Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has many different functions and benefits. You can either greatly benefit from SEO when you’re searching for an executive job, or you could fall way behind the rest. Being discovered is one of the most important things in a job search today. You may have a great LinkedIn profile, but if you don’t have the right keywords on your profile, recruiters won’t be able to find you. Here are some tidbits about SEO you should know about so your job search is affected by it in a positive way.
What Does Search Engine Optimization Accomplish?
When recruiters search for candidates for an open executive position, they will use certain keywords in their search engine. SEO works to deliver the most relevant results based on those keywords. Hence, it’s important for you to know which keywords should be used throughout your executive profiles on each platform you use online.
If you’re somewhat unfamiliar with SEO, you can’t just stuff your LinkedIn profile with keywords and expect to be discovered. In fact, this will go against you for SEO purposes. You need relevant information about yourself to go along with the keywords sprinkled in here and there.
Use The Right Keywords
The best place to find the proper keywords to use would be in the company’s job posting or on the company’s website you’re applying to. Most of the phrases and keywords have to do with certain expertise they’re looking for, so you should be able to fit them in naturally if you possess those qualities.
Place Your Keywords Appropriately
For SEO purposes, you should put an emphasis on having your keywords at the top of your page, whether it’s a personal blog, LinkedIn profile or any other online executive profiles you have. Once you develop your profile or online resume, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have an expert check your page for SEO so you can maximize your chances of being discovered.
Proof Everything Thoroughly
It goes without saying, but you should proof anything you put online multiple times. Typographical errors or poor grammar not only looks bad for your c-level personal branding, but it can also hurt your job search from an SEO perspective. This is especially true if your typo comes in an important keyword, so be sure to proof your profiles thoroughly and have a second set of eyes look at them as well.
Professional Resume Services offers expertise in the complexities of SEO. We can fully optimize your LinkedIn profile to match the branding you strive for in your executive job search. If you need any assistance or advice regarding SEO and your job search, feel free to contact us at any time.
When many people think about building a brand, they think about actual companies promoting their brand to drive business. However, executives today have to build their own personal brand as well. Building your brand online can take a significant amount of time and effort, and it won’t happen overnight. Your online brand is how people perceive you in real life, so it’s worth taking c-level personal branding seriously. Here are some of the best ways you can build your brand online.
Be Active on Social Media, But Not Too Active
Social media is great for building your executive brand, but it can also come crashing down in a hurry if you aren’t careful. You also want to limit the amount of platforms you use to just a few so you don’t spread yourself too thin. Having too many social media accounts to manage can become overwhelming very quick.
When it comes to your level of activity on social media, you always want to keep your brand in mind. Any time you think about posting something, consider whether it hurts or helps your brand. By considering this every time, you’ll manage your level of activity and only post relevant items reinforcing what you want to be known for.
Embrace LinkedIn
Having a strong executive LinkedIn profile is possibly the best way to build your brand online. One of the first places recruiters go to find executives is LinkedIn. If your LinkedIn profile needs some serious updates, you may consider looking into a service to help you. You definitely won’t be able to build your brand online the right way if you don’t use and embrace LinkedIn.
Use Strategic Keywords to Get Discovered
Keywords on your LinkedIn profile or other online platforms can help you get discovered. This also means you have to be extremely careful about what you post online. There is no separating personal matters from business matters online, so everything you say is tied to your overall brand.
Always Reinforce What You Want to be Known For
Every executive has unique qualities, including you. When you’ve determined what those qualities are, emphasize them on your LinkedIn profile, your resume and anywhere else. This reinforcement can help with your c-level personal branding and help you get recognized by the right people and companies.
Professional Resume Services thrives in helping people build their brand online. Whether it’s updating your executive LinkedIn profile, optimizing your resume or brainstorming new branding strategies, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us at any time for assistance on building and maintaining your brand online.
Executives today may struggle with formulating a quality resume to get a senior-level position. Many executives haven’t had to search for a job in a while, so they are rusty when it comes to how the process works.
One of the main things helping you out will be if you have strong c-level personal branding. When you combine your personal branding with a professional resume writing service, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in your job search. But how exactly can you create a great senior-level executive resume? Here are our top five secrets.
Highlight Personal Branding
C-level personal branding is the most important attribute any executive can have. Display it on your executive resume by highlighting your passions, strengths, attributes and the value you bring to the table. Making your resume pop is critical in today’s job search process, and personal branding can put you a step ahead of the rest.
Be Specific and Targeted
General resumes don’t do the trick anymore. You have to do research on any given company before you send them a resume. Then tailor a resume to fit what they are looking for. Be specific about what skills you have displayed in the past, and how they will translate to the position you’re seeking.
Limit Your Resume to Two Pages
When you have years of experience, it’s easy to get carried away on your resume. One of the toughest things for executives to do is limit their resume to only two pages. The reality is no recruiter or HR manager is going to read the entire resume anyway, so you have to pick out your strongest strengths and highlight them. This is one of the biggest reasons why people choose to use an executive resume service.
Display Your Value
Companies don’t care what you’ve done for other companies, for the most part. All they want to know is how you can help them. But the two go hand-in-hand, since skills and attributes can translate from one job to the other. Just be sure to tailor your resume to show how valuable you can be for the company you’re applying for.
Remove Vague Objectives
The “objective” section at the top of a resume is a thing of the past. Saying you’re seeking a job is understood. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have applied for the job in the first place. Instead, replace the objective section with a headline stating what you bring to the table. Consider hiring a professional resume writing service to help you target specific keywords to help your headline stand out as well.
At Professional Resume Services, we aren’t afraid to tell you our secrets for crafting the perfect senior-level executive resume. Our main focus is helping you get the job you desire, and we are available to help in any way you need us. Feel free to contact us at any time for more secrets to writing a great resume.
Anyone who has worked as a recruiter or hiring manager knows the difficulties in sorting through executive resumes. And as an executive, you may quickly realize you possess very similar skills as your competition when searching for a new job. Highlighting your best skills and attributes will help set your resume apart from the others. When you combine your tangible skills with writing an effective resume, you’ll have a better chance of distinguishing yourself. Here are some of the most optimal skills that look great on an executive profile.
Critical Decision-Making
Being able to make highly critical decisions with limited time and information is extremely valuable. Quick and thoughtful decision making shows you are very aware of any given situation and aren’t just making a random decision just because you have to. You’ve thought through and anticipated certain decisions that may have to be made, so you’re always prepared. This is a key skill for executives in any industry.
There’s a difference between multitasking and doing busy work. Multitasking means you can get multiple jobs done at the same time in order to be more efficient and move business forward. Be sure to explain situations where you had to multitask to meet a strict deadline in your executive profile. Every executive has to multitask at some point, but the best ones will create positive results out of it.
One of the best things you can put in your executive bio is your team-building experience. Every company wants to hire a team player, whether it’s a lower-level employee or a high-ranking executive. Many executives like to stay tucked away in their office and not talk to others. So if you are actively building stronger teams for your organization, then you’ll stand out.
Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking just means you think about the past, present and future in any decision you make. You’re also willing to take some risks if the potential reward is high. It’s difficult to display strategic thinking in an executive profile, but it’s a great skill to demonstrate when you have an interview.
Professional Resume Services has seen thousands of executive resumes, so we know which ones stand out. The key to writing an effective resume is making yours stand out somehow. If you’re struggling with the concept, but have plenty of unique skills, feel free to reach out to us at any time for assistance.
Seeking a new c-level position takes a similar approach as searching for a job of any caliber. Without the proper preparation and going through the necessary steps, you may find your search to be more difficult than it needs to be. No matter how polished your executive profile may be, you still have to follow the same steps as everyone else to be considered for a high level job. Here are some of the most common mistakes c-level executives make when seeking a new position and how to avoid them.
Misunderstanding The Process
Whether you’re searching for a c-level position or an entry level position, the job search and hiring process will be very similar. You have to do research about the company before applying for a job there. Having all of the skills and qualifications doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the job. You still have to sell yourself and show how you add value to any given company in order to stand out.
Not Having The Right Strategy
It may have been a long time since you last looked for a new c-level position, so the same strategy may not apply. The first thing you should do is optimize your LinkedIn profile. Many recruiters will find candidates on LinkedIn, whether they are searching for a job or not. Furthermore, you can almost guarantee a hiring manager will look for your LinkedIn profile as soon as they receive your resume. If your strategy is to just send out as many resumes as possible, you’re heading down the wrong path.
Not Building Relationships
The power of networking is instrumental in landing your next c-level position. Building solid relationships is more important than building a solid executive profile. The old saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” applies to c-level positions as well. Thinking your resume speaks for itself is another common mistake executives make.
Making it About You, Not the Company
Companies don’t necessarily care about you when they are hiring; they care about what you bring to the table. Many executives try to make themselves sound good, whether it’s on their LinkedIn profile or an in-person interview. However, what you really need to do is show how valuable you will be to the company based on your experience. The information and qualifications are the same, but the way you present everything makes a huge difference.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you avoid common mistakes to give you a better chance at landing your next c-level job. Whether you need help optimizing your LinkedIn profile, updating your resume or anything else throughout the job search process, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Believe it or not, there still is somewhat of a notion that women shouldn’t be in top positions at certain companies. However, this has changed significantly over the years, and many companies are viewing women at a higher standard than ever before, and rightfully so. With more women obtaining higher education and having the same or similar qualifications as men, companies are opening their executive roles up to women as well. However, the job search for women is still difficult, so here are some tips to consider.
Network With Other Female Executives
The power of networking is huge for women looking to land an executive role. Update your LinkedIn profile with your current skills and goals. Join LinkedIn groups and attend professional events in your area related to your industry of interest. Getting tips from other female executives is one of the most valuable things you can do to ensure you’re on the right path.
Visit Specific Career Websites for Women
There are many different career websites specifically for women looking for jobs. Some of these websites are general, but some are specific to the career or industry you desire. Some of those websites may recommend you submit a general cover letter or resume, so it may be worth your time to look into a cover letter writing service to optimize keywords, highlight skills and other attributes.
Check The Culture of Companies You Apply To
You don’t want to waste your time applying for a job if the company culture doesn’t fit your views. With the technology and resources available to you today, you can find out all you need to know about a company’s culture online. You may be surprised at how much you can narrow your options down by doing this bit of research.
Optimize Your Resume
There are many different keys when it comes to writing an effective resume. If you’re a woman looking for an executive job, one of the best things to do is visit a cover letter writing service to have them critique your current cover letter and resume. As a woman, your resume has to stand out to a recruiter looking at it, and a resume writing service can help you do that.
Professional Resume Services has helped many women executives get into the career roles they desire with companies that fit their style. If you’re a female executive searching for an executive job, feel free to contact us for help with your job search, whether you’re just getting started or have been searching for a while.
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There are many reasons why you may be thinking about moving to a new industry for your career. You may have simply burned out on your current career, landed your dream job or just feel like you need a change. No matter how excited you may be about the switch, it’s only natural to feel a little stressed because of the transition. However, before you spend hours writing and rewriting your executive bio to make it sound attractive to a new industry, here are some tips to consider.
Know Which Skills Transfer Over
You’ve developed many skills in your current job, but some of them may not be useful in your new industry. If you aren’t sure which skills naturally fit with your new industry, check with an executive resume service. They work with people with all different backgrounds to find careers in multiple industries. They will be able to help you identify your pertinent skills related to your new industry, so you can write your executive bio accordingly.
Network and Volunteer
The more people you know in your new industry, the easier time you’ll have finding the job you desire. When you don’t have some of the specific skills and experiences for your new industry, it doesn’t matter if you have the best executive resume format or not. However, going out of your way to network and volunteer to make solid business connections can overshadow some of the lack of skills you may have in the industry you desire.
Take Your Time to Find The Right Fit
Before you leave your current industry, make sure your finances are in good enough shape to allow you to take your time with your transition to a new industry. The last thing you want to do is add to your stress level because you’re running out of money. You may end up settling for a job you don’t want just to pay the bills.
Take your time as much as you can. Visit an executive resume service to make sure you have the best resume possible to hand to recruiters. By taking your time and being patient, you’ll be more satisfied with the end result and the process of getting there will be less stressful.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you make a smooth transition to a new industry if you’re looking to do so. Writing a good executive bio will help, but there are many other factors to consider as well. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need help with your executive resume or need answers to any career-related questions you may have.
As a senior level professional, you’ve almost certainly heard of personal branding. Implementing it into your professional life, however, is a very different story. The idea of establishing and maintaining a personal brand is very new after all, having arrived on the coat tails of the Internet and the rest of today’s technology. If you’ve spent a considerable amount of time assuming c-level personal branding isn’t worth your time, you may want to reconsider! This is a very important aspect of your professional career, for a few significant reasons.
Personal Branding Sets You Apart
While this line sounds cliché, it is very much the truth. Consider these questions:
- How do you stack up against your competitors?
- Would your degree(s) be enough to convince companies to hire you instead of someone else?
Thousands of other people hold the exact same academic achievements as you. Plus, the longer you’ve been out of school, the less your academic career matters. It’s the sad reality that many people face.
Rather than focusing on this, look back on the other accomplishments you’ve earned within your field. Think about who you are as a executive and a person. Personal branding for senior level managers involves getting to the meat of these two concepts. It involves presenting your positive qualities and expertise in a way that appeals much more readily to those in charge of hiring you.
You’ll Experience a Quality Jump with Your Job Search
Naturally, focusing on your skills and personal talents boosts your own self image. This means you will become far less likely to settle for just any position that matches your skill set. You will gradually start to approach your job search in a different way as your personal brand gains more and more attention. Once this happens, it will enable you to think about what you really want from a company and what conditions you are not willing to deal with.
As a result, you will start to push forward with your professional life and only accept those who meet your newfound standards. If the idea of constant professional growth appeals to you, then you’ll want to put together your personal brand as soon as possible.
Your Personal Brand Gains You More Benefits and Professional Success
Simply put, a personal brand boosts your chances of being hired. It creates a clear picture of your strengths and what you can offer a company, which will appeal quickly to employers. If you’re currently struggling with your job search, a personal brand may help you finally find the position you’ve been so diligently seeking in ways you could never have anticipated!