles so you need to stand out from the crowd and give them a reason to pick you above anyone else. This means making sure your resume is well written, pleasing to the eye, sells you, and is professionally laid out. If you aren’t confident in doing all of this yourself, then get a professional on board to help you and give yourself the best chance of success when it comes to hunting for a job.

Writing The Perfect Cover Letter

Cover Letters

application forms
When applying for a job it can be easy to assume that your resume is the most important part of your job application. While your resume is vital and helps to list your skills and experience in order to match you to a job, it isn’t the only thing that you need to include in your application.
When submitting your application for a job, you must include a cover letter in order for your application to be taken seriously. This means that you really need to pay as much attention to your cover letter as you would your resume.
Your cover letter needs to be tailored to the job that you are applying for. When you are typing your letter, link it to your resume and expand on what is mentioned and how that could be linked to the job in question. Mention your past experience and how that could help you do the job advertised perfectly and use it as an example of why they should hire you for the position above anyone else.
Keep in mind that on most occasions the cover letter is the first impression of your application that a prospective employer will get so you need to make sure that the impression is a good one. This means laying out the letter so it looks fantastic and professional, with no spelling or grammar mistakes in any of the text.
Use the letter to promote yourself and tell people why they should hire you but don’t go over the top. Simply tell them what they need to know and why they should employ you and leave it at that. Wrap the letter up with thanking them for their time and inviting them to contact you should they have any further questions.
For the perfect cover letter, check out our services and get back to us.

How To Conduct An Online Job Search

Job Search

online job search
Whether you are searching for a new job because you are unemployed or you simply want to progress up the career ladder, it is important that you take your job search seriously. There are different resources that you can use in order to check for jobs and see what opportunities are out there, and you should check as many of these as possible.
One of the most important things to remember is the type of job you are going for. It is easy to get excited because a job vacancy website seems to have hundreds of jobs – but you won’t be suitable for all of these. If you simply use a blanket approach and apply for as many of these as possible, then you are simply making more work for yourself and your chances of getting a job aren’t increased.
Remember that when you come to carry out an online job search there are also ways you can get help and advice to make sure you are doing everything you can to be successful in your job hunt. For example, you can get people to read through your resume with a view to evaluating it and making sure that it is up to scratch. They may also be able to recommend changes you can make in order to improve your chances of bagging your ideal job.
Also, remember that many job resource websites are updated regularly, so don’t be afraid to check back often and see what job opportunities have been added because you don’t want to miss out by leaving it to long!